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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1925)
V,- ' ' "'. UdfcWjUli ( fT( ir rpfv ,T-"-n-S "J rr ' vr o r tv r it v v yi n e r j w y; jf & . n vi w rr m .t a ft t, . n M f .r .. . iltlH . ,.-. -.... .-.. ..H-,-.i.fw .,, ww.,(WWl,,MH,wlM.,)Mta- . i.,:fl.1iit;lrj x, IJAdM 0 It A,U, N ,R.V , ,0 0, y , ,N T V O ft B Q O N ' Mlt). ; -v 1 B f H n r sz It'l l' n IK; .N I I t I r VJ Attempting Big Things Hilt UiIiibs ii ro only accomplished by IIioho wlio try thuiu. No obstacle Ih too III ii to lio ovorcoino by the fol low who trloM. A II; bank account mny lio olio of tliu results of your efforts. The First National Bank Burns, Oregon T-x--regM jja.-aaBiggmfy?cgBPiwq-rrcm' ",''.;? " ' ' '' -Ti?zvr.iT ti-rni LOCAL BBEflffVEy iaA r Priwtley Smyth was In town HiIh -vweuk from hit homo ut Dlnmoiul. W. W. Drlnkwnler Ih confined to 'his homo from lllnetts. II. C. Schnpor nnd Klla Y. Olllcor were i;rautt'il u murrltiBo license by Uio county clerk one day lhl week. Hrud llnfllton and II. W. Schnpor, uf Diamond, were ri'RUturod ut tho I .evens during thin wouk. Joe Aurpook, futher of Mm. Joo IIUKionn. took his departure Thum iy momliiK for Pennsylvania. Wo ara Informal that fielinol gupt. lary Orltttn has pucrlinaatl Ih Piatt Itaiitlwll raaldaiico properly and will aoon tnko potaoisloij. j So far tkara ara no "eaaualtlaa" l tl "sp uciad acrop batwaau (iov- 1 yrilW PtWe and III libtur ht 1t' apt to tirak mot ar tlwt .-Mrdlng to tt- rnrtland papora. B. D. Aplnwall of tha tf-nlird Oil Co.. wsa up from ('an jrt t. rdar ud rport lb foo4 attaa tiM lMrov4 aa thay hira mad n ofttlat for tht malttat anew. Wa ran rind no authority for the lUUment that Buraa ta aooa to karr mlhlr train norvlcn. but tb tory l !! arouud. W won't objtct In iM laoat to u a orvlce. J3. It. Tup of tha SkaKKB atnra In kt Hty, arrlI Uoma TUtirwIny "WlaVbt frain I'ortmml wheru ho had Ihjou attaadlnt: n uonvuuUun of mon it0uiieid with tUu akBb' 'll'1 .ntori. II la rwportad thcro In Hiilllclont tnnv "in tho motiutalua to luxuro n kotM flop ioaon tho roiuliiK yu'"" Urtf hopa It ilooiiit' run oh too oarly r'llntio wa Iiavo no ImpoundliiK duin to fATe It fur ue whou It Ih roully pucd jii. Shorlff Claronco Youiib arrived UbamnIotiBdy ovoiiIiik from Portland ttunj lia nad lioon attuiidliiK tho irvatitlon of Horthweat poaco olll- ruportu a Mircottaful inuat- Jta. nod lialiavoa aa a ratmlt of thlH "-dliuilUK tlwt muoli iiooil may ho - aompllsUMl toward haltor ohiorv- iiwca of law and tholr onforcamont "l'Iii I.aa of IJinorlok Town." n rtriTnati eomio oporn. Ih now IioIiik HNtkuaraMi tindar tho direction of Mr dma. K nillmau to ho kIvoii aa a aanorit to tha Burnt Puhllc Library Lai tha naar futuro. The affair U aauder tba amplcaa or tho Mhrary ?luU o wtolflh Mr. Dlllmau l proal 4ftiU. Coimty Judga Johiuon arrlvod ntno 'from u trip to Portlund and aHlm. 15uriiB lila tilmanoo tho JitdBO s.-nnouuia,lio eouforrod with mou of hi'igh uutholrty In tnattorH portalnliiB la"4!0unly affalra. Ho nlno mailo tho Oigtomont Hint uogotlatlonH wnro un- uMir wuy for a Kottloinont with tho "eafttiwn OroBon Wvo Htouk Co. on "almi'lr Avllnqueiit taxow. JuiIbo John- aii wa nakod tho Htatus of tho hill ittttroducod In tho loglHlnturo n u suto for tho tax ultuntlon In thlH 4 auAiuly nnd ropllod that U wan not nuflfiflnB ontlro npproval, hut ho ho- nitticK thoro will ho ways provided nlt-of tho dlllloulty. I: I i (si J, ii: n.-:.-i".T;rT-TT iT-n-r i-r xzarrcxJ ('. II. Loounrd arrived homo lant Saturday front a trip to Omaha. J. K. LoKnatt was up fJom Cr&no tho other day. It(ud Mimtor C. W. l-'razlor wan. In town yoNtordny while looklnc utter IiIh official dutlon, J. C, Cecil was ovi.v from bin Silver creek much hoinu durliiB tho wouk. Hlilon JohiiHoti wan KrovtlitB frlendH In thl.i city Tliurnduy after an nhnoiico of notuo time, Mr. nnd Mtm. (luorr.o Khaw. Mr. iud Mrri. Itnhert I.own and Mr. and Mrx. Donald llolchklM were Kiiuday dinner buchIh at llur homo of Mr. nnd Mm. Shattuck. On Friday iiIkIiL ahout .la mom- hora of tho Iluptint ehurvh eholr tuotorod out to tho Station, to prac-' ttce for the Itovlral iiiotIu aoon to ho hold. ' Mr. LolaJi Millar nrrlved liuuio thli WMak from an (atendod vIhU to oulalda unluta. Sha spout ft por tion of Uta lwa In I'orilHiid alao waa In liolaa with Mra. C. C. OrtlUth for a whllo. Mra. Millar will hava aoma millinery mou. Tim aorv or tha wan wbw (lla of bavdiK '' a Jur with i-lav-n of tha " ir'Mt men h i-vr aaw i.iMr ha mrlt. Tht-r ar Jiwt inrli frllowa and ther aonm IIiiik mrai- l c-y dUacriaalit In u n iKhhor hood, Tha rooal pupil or Mr. A (' Wnlraaia and piano puplla of Mrn Boaiual fl.trrU wr preaoutoil la r rltal at tha Praabylarluu ehurrh v tardny aftanroou. Tha ufTHlr whh well nttoiidod. tho oh urea holtut erowdfd to tha vary doora and a reproaeuta live of thin pnpor who arrived late wa uuahle to Bnlu cutraneo thiiH iiiIhhIiik a mnnt oujoyahlo hour, ho Ih Hiiro. SAVE -with SAFETY at your a icsxaxx DRW STORE jgrrfS."' CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP Tho most pleasant tuattiifj. TllO UIOHt offoctlvo. The moHt Hatlafnctory rollof rur coldB wo know of. Safe for children na woll as adults. Contaliio no oplntca. Larsor hIzo bottloH than juohI coubIi romodlea nt tho prlco. 50c REED BROS. Horns Oicboii r ail Mr. mill, Mm,, flurry UHoy fi4 (jUrii'gl M6ifi1ilifr$i iv visit to Iigjto. Frank Unit wnii up from IiIh hbmu at Iiiwon during (lio week. ) Mr. nnd Mm. Phil Wolttouhlllnr and Mm. Carrlco were callem at tliu KdiKirlmout Station Sunday. J. W, Drown linn returned from u sojourn In I ho woHturu part of tho Htato where ho went lant wprliiK. Mr. Tod Patlomou ritino bank tho fore part of thin week from lludmoud whom who had boon vhiltlni; with her pnroutfl. TIim fazareuo Uliurch In IhiIiik uowly papered and painted Inftlilo HiIh week. Thlo work Ih IioIiik done by A. T. Dall paperhaiiBor anil paint er, C. IC, Hartley In iirriuii;tni: to open hid eleanliiB and prennltiK biiHluenH In a portion of tho bultdliiB now un der loimo by Mm. WIhiIoiii, on tho corner oiihI of Dr. IIIbbard'H olllce. Itovlval meetliiBH at the Church ol the Nazarene hoijlmi Sunday nnini Iiib, February 1 t. All clirlntlaim rc'canlk'fiti of the denomination are Invited to Join In with uh for tho mil vallon or hoiiIh. Hverybody Invited to attend. Mm. OIhoii Ih IihvIiib tho north iddo or the ntoiio bulMliiB adJolnliiB the WehiHtoln Furniture (Jo. dUplny roouin ritted up where hIio will have HvIiib nuartem ami iiIho cater to the puhllc for rood dclloacfcfl or a Hpoclal kind. The DiiriiH Power Co. have va cated tho Fred UnlnoK utoro biilldlni; In the Houth part or main ntreot and aril now rittliiK up odlcen and oxhl bltlon rooniK In the ntoiio hulldliiB rormorly occupied by the Fred Mer rick fid tuber (Jo. ndjeiuliu: the Woln tielit Fiirulturo (Jo. Ilorneo Durdett wiut In town tho other day. lie rorirtM ho Ih now In tho employ or tho ZX cattle concern or Lake county who tire reedlnn a InrKo number of ntnek on the P lluiiiili and at Diamond. Kotriro Hiifd' ho wan with; tho vnquoroH who drove the cattle ncrnnH the dhiort durliiB the newro cold weather and he lonki the (tart lis his raciv hIiowh the nrfectn or pxpnnurn I hi reports tho Htock ore dolun well at tnlu Hum. i r"- "i 1 .fiJ&llffHi liAJiA In Newspapers and Magazines you have seen the products advertis ed which you select at Weinstein's W U -KrJ Mrs. take I Glngl Ginghams, Voiles Miimiiiorinlo OoHttttmin for rent at Wolnnlolu'H. Multo your kolcntlon eitrly. l -2-1 (rune !ii roportod In flood condi tion hecmiMU of tho nulck thawliu: of tho HIIOW. Mnhlnv OomouyH was In town tho other day to commit hhi dotcor for lomo lufectloim on htn handu that he wan unable to tnakn heal, JuiIiSO and Mm. (Irani Thompfioii are In town during thtv week kuohIu a! the homo of their dnuBhtor. Mm. drover JamoHou. D. J, Stark or tho accountant de partment ot the Union Pacific Hall road, whh nijalu In Diiruii durliiB tho wuek on one of liln occnnlonnl vhlU In couueutlou with UIh dutlon, , MIhh lllll or thu Valley View IIoh plltal ruportti n coaornl oxoiIuh from ' her litHtltutlan durliiB tho-piiHt week. Fl ml Mm. Arthur Turner returned to her homo mid Inter II. A. Dlllard wiih able to depart, uIho Mm. CIiiih. Kopor The little noli or Mr. and ' Mr h A. It. OIneii whh bronchi In for ' a illKht operation nnd followltiB that ho wait taken home. I M I I. Ii I N I-r I C Y Advanced SprltiB ' HtyleH, Bel your Hprlni; hat at half price durliiB February. Mm. Kiln l.uckey. 1-.11 j MarcelH that biHt. draco Valentino Leland Frye house. It Caiih paid Tor fuUo tooth, dental ! Bold, platinum nnd dlKcarded juw- ' elry. Moke KmeltliiB & IteriuliiB Co., OtHuco, MIcIiIkuii. 1-31 -tf Ncvetiil Hplriullil dwclllnur, I to (I i rooriH, IX to 8100.00 down, llu. unco like pii)lB rent, upon the , lllll or I'lnl. Ilet iclil.nt iiimI IiiinIiiih lotN, eiiNy terms. V will fnrnlhli joii the Money to llullil to null )onrt'ir, Kindly hliow yon uby, titnindaiico money for liuinedlute dlHnireinoiit. V. T. liKHTKIt CO.MPANV. TIIH I.KADI.Vd HIJAr.TY DK.M.KIt. l.'ll For rent my ranch on Cow creek, POhmwmIoii Marrh lnt 8. K. Drink wntrr. 1-24-4 1. Cam ror hire with or without driver. C. W. I.ucktry. 12-C-tr. Hath room ror ladles ut thu I.ovons Hotel n-ir.-tr The Makers of these Goods Guarantee them Weinstein offers them to you at Low Prices which means a ReaS Saving to you in the cost of supplying your table. Quality Quantity You are always assured tt CQSfpssn waawnai U KS3NRT M H 1 1T" l.v r " 'Btj Goods Department Fred Goyt, in charge of our Ladles Department is ready to care of your needs. We are now placing a complete stock of notions, crochet cotton, threads and ect. New Spring Dress Goods and ect. n The i And Her Money Tho gill of today is privilcBctl lo handle her money in the cumo bualncsn-likc ay na her father and brother. Ao ooon n ho beginn earn ing money of her own, aho who intendo to become a succctaful butincsB woman open a saving account and keeps it growing. This ) anh is intcrcntcd in the accr.unlu of , women and welcomes their bu.'i.cos, Harney County National Bank BURNS, OREGON Nntrnal, County and State Depositary For Sale H500 acre Htoclc ranch, liny nnd pasture, $12. GO uu acre, nmnll payment down, buluuco on en ay tonus. V. F. llarrln, Dumn, OrPRon. l-:t 1 1 1. Our DulldltiB Ionn Uompimlwi have announced Ihvlr wlllltiBncsn to nmko unllmltorf Loan In Hunts. Let uu show our Reed faith In our ally by building tho most modern and but IIOMKH IN TUB COUN TRY. V. T. hKSTHIl COMPANY. 9-C There came to my plnce one lilnrk aud white yenclliiB Hteer branded lazy J. II. on thu rlht side. He Is marked with boll duwfop on tho neck and a crop off the- rl);ht cnr. Owner may have nteer by pnyliiB for ttifs ud itnd for tht? rood bill. J Ii. McMulIni, Drownuy, Ore. 1-10 GOITER Simple homo method. Send for FKKK booklet and tostl moiilulln. Wnrnwr'n llonowu ed Uomvdles Co.. 723 Security IllilK . MlnncapoMs, Minn. of getting all three of these at TEI You are cordially invited STOR Girl Wan till Dron3akIiiB and rowlni; at homo or by tho hour. Mm. dray nt Mm. K. D. Itoed or phono now. i-ioAT7 Valley View Hospital BURNS, OREGON Under Direct Charge of Graduate Registered Nurse Graduate Nurse In Charge of Surgery Rates Reasonable Patients Given Radicu lar Personal Service Maternity Cases Accepted t Price N to come in and Hi 235v visit. I 'MmMMjF -k &?ikXM - t.