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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1925)
r "' tf ' VIA) , I tKi fiMii.iiRAM ntm , mnniT sot tt MPinMfi JFMtftKY HVf a ( w MAiinwr OODHTT riKyrKcrra OOTOTIW I Wymotta WIsm NftdomU Trophy b:r Voting V I, ii i'nn i"Al- -- - - - ' J' t I Inland Empire Realty Co. (FrM Th OrKo Woolg rower of jMfcriarr B). Or. Mar thB alight tmporUiiRS to Hi nheop tnrt wool srowluc lurtnalry Oregon fi thn news eomtiiR trout Brnn tlini tho Oountr Court of Hur RKAIi MTATO AMP TfiVVLANCK Ii O A N & Owe your own home. Why pay rent? Choicest Oats and mcrtrngen any part of CityOn easy terms ley Counlr. In Toaponne to notltloiii f nroinlnont luminous mon of llurnn, Was oonseil payment of fuiitln to coop er a to with tho Stftto Livestock Sanl tfiry Hoard anil tho U. 9. DtotoRlrnl urvoy for controlling proilnlorynnl M&ls. From an nrtlclo contrllmtod to tho Timor Hornhl of nurnn and appoar inr. In tho Ihhuo of January .11, 1025, wo gather that It Is tho concenntiB of opinion of prominent IiiihIiicba mon of llurtiB and of pTnctlcally all homo toader of llarnoy County that tho wholoBalo polRonlnK of vnluahlo fur honrlng anlmnlB, coyoto In particu lar, nn hoiiiK carried on by Govern ment ihuntorn employed Jointly ly tho Slato and Tedoral Government, must ceano at onco. Wo nro told 1n tlifn article which Indeed la a raro contribution to modern fiction, that tho fur Industry of Jlurnoy County Ib tho londliiR ono and that It nooflB protection rather than doBtructlou. It nppearw that It Is tho boiler of the prominent buslnoBB men of Hums that thoralBliiB of coyotes In llarnoy County Is a clean cash business and that as n roMilt of tho multlludo of coyotes raised In this county fur buy ers pay out to Individual trapperH obout $100,000 per yoor and tho liuslnoss IntereBtB of llnTony County apparently are not Bolnj; to do any thing that will take away from thorn or their homesteaders this source of Income which, to a poor homestead er, comes as a wlndfnll nt a time of year when the "wolf" Is at tho door. Tho conrlhutor of this article, .mip posed to bo an ntlornoy of Burns who lo employed by tho trnppors to pro tect tholr Industry, states that tho nnnttal loss to sheepmen of one por cent of their flocks Ib not suniclont reason for tholr paying taxes for hir ed trappers. This ntatement Is In keeping with most of the others made In the article and Is a pure mis representation. An a matter of fuel, the one per cent loss on the sheep of Ilnrnoy County from Predatory ani mals per nunum would amount to enough to employ ten times as many trnppors ns nro now employed by tho cooperating agencies In that county. Moreover, tho damage done by n coyote, figuring an average life time, amounts to $50.00 according lo nn estlmato mado by the bureau of bio logical Survey. With our friends In Harney County protecting tho coyote so that thol rhomeMtoadors can trap him and sell his fur for from 14.00 to $8 00 when by so doing the snoop man and the homesteader himself mny bo damagod to tho extout of JfiO.OO, a policy Is established which If perslstod In will not only bankrupt that section but will likewise hold back the ultlmato control of preda tory anlmnls In the stale of Oregon. In addition to tho fact that wo are Interested In tho sheep and wool growing Industry of Harney County, wo nro also concerned lest tho coy otes that are encouraged to breed or propagato In Harney County should forget that they nro the boom of tho Mr. and Mrs. "Champ" to bat- i pion J wok Dempncy And hfa I 'f , lihtclle Tuyl.or, wnapped nn J ii ifter they had promised "to lo, I .nor and " "Goah, we're I '" wy they. H - Um" vflraU V' ft JLRflKm f J ' Ailw wfl 4JrWtA..MiyBB The irtnto of Wyoml.iir ncorcd tho greatest porconUgo of gain in votes nt tho nntionnJ election Inst fall and won the trophy ottered by Colllor's, Tho National Weekly. Photo nhowji Governor Nellie T. Hous recoivlnff tho nwnrd na It wna unveiled by her son, llradford Hone, a boy eeont. homesteader und tho baals of his bread and butter and by accident iiroM nver Into ndjolnlng county linos where coyotes are not so well thought of and more vigorously nought after. Outside of tho Interest that we feel for the sheep and wool growing Industry of Harney County we are perfectly willing that nil of the coyotes possible bo raised In or der t lint homesteaders, who admitt edly cannot make a go of homentend Ing and who cannot compel stockmen to buy them out at fabulous prices, may faavu some mentis of supporting themselves provided Harney Coun ty officials will agree to keep said coyotes within tho limits of Harney County. To he perfectly frank and to the point, we deem the position taken by so-called leading business men of Hums to be not only positively ab surd and foolish but prepusfurous and very dangerous. Under such a plan tho homesteader himself Is of ten the heaviest loner. Coyotes are no respeclors of persons. Tho home iitoailor'n pig or lamb or turkey pro vides III in with a means of bodily comfort (nlte as union as tho lamb belonging to the iiheepmiiu and the loss Ih greater in proportion. The uggregnte deurease in gross returns from tho snle of farm produce In nny county In Ocrgon through for aging by coyotes Is enough to pay the total state cost of all forty hunters now being employed by the Livestock Sanitary Hoard. The hunter system in effect In the State of Orogou Is not only getting results as Is attested by the objeo tlou being voiced by the trappers through tholr attorney In Harney County, but It Is also the economical nud correct method. Those who criti cise tho Covernment hunter invari ably over-estimate the cost of catch ing coyotoH by these trained men who work through traps and poison. There are very few hunters on the payroll of the Livestock Sanitary Hoard who are not more than self supporting during that period of the year when furs are salable If It costs the Stato something to got tho coyotes nt that time of year when furs are not salable it is worth tho money nud Is a sound Investment so long as (ho cost Is less than tho damago douo by the coyoto caught. It Ih Impossible to etslmato with accuracy tho por head cost of catch ing coyotes by the hunter and poison system because it Is believed that only about one out of throe coyotes destroyed is secured us evidence by the Government hunter. That tho system Is proving satisfactory Ih shown by tho fact that every county In eastern Oregon this year, outsldo of Harney County has mado ample appropriations for matching state funds to coutlnuo It, Whorovor co operation ban boon forthcoming from shoop growing counties that tho work Ih not being conducted In an effective and economical iiiaimor. Indeod, lit somo counties, notably Lnko County, inoro inonoy hns boon rocolved from the Halo fo film than was put up by tho county court In tho first place. Tho Oregon Woolgroworn Associa tion hnu given Htroug onriornoomut to this method of controlling prudnlory nulmnln for sovornl yoars past. At tho Twenty-eighth nnmml convention recently hold in I'ondlutou tho con vention wont on record iih favoring tho continuation of tho work on a largor iicnle mil nsklng tho State' Loglslnturo for nn appropriation of $100,000 to bo oxpouded In coopera tion with the State Livestock Sani tary Hoard and tho Duromi of Wolo glcal Survey, This should bo nuf flclont Indication of tho high regnrd In which tho paid hunter Is hold by tho sheep and wool growing Industry "f Oregon and unless we nro badly I fild In our ustlnuKu of tho temper I f tl litoi and wool growers of Oregon It will be itilte some time yet before tholr Investment or C0, 000,00 Is allowed to bo deteriorated by tho wide spread propagation of predatory animals In order that a , few homesteaders, who nro In debt to prominent business men, may havu a means for winter subsistence, o TO I'ltOIMUATK COVOTKH Harney Coiilny Court HefiiNCM Ap propriation for Hunter Tho Harney County Court has re cently refused to make appropria tions for the continuance of the gov ernment hunters in tho county, ac cording lo the Hums Times-Herald, It Ih said that the fur Industry Is of such Importance In that county (hat the damage to titockuicu by the pro dalory anlmnls molts into Insignifi cance and the action has been taken In recognition of the Importance of the fur Industry In tho county. It Is said that a two-year cloned season In being considered In Hartley county for fur bearing nulmals In order Unit their numbers may be In creased, and also n law regulating the trapping of coyotes no that only prime pelts will be taken. Stock men look on the proposed measure with alarm. Lakevlew Kxnml or. O". .. Florsheim shoes at Hrown's Quality Store. 2.28 I'ATIICIt O'CONNOIt TO MI'llNK llov. J. A. O'Connor, who for the past several yearn has had charge of the mission churchen at Vale, Hrogau, Juntiira nud other Interior points, has been appointed to a par ish of his own and the monthly ser vices In Vale and Hrogau will bo In charge of Itev I'r. Slack of Ontario. Father O'Connor's new location In as pastor for tho church of the Holy Family In Hums, but It Is more than probable that he will coutlnuo to conduct the work In Juntura as well. Vnlo KuUirprlso. o KAILHOAI) CONTItACTOHH IXAI OUT HUri'LIKH C. J. Hrowu, one of tho contrac tors on the railroad grade of (lie Fred Herrlek Luuibor Co. In Sllvtces valley, loaded out with some four tons of grain (he fore part of this week for his horses, also a quantity of powder, Mr, Hrowu Is one of suvorai who have contracts with Mm Fred Herrick Lumber Co. for rail road grade work. Ho has boon doing somo rock work during tho winter hut as the frost htm gone out of tho ground ho will now be nblo to re sume dirt work, LOCAL AND I'KHSO.VAL Lee Clark had tho misfortune to cut his thumb with nn nxo mivoroly IBt Wednesday while Hpllttlng wood at tho homo of IiIh patents at llar noy. The thumb was upllt on tho end making nu ugly wound. Ho enmo down to a physician to havo it prop erly (trussed, Ills mother and Hoy Hunyard coming down with him, V. H. HusHoIl, representing n Chi cago telophouo uupply coucorn, wni n buulnnsB visitor to Hums tills week dlsQUBBlng equipment with Manager OrnvoH of (ho Central Oregon Tolo phouo Co, Mr. ItussoU said ho had been making this norlhwoiit territory for several years hut (his Ih IiIh flrat trip to lluriiH an liorotnforo ho had not known how to got horo. Florsholm nhocs at Hrown's Quality " Store. 2-38 Albert Johnson wns In town thin week from Silver creek homo ilnltlng with his wife and chlldrou s ho are spending (he ncliool year In Iliirim where tho two oldest are stuil entii In the Harney county high. Htotsou hats nt Ilrowu'n Quallly 2-28 more. If people want lo seo whether Hums In Improving or not they should visit the several places of activity. For Instance, the terminal grounds, the Htnndnrd Oil Co. ?!to tor Its service station and ntorngo Inuks, or make a tour around tho resident districts and see (ho dwell ings that are going up or aru In course of remodeling, Walkover shoes at Ilrowu'n Quality 2-28 Store. Mitt Motile arrived 'loiuo last Sat urday night by (nlu from Falcon, Nevada, where ho had been In charge of feeding a targe herd of cattle for tho Pacific Live Slock Co. The Htork were taken off the feed yards on tho lGth of the mouth and Milt returned (o his old slumping grounds In this county where let ban worked with ntook for to yearn or more. Stetson hats at HrowfTs Quality' 2-28 H- Store. In honor of her sixth birthday lit tle Alice Hogard wan hostess to ten of her llttln plnyiiuiteit Inst Wednes day afternoon, February 2Cth. She received some nice presents on (ho occasion, among them a fine hlg doll with a doll buggy. Dainty refresh ments were served by Mm. Hogard after tho children had played for n time. Walkover shoes n( Hrown's Qunllly Store. 2-28 ' Tho 40 day scrap between tho legislature and Governor I'lerco wns extended Into this week an It wnn more or less a draw at (he end of the 40 dayn and evidently necessary In go on for a decision According to (ho Portland papers it looks like the "Gov" has some of the best of It In the hint rounds scoring a hit or two that counted. However, (ho "end In not yet'" at the time (his Is put In typo In (he end (he taxpayer will pay the bill regardless of who wins. Stetson hats at Hrown's Quality ... n it u y more. - I.. I... II IVilt. tirittliliillt fkf tint First National Haul: of Hums, came over from his home at IIoIho Thurs day, arriving on the train (hat night, and leaving (he following morning on his return. Mr. Daly doslred (o remain longer but business engage ments required his Immediate atten tion nt homo. This was tho quick est (rip ho has ever made (o Hunm and return during nil tho yoars he ban boon coming over, leaving homo ono morning and arriving bnck tho following evening after utteudlng tho annual mooting of the stockhold ers of the bank, L ITMk 'ffil n dTiHml tS i A iVT, riA i t tr r If 1 fcHPim BW.":;".-;-i Geo. A. 1'arliH, pngmoor u l Intorlor Drpim.nenl. vho h . i worked In Alu. kn fr 1(J stnea, . "8omul stlir" -when apoomlad (I omor of Aluskn by rroo, Cowitt. to Hurfoal Scott C. lions, who . torm expires, Paries H.iya ho v. A 'itry." Scared! rff Only Leading Realty Dealers Walkover nhoon at Hrown's Quality 2-28 V Hioro. MRS. SAMUEL HARRIS State Accredited Teacher i- or Piano l'hoiie 117M WONG BEN J LAUNDRY ' Now Electrically Equipped First class, dependable Work at Reasonable Prices. Everything Nicely washed and iron ed. The Old Standby HARNEY COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO (Inc.) Abstracts of Title Insurance Fire and Auto REAL ESTATE Building Loans Surety Bonds Phone No. 63 W., Burns, Oregon Nrw location in Reed Hullding djointng Masonic liullding wosaKitfccxmmggrBniHiiiw i S. M. JARVIS Livestock Commission Cattle, Sheep, Wool, Hay X Burns, 1H2SM MRS. ALFRED C WELCOME , SOPRANO TEACHER OF SINGING STATE ACCREDITED TEACHER High School Credits Given t Residence Studio " Best Yellow X Rough and i ft i? WEIL'S 11 ,ga.H-J.LI J L-IL J. t-1 HJU - i - At The New River Bridge End of lane leading east from Short'3 blacksmith Shop. Burns Paill A. Weil B8 1 ara-taui I Valley View Hospital BURNS, OREGON Under Direct Charge of Graduate Registered y Nurse Graduate Nurse In Charge of Surgery Rates Reasonable Patients Given Radicu lar Personal Service Maternity Cases Accepted nunrrmrnnrroi Oregon fi4tttUMmuaustisittatJ Telephone 111 J 5E m Pine Lumber Dressed SSE9S1 YARD fl l'M8 - JJLHI - .-t. J 1.LU-L -l-Jil'Jl m liiiiimnwJniM ummm m " -U .vj .