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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1925)
.lt -tfy )" & BiHrdy, January AlJlSSfi f HH,,T,IM,fl-ll JBWAL D ntlllNII, KAKNKT 09V NTT OltlOON TAGKO New Secretary to President p. ' ':ii ;" s . ' mam BaH-' MjMlM EvctcttSnmlcrn oMiullnnn, flKr ' w$fM who February lbccfnic nrlvrto rav,- fte !jSf" j secretary to l'rcsltlt'.jt i'ooiuljre, 5$Fi -V' ' !. i' 1 to succeed C. Ucu.ip of W& fti - Virginia. The latter retires to V I ,. lM a outer butdnesn. Mr. Humlcr Sr iV g wiw boomed at tlio Cleveland Vv1 t'W't&v' m convention as a vlcc-m-cnldcn- V ' ViVv' -I tint running mate with l'rcsl- , "&fv ,,'Al , j i"c"tcs wp, .;iiV IMMftMBIMiMireMBiMBiwrai "W" ' ' Abhka9HIHSHHHKmlm iwfwvk-. , i ' IMBSHBBAHn JBtffltofr.,f.i'JV. 'IHHn9nliM!i 1 K.lBMnKlH Ur.A-iHEB J4.1J I PRHPPPJiMBHnB' BMMBBfr5 " viUii.Ht BBHkTTTT v'"-. 1VKMKK .fife,. .. :-itmBmmi ry Sjigrv., , M.JggJ ke..a , t. ' ! $$"'$ rtiff ""J v . t Mv.-f r 5J Tmm A . jWLfc TWO FARM BOYS WILL RULE AT WHITE HOUSE Everett Sanders, New Secretary to President Coolidge, Spent His Youth In Cornfields of Indiana. (Ily Itobort Fuller) Through AutociiHtur Sorvlco Washington, I). C, Jnnunry 20 When Kvorott Handera reports a pri vate Hecrotary to President Coolidge at tho While Ilouno next Monday morning, Fob. 1, our nation's attaint will bo In tho hands of two former farm boys. President Coolldgo from that bleak New Knglaud farm near Plymouth Notch, Vermont and IiIh nonrotary, Kvorott Banders, from tho wnvlng corufleldH near Coalmont and Term Haute Indlnnn. lloth boyhoodH wore spent on tho farm In the hard work of sowing, reaping and the many other hard rounds of long days, from before sunup Mil after turndown. No doubt many who read thcHo linen now know tho farm day and the demandn each now dawn make I'orhapH they ran gain liiHplrntlon In knowing that Cal vin Coolldgo and Kverelt KanderH know from first hand contact nil of tlieno labors, having struggled In youth with the luiinn uxnctlng tasks. Tho retirement of C. Hasrom Blonip as Secretary to I'reiildent Cool ldgo nnd the selection of Kvorott Fandors ramo an tho renult of Mr. Stamp's roHolvo to Ret back to pri vate business. It ban been known for Mmo time that our firm millionaire Hecrotary to a prosliluut wan tired of IiIh Job nlnco things politically had failed to move an ho had hoped. It In no Bocrot that Mr. Blomp aspired to a place In the proHidoul'n family a a cabinet member. It wa thoiiRht that IiIh ability to lino mi Southern delegates for CoolldRo would bo rewarded with a higher pout, Howovor, many thing" Intor forod with that program. Win. M. nutler beat him out with tho pronl dent an chairman of the Republican National Committee. Then Harry New decided to remain na poMmaH-tor-general, tho Job It had been fiMiimod Slomp aHplrod to, HnuiU'rn Hhh KtniglcW Up from Poverty Hindora ,ha.H oxporlonred a ro matlc enreor of poverty and must liavo heeu roluctnnt to Interrupt bin planH, which at lant promlued much, to become Hecrotary at approdlratoly the aamo xalary he wan receiving as congressman. WhoroaH, Sleemp In wealthy, Han- T1I0MAH MKIOIMN IN "A I'MNOK TIIEHK VAH" dura Is not, Haiidora could have been ru-uluctod to cungreH from bin dis trict last rail hut ho declined to run, announcing that ho dctdrod to got back to law and attain a bit of fin ancial Independence, Random' father, Ho v. JamoH Han dorn. wan a farmer, when ho wan not preaching In Indiana, Tho boy worked anil worked hard on th" farm until he wan full grown, lie got nueh Htihnollug an wan ponHllilo In tho lutervaln between ploughing, Mowing, reaping and other rami work. Hut ho was ambition Flnl'hlng the district school ho managed (n kcrauiblo through the State Normal flehool. taught school for three yearn and then by waiting on table .mil ether such munlai work, he mainmort to get a law educiilloii at the Uni versity of Indiana, yiaduatlng In 1907. Then ho took up tho practice of law. . Finally ho otitor:.l polllioi nnd gained first Mate ollleo an asstant Attorney (Jenoriu of ;m ana. T.'nn be i.splred higher .in J finally entered the race an rofre mtailvo or The Firth Indiana dlsl-lot and wan elect ed to congress. Ho nerved four teruiH In Washington. Humlcr Popular vtllli (. (. P. Parly All ot bin congressional colleagues are for him. Ho wan n regular ad ministration man at all times and wan one of Nick Longworth'K most reliable lieutenants. Ho gained first national promin ence during tho Cleveland conven tion when after I.owden and Ilorah declined to accept the vlco-proiddnii-tlal nomination, a boom wan started for him. Konator Watson of Indiana, an aspirant for tho presidential nom ination, refused to uponsor tho boom, ho finally an a compromise, Dawes wan nominated. jjverott Huniioni wan horn near Coalmont, Ind., March 8, 1882. Ho will celebrate his 43rd birthday, Just tour dayn after the Inauguration of President Coolidge. Ho wiih married to MIhh Kiln Neal of Torro Unuto, Indiana, in 100.1. Mm. Handera In vnry popular In cnngro'iiiloiial clrclon mid already ban a host of friends In Wnnhlngton. PUKHIIVTIOIUAN CHURCH Sunday School at 10 A. M. "What Doth It Profit a Stato to (lain tho whole world If It loses I In boyn and Glrln." itogor llnbHou, Htnllntlclan, nnyn "Thu need of tho hour In not moru faotorloH or matorlaln, not moro rail roadH or Hteaintihlpii, not moro nrmlon or navloH but ratlior moro Ohrlntlan Kducatloii." f 1 npont tor a lunch InnUi liottrn, $1 flpeiit for a necktie lasln five weokn, $1 npeiit fur a cap IiiiiIm flvo mou thn. $1 npent for n waturpowor or rail road grade liiHtn five generatlotiR. 11 npent In thu service ot (lod lasts for oturnlty. The Sttudny School In one ot thu most valuable Institutions existing. Its poimlbllltles are unlimited," Millions for (lood Heads Com mendable. Mllllniin for (lood Hchooln- Com mnudable. Peunlufl for the Sunday School--? ? ? 7 Who ban over calculated the value of those pounlca In the welfare of the homo and nation. Divine Wornhlp at 1 1 A. M. Thome of Heriuon- "Turning on thu Searchlight." Kducatloii In Intellect (lood. Kducatloii In Morals Hotter. Kducatloii In Kollgloii --Knioutlnl. Kducatloii In all are necessary to make tho nymmelrleal, highly de veloped, (lod ordained man. Hdmumhor Feb. 12, Dnto of visit ing Team. Kvorybody Invited. HAMUKI. IIAHHIS, Minister. n Wo will do your Job work. ' o I'AH.M I,i:SHi:il WANTIII) Oregon ft Western Colonization Company wishes to farm lease the 8WH. Sec. 1 T. 23, S. It. 31 known nn tho Jayea Farm nix miles east of Huron, Oregon, parties desiring to lease will please write or call on li. F. Johnson at Prliievlllo, Oregon for particular. l-31-3t Things you ought to Know When over Hlx Mlllign Dollnrn (90,000,000.00) hut been provided for mill In bolntf nnout in the development of Industrie mid project nt your wry door, Think of what it means o Hie City of IluriiH mid Harney County In general. Wo nlioiild bo Hinlllng nil over. Vied Jlerriclc iiiiiiibor Company (an per Covernment contract Approx 9,fiOO,000 JUCNNJOTT'M FJHHT ADDITION (ImXmiikI Hullilliigs) Approx. 50,000 IlamcH Addition (LoIm and JIulldlugN) Approx 20,000 lliirim Power Company, Jlulldnlg, Almbliiery Ji CoiiHtructloa Ajipror 25,000 Hlmidard OH Company plans of construction & Installation Appmx Jfi.OOO 'J'exaco Oil Company plans of construction & Installation Ap prox H5.000 FOreNt K Market Itoadn, Approx 200,000 Jltirns Hcwcr & Water Hystein coustruction t IiiHUillatlon Ap- , prox 200,000 llnriiey Valley Irrigation Project construction & Distribution Approx 2,B00,000 TOTAIi Approx. $0,515,000 NOTICi: TO CltllDlTOHS Notice In herebv given that tho uiidernlguod ban been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Hubert J. Smith, deceased, hy the County Court of thu Stale of Oregon, for Harney County, and ban qualified. All persons having claim nagalnnt said estate are hereby notified to preiout thorn, duly verified an by law required, lo me at my residence near Hiirnn, Harney County, Oregon, or at tho ollleo or my attorney J. S. Cook lit ia Id City of Hums, within nix months from tho date of thin notice Dated January 3 Int., 1025. DOI.K SMITH, Administrator .JUST STOP TO THINK WHAT TUB NBW YBAU HAH IN HTOIIB FOIt IIUItNH Inland Empire Realty Co. ALBERT A. TKAUGOTT, Prop. Agents nnd Collectors. Real Estate and Insurance BURNS, OREGON PHONE 30W Leading Realty Dealers will bo redeemed on April Ifith l!)2fi upon presentation to thu un dersigned at bin ollleo In tho Coun ty Court House or Harney County In thu City or Ilurns, Oregon, In cam1 any holder or any f."ch bonds falls lo present same nt thu time mentioned heroin tor redemp tion thereof, thou thu Interest there on will ceaio, and tho undersigned will thereafter pay only thn amount or nueh bonds and Interest accrued thereon up to thu lant day of thu time of redemption mentioned In (his notice. Dated thin 29 th day or January toar.. W. Y. KINO County Trennurer. FKATI'HB AT TUB I.IHKUTY THItrSDAV, IBII. 5, ONIjY .S'OTICB OF HOND CAM, Notice In hereby given to the holders or bonds No. 2 and No. 3 or School District Number f7. OctoborlMh, 1017, Optional after October Ifitli, 1020, and now re deomablo hy tho District, that pur suant to said option, nalil bonds MRS. SAMUEL HARRIS Htnte Accredited Teacher of Piano Phone II7M ! wrmL-t CM ' ' 2ilfnjiLJvi'w tor jytq, 1 v Jt-& ' ' ENCHANTED i HARNEY CO. CREAMERY ank for ALPINE BUTTER nnd ICE CREAM A Harney County Product Keep the dollars at home and tfet the best All Leading Grocers Sell Alpine Butter rvtmj S. M. JARVIS Livestock Commission Cattle, Sheep, Wool, Hay IN Burns. Oreuon vw,EZ3stgMmmixmmmmmmaMRMmmMmm tnmmwmnrswm Thomas Molghan, Paramount ntar, in aupportod by Mlldroil Harrln, form er Loin Wobor Btar, In "A Prlnco Thoro Was" which1 comen to tho Lib erty thoatro noxt Wednesday for one night only. Mr. Molghan puis over aomo tttroug omotlonal noting in thin Hdroou adaptatlon or tho famous Ocorgo M. Cohan ntago huccobh, and Mildred Harris in a most capablo i leading woman. Mr, Molghan playu j a rich young idlor and Minn Harrln a young writer, who formerly lived In luxury, but with hor fathor'n ruin und Huicldo In forced to wrlto for a joagro llvlug, with poor ouccosn. Llttlo Chnrlotto Jackson, In tho rolo of tho llttlo hoarding houno drudgo, ' ,ooh to tho rich man and asks lilm t'Mntorcodo" for tho girl, which tHe rich man does, protonding ho ' n assistant magazine editor and taking up qunrtorn at tho boarding (Ii'ouro, whoro ho soon falln in lovo with tho girl. Hut a broker, also In lovo with tho girl, mnkon It appear that tho prlnco was tho man who caused hor futhor'n flnancia Irulu and also ex poses tho fact that ho had to buy tho mnguzlno to got hor atorlos print ed. Thin catiHos an ostrangomont, which, howovor Is spoodlly patchod up by tho turn of circumstances and ovorybody is happy at tho flnlim. o- TIIMN UH SHOT IINK Captain: "Yos, miss, this Is a mighty good boat. Illght this mln uto wo'ro making olghtoon knots nn hour." Hwoot Young Thing: "Oh, morcy, wo'll liavo n wholo bontlond of knots boforo wo got thoro, won't wo?" CT-TTCT-g.IU4T-UI UfcUUMJi" jj1 " 'l " CTTCTj WUINU 15 t. IN LAUNDRY Now Electrically Equipped Fii-.t class, dependable Work at Reasonable Pricp.i. Everything Nicely washed and iron ed. The Old Standby ,COTXAGE" V 4- mm 'JnPtr" S II mm HARNEY OUNTY- ABSTRACT & TITLE CO "v (Inc.) Abstracts of Title IhsuranceFire and Auto REAL ESTATE Building Loans Surety Bonds Phono No. 63W., BurnB Oregon Now location in Reed BuUdins odjolointf Matontc Dulldiug MRS. ALFRED C. WELCOME SOPRANO TEACHER OF SINGING STATE ACCREDlf ED TEACHER High School Credits Given Residence Studio Telephone 11 U Wo will do your Job work.' f Best Yellow Pine Lumber Rough and Dressed IP" WEIL'S YARD At The New River Bridge End of lane leading east from Short's blacksmith Shop. Burns Paul A. Weil B E3E urns ip j kWH I 1 i M r f .., ,r. MtmSMMtMMMimii j .1 SJjjSSr2' r "" "- y , , - .. wf Jr , r , . w ltL ,'iflOffiiiBEMiMMMIiIlMHaMMiMm..Miii m'i ' t."t - IMSStfBKUBBKMifBBKKKKBKKM