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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1925)
- .lS"lrfS J'1" "y tt TAQ13 4 fllfi T I RI 13 fi II 13 R A h 1) "J! till Nff , 'II A R N 13 Y OOUNTI O R 13 G O If , t8n(urc1iy Tnminry HI, ID2."J i i. , , This Weeks Cross Word Puzzle Anitwer to hint woolt'H puzzle. lot," (IE Temptations ,y y u 14 ran gffl-1! , I J -aw.'"a t i irm T tx n sv F" gAQJ 0 RK iJD0 N n Tho Now Hnlllo'H CiirlliM Coming buck 'from St. AuruhUuu 'Curtlfln Wrliflit wtiH strmiKoly iiilot. ,SovorI tlnu'fl' I tried to Urimk In nipon IiIh meditation, but ho answer--d mo In inoiioHyltiilik's and I know IiIb thnuRhlH worn illHtnnt. nofufo iiIIrIiMiik from tho car ho Tturned to mo nnd said slewly: 'Tvo boon thlnkhiK) Hnlllo, that It would bo bettor Tor mo to clear out until :ypur father linn completely recov ered nnil work on tlto settlement can 'bo flashed." I su Id nothing. "Wnltor Hull nnil ihifi wife huvo flushlitK rays of hrllllauco tiinoto It Ih oy'ou ollllquoly. Home mlnnowH dis ported In tho stream, ami tliolr hrlKht hMoh kIIhIoiiciI. IIIh ririo lay by lilt hIiIo, IiIh IuuiiIh having hIIiI from It. Ho did not ntnrt when 1 Hat beside lilni, hut netod as If ho liuil rather expected mo to follow. "I'm Horry," I nall softly. "I don't know what you iiicati," ho replied, lookliiK nt mo Inloiitly, "hut thou I .hiivun't boon uhlo to fl-; uro you out hIiico tho hunt started. I think you uro teasing, und yot you a w JU 10 v pur 17 Ro Jo" kJU "I ,J3 in-viiou inn (in a limit nt tholr IoiIku ooin morn domuro, moro honost ncar Orlando," ho contlnuod. "1 Jnoinohow; ovon your oyuB uro Iiror hadn't thought of aocuptlim. hut . ami moro open. UIkIU nt this mom. " I int there lit no twTnklo, only tho wnv- "Anythlnj; NOW In hottor than 1 orliiK iluptliH of slneorlty. A now bolng my! Ih tlmt tho Idea?" , Hnlllo." X int(rriiitod, uo "It Isn't (itlto fair of yyu to any Hhal nnil midor tho I'lrcuiiiHtnucoa I bollovo you understand why 1 nm Soaring." "J don't iindorntntid miythlnj;," I .pouted. "I suppose Anno Coildliij;- Hon will he uccompnuyliiK you on .th!n nort of hnugo-party-ln-tho-wnoitn jarrnnRcniont." "And you don't think I'm n fraud, conilni; horo under fnlHu pretenses." "Oh, that," ho reminisced, hiiiIIIiik HllBhtly, "1 know you couldn't shoot, mid that's why you'vo boon ovon moro of a brink to put up with all Lho roiiKh mid tumblo and not kick nbout It." "I told tho others wo wouldn't ko IuIoiik with thorn todny, I felt Uko I "I huvon't nikod her, but limy told , HAD to bo alono with you, UurtluH. -mn io nriiiR some bin alotiR with. (To bo continued.) me, nun ir you really mink thai tshoM onjoy It, porhap I Hhall puss on to hur tho Invitation." if Poolng, 1 tvaa furious mid a rlriliiK aohho I loneliness rropt ovor my wholo ' H.MtK TAI.KNT IH IX INOIIANTKI) ro'lTACJI-J io tiium uavo ion my uiinappiuesH, Itaroly does any motion picture combine such rccoRiilxed tnleiit nn i "i1 'The Knchuntod CottuRO." which for lie ronohed ovor and took both com,)H " ''o Uberty Thoatru on iir mi rimuiiiMi ovor ami iook uoui i - " my "hands In bin, MnyliiR vory Rently: lThurday only. "I know YOU don't want to ro, Slllc IT'H gohiR to be roiiRh tho worno kind Thore'll bo jui hot wfttur nor any nort of riuf fy-rtifTIoM. -Jut simple uud wholeiiomo, not oten u drop of lhiior." "'ih, but I'd lovo and adorn It. I'm mo-t-ti-o tired and Hick of nvorythliiR . and ovoryhody. lMnnno, pleimo tako mo with you." The wordn ciinio In IilotidlnK cailouro. Hwlftly tuuihlliiR ono after tho oilier. "What!" ho oncIiiIuiimI. "the niimt uui;ht-iiftor hollo In tho !!nuii Iir KlnR to ro on it en in pi ni; party? A Klrl with morw nrnljM nt Imr Hlnudor rvralHUIlM0 tlmn l'rttic. wanlliiK to y,n nm loava nil iku iiiltor and iKy llmqp for whol wok whom you'll lmve to lirt tho wet and lInl' "Hut I'm wild about ahoollnj;!" I IJeri kI I'ly. not durlu to tll him thul fuy onb i,.ii Icttcc Uitd Iweu with )jv !, at it flute Fair shooting gal rs. Mm rljfliC tlicii und thr I dotiTin'iieil ilmt I'd show Tirt Wrtgln I wii hi good a por( tiian a Ami' 'ilillMjr,n If It kill- ru ma , ' ' Ml wan idl. ito wlthtH tha camp that moralng. Man and woutn ant tn Julio groups logoilitr. ch-illtiR M'.U Minok'rg Thro wr a ilrll -of aitUfaetloii In tho air that wn 4tinltfou. The moniiiii neodad no -not vna to mar it iirfotloii of 'rriiiidam. hi tho opon h pa can tho ami UkM wa a KlIatouliiR voll thai oar Mied ihu Rruon RniHHOH and huiiiI imrplciil folhiRe. mid. not HatUflod wtih ihe folliiRo, and, not HatlMded rtbat wuro polxed and rentloRH. Tho Hhaded placoa woro niOHndrap i vJjfiaH. bowora with dapphm of JKt&il danuliiK on tho carpot of slinil "nm, hs tho lunvea abovo woro lifted -anti Iiunyed by a broozo that wan Trfnu-lTka In Its languor, yot zoutrul 'in TIh oxlillnratloi). !urtlHa Mt ulono, brooding. Thou hi laft hla )do. returning quickly vmk rifle. 11 entered tho sllgbtly -liMiruabl putb und I knew he wan liia way to the Utile itreain whore Uh hud gone every morning while tbr othora waited for tho doga' grrl- $ iillowitd. The graaaea swlajilng -ijwiu ht link lew provaatod him from bwarlug my foolutupg. 1 uaw him atop at a giant oak and mv hfa no fix lUolf on Home ftathors acroaa the tiny atroam. IMty '-efcirmad him. He waa aooliu,' iiiialn J ylvan trnRody of tho day bo furti. TJio hnwk'H awlft awoop, tho "awigo Df tho wood-thruah . . . fit Trmrc utraiujloil by tho clawlni; aona, tlio mnjoutlo bwqop of tho trd or nroy aw ho Jlftod hla luort iciSaUm to the high hrnuohon. Ho iw no moro. Ho had turnod away h3ra Alio roat. yon. Tiioro woro tho foalhera: tib ImwTi inlglit como again today. IHiB imd nn unohatrtifltod vlow of tho Jk&Sb porch, unoccuplod. Tln oye woro tralnod upon that fttWU, liaro limb whoro ho oxpoctod Till Toalhorod inarnudor. Ills vision wmj ono of Buii'flockod loavos and Itn ntnr, Hluhard llnrthoImoHi, Iiuh to IiIh credit a nerloa of nuhnikon MiicceNHen in a wide variety of roles, from tho Chink In "Ilroken Won moiiih" nnd tho hoy In "Tol'ahlo Dav id," to tho fenrless youth of "Tho KlRhtliiR libido." Its director, John H. HobertMiu, In fiuiiniiH for IiIh many notable films, wilflch Include such aiiccesncs tin "Hontlniontnl Tommy," "Dr. Jekyl mid Mr. Hyde. l'he HrlRlit Shawl" mid Tlto riRhtliiR Dlade." It nuthor, Hlr Arthur WIiir I'l iiero, is one of the half dozen lend Iiir KiirIImIi playwrlRhtH of tho last two deundea. I In ntory Is one that gnus HtrnlRht to tho heart of every man, woman and child, hatted on th etcriial lliouio Hint In tho oyou at lore all IbliiRa are heAiilirtil. "Tbf ISiiPhaiitfd Cottage" Is the 'ale of a physically broken Vetera u of the Ureal War nnd lulls how hu round hapnlnei-s wlih tbe woinuo of Ma heart. In (he cast f May HpAvoy. onn itiif moat capable mcH'mmm of tbe screen. Holmes Ilorhurt. Marlon Coakley. Ptereuce abort. jMfreiJ Hlektuflii. Ida Waterman null manr others of aHjtinl iltsttnul Ion. Thle la a "I'af nnd "Mike" Joke. They wont hunting one day. They were out after squirrels, finally I 'at spnttod a little grity squirrel ImrIi In tbe branehoa or u tall swamp oak troo. Ho took careful aim mid blazed away. Tho mjulrrol dropped. Miko looked flrnt at tho dead squirrel thou lo tho topmost branch of the troo. "Pat," ho tm Id "you wasted your ammunition. The fall would have killed him." Hero Ih a croiis-word purslo ur- rmiRed by Itov. T. A. Moyor which will rIvo word clitmurH a merry round bororo It Ih finally Holvod. It In a perfect ptixzlo with worilw Interlock ed throughout the iiuzzlirand ouotiRh Ioiir words to break the moiiolony of the Hhort throe-leltor wordH or two letter abbreviations, ho tioiumoii In many pumIoh. No doubt you will upend many a tlilukliiR Hour orur thlH ptixzle. hut don't delay Its flual Holutlon too Ioiir bmauHo nt week with another new pur..le, wo will piihllnh tho correot miHWer to thin onn, Horls-oulol I Ono of tho ApoHllos. R A larRe country or Aha. 0 A sort or rahbaRe. 10 Ono of the lake ntates. 1 1 To dbipatch. ' l.'i To KlMiok with terror., ' 15 r.arRO city of uiimher tOt 17 To annex. f IS To hnvo existence. '20 A cultliiR liiHtrumetil. 'i Used to fiiHteu shoes. 23 To ho borne on sometUlliR. 'lit A juiro of the east. 27 A boy'n nnnio. ' 2K To point. Ita A name Riven to (leruimi dining wtir. 3f NeRtitfve. .12 In thlH or that maimer. :i.. Oomlniis Neuter (iinhr.) 34 III myllinloRy the dmiRlilr of ImirhttH and lnnieiie. :i t A cardinal point orrompaxu (ah.) :t" Jo fried toRether. its l.ondiMl. 30 A ivord oxpnmihiK equality. 10 Initials of a latr president. 11 Ono who odltH fnbhre.) 13 'fn iiiiihIc. 2nd .yllahlo or sisilo. 4 1 Printers' measurement. 4(t I'nst or lead. IK Large city of AaUvMlnor. RI Prosotil lens- of verb to bo. f.2 A date on Item an ntleHrtar. Si IJpflchea. 56 Trible InnA. p -5 if b nllsi " r 20 MB Whje mmhy n oMwBBs" G FmcIr e aTmB e eThMa p dH i s no Ono of monkey family. r.S Inltlalii or Inventor or cotton rIii. CO To upoll pollKh1 on furniture. 60 To kIrii up for nervlco, ;i Of "IIoiih' don" fame. fib A rtcet animal. O'ff Ouo or tho Hawaiian Islands, 07 Auction. (IS UprlRht. (iff To reildo. Vertical 1 A native or Japan. 2 or tho ramel tribe. :i A Ronornl of tho Civil War. 4 What Ihe huh Ik Homotlnvcn called. T A small bed. tt The relfulon of Mohnmnied, 7 Ono or "Polly'H pals." 5 Used to connect wnrdn mid son tcttees. ! A kind at clay. 12 A name. 14 A Hopiomhcr holiday (nbhru.) 1C A bono. . IK An Inhabitant or tlicalr. 19 Man's ffrst rmldonco? , 22 Awakened. . ' 23 One of tho Ntunllest states (nbbr.) 21 Initials or , founder of Cornell lnlvcnilty. 20 Men Hkllled In use of Runs. 2.S Openings. 20 A Jewelled hend-dretm. 32 To rest. .ir; a song'. .lit A winged footed animal. 41 A court of Itinerant Judges. 42 To pull. 45 A not very serious sickness, 47 A trailer. 4 0 No ono else. HO A province or Canada (nbbro,) r.I Or the air. fi.'l A part or churches. rC Home or Ministers. K7 Initials or Lincoln's Koo. or War. 60 Chlld'g name for mother. 61 A term need to luiUuntu mnrrlud woman's innldou nnnio. lit Child An unexuloded abelil. 8 1 A uteaanremeut. (ff HiOEBgWIWBg 4 Hab Get The it and eat at the CLUB CAFE ' &eveitrMitc!22ulIding Monks al all hotirx and the menu include) everything obtainable in the local mar ket in season Special Sunday Dinners Quick' courlcotiH Hcrvice W M . FARRE NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE, Standard Stock Com-, punioa PRACTICE, btsforo U. S. Land Office and . bureaus of the Department REAL ESTATE; city, acreage and farm property YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED EwiKasmraggegii IT'H Tt'.IJ .MKOW rloimlo "Oh, 1 had tho most won derful Christina Loads and loads or rIHh mid not ouo duplicate in tho Gaily Tulntc: "I loo had a wuiuler ful Xmnt, but I did get qui! , row dupllOAtua ((ahrttir, slimm utidi the iniallslou." I n'titi AliMOHT UKJIIT Same Toaohor. "Jimmy, what la a fraction?" Samo Jimmy: "It Is a part of anything' H. T.: "Oivo mo an oxmnplf" 8. J.: "Why, or-r-r tho 19th of January." . . IV N( . HAD CrosH-Word l.-zzlo I-'an: "What In a three letter i ' evlatlon, monutug 'tho nearest th i, ;o tiinn?" Hmart (Juy "Oeo, thnt'a easy. It'n IJ. V. DA' I'KATUIti: AT TI1K LIIU2KTY TIIKATIti: WMDNIDAV, I'KH. I. fin ' thJLtirN W 5 i.a m iWMv ' X ,a..4L vm ivw-ss 2i7iiv.ftisj' .ti..i:i .it .r m- rj.i i i Piiixee There ) fCr..JU r k m;rm .iv ."riM'i nLnua ilMJll 'Sj aiaV Prtttntftf hy JccL,Lak;y a ,(pam mount (pictunit KKATtlHi: AT TIIIO MUKUTV TIIKATItK HATI'UIIAV, JANUAUV ill JTf" it.l-; "' iMmm, & i-K-..'J "Ste'l L . Ie Tkr hw ' '.JBr 'Mi' ,1. & D'flk rT LJ Ink akJatvV mwm W IF1 UWjA B3i tt&nskWi s ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE Lamps, Toasters, ' Sweepers, Irons, Percolators, . Etc.. ROSTERS AND PERCOLATORS All Reasonably Priced L S. Geer & Co. BSSZSmBGZS j --i vii"'jM'ii-i'?yz7'Lyr' ";T i '. -i-j-j'A"r-1 u-'J WITH LOIS WILSON WALLACE WORSLEY PRODUCTION . ADOIPH ZUKOn AND jim I.USKV puis in f r h ffMuwJ WlIUAM FARNUM "Hip Man Who m Rdhts Alone" j WE KEPAI IF : : m """:'' I 1 1 Radiators Rightly Promptly Reasonab&N Burns Hardware Company j ..