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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1925)
l j . r o . .r ft a & a , a vi h i $ n 4 n : ft . x m n?yi w fMf VrkVt-'.v .-y M.44 tM K ft'koamuaidaui-.:. i K " V : W p.- -v. . WJWlM?iKiHKCJ.'L, y. ,.. . Sf WlC.K TIIN TIMKH.HKRATiT) UURWl, JtA ItrtKY OU- fVW'T- .IM4 O 0 T In n i i If i Htjfr(loy, ffvhruRrpm, iWlti -L1JU fit Hi J-iJiidyiti!iil!ii(ilUjiliH t Mr ir aH I aV Jf 'IpH li IHv IfvV Jjf Kill II 11 r3f9BUF VL.rn.ZYA V T 'HIM! II ,11, HI wMmMMEJIBMS George Washington War not only n atatcumnn nnd a aoldlnr, hut ilio wns nlao n huatuuaa limn, Me handled li la property nnd inntingml hid fnrma with rnroful foro alght, uconomr nnd thrift. Ho kept rloso nrruunt of nil oxpondituroa nnd wnu NnvttifT. Fojirunry 22nd In Wunhlngtoii' httthdny nutilvnranry. No flitur trlh uld could w pity him thnn to dolor initio to ho itu wine, nn patriotic and at thrifty aw lio, SAVR $1.00 A DAY FOIt 6 YWAH8 aNI) YOU 11AVK $2,038.20. The First National Bank Burns, Oregon !IZ iji..:i. "uzrn:, Awii'iof . - n Mr., and MraaAvMi.BI';iiior, woro front Qrnno during tho wonk. II. II. Chirk wna u hUHlnoHs vJolor to Ilnrnn oitrly this wonk. V. L. Lowo wini ovor form hla Hllvor crook ranch homo during thin woolc. Kay Oomogya nnd Kd. Andaman wore hi town from Narrows for n day or two during tho pint wook. Ilitrloy for hiiIo nt llrnwn'a Quality Btoru Zc, Bend or hrlni; nncks, 2-28 n lit wo- T. J. McDonnld flnlnhliig tliu work nn a now nmldnncn ho ntitrti'd liiHt rail in which lio mid hlit fnmlly will movo iih Huou iih cnmplotud whlrh will ho In ahout two wuoks. Mrn. I'otor Chrlatoniou, In ohuigo of tho WoliiHtulit ntoro and tho pout ofllro at I.nwon, wnn In Ilnrim liiHt wook ond looking itftur boiiio mnttorii In connection with hor dot! Ilea thoro. Lonnv Aj'rlno CloUies at Y ?mr.. ... fflB ft n tj a .LOCAL -I Frank fltoolo wna In town Thurs day renewing iicauiiliitnucca. O. W. Wnddol wna nmnng our ttuslneas vlHltors during tho week. Frank Trlakn'a now residence In rlalng and will hood hi1 loudy for oc cupnucy. Mm. Sutton In Htlll confined to hor liouiu from hor IIIuuhh. allhoiiKh Itu-jirovlnR. Ilnrloy for hiiIo nt Ilrowii'n Qunllty flloru 2 '.4c. Si'iid or bring ackH. 2-2S Judr.o (5mul Thonipion wuh In ! 'lown for it ft'W dayH IIiIk wock from Oila raurh homo. Mm. William Wlioiniiu is ulisont on it visit with lmr purunta nnd oilier TiilntivoH in Ontario. Wu aro iiKiilik unJoyiiiK our tiuual flnii wuuthor for till sciihoii. It nny not bo tpriiiK. but It ia n mighty KOOll IlllltlltlOII. tlion. Mm. riins Itopur wu down from hor bom at ilariMty tills wek vlv Itlag at thit Iidiiii of lior hrolhur, WnUur Croa, who is III. 7alur TriMia one of our olilant "jilouovr stock mun. la III nt hla homo In thla city 1I la roporUri aoutv hot tor at thla tlino. Iiovvor. W, li. lloit wuh it vl.tltor form 811 vor rrook 'fhuntduy. Iloriunn Ituh liiHt Bnltirdny. wan tu from Lttwuii I'aul Fliiko wiih down from h( mountnln atock much for u fow ihtyn thla wock. Mart Hchnrfnor & Mnrx W Ilrown'a Quality Htoroi. 2-B I' 'in.- rii.n. I...., I..... ....... ..... .... pnrliig to ItiHtull n liimhor .ird In thin city, hnvo atartod tho ntctlou of hIioiIh niid'Otluir norcimarv build In km on n trnct of land In l ho corttor or tho 0 II. Voogtly Hold whoiv the railroad lino onlorn It on th hoiiIIi woat rortuir. Tho H yonr old dltuglitur of W. (.'. llloouiur died nt tho nomu of Mr. nnd Mrn. Otua Hlzomoro nonr Nnrrotvn on Fob. 2-i, Tho romuiua worn brought to ISiiriiH for liilcrtnt'iit, tho fun oral lining hold on Tllumday afternoon 8ho la Kiirvlvod by hor fnttu'r nnd' two brotlinra, out fi yoara old, tho other IS. Tho father had lwmi work ing for tho I'ncific Mvo Stock Co. thla wintor In thn Drowxcy noctlim. - W will do your JoT'woiflt. , o NOTIOH rxttont Now York ntyloH ijiwn, mlnnoiitnud ohlldrnu'ii llitlit, on dlnplliy nt WrtliiHtoln Mlirc, (J6. Hlorc' about Marclt lat. Your pntrouugoi HollCltod, 2-2B MI18. noil A 01CAY. Anyono wlMIIng oxcollciit inonln by vtho nook, may havnaame t Cole. 'NIIotBl. X-7 l'tihlla Stenography, mftaojiatilli rntrs IMlomr 1211. 2-14 Thrnn sotit of HOxIC' nltnuat mrw Flak tlrtt for buIi Highway Hr- lco Htatlon nnd On at rccolvod lloiiut plniita ClnorarUa, Cydntnoiu In arnciun, Lamp-2-21 WJ-it-..i--l HfSSiX SiHHBUAJiZSJC I . t y Vmnny color Mm ahlro. 2-2K-tf potlod Woitno rinngo, ufmoat now, wbllo nwil nnd nlclrlo trlmmlngii. K0. now 12. Iiniiilro tit tlita 2-21-31 Ilnrloy for aitio nt llrown'n Quality Htoro 2c, Hond or bring anckn. 2-28 . Unrl SobnOnar &. Murx Olot(a X liruwii'H Quality Btoro. 2- . Frank Wlaoiutin wna grunting IrluiiUa nnd acnualntuiiaM on tho ttilrootji tho other day. Ho linn boon stliiwiit all winter in Miuthru Cul Wlriruln. l'roail Smyth wna In town tblh ur-uk to olttind tho annual mooting or )iu gtiwkboldora of thu Flrat Natlou- toJ Hank. H n'jioria Mth. CohhIii Smyth aa bolug about tho tmmo In 3hwtltb. It. V. Hopper of tho Frod Horrlck fc.iimbar Uo. olorlwil foruo wna a paH attngor out on yuHtorduy moriilng'n -nln on route to Dakar whore ho quung on hiiluuHB. Ho la uxpuutod back Oio mo on Monday or Tuosdn. V. T. KUko, tho fur buyer, aitf- "tiTHd a -onaldftnthlit loan of vnluablo fura whim hla wurliouao adjoining Dn LttafW on(l hittid atoro wiih 'onkon into last Saturday night and 4i ijuantlty of fura atolon. Aa vet no .jrrnata novo beou mado. I'lr I'floraou. of Wttsontlrc, ar -veld hoini. Thuraday uljfiit from ou .loo lHtU)U Ho U'ua oftliml l Sul inR Jw oW ago bat iv i tho .i!oiu ItlnwMi uf liU K av. lu,m 'nma Potaraou, who iM'id rrranll ' nd wtta burlad near Lobnnoii Wntor Mnator A. II Page wnn over from bla homo In tho Diamond coun try tho othor dny on hunlneaa. John Wlntormulor wna down from liaruny on Wcdnoadny. I In la food lug bin cnttlo at tho Harry Wllitura plnco thla winter. A. it. Olaou una in Muriift Tburi ditv, having gono to Drowaoy the pro vloua dny to bring V. C. Illoomor over from tho ranch thoro to attend Mio fuuoral of hli daughter. Ouorgo Hhnw lino bad hla real deuco moved to another part of hla lot, a good foundation placed under It and la now having an addition built to it. Hart Seharfiior & Mnrx riobboH at IV Mrown'M Quality Htoro. 2 2K A mnu'K awoHtor, a mat for u lady, a pair of ludlwt' rubbura, two bend poverluga wore left In the Tounwiimn tecoiitly and brought down to thla nlllro. Tho owuora of tlmao arllclei nboulil call nnd got tlioai. Mra. Otua Hlzomoro wua In town for u fow daya over tho wook ond vlHltlug hor Hon who Is u atudtmt of the Huruiiy unutity high. Otua camu In tho fore part of tho week and alio iiccompaiilud him out to tho ranch. ilnrloy katr Arm Cnblwoll'n liultirr ulinn lum mlilnil i earn llentity Minn- ofTorlnr. coiaploto n I . DV IILU Llf L11V Kfllllflllllll unLikiiiinn- I Frnttk Cnttoraon, ono of tho ;ion- Ilnrloy for hiiIi- nt llrown'n QiuiJlty fv mont BpocJitllzltig lit bnlr auttltiK tr atock men of tho rtwon country, v Store 2.r Send or bring isvikK. wna it bouillon vlaltor laat Snturdny. 2-28 -o- IIANCH WANTKI) C wnnt fnrma for cnab buyer. DotcrlW. kIvo ro. 1U McN'owtx. i5l!7 Wilkin- aou Hlilg.. Oinitliu. Nob. 2-28-3t. for prlr The Iiiter-MnuntuJii Nuraery will hnvo n ynrd or tronn of ull klnda, Fruit, Hhnde, nnd Orunmutitnl, in llurna. Will open up about April the rirnl, kln.ty aeud mo uaet Ho tho 1 1 raw 2-28 Practically now Fnlrhanka Morao 3 inch contrlftn-al pumii; Cuahmitti l borne power gun eugltto,f200. Vorlglnnl coaUot combined ninchln- ua over J301I. Inuuiro at Lhla of- tlce. 2-21-31 Hnvo n nice tmL for hittf tho monuy. A aupply of hrnlda, frninea iitiill trlmmlngii: Will gtvo frco In- ructlou to ladlva dealrlug In mnke their own bnta. Itemodullug nnd making to order. See Mra. Lttckoy at realdenco. 2-21 , . . V -i-.r . ,JdC.m lit h aU. KJ-J"ut PBay iff,!rJ' lc55"' mj a Saving Means Development You mixy not believe thnt a little excrcinr every clay will mnlte you strong. But It will, if you U6o the proper method nnd stick to it. You may not believe that n little savings every month will make you rich, but it will, if you bank your snving& and keep on banking them. The books of this bank nre living proof that savings means development. Your name nnd your growing wealth belongs in the list of our depositors. Harney County National Bank BURNS, OREGON National, County and State Depositary Vco, good i mo to tho Huron Cafo to got ChlU. Open at C n. in. on train mnriilngi. 2-7-lf. rou II 8AMC Seed barley, neo Chan. Foloy, Duma, Oregon. 2.-H-4t ra for hire with or without driver. W. Luckoy. 12-C-tf. I flit ivi.tlt ti,Mi.tll nllfl linlr for women nnd children. bobbing 2-7-tt Hcvrritl aplrndltl dwelllnga, 4 to. O rooiHH, t to SVIIMI.OO ilwn, Ital nco llko nmrliiif rttiit, hihih tho Hill ur Flnt. Utt nMnitt ami hHalitpN Iota, twy ternta. Wo will furuUli you tlm Moitry to lliilld U ault )ourxolf, 1111 gladly aliow )om nliy, nliundnnro money for Iniinnllntn Ohburtomrnt. W. T. I.KSTKH COMPANY. TIIK m:aiN(' itKAin ih:am:u. i:u Kvriryllilng In Dry Uoodak Uroan Goudn, Underwear for Ladlea and lf.ll.kM nk.ntillnl. a.. tJtf I yliuniutj lib; IVD.I W V other prlco, Wo guaranteo this ' -...1 .. .. - 1. 1- .. -i nuu j in 11111 uniiiv ii id u ini. llrown'n Quality Btorti. 2-7 X Our Ilalldlng Loan Corapnnles have uimounced thoir wIlllngnMa to mako unlimited Ionn In Burns. "Iet ua ahow our good faith In our city by building tbo moat modern and best HOMF.H IN Till COUN TRY. W. T. MISTER COMPANY. D.i. Thoro camo to my plnco one black nnd white yonrllng ntcor branded litey J. U. on tho right Mdo. He In mnrked with boll dowlip on tbo nock and a crop off tho right ear. Ownor mny have atcor by paying for this ad and for tba feed bill. J. L. McMullln, Drowsay, Ore. 1-10 fiOITFR TREATED JJl I CIV AT HoME Simple home method. Send for FKKB booklvt and teatl monlnlls. Waruer'a Itonown ed Ilonicdlot Co., 723 Security Illdg , Mlnnoapfllla, Minn. Yi for Halo nt Tlrown'a Qunllty Storu 2MsK, Send or bring Hack a 2-28 X Drown's Quality 2-28 VloraJisitn shoes at MUita, v lQtfur to City Marshal I'rako Vrom JanioH Crawford aiinnuncoH tho mrrlvul of th remain, of 1iIh father, -I". "W. Crawford, at Napu, Cnllfornla wviiil that ho had bauu Interred In a Hwmulful apot in tho ctimctory thoru -cfrttuio his burial pluco would rocolvo uiiiHtuut nttoutloii 118 ono of tho 10 inlrumontH of tho conditionii of tho jTmico, tlicroforo ililo resting placo will Am Icopt groou. Jim uonda his thanks no ttbu liuiiiy friouda who gnvn their ."AjuflHtanco and Hymputhy. SAVE imth SAFETY DktUG 5TORB r NEW RADIQI iiMinaainiii-paSi-aaiBii a 1 1 1 1 aansaii 11 1 ! w saass--aaiaaiaMBa,M-,--ii sisi isii.-a.-aasi 11 11 as I ' ' jpk NOT ' mSbST in SIGHT. IIm Jflln P&" Dry Cel1 Batteries-No WWySbsMb iflUi airials or ground wires IrW 1 - or connections of any kind . 1 9 j nirL i' r (Ilf itwni iui y Wit1-"-." s I nT'r iffei30V 1 CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP The moat pleaonut titatlng, Tho moat offoctlvo. Tho mont aatlufaotory roliof for coldB wo know of. Hat'o for children uu well iih adults. Contalno 110 oplatoa. Larger nlzo bottles limit most cougli romodlos nt tho prlco, 50c REED BROS, Huron Oregon Eliminates All Static and Noises Of All Kinds. ! We make this a flat state ment and give our solemn promise that our new Radios will never cause a squeal or howl. Further it eliminates the characteristic "frying" noises of the ordinary receiver. When there's music in the air our New Radio bvings it to you as music-Noise free-without distortion. Demonstration at your con venience. "No such thing as can,t get a station." Before Buying See The bAy GOODS DEPT. WEINSTEINT' Cut Rate Stores Ur I f nsSSBHrHBSlB f ifc-VA I-l-a t . i- W Jl V rW- r&2ZL5Zl a- V f A .M visf)