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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1925)
PAGR TWO TH'H TIMHB'HKRALD, 11 U It N H , HARNHT OOU NTT OR1QON Hnlurtlny, March 96, 1025 until May 1, It In oxpoctod that tho numbor will fur exceed tho enroll ment to date. Thu Hoard polutu out thnt while Ilia content In npoHiiorod nn nn nld to meat ntudy In tho high nchooln, tho iitudoutn aro being given Homothlng Anawor to Iwt woek'a purtlo, This Weeks Cross Word Puzzle Soldier Loses Arm, but more tangible to work for Jn tho I form of cnnli prlzon totaling $2,500. I Soldier Loses Arm, but" 1 4 'U EL 1 Tjy mJb s OTlpi' HV P rY I TBF F V r Wd flHHHpo a? mia1i BHr5 HP ttgaabfcjtfAflBffiagaagmaaava i'ZZhv" Losing Arm And $18 Job Did Not Discourage Murray World War Veteran Studied Business Course So Well That Boston University Makes v Him a Professor Wrlttmi for Tho Tlmoa-lloruld y llobort Fullor Through Autocnator Horvlco Iloatou, March 25 John Murray, now nn Instructor In Honton Unlvor idly horo, who, Quitting an $18 n wook Job driving ntnkoa, wont Into tho World Wnr nnil lout nn nrm In tho Argonne, htm written nn npponl to romonihor lliomi Htlll) nulTorlng tho pains of tho groat conflict. "I nuppoao It In jiiat liuinuii uaturo to forgot," ho nnya. Murray linn won both a bncholor'n an (J ii montur'ii dogroo in t!io IuhI year. Donton Unlvcrntty had plaunod to innko it nuloamun of lilm, hut hln work In oconomlcn uttrnctod ntton lion to aiiuh nn unuminl degree that tho unlvorfllty docldcd it did not wlnli to loao him. Ho known whut It meann to really and lltornlly fight for nn education, anil bin letter. Mont to nu tloual hoaduiiartom of thu Amurlran legion In IndlnuapollH, la n ploa In nupport of tho American Legion Kn dowmont I'u ml for dlanblod mou and orphniiH of veteran. "My observation and my knowl edge of tho Loglon'n ucta of klnd nnsH nnd help to many othcrH provo to mo tho Jufltlflcatlou for It uxlnt ciico," ho nnya. Murray hud hmiii working iih ii trmult man, Hwiuglng n hnmmor nnd carrying n survoyor'H olinin for n civil onglnoor, early In 1017. Ho bollovcd ho could begin n collogo courHo tho next fall. Thou war. IIIJU.VS II Kill SCHOOL- Olltl.S TO CO.MPICTK At loaHt 41 Oregon high Hohool girls are deturmlued that If a mirvoy of houHowlven Ih tnken a. few years henco, It will not rovoal the nnmo gonornl lack of meat knowledge na uhown by a rccout Ooveriimoiit In voHtlgatlou, which wan conducted throughout tho United States, through their homo economics In ntructora thin many young woman of tho fltato have entered for competi MRS. ALFRED C. WELCOME SOPRANO TEACHER OF SINGING STATE ACCREDITED TEACHER High School Credits Giren Residence Studio Telephone 111J wmK'WjmwmzmmvmtMmMmMmmwi S. M. JARVIS Livestock Commission Cattle, Sheep, Wool, Hay Burns, Murray quickly decided ho could not ntny on tho nldolluoH. (JiihMcd and Ioii'N Arm In Argumio Ho wont to Krnticu with the 11th Infantry of thu 28th Wvlalon. At Mouhlaluvllln In tho Argonuo ho wan guaaod and bin loft forearm ho badly nhnttorod It had to ho amputated. Mum of IiIh mivlngri had dlmipponrod. I.lko nlmont ovoryono Iho In uniform lio had hardly expected thnt ho would lio living whou tho war ondod. Ho hIiIsh. thn dollnr'rt valuo had nhrunk on. Murray could not return to IiIh old work, tho cost of everything, lui'luillug education, had riaon. However, the govorumeut ngonclon ware making that heartrending bo glnnlng of tho effnrlH to give nil men dlnahlcd In war aorvlco a fnlr deal. Tho government acknowledged thnt a man who had given an arm for IiIh country wan entitled to tin education at tho country'H coHt So Murray waH enrolled In the Collaho or Jlunl immh AdmlulHtrnllou of Ilotnon Unl verHlty. He now Iiiih completed the counton at the age of 28 and hnn lioon mnilo u profoHHor. On the threshold of newer and wider nmliltlouH, ho wrlten: "Certainly If It were not for Tho ' American Legion, many of tin, my- j HOlf Included, would have no ruunon to he other than bitterly disponed to- wardH everything. denpondout and unhappy." tion In tho Second National Meat Flory Content, according to Die Na tional Llvo Htoek and Meat Hoard, which In HpoiiHorlug the educational ovont. CUIoh In which theno cnr.tontuntn are located nnd tho number In ench aro an follewn: Tho nation 12, Mod ford 24, and IlnniH 5. Thu Hoard hIho announced today that entrloH for thu on tire United .States hnvo now panned tho 111,000 mark with additional hcIiooIh coming in daily. Ah the contoat does not nlotm .'j i Oregon The content plan In oudorHod by odu catorH. both high Hcohnt and unlvor nlty. "The popularity nnd worth4of thin meiuiH of meat education In onijiliu nlrod by Ilio fact that u largo num ber of nchooln which did not become lutoreiitod In tho flrut content aro taking part thin year," nald tho lloard'ii iitatomeut. "Inntructorn fool that It Ih an excellent means of In creimlug Intercut In IIiIh hrnuch of their work." ContentautH aro required to write a ntory or thomo on meat and nub in It with It three rcclpci for meat dlnhcH, o- ' (). A. O. l-'Alt.M POINTKKH The oarllout Orngoit hoiid lettuce In that grown to a nlnto of noltd heading In n cold frame, report n tho experiment Htutlon. Thin crop, un unlly called frame lettuce, In much In detuned In tho nprlng and Into fall. Tho plautrt Invariably mako fine nnlld IkmiiIh. Thu time of netting tho young plnutii In the field Ih uminlly oarly In Mnroh. The crop will hngln to ma ture on about April 1C. Many Oregon fruit growem aro conntructlug npra.v towern on their npray rlgn In order to lunuro bettor protection from peatn In tho upper third of tho treon over 12 yean old, explnlun thu experiment ntnllon. Moat of thu damage done by neah and wnrmn Iiiih been on theno unprotected partn lu tho pant. At thin neanou Oregon potntoon lu storage munt ho kept welt ventilated to prevent uprooting, which tho wnrmor weather in beginning to catmo In many partn of the ntate, tho experiment ntntlou Iiiih learned If tho potato pllon nro opened nnd tho potntoon nproad out, and the ntorugu plneen nro opened on cold ulghtn nnd kept closed during tho warmer per iod, thu potutoert can ho held lu good need condition for n longer period. Oregon soil deficient lu lime ponti- om poor "tilth." Mine malum noil J more friable unit luollnw and eatnh-1 IIhIioh good granulation, tho eiporl ment ntntlon points out. o. a. o. iiemi: I'OINTKU hk(Ji:htionh C'ro(tiuttos dipped In beaten egg before frying will not ho gronny, Tho egg forum a cent on the outnlile nnd pruvontn fat from entering. Women report that a power wann er cutn down the time required (o do the wnnhliig, from hIx bourn o two hourn. A proniuro cooker re ducoH tho time of watching food two thlrdn. bealden cutting tho gun bill down one-half. Much will be gained If it chlld'n mind can bo kept oh what ho Ih to do rather than what ho la not to do. Paint may bo removed from nllk by uho of benzine or turpentine. The Best Yellow Rough and Dressed WEIL'S ss At The NeW River Bridge End of lane leading east from Short's blacksmith Shop. Burn. Paul A. Weil Burn rifri WM. FARRP NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE, Standard" Stock Com panies PRACTICE, before U. S. Land Office and bureaus of the Department REAL ESTATE; city, acreage and farm property YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED artlclo In then wnnhed In lukownrm water containing n nmiill nmnunt of nonp. l'uronln munt not tho right example If thoy would dovolop proper food hulittn In their children. Tho nafot wny Ih for pnrontii really to llko nnd to oat of all (Iih foodn thoy donlio their children to ent. How long will little John continue to llko nplunch If bin father refunon to eat "that foclilor?" () ' MMH (UtANUhATKH HOH Among tho novural pllynlcnl lieue flin nrlalng from tho grnnulntion of boIIh by lime nro that tillage In made more effoctlvo and lean eoatly, joll In rendered pormealilo, reception, ator ago and dlnlrlhutlon of molnturo In nlded, and "heaving" and vlntor k'll lug la fortified ngalnnt. Mining thu oil contribute to thu ulllclenco of ninuurn, iirotcoU Inoculation nnd aiihatnutlally add to tho capacity of the bacteria and plauta to utilize free lUmonphurlo nitrogen. ' VAgiJKItOH HIJTtm.V Several of thu ZX rlilern, Including Clarence nnd Vnn Wlndom, nnd Lew In Hmlth who hove been feeding cnt tlo at tho 1' Itnitoh lu Harney county, returned to Palaloy n week ngo Hun diiy, taking the town by ntorm. Thoy reyort Hint the entile nro doing well over there, nnd that the company In leuilH to Htnrt Driving two hunchon of cnttlo hack about tho 15th of April though they do not Intend to bring thorn nil back I,akevlow Kxniulnor. ii o View I'renldeiit Dnwon In now u firm aihocale of tho alarm clock. Now we nro told tho Prince of Wiilon miiy go on n crulae. Wonder If he'll full off I ho bout. Tho farmer would rnther have nn luorcnho lu Income than n dncronao In Income tax, but who thlukn about thu farmer. Kxpertn nay tho nnfeat place lu New York during an earthuunko la tho nubwny. Nuturnlly when onu ooxoa Into a nubway Jam n little thing llko nn varltuiuake hnn no terrorn. Hiiprumo Court Jnnllco Cropaoy, trying a Hundny nelllng cnao hnn ruled that ham nnd eggn ate. not drugn. The defendant nhould hnvu contonilud IiIh eggn wore fcrtlllator. Any city Jury would have agreed to thnt. Pine Lumber YARD A I "T If you nro Hiiporntltloun you had bettor lot thin croxn-word puzzlo by Mm. John K. Hlaveu alono, hecaunu there nro TWO big thirteen letter vordn to be worked out. Thoy nro 18 and ll! horizontal. If you think you nru good hop to them right off the hut. OthorwfRu, by working out tho vortical woriln, you will automat ically fill lu the big boy the "13 tooun" JIOHIONTAI 1 Fragment. Ii Kpuuktt flatteringly. 10 tJlory. 12 Cylinder to wind thread on. 11 Prevaricator. ir Man'n iiniuu. 17 Confederate. 18 Act of niakliu native. 21 Half an em. 22 Covered with wax, 2:t Houlheru ntnte (ab.) 24 Mineral nprlng. 20 Join. , 2!l IiigIIuoh. .10 lllot. H2 I'lulnh. .11 Conjunction. .10 I'art of verb to be, RK Protective article of drcna, II Prefix. 42 MumorloM. 17 Ceaau to please. IK In addition. 40 Tropical fruit, nn Htuuipa. 62 Duaervo. Ml Oaatropod. CIKfTaco. ' VKHTICAI 1 Portion of plant mod for grafting. Just Around The Corner Is Spring, and with its arrival comes cleaning up itime and garden planting time. Tools For This Purpose Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Spades and Forks. I. S. Geer & Co. WE REPAIR itiunuttitw.uiMiiatitittitJit' j Radiators Rightly Promptly Reasonably Burns Hardware Company J 2 Kdlblo mullunk. II Uuuiiual. 4 Near. i) Part of verb to ho. 7 Potty illnputn. H (liven namo of popular nclroae. 0 Huge of (J recce. 10 Shrub. 1 1 Affected nmllo. 1.1 Inflict death Illegally. 15 Connumcil. 1 0 Krozon water. 1 0 Mnllcloun gonnlp. 20 Unyielding. 24 Look. 25 Yield a renult. 27 l.alr. 28 Parent. .11 MuhIcuI luntrumcnt (pi.) :t:i Helflnh dualre. 35 Implant. 37 Wcnlth. 30 Work diligently. 40 Month of thn yonr (nb.) 41 Loohuii. .. ' 43 Clltiuo. 44 (llrl'n nnmo. 40 Ilont'a propellcrn. 45 Mental picture. f. 1 Note of mtmlcnl acnlc. 52 Title of renpect. o t ICI) PUUDV'H PIIII.OH "Hllni JedHon who nlwnyn mowed woedn off tho vacnnt lotn for tho city In out or n Job thin yenr. Thoy nro nil occupied by gun filling ntntlons " o IHI'I'IMtKNT OII.M Kuccenn "I burnod tho midnight oil nnd I nuccoodod." Youth "Yoh I bum It now and get pinched for npecdlng." ! 'I N J WmHSmmMaiVaVXi'tJl MKypy-l-T-r-llirrmtir ""-" " "--y--.ri -" -n .it.-irTT!in,,-nr" gnrng-ma-agirrwiin-wa i-jPdU U itMm-gfimitgL -U K.rf"! & t-.. fl -- L &r&Kfttv .yittSB-w.-.