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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1925)
f if Hiitiinlny, February UH, limn T II m T I M ID H II n It A h I II II K N H , IIAUNKV O O II N T Y O It U O O N VAam m Appointment of Jardine to Head Agriculture Boon to Co-operative Marketing Rugged Westerner, Still in Forties, Has Had Colorful Life and Knows Farm and Ranch First Hand. A Fighter Now In Charge. My Joint TliomtiH Wllaon ThrouKli Autocnstcr Borvlco WnHhliiKtun, I). C, Fob. 25. "IMilo 'iin cowboy" will llkuly bo tbu buttle cry In tlio Dupnrtuionl of AKrlculturo for the next four years. Tlmt thoro In koIiik to bo sonio plain nutl fancy rtilltiK ' n foniRono conclusion, to thoso uoUiiliiteil with tbo llfo story r l)r. Wllllnm M. Jnrillno, formor cowboy iiml riuicliinnn who becomes Secretary of AKrleulliiro, March -llli. Omlioy to Cnblnct From the Krent wont, comon Jur (Hno. Horn In lditliu 115 yours hko, ho spout tlto first sixteen years of his life on his fitluor'H rnnch. llo "pun ched" cuttle, broko broncos, at 1!G cents each, ami ultoiulcd district Hchool In tlto winter. At 17 ho foil the call to bo out and itoliiK, mo ho left tbo homo ranch anil wont to Hie Hole Mont., whoro ho ot u Job on u cattle ranch, purfonnliiK tbo usual tanks of a ranch hand. He thou bocuine Interested In clnlryliiK. llmilldnR tbo need of cilu oatlon he entered Utah Agricultural C'olleKO, BruduatluK In 1001. Thoso years at school wore active for youtiK Jardine. Ho wiib up and doliiK and active In sports, llo played four years on the varsity football team, captain Iiir It the last year. DurliiK the sum mer he pitched bay and worked on dairy farms. One summer he was out with a HtirvuylnK Kuiir. Farm To WnMiliWt"" After Kraduatlou he tiuiKht for :t year, then sought and obtained the Job as miinuKor of a farming company which wan tilling ncres on tbe wholesale plan In Utali. men came his first contact with govern ment woik. He sought and secured a Job us an assistant In tins cereal brunch of the Department of Agri culture, llo workeil there throe years, from ll07 to 1910. Then he returned to the rugged west be know ho wall, llttl" realizing or with Ultlo ground for hop that fifteen years later be would return to Washington to bend tbo Department of Agricul ture and sit mm a cabinet member. When h returned to the west In 1U10 ho whs nffarod n professorship ut Kanans Agricultural t'ollg. Af ter thru yours as profnoor of Agroii oiuny h w made Dean of the 1)1 lou of Agriculture tend Director of the iSxpwrimont l)iwrtnnni. In 1018 i... .hmimIimI Dr. II. J. Wutors an president of tfio Kansas Collegn. That Is tin piwt he now Iwivva to be come fjecrelury of Agriculture. Dr. Jardine Is u rugged wosterner who will bring to Washington first band knowlmlgo of ngrleulture. llo has always boon an outspoken advo cate of the farmers IntorostH. lid Is openly opposed aud a foe to govern ment price-fixing on farm commodi ties, llo runs counter to the views of many mon prominent In the Agri culture Department and Ibo Influen ces of the farm bloc In congress. What to lCpect In pluln wordB, Dr. Jardluo Is a fighter. A pollto but posltlvo shake up In the Department may bo oxjiuot od. Buoh opposition an Is thrown up will moot a mouttil vigor credited with u thorough acquaintance with farm problems through n Ilfotlme npont In studying them. Tho nppolntmont of a mld-wostorn-er, Cecil W. Crool or Indiana, now director of Agricultural Kxtonslou nt Novuilii University, as assistant sec rotnry of Agrlculturo to Dr. Jardluo, may bo oxpoctod. This l In lino with tho naming of Jnrillno by President Coolldgo. It is understood Hint Croul Is In complete uccord with tho views FOLKS IN OUR' TOWN Pop's Dollar anil a Half Wt Cuosfn liy Etlvftrd McCullougli AUTOCASTER "New Secretary Of Agriculture j jP Jtm..VT.l Wi'i M. Jardine, 1'tctldcnl ol li-ui. Agricultural College, wll. . coii.i (i inenibcr of President 'JtioltiltfM'x cabinet. Mnrtli 4 us 'ice tf.jiry of Agrlcultuio, to miccccd 1. M (tore who then mho urtlce ik tiovumoi of Wont Virginia. of tho new secretary and will vigor ously carry out Jardluo policies. Under .lurdlue, a radical change Is expected In the policy advocated by the late Hocrutury, Henry C. Wal lace. Mr. Wallace favored tbe gov ernment handling of surplus faun products and for the virtual fixing or price. Dr. Jardlue Is especially lutorontud In co-oprulU marketing. In ml drmw, ho bus said: "Only 10 per cent of the troubled of the farmer can be remedlsd by leglilatluu. The other 00 par cent must bu solved by Hie farmura thomsolvoM and their Immedlnlu associates -the husluuati men of eacli agricultural commun ity." " o FAH.M I'OI.NTKKS (From Department or Imlustrlal Journalism Oregon Agricultural Col ogu.) Lund plauter can be used to advan tage on legumes as n top dressing tbe rate or 40 to 80 pounds per acre, applied ho that spring rain will take It Into the soil. It la also lined by many potato growers to dust scud after cutting, previous to planting, tmys the O. A. C. experiment station. Tho (jueon bee mates with tho drone or 'male bee on the wing, says tho stato college oxporlmotu station. Her mntlugii are not under the con trol of the beekeeper except us ho makes It possible to have n uupply of good drones and limits the supply of poor ones. The inieou boo matou but unco In her llfo time. (Inrdouurs ought to buy tholr soud HiippHos us early In tho spring us possible, lifter tho now uud cat a- i rjmt vfi i asF in in ttt nr . y-ryyriwi t T-nni1 -rr t ttttt -w ir -- - ----- - - -cz'- -' : -- -M . . S3 NOi.'WX Apv own ME SOME 5jii-g ZL -T-ZTT -.. - jdJfli. Ji ' SlM 7 .-IUSMBOOM6 AND H WHAT DO AI K (? J-' - JBffl ZB I Nn 7 1 '' I fSi, ,J.-iMb.8iincW!BC Hk WANT?? S K. JlSJ9 kl ISM "WESWiJa ! CRHAM1 AMD. -- - -'Tt't' C-" --ilaHit Tf iM Umd and y t vvj, -iJL y ? to cat ovca th' towm t-LJi -tL--- 'Kj'JJall 'tWl --y V' ' "Wmm wLK(nm? bcFc5o j h m toss g tliiHCTfc "HnT IJSW r ' t I' I 1 MW'"'"i' in iloiM y I WW MI I II IMiWlWMfWWV- logs have boon received. In doing so one urn usually got need of tho vnrlcllop desired Instead of gelling HUliNtllutloiui as Ih HomellmeH tho case when lh seed order In sunt In late. Most of Iho new catalogs tiro now available, and growers ought to havu their Hood on liitud after having' mado mi Inventory of tholr nucuHHury nupplloH, advises Iho O, A. C. Experi ment Htntlon, llamyard muiiiiro reinforced with 'i0 to !I0 pouudn of acid phosphnto per ton gives good results oHpoclally on Oregon soils that hnvo been crop ped for Home time, says the experi ment station. In tho older dairy mic tions or Mio stale, ucld pbonphato In used In tho gutter and stables. A hand full of acid phosphnto Is scat tered behind each stall and In that way becomes thoroughly mixed with the manure. In this way Iho manure Is not only reinforced with phosphor ous, but tho land plaster In tho odd phosphates unites with tho ummoula prevent lug a loss or nitrogen, KOU TOMATO t'liA.NTH Tomato plants for early market are grown advantageously by many Oregon gardeners, until they are large enough to go Into (he field, In paper, cardboard, or light veneer pots or bands. When Ihey aro plant ed nut,, there Is very little If any need to disturb tiho roots. Tho plant will make a iiilck pickup, with a tendency toward early blossoming mid early fruiting. The use or pots or bauds smaller tbnii -I Inches by 4 Inchon Is not ad vised by tho experiment station, for growing tomatoes. The bauds have no bottom In contrast to tbe pots, so tho tine of one or the Other depends largely on tho gardener's ounlpmonl. Most or tho seed dealers In Portland and elsewhere carry these devices. TIIIJ NOSH KNOWS liens: "I'm (smoking a terrible lot or cigars these days." Hteiieg: "I'll say you areir that's one of them." VKS INDHIID (Jroiis-wordor; "Olve me a ton letter word meaning a country with out any women In It." Huiart Ouy: "That's easy HTAO NATION." u AN.NT.Mi MHirn.VO .MAHONIO lll'IMHXO ASSOCIATION Notice Is hereby given that tho nu uual meeting or the stockholders of the Maaoulu llulldliig Association of liurns, Oregon, will be held nt tho Masonic Hall on Saturday, March M. 10S&. I.HOK M. imOWN, Hueretary. o ' SUMMONS IN TIIH CIltGUIT COUIIT OI-" THH STATU OP OlilCaOK, I'OIt IIAIl NHV COUNTY. Vermont Koan Trust Company, a corporation. Plnlntlfr. vs. Henry Hurt t Nlmmoni, Marthu Sim mons. Muliol Simmons, Virgil J. llollou and Kuth lloltou. DufoudAulH. To Henry Uurlt Sliunious. Martha Simmons. Mabel Simmons, Virgil J. lloltou mid Kuth lloltou. IN THIC NAMK OF TUB 8TATB OF OUKOON: you and each or you nro hereby rouulrml and directed to appear ami answer the complaint filed against you In tho above entitl ed suit on or before tho Inst day or tho time prescribed ror In tho order for publication or uummous, to-wlt: On or Imforo tho Hth day or March lOUd, said duto being tho ex piration or six woekH from tho date or tho first publication or this sum mons, unci ir you rail to appear and answer ror wnut thereof tho plain tiff will apply to tho court for the roller prayed ror In Ita complaint, to wlt: A Judgment ngnlust you ror tho sum or $!)7r.0Q with lntornst there on nt tbo rum or io por cam per annum, from tho first day of No vember, 1021. For n further mini of ?G00.00 with Intel est Hiereon ut the rnl" of 10 por cnul per mmum from Lho first day of November, 1021, mid For a further sum or ? 100,00, nt tornoy'ii fees, mid for Its coiiln and dlsbiiroments herein, That tho usual decree of roroclo suro ho entered and that particular tract or laud, nltiiato In Harney County, Oregon, mid moro particular ly described ns follows, to-wlt: BWMNHVii and tho NKViBBtf or soollon n.t; WHWVi of Hoc. 31, till In Twp, S.'l S., Hnugo 20 15. W. M unit tho ttA of Hoc. 10; tho SIHi of Sec. )! Iho HW'c if Hoc. 10 HKHI3M, HW4NBU, B V N W Vi , H W Vi N W 4 of Sec. 1 0 ; nil In Twp. 21 H. Itango HO B. W. M. and containing 1040 ncros, moro or less, bo sold to satisfy tho mi inn due upon principal, In terest, attorney's foes, costs nnd ills bursomoulH, mid nccrulug costs mid disbursement1!, mid Hie remainder, If any, be paid over to the defendants heroin iui their Interests appear, mid If you fall to appear mid pay the sum above mentioned that said mortgage will be foreclosed ami that you and onoh or you will bo forovor red mid enjoined from claiming or asserting any right, title Intercut, lion or estate In or to the said real property hereinabove described nd verso to tho plaintiff herein, save mid except your right of redemption. Thai lu case tbu mild property doea not sell for n sum sulllclent to pay tho prluclpnl, Interest mid attorney's fees, rosM mid disbursements and tho nccrulug costs and disbursements that plaintiff will take Judgement against Henry Uurlt Simmons, nnd Martha Simmons for tho sum or sums not pnid from the proceeds re ceived from sunh sale thereof. That the right, title, Interest, lien or estate claimed by the said Virgil .1 lloltou mid llutli lloltou, mid Mabel Simmons, If any, bo held nnd declared subseiuont nnd inferior to the right, title, Interest Hen or es tate of the plaintiff herein, That plaintiff be allowed to bid upon and purchase tbe mild proporty when sold on execution under Judg ment mid decree mid outer Immed iately Into the posHOicalou of said property. If Its bid be the hlgheiit nnd best bid therefor, r.nd tlmt planlllff he allowed and permitted to apply Its bid upon said Judgment nnd de cree ir the plaintiff should become purchaser or mild property. Thin summons Is published by or der or the Honorable Daltou lllggs, Judge or the Circuit Court ror Har ney County, Oregon, made and en tered on the 2Rtb day or January, 1!)2G. Tho date of the first publlcitluu of this summons Is the .list day of January, 1025, mid tho hut date of publication of this summons Is the Uth duy of March. 1025. IIICOK & moos, Attorneys ror Plaintiff. Post Olllco address, Hums, Oregon. o NOTICi: TO CltniMTOHS Notice Is hereby kIvoii that the undersigned bus been duly appointed udmlnlslrutor or tlto estate or Hubert J. Smith, deconsed, by tbo County Court or the State or Oregon, for Harney County, and hns qualified. All persoiiH having claim sugnlust said estate aro hereby notified to present I hem, duly verified as by law required, to mo at my resldouco near Hums, Harney County, Oregon, or nt the olllco or my nttoruoy J. 8. Cook lu said City or Hums, within six mouths from the date or this notice. Dated January Ulst., 102G, DOLB SMITH, Administrator. Tresspass noticoa pnntud on cloth at this olllco. Hold In any quantity desired. C-12-tf. mm. J MSft f I if HBWaHBW5nfciirA WANTWD: Mon or woman to tako ordern among frlonds mid neigh bors for tho genuine guaranteed hosiery, full Hue for mon, women nnd children, tfllinluatcis darning, y)Vo pay 70c. nnd hour nparo time, or ID 0.00 a week for full time. tSxuoriouco uuiioconsary. Wrlto Ititorimtlon Blocking Mills Norrls town, Pa. Host mid cheapest dwelling lots In r city, D bllit) X first to own ; N T. LBHTBIt city, D bllit) from school. Boo us your own HOME. W. COMPANY. 0-G W. T. LBBTBIt & COMPANY hnvo Xfor sale tbo best una cheapest properties lu the city, BBB UB TO OWN YOUIl OWN IIOMB, 0-0 Towsloy's Wood Haw ror prompt work. I.uilvo orders lit Pnjitlmo NPool Hall or Phono HOW 8-OU The Bablu Hook. Company of Uolse, Idaho, buy, sell, mid exchnnge nil kinds of new and used hooks. Wnntoil TUB PHILOSOPHY OF LOVB by Cllyn. Intoxicating liquor Is our only competitor. I'iihIi paid for fnlau teeth, dental kgoio, elry. (Jo.. gold, platinum mid discarded Jow- Hoku Smelling & Uefinlng Otsego, Michigan, 1-31-tr Wn know our business, ana can soil our properties ijulckly. LIST NOW r'lt QUICK BALB. W. T. LBS'l -OMI'ANY. 0-G IG00 KI3Vr.itD For avldonco load ing to arrest nnd conviction of any party or parties stealing my shoop. My sheop aro flru branded on tho tioos and paint branded on the back with tbo norni shoo bar. kLloth brands aro recorded. My ro j V corded car mark Is an ttppor bit Y Mn both oars. My owes lmro Bor on dlffcront ago marks an under ilopo, a crop and an uppor slopo In both oars and my yearling owes hava a small crop of both ears. I soil no shoop branded on nose. W. W. Brown. Fife. Oregon. 7-22. For rent my ranch on Cowifcrook, possession March 1st B. B. Drink water. 1-24-41. Hath room for Indies nt tho Lovons i Hotol. 11-lG-tf. CANYON CJITV- llUItNH Trl-Weekly Sorvlco Fast Auto Conveyances. Pleasant Scenic Itouto ror Pns scugors. Connections to Portland or Bnstoru Points. Quick BxprosM mid Frolght Sorvlco. N. Drown & Sons, Agents Hums Oregon Save Your Eyes Eye strnin ciiuhvs hendnches, ncrvoUHncsH nnd other trott- hloH. I fit KlosflCH accurately nnd scientifically. All Work Guaranteed. MAURICE SCHWARTZ Optometrist Olllco with Dr. II. F. Smith rrrnrrn O II IV G 111 Utf 13 K It h I N G JsswJor Optician Watch Itcpalrlng Oren UATlf WlNNfiR AND YOU m 'v siHtiirBlj(sj PROFESSIONAL CARES ""wH i)jt. it. v. r, :jitii Physician nnd tiuVgooa IluriiH, Oregon Olllco nt rosldonco, Dr. Qrimth'a Cat mor homo. Phono No. 14 HOHOOK O. WARD Physlclnn and Burgoen Comploto X-rny Laboratory (a Connection Burns, Oncft HT h. K. IIUHJAItD DKNTIBT OUlco first door enst ;hOt talltn; Burns, Oregon OHAItliKH W. ELIilH ii a w y B R i Hums Oreoa J, Practices In tho BUto Court as4 boforo tho U. B. Land OBa J. W. McCulloch ItohU M. SlcCUIJ.OCH & DUNCAN Lawyers OOlco aboro tho U. B. Land OA UUIIN8. OREOOM II. V. HOHMAL2 Attoraoy at Law Contests and practlco bofora IT. Land Onlco a specialty OOlce: Musonlc Dldc Burns, Oregon J. W. lllggs M. A. Bl III U Q K .V III a Q 8 lawyers Burns, Oregon m . a . o l i) i: It Painting unit Paper Ilangor All Work Ounr, atocd llurus, Oregea KOAN C1IAPTK11 NO B Itoyul Arch Masoa Hiirus, Oivkoii, ltegnraj mc'tliigH first nnd Uxtr TluirhdayH of cvicli raostk n. F. SMITH, H. P. I3ARL QRAHAM, Socrotary. AUCTIONEER Tho undorslgnod Is now located la. Burns and will ho found ready to ry Public Auctions any time at amy place. F. P. Pot It ST. OIjAIU . SCOTT BuIIiIIiik Conlnictors Plans ami IMIinutcs Furnished Iturns, Oregon BpV5 GET IH THE NATION WIDE' DRAWING- COHT6ST LOOK AT THE FUN OP DRAWING- THE BEST PICTURE IN ALU THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA S BIG PRIZES 'I'O 6H AWARDED. Bl USA&UE DA6EBALL GU3VE5 UAT2 ANt BAUUfV -CONTEST OPCM HO ALU 8oV0 B IS VP,S TcJf.T DBAW A PICTURE OP "OLD PC" IN TMf& COMIO AM' MAU HiM LAI'jH KAU HARD - DRAW -iAU R&PROCUCEO HUE CQ. 'Ol O eXSP' IN FUV POSITION vspiru NwtK. AODRirs&, fii? ano -reuu ua what kind op glove a.?. Ea,T SCO WANT IP S'OO AftJ3 . SEND CARE THIS PAPCBJ OOSS - IP VOU WANT 76j TOU cn tENO IN Fdi mNY Df?AWING6 Ad VOU WISH NEXT WEEK. WH WILL TfftU WJiO THB JUP&C5 'br. WOftLO PAMOV& ARTllsTS, V " , I--LJ "vry- v""fp '.V vm! J"-