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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1925)
"sr "- ---. i. ,i ,' fAOH TWO 1IUI1 T I M 1) H II II A Ii n H U ftAtwy7f "OTWTBMy BV A KNB. MiinNf H T II1IOI ' M. f The Times-Herald n Tho Lnrent Circulation Of Any NoivMpniK'r In llaruiv County. JULIAN 1IVKI) .Manager HUllKCItll'TION IIATKH Ono Your IJW.OO Hlx Months 1.00 Xhrco Months 70 HnOuilay, February UH, ili'M ' liAXO OFFICI2 HIIOIIM) mo uktainkd KlHuwhcro In title I mine Ih a clip. , ping from tint Joitrtml'ii WiiHlihifttoit Jiuroati referring to Uiu action of tlto vuorutnry of tlto Intoi-Inr lit oouuoc (ion with tlhpctiHlng with HOtno of (ho land olllciw or tills Htato. It Ih a mattor of concern to HiIh big hoc tlon whoro there aro loast 700 land ontrlon now ponding before tho local laud otlli'o and Ihroo and a ihulf mil lion ncruH of vacant land yut nuhjccl (o on try. With no rocordn within u roanonahlo dlntanco to thin land It would certainly work a hunlHlilp on land Hoolcom. especially an It lit ad mitted tho moBt of tho valimhlo agrl nnlttiral land has piihkciI to prlvato ownership and what Ih left Ih mo much harder to hrlni; Into a Htato of any real valno to ono who would tnko It up. If tho govornmoiu really wanlH to ho a norvlco to tho pooplo who aro trying to dovolop a big coun try and gut n homo for tliutnsulvuH It rnmiot dlnpoiuo with the convnti loneo of n land olllco and proper roe ordH whoro Information of an auth entic character may ho had. Why Isn't thin n plaro whoro tho HuniH and Harney County Commer cial Chili might do no mo more good? o HACK UP OFFICKUS IN iAW n.ntoiichmknt Tho TlnioH-Hornld Ih going to change Hh policy In piihllHhlug nrtl cIoh In connection with law offon dura In thin county. It Iiiih boon tho policy of Into to ouill from Uicho columiiH tho iiowh of tho roeordor'H court and iiIho of tho JtiHtlco of tho peace on thu ground that Hitch iiowh It detrimental ito (tho community when It Ih read hy many who aro get ting thin paper at dl.ituut pIiicoh for tho purpoHO of keeping In touch with the coudllloiiH of the country with a rlow of coming to HuniH to make their homo when development Iiiih advanced to a point whoro they can engage In Home lino of IhihIiiohh or Hocuro work at a cIiohoii profession or trade profltahly. The niooiiHlilner and hootlegger iih well hh other vio lator Iiiih (Iiiih boon iihlolded from publlllty until they now cmmlitor they're Immunu and that (he com munity Ih not hacking up the law enforcement olIlcorH. Hereafter thoHo offoudurH are go ing to he given Home consideration. "Wo hnvo some nowly nworu olllrtirH who aro Hhowlug a (IIhpohKIoii (o en force thu law more Htringoiitly and Limy Hhould hnvo tho nncnuragomout of ovury law abiding citizen In Har ney county. There aro hootloggorn In HiIh vicinity thai aro going lo 1)0 caught and prnHoctKud Mini (hoy Hhould. MooiiHhlnerH aro iiIho known to op erate In HiIh county ami thuy aro flnully going to ho caught. TIioho law hronkurH Hhould not he allowed to dohauoh tho youth of HiIh county any longer and hy proper cooperation with tho olllcora they're going to pay tho ponalfy of their wrongdoing SZL When You Think Of Coffee Think Of FRESH ROASTED CofTce At B. A. RICHARDSON'S Will servo 1-5 more cups to pound than any canned coffee and 1-3 more than any bulk coffee. THE BEST 50c. COFFEE IN TOWN Extra Fancy Peaberry, 50c. Ee&t Grade Of Java, 65c. An Excellent Coffee For, 45c. GunuineJMochtv Jave 65c. Lol'n got ul lliu Houroo and thon Iry to do our part toward protecting our young poophi nuo that thoy hnvo proper nuiiorvlnliiti at tltolr ploanuro liartlufli 'bco Ihof Uioy coiuo' hiinio after hucIi milurlnlntricmt without Htraylug off Into bad company; nmlco tho follow who Ih guilty of Inking a bottle of niootifthlnn to n dancu hall and leaving whoro I ho young people may gel It know that ho Ih no longer to ho tolerated give him Mio limit when caught (hou wo may begin to nee a dllluront community and tho young people realize that illicit law bieakerrt aro not uphold. n .Midi IT IIH HTAItTlilNO IP Til UK Harney county him emtio In for coiiHlderablo iiuhllclty hucaiiHo of a contributed artlclo In a recent Ihhiio of Tho TlmuH-llorald dealing with tho predatory animal nlluatlou. TIiIh article mailo It appear that llnrnoy county didn't want tlto coyotoii killed ami that tho ImihIiiohii luteroHtH of HuniH wiih In iiympathy with the Idea of eliminating the government hunt er thtiH giving the homesteader a bettor chaiico to Heciire (ho peltn and make money. Tho writer of that artlclo wan an Interested parly, though not an at torney, iih Ih credited In tho Wool Orowor Iho writer Ih n fur buyer and mayilinvo (dressed hln hIiIo or thu Htory too much. Tho fact Ih there Ih no disposition to have u "oIohoiI" pea on on proilatory anlmalH In Hartley county. Ah to tho actual number or htiHluoHH men or HuniH In Hympatliy with (ho Idea of excluding tho gov ernment hunter and trapper from working In Harney comity, (ho writer Ih not In u position to nay, but ono thing Ih certain If thu wool growers of Harney county want (ho coopera tion of tho government trapper and hunter they know how thoy unit get It and tho county court would have (o do Its part. HtiitvmentH In dispatches from Now York that (hero will bo u mark ed cattle nliortiiRo next, tall, made hy Texan and middle-western stock men, apply also to Oregon and Idaho, P. I. Hueer, of Parma, Idaho, do claroH. Ho wan registered yesterday at (ho Oregon hotel. "There will ho fiO per cent Iohh cattle next fall than Inat " Mr Kpocor mild. "That covern Idaho ami all or eastern Oregon. Hay Iiiih been ho high Unit Htockmeu hnvo been running half-fat ntock to mar ket. Tho drouth also kept tho cattle down. MccnuHo they lacked enough money to hold them ami feed (hum, many Mtoc.kmou have had lo put most or (heir cattle on tho market and hy next HoiiHou tho iiumberH will bo no greatly diminished that n meat nhort ago U hound to result When that happeiiH pricoH will go up, ho, per haps, the cattle raisers will bo able to iiinke up Home of their losses Hint In. ir (hey hnvo held on to part ot their ntock. Another thing which will menu a ureal deal to the ntock men Ih (hat there In little probability or a water nhortavo HiIh Hummer. If tho cattle ran get plenty or range (hoy will put on much more fat (hnu ImI your and rniiHoiiuoiiUy bring miieli higher prices In proportion."- Oregonlaii. Aeitiruiruiii: in i.'ii:im:.N!i:i hands Tho only opposition heard In re lation to the appointment or Dr. William M. Jardlue of Kansas iih Secretary of Agriculture, wiih In tho Htatenient that "ho Ih a Hoover mini." TIiIh will he taken by (ho people. If not by tho polltlclaiiH, iih being rath er In IiIh favor, m 'cmi&m&MiuMXAw. m Hansen Addition ISBEAL HOME NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION Clone in, Best location in City, Level, Alfalfa, First water right. You select your lot and home plans. We will build for you. Small Easy Payments. Cheaper Than Rent t. m W. T. Lester Company Fire Insurance Burns tsLvmmmwwmwmmmwm Dr. Jardlue, iih head of the Kansas Htale Agricultural College Iiiih ii background or Hpleudld accomplish ment. Ho Ih a young man with a wealth of agricultural experience. Tho eyes of tho country will bo fix ed on his work because of bis deep Interest in tho Hiibjcct of co-opora-tlve marketing which has engaged thu serious attention of tho Presi dent. While tho country recognlr.nH prosperity of tho farmer ait tho rock on which rcstrt (ho iiiiHoii'h progress and buslnesH Htablllty, more and more Ih it becoming evident that tho IIIh of tho rarmer nra not to bo nHHiiaged by political curcalls or leg islation Hpelllug governinont subsidy. In brier, the problem of the farm er Ih oiio of Intricate economies, nud It Ih to the hoIiiIIoii or this problem It Ih hoped Dr. Jardliio will uddriwis himself. Cooporativo marketing may prove lo bo (ho uiiMwor. Only (lino can tell. However the whole nation will wUh for tho now necrotary of agriculture an undisturbed and suc cessful administration. u SIIHKI' M)SH HTOI'IMJO It. M. Chniidler returned last weok from Diamond, Harney county, near which place (ho Chandler sheep are being fed HiIh winter. Ho reports that Iosh of Hheop wan stopped by u ration of bran following an attack of Hcourn. The Iohh of Hheop wnn not heavy Dr. (Iroen of tho HUHo ve( ouuarlnu'H olllco visited tho place where sheep were being fed, and examined (ho carenssos, tho hay and water facilities, hut wiih unable to Hiibmli a report iih to (ho ciiiiho prior (o leaving. IIIh report will ho sub mitted later. l.nkevlew Kxiunliior. VAI.M'.V VI HW IIOHIMTAI NOTKH Mrn. Itanklu Crow, who wiih con valesclng from an operation, Iiiih re covered Hiilllcloutly iih to bo able to leave tho hospital and In now at (ho homo of her paroutH, Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Cawlfleld. Mrn. J. 0. Temple had her tonsils removed Thursday and haw returned to her homo. Mm. Willard l.nydio, who Iiiih been a patient in the hospital for (ho ptiHt weelc or more, Ih convalescent mid Ih returning to hor homo. J. II. Hlzonioro wiih again operated on lant Monday and Ih now rocovor lug iiutlsfiuitorlly at tho hospital. o HCIIOOh HKI'OUT HIIOWH IIAII.V ATTHNDANOi; (JOOD During tho cold and disagreeable, changeable woatlter In winter it Ih uiiiiHiinl to have hucIi ii good average attendance of pupllu at tho public hoIiooI, oHpeelally with tho prevailing HlcknoHH ftttendunt upon hucIi weath er condition. However, tho report or tho hcIiooIh or Ilurnii for tho lant four wookH Indlcattm that tho avarago attondanco In bottor limn 07 por cent of Mio enrollment. Thu uchool hnil a program on taut Monday morning with (loorgo Wash ington iih tho Hitbjoct around which to ImHo tho character of tho program. Itov. 0 nil It also wiih Invited to nd droHH tho iiohool when nil tho pupllu wore present In (ho auHomhly, after which tlicjy woro oxouhoiI for tho day. 1)101) ATI NO TIJAMS MKUT Tho llnrnoy county high Hchool debuting touuiH mot at tho public Hiihool nsnomhly lnat Monday evening to try out on tho aubject thoy aro to U80 in a coutoot with outuldo tOIUHB later. Thono taltlng part woro 91rt uoy Hotchkluu nd Hoy Drown for Bo independent. See us to and Cheapest Leading Realty Dealers tho alllrmallvH and Kloauor Wot coiuo nun .Marian wi iuioukii iur ui nogntlvo. The iIocIhIoii of tho JudgoH wero for tho nogntlvo nlthougli on a very clone margin. Preceding tho debate Itov. Frank (Jnult. Pnmhytorlnn iiilv-Hlonnry who Iiiih recently returned from Africa, gave an Interelslng iiddrseH. o IIIOH Hll()()l KAHKiri' TOHMWtH IUJHV Last Friday evening (ho hocouiI bnskctbnll team of (ho llariioy coun ty high defeated (ho second team of the Union high of Crane In n game at tho public hcIiooI gym. Tho score wiih 10 to I! In favor or tho homo team. Tho Crane aggregation had (rimmed (ho local boyn at a game played at Crane before. Another game In lo ho played at Crime by tho high hcIiooIh toaiiiH on thin (Friday) evening bill (he re sult will not be available tor our1 publication until next Ihhiio iih wo close our forms before It Ih played. OKA'.INO I'Olt .MOKi: HTOCK Due to tho fact Hint many or (ho regular users of (ho cattle rangen In tho IluriiH District of tho Malheur .N'ntlonal Forest have materially re duced their herdH, or entirely quit tho business, the number of cattle for whloh grazing permits have been applied for (ho kouhoii of l()2fi Ih considerably less than tho number authorized to bo grazed on (ho range. TIiIh leaven a surplus of range which may become available, under certain conditions, for qualified new appli cit ii t k or (ho oxcohh niimborM owned hy the regular usern, Htockmeu who are not regular intern of the forest raugo and who would like to avail thumHolvoN of grazing privilege, and tho regular users who might denlro lo amoiid ap plications already made In order to Include niirpliis stock which (hoy may own should take the matter up nt once with tho local Forest Hanger. It Ih tho policy or tho Forest Ser vice to handle the grazing business ho that those best qualified and innHt dependent may benefit from tho grazing resources of tho National ForoHln, therefore tho needs of local tockineii Hhould have roiiHidonitlou ahead of thotio living nt a distance. Prompt notion Ih nocoHHitry, however. If Hiilllclent Interest Ih hIiowii ii Htnckmuu'ri mooting will ho hold In lltinis In a Hhort time to iIIhciim (ho After Etfery Meal Pass it arotuitl after every meal. Give tiib family the benefit of its k old to digestion. Cleans teeth too. Keep it always in the houac. , h Costs Wtte helps mucjt ' li Y4IW ViKUi tf$r GHzJt IT T! phi mm m m WQ I "J own your Home. Bc3t in the City utilization of tho Hiirplun range. (J. C. I1LAKK, Forest Hanger. o- PltlJHIlVTHIMAN Cllimcil Sunday Hchool at 10 A. M. llabsoii says, "Kvery business de pression Iiiih been caused by inonkey lug with the Ten Commandments or tho multiplication table." A Hinall girl of tho Primary Clnss repented tho Ton CommnndineiitH IiihI Humlny. An excellent beginning. Tho practice of tho Decaloguo would make n vniit difference In prcnont ho clut conditions. Tho Htinday Hchool Hymn IlookH havo arrived. They aro u fine col lection of hymns of which we will not tiro. Divine Worship nt 11 A. M. When you need medicine TRY NYALS "aci remedy is from a teated and tried formula Nyal has a Remedy for every common ailment and are dependable for the entire family. Home Drug Co. htUMltJaJiM A Car With a Dead Battery Is Always Very Annoying When you Mop on the Mrtor you llko (o hnvo tho lmttory respond in I hough It incant buslncNs. Cold weather naturally causcis a novcro Htraln on your battery en. ixclally If It Ih weak or of (ho old 1 1 pinto type. Any motor turns over harder In cold weather. Should )Oii require u now battery wo recommend (ho NI-JW 1!) 1'bATK OKNUINIJ KOlll) llATi'MUV. It's "a liorso for work" and Jh especially adapted to (ho I-'ord car. Anil don't forget it, It linn two more plates than other batteries helling at near Its price , p . Burns rzzsszf. A A Building Loans Oregon Hormoti Thome "Cnlnphas anil OhrlHt." Hvory person Iiiih n right to hln own opinion only on condition that ' IiIh opinion Ih right. Calaphnii had an opinion hut ho wiih only an eccles iastic, nothing more. Christ in tho heart and not mere oplnlono nnd pro fessloini In tho need of today. It Ih our only milvntlon and hope. HAMUKIi HAUItlS, Minister. WAHNINO Dumping ot gnrhngo or trnnh t of nny kind on our property i iibHolutely prohibited. Vlolntora ' of HiIh warning will ho pronccu- ted. IIUltNH TOWN8ITK CO., Inc. - '. - Garage I! cHiwn MMtBHHT7ii'i j iTTiirrsa rfHfeyJKKKa&a