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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1925)
i On PARIS 'l jririr r rune Bjvmi' !. iitniN'sv irA'irwirr oou.NTr o n n g o n Hhlimruy, February 28, 1025 2 : iiifiV3' afi dKj5gtZ.zLi -j KSrprS A Iw Temptations r HiiIIIo'm I'liiiiRt' DcIIkIUs Anno CNidd liiflon or courso I ondod by taking tlio glnns of wlno, Aftor illnnor, BovernI otlior cotinlott dropixul In uml Mnrjorlo linked u all to Hpoud tliu nlKltt. I llkod Joo Schuykr honor nftor 1 hml tlio ChnmniiKiio. "You'ro n noiiolt whon you not Htnrtoil," ho told mo while wo danc ed. 1 realized how different 1iIh wiim from I'urtha who hnd naked mo nov 'or to take uuothor drink im long tin I lived. 1 wouldn't utter tonight ntid bosldos ho would hood ho homo mid 1 wouldn't ho mo doproHSod. At inld-nlnlit Iloli wont to hod. Uofnro oxtMiiliig liluiHoir ho emtio over to my Hide. "1 wiih luillliiK for you and Imping you wouldn't lot thorn bully you Into drinking," ho mild, "but I I'm hard not to ho with lio gang. Hotter turn In pretty noon, tho," ho nitKK"itcd. .Someone miKgoKteil cards, no n Kaino waa ntarted, After tho kocoiuI ruhbor, 1 IiorroiI lo ho oxciiKod. Joo Hohuylor npoko up "All right hut you know tliu pon ulty whon you ronlg? A klB." And with nil of thorn looking, ho grabbed mo, hold my arms behind inn with olio of IiIh lunula and klwiod mo Hinmrely on the mouth. It wan tho flrrit time any one had touched Marjorlo nodded hor bead. "What wuh SUM. doing ioro7" Dropped by on hor way from the l'attormhi'H dauco In OraiiKO Park. Said hIio know wo woro having a party and thought hoiiio of iih could take hor homo," 'Whnro wuh hor ilutu?" "No Mau'ri I.aud." hIio mild. "How did alio know wo woro hav ing a party?" "Hald nlio droppod by earlier to noo you, and Mom Nellie told hor you woro hero." "Why did alio toll thtf nthum I wuh In hero llko HiIh?" I noltbud. "She eaine In at tho moment Jon wuh collecting tho penalty." Mary boi;aii. "Von moan hIio naw him kltta mo." "Mho didn't iiiIhn," wuh tho laconic roply. "HIio foltowod you upntalrH ami thou camo down laughing at tho top of hor voice. HIio aoomed to think It was too funny for word and Invited un up." "Tho Cat!" I IiInhoiI. "Why didn't you clone tho doorT" "Thoy boat mo to It. You know thin crowd. Never mind, Balllo, Junt watch your Htop next time you'ro with Anno. Slio'a mo wild about Cur Hmh that Mho'd knife you In tho hack." Ho Unit wan why Anno had chniig This Weeks Cross Word Puzzle Wtt H B B H vp HeUL. . I I P I y 1 wJUm4mmJ4mwI ta a m it Jiii my lips hIiico Ciirtln had iniiiln lovojed Jcalouny will drive iih to groat to mo mi that matclilonn day at camp. 1 turned and flow up tho Htalrn. 1 decided to take a hath. I wan Hitting In the tub whon Hiiddonly the door opened and Marjorlo and tho other glrln were utandlng around. i "W.'lnl' 11k. i. mil. If"' I iliiliiiitiilnil "Look, look. Halllo'n got on her ,,,Vor nsnln. length but iiho had cIiohoii Hitch potty inoiitiH. I'erhapH alto thought tho ntorlox about mo that night would luak out nml make mo unpopular with CurtlBH Wrlghl. "Whoro Ih hIio now?" 1 demanded. "Tho cat!" I reiterated over ami clnlhea." Tho Icy water had brought mo to my hoiihoh. Looking down I naw that my lovely evening gown wan ruined. They nil thought It wan Hcroamlnply tunny mid a good Joke. tfiot out of hero, all of you!" I yolled "Marjorlo. how rould you?" I nuked when tho other had gone. "Why did you let thorn In?" I nob- bed. wan 'hor swift roply. "Oh, hIio got away In a runh af ter hIio hud done all tho damage alio could." Jltld MarJ. "(live mo my coat, I'm going homo." What? In that nopplng gowu7" "It doHon't matter. I'll change tho minute I get thoro ami my coat will keep mo warm." "No one will wee me, I'll got out under the porto coohoro." MarJ know there wan no iiho nr- Ity "(JHKAT HUM)" "I didn't" "Yon know perfectly well that l.igiilng with mo whon I had uiadu up in I inv mind no In n few momenta Joo Schuyler wiim driving mu homo. . wouldn't do you llko that. 8a I lie, I'm your friend." "Thon how did thoy know It. Who told thftiu?" "Ann rodilliiKtOll." "Anne!" I oxolnlmud. fOYOTHK A.S'li sicttmuiicn't In a recant rommuulratlon to the Uttrite Tim -Herald a curlotia theory la advanced, to h affact thut naortt of atnto and government to oKiortiitnatB protlntury nnlmnls tthoiibt ho dUcontltiiitttl In llaruoy county. Iiulaad, ilia couuly court of llarnfy county, procaadtnu upon thut theorv. alraady has dlacontlnuad fin nndal aupport of toe work of tha hloloKocal atirvvy. whosa huntora nml trawrs wage a coimUtont coin Tulgn agalitBt thuaa wild croatuara which lake toll of uiitu'a onturprlHo. In anpport of tliUt theory It la claimed thai homaatoador Mhould bo permit-' od to hunt the nulmala for fur and bounty, and It I corroHpondlugly urguod that tho prodatory bonata cnu Mtilnt a coualdarablo hoiiico of In vome, and ovon draw lioinouookorH to llaruoy county. And iih for tho Snaaoa tu atockmuti, ao runa tho argu ment, thaaa aro but trifling when vornparad wlUi tho grant good to bo Knitted from private hunting and nipping. Thlu biialnoaa of jirexorvlng an vntlro county at a aort of inodom Tnr farm will not wo venture to be lieve, react to Uio advantage of tho "iiuiity. While It U trua that aomo nuttier! aro drawn to tho woat by Ita abiiudttuca or wild llfo, It la equally irno thdt tho primary conoorn of not- tlpinaitt la to oatabllah homoa and break naw soil; ralhor than to hunt Mini trap. Wo rathor Inollno to l ho Nifew tuhon by tho atocktiiBit, who r,slt. for oxamplo, that thoro la lit tle to bo aald ror commorelal trap ping iimh hunting, as a rival onlor prlHo to block raising, whon a doad cbyoto la worth not moro than ?8. whllo a live ono In an avorago coy- lo llfollmo doHtroya $G0 worth of property. Not unnaturally tho stock Toon would llko to iioo tho extermin ation of tho coyoto huBtonod, rathor than rotardod; nud thnt which ap ?11oh to tho coyoto, of couro, np tlt'B equally to all prodatory nnl tortila. Tho Bottlomont of Oregon Is not lVfoudont upon proflta to bo ;nlnod ?m U, traim,"B nml hunting of 'wr-oarlng nijlraals, and It would Whon I alighted from tho ottr, I threw open the front door and Cur tlaa Wright wna aUmdlng In ihu hull. (To he CoulluutMl.) iMtaar lo ha a tulalaken itollcy that lakta aucb a vlaw of tha Hi!. Ore KO ula it. TIiIh croHH-word jiuzulo wuh ar ranged lu (lieal Doud, KauaiiH. Wo do not have the naiiio or tho origin ator. However, iih It In an exception ally riuo doalgli, and couIiiIiih hoiiio excellent wordn, wo aro panning It along to our roadont. I-'ow of tho woiiIh aro really dllll cult. However, thoro aro hoiiio real teHtern lu tho puzzle, Junt to aroiiHu jour lutoroiit, and the oronH-word puzzle ran Hhould got a groat deal or enjoyment out or nolvlui; It. hook al No. HI horizontal, It Ih an 18 let ter word. Oboy. Ilorloniiil I Ono who woudorH. ft To llrowu. 10 King or I'miliim. 1 1 Famous prox. (fult.) I a To kill. 1T Ileroro, ID Tamo, fondled anliiiaLi. IS I'reponltlon. lit To deduce. ai) Tliuo or your. SI Kxciiho. r 2!l I'repoHltlou. 25 Negative. 27 Pertaining to. (abttr.) 28 Indefinite ntrlolu. 2!i luiploiueiit. (bowing) .'10 I'crnoual pronoun. 31 Hcont. , f rtt A definite npot. 25 A boy'n iiamo. 'AC, Mule devil. .IK ('oujiiiictlou. 30 A Kopariito outry lu an aocoiin.t 40 I'reponltlon. II lu Hplto or. 42 Kdltor Ubbr) II An oaatoru Htato (abbr). Anawor to lunl wook'n puzzle. 110 Al an angle. Vordeiil 1 Uniiuiml. 2 An adverb, !l Hlx (Horn, num.) 4 lloy'H namo (abltr.) (! A bono. 7 An exclamation. 8, A couch, 0 An Implement, 1 0 A proclHo doHcrlpllon. 1 1 A beverage. 12 ItlghtK (abbr.) M A profld moaning thrco. 10 A magazine. 17 TIiiih. 10 Ihitauglu. 22 Not approachable. 211 A glrl'11 namo. 24 Arouiiod to action. 20 A idiigle unit. .12 A boy'n namo. .1.1 I'ropoHltlnu. I; .10 Incorporated accountant (abbr.) .18 A conjunction. IS To act. njnZv Wmml L i W. a xbC! 1 Kalk A JiRklx l f I Hi sOjE iSfc: M il sMT"iAiPiyiiB Qj& jSb, BJBFAlwMsMfiILL -i- H- f EMiiEniliX -L ii -r-f ATrMRir Iia miN tj n 15 Thun. 40 McmberH of a church body. r7 To talk. rh A Kuropeaii black bird. r.D Hhorl lotturs. 00 A curved bono. 02 Nlukuamo or fumoun I'roHB. 03 An oaglo. 04 lloy'n nickname. 05 Hnmo an 02 horizontal, 00 A glrl'K iinmo. 00 Army order (abbr.) 70 lloy'H name (abbr.) 72 lloy'H namo (nbhr.) 72 A Htop. 75 I'linntuojlvo form of a glrl'11 name 77 To ho able. SO To rum. an herring, by nailing anil nmoklug. 81 rum. 8!l Allowance made for wnnto. 81 A lock of human hair. S5 To hIiiiii. K7 Main thoroughfare (nhhr.) 88 Large quaulltlnH. .17 Portugal (abbr.) Sit Wldo-mouth water pitchers. 17 A critical mark. 18 Depart. .19 Itopont. ' r0 A maii'H name, fil An Italian Province, 02 Proportion. 5!l Woll-kiiown. 54 Oulded. f ' 55 Part of tho vorb "lo bo." 50 CharactorlHtlcH, 57 To go (Hcot) 01 An limoct. 07 A glrl'H narriu. 08 ArtlonH. 70 Remote, 71 A title given to nu Kngllsh Peer. 73 Pant tomio of Htoop. 74 To throw nbout. 70 To put away. 78 A unit of muaiiuro (nhhr.) 70 A nolo of tho mimical ncalo, 80 Coarno outer coat of corcalw. 82 You (durmau polite form) 84 A hovorage. 8C A medical man. (nhhr.) 88 IIouho of I.ordn (nhhr.) VICATUHK AT Till-: M1IHUTY TUIJATKK HATIHDAV, VVM. 2H Where's Primrose Path Now? m R J82r- M )H N5sS M I ,W s?vJ?L- I MIVvM - m m "Kr i.iHiW 'IJ I rW 1 BBiWhl VJTii Wi(L'JC ll'.'OI KV VfflYJU ,j-"'!fl mm mi m Tl" 1 m TU i$M mM) ffyafcA fil tirwwm rei ws&. Ct-cvVi1 tTis. Wi v tlv v mi$ T A w r.aY Am & 'W ' 'lvv, ;g 'Vvr" 3SS Vt-.f'tWv' s ' W'frS . .m- - m 'i MkMfo m v X lf L' ar 1 1 -' . ..VA- ' - X ' rs 1 ' A fr 1 s l S- 'I.- 11 . 1 , v n t i r s v 1 t JiliSJ3UTTHAy I'bOlng Youth In the Paramount plcturo "Ilxpcrleruv," Itlchunl ItnrtholmeM HiiiIh the big illy Jui iih wicked iih before Volmcud put. tin' dlmtui'lN on the (Ia White Wti). KKATUIIK AT TICK L1IIBHTY TIlKATItK SUNDAY, MAKCII 1 S2 A DIUTV KNOCK Cynic "What do you think of title column of humor you aro now roadltitf?" Diplomat "Well. I would twy that uuyotie with favor bllntora and cracked llpa could rand It without fear of pain." a- ' I'.VCI.K PHTH'H TIlOCflHT "Mobho ChrU ColumhtiH'H crltlcH who Hitld tho world w:ih flat woro right. Wo now know for u cor talttly that Uormatty and Franco aro thnt way." The Get JT1S1 Dlt and eat at the CLUB CAFE JLevcnsBfotel Building Meals at all hours ami the menu includes everything obtainable in the local mar ket in season Special Sunday Dinners Ar Quick courteous service wgfflraaiiiimiihuii'HTwnBi n. n iii 1 iimh-miu mwi WM. FARRE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE, Struulnrd Stock Com panies PRACTICE, before U. S. Land Office and bureaus of the Department REAL ESTATE; city, ncrcag'j and farm property YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED mssssu umnmuhJimj;r "-National Mazda-" Electric Lamp Compare These Prices 10 15 25 40 50 B Type Watts At 27c. Each x fl35SViL M& -WtS vato r rjii bhiwbm tbi -w 'fblTBIVb )XtW!XK ' J -TV PSggg)j fly Tftj-rV 1 1 l J Vrpc... . "Hv tf NL N r r" ffmmomt) $ g A .! J rmiNT lOt V a MALE' A' OOO wiODUCTav 60 Watln 32c. Each C Type 715 100 150 200 Oloar Wattg .n,...if " , GO , Ofi . ' KO Howl Kunmolod .r.r. .70 .sn iWhite no wntu 100 " 7fi ,co Daylight .55 no watln 00 7n en 100 160 . .80 .1.00 I. S. Geer & Co. WE REPAIR X t TL .IIiyjIIUl-HT UXLIJ I 111 lllUJJ j JSlClllllOlS Rightly Promptly Reasonably Euros Hardware Company