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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1925)
HiimdmzilM fmnwm ae'P 71T.J r, - - wwt "Wl'TW " Km7T3 i&m .? l ' I ' ti'ijeej 4ftrir -"mb i, -j?. " -. $&t ' t Hill ill tiny, .Inuiiiiry Sit, 11)25 KAKM POINTHI1M (lfrom Oregon Ajjrlcultuinl oollogo neimrtuiunt of Industrial Jounml Ism.) Slnoo uuuiy dlsotisoH nfToctlng 0 gon orchard crops npplo nnd ponr Hcnh, loaf Bjiot of cherry anil prituu, ntitt Mithrnonoso limr Hput of goose berry and currant, ami others are enrrlod ovor winter In tliu oltl louvoa, the control Ih inailo easier by turn ing tho old leaves, unilur In wlntor ho tlioy cannot Mli'oot spores anil cause now InfocllotiB In tho nprlng. TIiIh practice Ih not a hiibstltuto for spraying, fnyn tho experiment bIii tlon, lint In un.olToctlvo HUpplomont. Free sorvlco for Identification of plant diseases In Oregon anil for sup plyliiR rruo ntlvleo to growurii thron correspondence on tliuli (Unease con trol problems, Ih maintained by tho tnta collogo oxporlmont Htallon at Corvnllls. Tho dnrtniiir -" r" r-o-'trl -' tho San .lone Benin in Orugon U made ! by adding two partH Hiiiu-suirur to too partH wator. It Ih heal put on In lobruury or March whim tho IiiuIh well, bright, aunny dayH being prc fornblo. Application may bo delayed whon doliy Ih doHlrablo to avoid nn extra pray, until tho buds show Kreon IcavcH at tho tip. Orowors wauling mnro Information may wrlto to tho Clorlcal Kxohnngn, O. A. C. Corvnllli, for station circular 22, tuul the revised edition of tho lt2G Oro gon spray bullotln. Since lurgo comtnorclnl yleldH aro necessary to profltH, Oregon farmorH must use their fertile ncros and keep them fertile, Hay L. Powers, chief of roIIh at tho Htnte collogo. Tho total Innd area Ih fixed, and In creased cultivated areaH mean de crease In piiHture and forcHlH. Some of tho cheaper landH may be lined for pasture or reforestation or even for recreation. Increased fertility of landH In production In of great Im portance. HOW xiij Masher! "Say, Cutle. you've cor tnlnly got beautiful blonde wavy hair." Hard-boiled Flapper: "You wild It. Diid dropped mu on a hot wulllw Iron when I wan a kid." o Hl'.M.MONS IN TUB CIHCUIT COUItT OF Till: 8TATK OF OHKMO.S. I-'OH IIAIt- NKY COUNTY. 'Vermont Loan & Trust tefmpuiiy. a oorporatlon, Plaintiff. VM. Henry Iltirtt Simmons, Mnrthn Sim mans, Mabel Simmons. Virgil J. IVjItou and Hnlh Uoltou. UMfOlllUUU. To Henry Iturti Simmons. Mnrthn 9lttNHii. Mabel Rlminoiis. VI r nil J. Ilolton and llutk Hollon. . R THK NAMK OF THE STATE OF QltFOON: you nnd eeh of yon nrt hereby required null directed to .pptr end n newer the complaint file iKHinct you In the above untitl ed ful on or before the last dny of thn tlmn preecrlbod for In the order for publication of eiuuinons, to-wlt: On or before tlit lltb dny of Alorrh 1D2S. sold (Into being in ex Htm lion of six wr-ebs from the date of Lb flrat publication of thin eiuu inons, nnd If you fall to appear ami answer for want thereof the plain tier will apply to tb ci court for tho roller prayed for In It complaint, to wlt : A Judgment agalimt you for tho mini of $375.00 with Interest there on at tho rato of 10 por cent. pr milium, from tho flrat day of No vombor, VJ24. For a further hiiiii of JC0O.0O with Intoroat Iheroon at tho ram of 10 pur cent por annum from tho first day ol Novombnr. 1021, and For a further anm of $100.00, at tornay'B turn. Htid for Ita coata and diaburaementji horejiu That the uual iImhio of Toroclo aurr be onteriul and Hint particular tract of laud, altunte In Harney Qouniy. OraKon, and more particular y dAirribod at followa, to-wlt: SWMNIBV.. and the NJUViSISVi Of Motion an; WlfcSWVi of flee. Beat- .... ' r ..--- .-3-SE. t -, ----- -' -- - - . -- - - ; -, "T.'l y7L Zsv "flnMBmBBTP. THt Y naCLL I WISH To ) WGI.L, 'VE 3"UbT I 1 Bl fWEUO-TMlfc NAHP' THfiS DO VOU BM r PRoH ftGTURN tT JJ ( OIGCOVEftGD THAT in our liPt K!!!!-, ' - -pv irfv ri- vw ( ' m L wMlk&jJ rlraf? mmB i th qith tub 7 wf7 1 r lly Edward McCullough AirrOCASTUH T If n T I 34, all In Twp. "!' "K 2l) IC. W. M., and the Kty of Hoc. 10; tho SWV, of Soc ); il"- HW'A 'I Sec. 10: aiifUCtii. nVHNWW, M V, NV Vi . HV Vi NV U of Hoc. 10 ( nil In Twp. 21 B. ltango HO 13. W. M. and containing 10-10 acreii, more or Iohr, bo nold to natlnfy the auuiH duo upon principal, In terest, attornoy'H roun, conln and (11b burnemoutH, and accruing contn and dlHbursetnents, nnd the nmuludor, If any, ho jfald over to the ilofondantH heroin an their IntorontK upponr, and If you fall to appnnr and pay tho hiiiii above mentioned that mild mortgage will be forecloHod and that you and each or you will be forever bar red nnd enjoined from claiming or iiaBurlliiK any right, title Intercut, r Hen or oulnto In or to the hiiIi! real property hereinabove doRcrlbod ail vomo to the plaintiff herein, uavo and except your right of redemption. That In ciiho tho mild property iIooh not boII for a hiiiii Hiilllolont to pay nclpnl, IntoroHt and nttorney'n mich i-oMtN and dlnburHomrntH and tl.o aiciulng vi a iliu- nenientji that plnlutirr will take Judgement agaliiHl Henry llurtt HlmmoiiH, and Martha HlnunoiiH ror tho hiiiii or HiiiiiH not paid from the procoodH re ceived from Hiic.U biiIo thereof, That the right, title, lutercHt, lieu or entato claimed by tho uald Virgil J. Ilolton and Until Uoltou, and Mabel Hlmtnoiir, t any, bo held and declared HUbxeiiient mill Inferior to the right, title, Intercut lieu or oh tate of the plaintiff herein. 'Hint plaintiff bo allowed to bid upon and purchiiHe the mild property when rold on execution under Judg ment and decree and enter Immed iately IlltO tltO pOHHO-UlOII Of Blllll property, If ItH hid bo the hlghext and bout bid therefor, r.nil Hint pluultlrf be allowed nnd permitted to apply ltd bid upon Bald Judgment and de cree If the plaintiff nhoiitd become purchiiHor of raid property. TI1I1 aiiminonn in publlHbed by or dor or the Honorablo Daltou Illggn, Judge or tho Circuit Court ror Har ney County. Oregon, made and en tered on the 20th day or January. I92r. The date or tho first publlcitlon of thin HummoiiH In tho aint day of January, r.2r.. and tho last date or publication or thin Miiminona In tho lltb day of March, 1 025. 1IH1CH & IIKHIH. AttoriioyH ror Plaintiff. Poet OfBco nddronti. Itttriin. Oregon. NOTICI-5 OF MKI-rnNO OF llOAIlh OF l'.(Jt;AM.ATION Notice In hereby glvon that tho Hoard or K(iinllziitloii ror Ilnrnoy County, Statu or Oregon, will moot In the County Court room In th Court lloune In Huron. Oregon, on Friday, the 0th day of February. 1911, to publicly osamlne and tun1 Ite tbe aawnauiont roll or eald Coun ty for lilt 4. nnd correct all ernrn In valuations deeerlptlona or iiiall tlea of Innda. lota, or other properly aaaeneed on aald roll ror the year 1931. and all portions Intereetod are hereby notified to npr at aald time nud plnc. Dated at Durna. Oregou, this 14th day or January. 108S. P. V. J.OUOAN. Aaeeaeor or Harney County. Oregon. o NOTICK OF rlllltlFI',S SAMS IN FOHi:(M.OSlMti:. NOTICK IS UKIIBUY (IIVHN that under and by virtue or u deoruo or the Circuit Court or the State or Ore gon ror Harney County, mndo and entored on tho 15th day or January, 1925, iih uppoara or rocord In the or flco or tho County Clerk ror Ilnrnoy County. Oregon. In favor of tho State of Oregon, represented ami tiding by and through tho World War Voter- aii'n State Aid Commission, coiislBt Ing or Walter M. Plerco, (lovornor, Sum A. Kozor. Socrotnry or State, George A. Whlto. Adlutant Oeneral, Arlbur C. 8peneer and Lyman C. Illce, Plaintiff, and agalnat Kiwi C. Shane, J. L. Onult. A. C. Welcome and J. C. Welcome. Jr., for tho sum of $11000.00 with Interetl thereon-ut tbe rato or 4 per owl por auuiim rrom the Ith dn or Novombnr, 1U82; ror the furtlior eiiui of $47.71 tuxea HPrH I S-IXTT " Qfcits1 r'll Sjffllufff H-y Lm$fc f?$&tH M 13 fl - II U II A Ii D II U It N H , Tor Iho year 1U22 and $41. nn tnxon ! for the year ll2:i. with InlnroMt llicveoii ul Ihi' r.ilr nf S nir cent pi-r ' milium from I tn 5ih d.iy or Junil Mi-v lft2R. fur die further nliln of i"Jt ' .- ,-- $3,715 cent of bringing nbntrnct down to dute, ror $:l()l).00 ttttnrboya' roon, nnd ror Hh nontii and dlaburnomoiitn tuxcH at $5-1.20 and ror Hit accruing cootH and illnburBemoutH; WHHUHAH, Il wiln furtlior order ed and decreed by tho mild Court that Plnlutirr'H mortgago on tho rollovrtng dencrlbod real property Hlluato In Harney county, Oregon, and more particularly dencrlbod us: Beginning at n point rorty hovoii hiitidrod olgthy eight nnd four teulliH (47.SS.-I) rout noiltli of tho Nortbwent corner of auction eight een (18), Towimhlp Twonty-rivo (2G) south, ltango Thirty-two and one-hair (!I2Mi) " W. M.J run ning thonco Houth a dliitauco of FJve hundred rifty ono and nix teulliH (551. 0 reet; thonco north " reel: theiire oiihI a distance of tweuty-Hlx hundred thlrty-flvo and four tenths (2035.4 1 feci; thence north no (0) degreim forty inln uteu (40) west a dlntance of eleven hundred Hoveuteeu and four tenths (1117.1) reet; thence south eighty eight (88) degree nnd thirty hovoii (37) mlnutea west a dlntance or thirteen hundred ten (1310) root; thence north n (0) degreen fifty (GO) tn'mitua well a distance of five hundrod twenty nix nud nine tenths (520.0) root, thence west a distance or twenty hovoii hundred fifty nine and five tenths (2750.5) root to tho place or beginning, being an ur or one hundred (100) acres more or Ichs, In Harney County, Oregon, be roreclosed and all of tho right, title, liito.'ost, lion nnd estate or the said defendants nud each of them be foreclosed nnd sold by the Sheriff or Harney County, Oregon, in the manner provided by law ror the sale or renl property un der execution; and, WHKUKAS. on the 15th day or January, 1925. an execution In fore closure wiih duly Issued by the Clerk of said Court commanding me, the undersigned Sheriff to levy upon and Nell In the manner provided by Ihw for the sale or real property under execution In foreclosure, nil of the right, title. Interest. Hon nud estate or the still! defendants nnd ennb of them. In and to tho mortgaged prop erty described heroin; NOW TIIKHKFOHIC. In ohudleiice to thu command or aald writ and by lb authority thereof. I will on Mon day the Ilth day or February. 1188. ut the hour of 10.00 o'clock In lh forenoon or aald day at the front door of the County Court House In tbe City or Hums. County and State aforuenid offer rnY ante Ut tbe hlghoal bidder for ctuh In hand, all of the right, title. Interest, Hen and eeUite or tho said iloroiidunii and eneb or ibom in and to tho said proporty hereinabove doacrlbed ror tho pur pone or eetlefylng aniil decree. Judg ment, taxee. attorney' feea. ooeta or abstract, costs and dbthureumunt and accruing costs and dlaiiurao monm, subjout to the right r re demption and confirmation or this Court. January 15th, 1925. CLAUHNCK N. YOUNO, Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon. NOiiCF. OF HII Kill IT'S HALK lly vlrtuo or an execution and or der or sale In roroclosuro duly is sued by thu Clerk or the Circuit Court or tho State or Orugon ror Harney County, dated the 5th day or January 1925, In u cortnln null In wild Court wherein Tho Union Central Life Insurance Company, a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered J Judgment against Jefferson C. Dttn OHii nud Nettle Alice Duncan, Mid in which suit P. O. Smith nnd N T. Smith, copartner nn Hums Hard wnro Company, and Iiurney Countv, Oregon, were also dofuuduutH, but eighty nine (80) dogrooH, Ihlr- nittarir (NVjNF,, )or Section i-3iti-teeu (13) mlnutea cant a d'-ti . eon (18). and the Snuth-annt (ili)rler of rourleen hundred rirty mill rivo' of tho Houtheiut (ptarlcr (SRVi teulliH (1450.5) root; thonco iioutliHK",) or Section Hevon (7), Town no (0) degrecH, ton mliiutoii (10) nhlp Twenty-nlx (20) South of Uatigo east u dlHtanco of ten hundrod .'iiilrtyfour (34) Knt or the ;Ulam elghty ono and rivo tonthn( 1081.5) , olio Meridian, containing :u 1.13 HAHNHv' 0 O U N T Y O It iih agaliiHl whlnh no money Judgment ,m rendored. but olel a ilcrroo; for the mini of $a.".2J.(M. and cohH and dlHburiininoJila taxed nt f-fH5.H0, mill attoruevM feen III tho nuni or $200.00 nn Hie l!tli day of Doi-hiu- ber 11124. Notice Ih hurol'y given Unit I will on tho tenth day or February 1125, at the front door of . tho County Court House In IJurilH, Oregon, at two o'clock lii-Uioaflernomi of anld day, sell at public auction to tho hlghoHt bidder, ror cnHh, tho follow ing described property, to-wlt: tho Houth-eiiHt tiuarter of Iho Houth-oiiBt (inarter (BH UHI3M ) of Hectloii Twelve (12), the North half or tho North-eaHt (iti'nrlor(NV6NHU ) of Hectloii Tlilrteen (13), Townahlp Twontywilx (20) Houth or Unugo Thlrty-threo (33) Want, or tho Will acetlo Meridian, and Lot Ono (1), and the North-east iiinrter or tho North-went uunrtor (NIJViNWU), and tho North half of the North-east . . . acres, more or iea. logouiur wm, tho tenemeutn, hereilltanientH, and nppurtenaiicen thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining, In Hnr uoy County, Oregon. Tnken and levied upon an tho property or tho mild Jefferson C. Duncan and Nettle Alice Duncan, or hh much thereof nn in . I issnry to natlnfy the uald Jtiii i ' fav or of Biild Tho Unloi. central Life Insitranco Company against nald do remliiutn last named heroin, with Interest thereon at tho rate or 10 por cent per annum rrom tho 10th day or December 1024, together with all cost and dlsburnomontn that have or may accrue, and attornoyn roes nn nbove-ntated. Dated at Hums, Oregon, Janaury r.lh, 1U25. ' CLAUKNCi: N. YOUNO, Sheriff of Harney County, Oregon. NOTICK OF APPOl.NTMKNT AH AD.MINlHTUATOIt. IN THK COUNTY COUUT OF THK 8TATK OF OHKOON. POIl THK COUNTY OF HAHNKY. In tho Matter or the Kstato or Hobort Lu Voy, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned hns been appointed ad ministrator or tbe above entitled es tate by virtue or nn order of tho above entitled Court, and ban duly (nullified an Htioh. All poraoiiH hav ing claims against the estate aro re quired to present thorn to. me at my nlllco In Hums, Harney County. Ore- gon. duly verified and with tho prop- i er vouchers, within six months from tbe first date of thla notice. The flret dt or this Hotlco Is Jnn. S. 19ti. PAT II. UONISGAN. Administrator. Notice To Light Uxor Ilosinlng January, 1st. 1925 users or Kloolrlelty mny iwy tholr Iglit nnd power hills t the Home , 1I us; Store, or eheok eon bo mailed dlroot to thu Powor Company. As II Is impnimlble lo keop our olllce upon all thu time have estab lished this place. Home Drug Store, whoro paymoiit ecu bo made at any tlnii) . In making paymuut lake both bill nnd duplicate with you. All complnlnts or bills or norvlco should ' ho itade direct to tho Huron Powor Company. I Ploasu comply with InstruotloiiB printed on bottom or Btntomont. I1UKNB POWKU CO. Tresspatis uoitccH pruned on cloth nt thin otllco. Sold In any quantity dOBlrcd. 5-12-tr, UtHHBHBsBBaVTJr4li ImU wTrwejricCMVeV 18 0 O N WANTKD: Men or women to tako At-jlli ntiwiflir frlnilflu ikftll IlltllflU Iioi'h for tho genuine guaranteed boHiury, full llnu -for'nion, women it ml children, KllmluaUyi dnriitnc Wo pny 70c. nnd hour npnro time, or $30.00 n week for full time, ttxpcrlouco iinnoccHsary. Write Interniitlon Stocking Mills Norrlc town. P. Host and cheapest dwelling lotii In city, 5 blkn rrom ncltool. Sco us rlrnl to own your own HOMIO. W. T. LKSTKIt COMPANY. 0-0 W. T. LKSTKIt & COMPANY havo ror enlo the bent nnd nhonpnnt proportion In tho city, 8ISI3 US TO OWN YOUH OWN HOMK. 0-0 Townloy'n Wood Saw ror prompt work. Leavo orderu at Pantlmo Peel Hall or Pliono HOW 8-0lf Thu Sabln Hook Company or nolno, Idaho, buy, hoII, nud oxebango nil klndn or now nud used bookn. Wanted THK PHILOSOPHY OF LOVK by Olyn, Intoxicating llijuor In our only competitor. Mnny burgaliiM en City property, fiiriim nnd ntorlc rnnclicn oho IN LANI) K.MPIHK ItKALTY COM PANY. I'liono now 8-18 Wo know our buBlnoss, niid can soil your proportion quickly. LIST NOW '"lit QUICK HALK. W. T. LKS'l 'OMPANY. 0-0 $000 IlKV, D For dvldonco load ing to nrrfst nnd conviction of any party or parties stealing my snoop. My nhoop aro flro branded on tho noes and paint branded on thn back- with the horn shoo bar. liota brands aro recorded. My ro cordod oar mark Is an itppor bit In both earn. My owos havo sor en different age marks an under slopo, a crop and an upper slope In both oars and my yearling owes hare a small crop ef: both ears. I sell no sheep branded on nose. W. W. Ilrown. Flfo. Oregon. 7-2. Loo Caldwell, tho harbor, in still at the namo old stand and roady to attend to your wants lu bis lino of bunlucsH. 10-4 CANYON CITY IIUUNK Trl-Weekly Sorvlco Fnst Auto Conveyances. Pleasant Scoulc Houte ror Pas Hungers. Connections to Portland or Kanteru Points. QuIoU Kxproes and Freight Service. N. Urowu A Sons, Agents Hums Oregon I r Save Your Eyes lOyo strain causes headaches, nervousneHa and other trou bles. I fit kIuhsch accurately and ficlentiftcally. AH Work Guaranteed. MAURICR SCHWARTZ Optometrist Olllconltli Dr. It. F. Smith M.eeice enesxe J O II IV 0 Ul MB Hit LI NO QpUcinu Watch ItopairiiiR HiiniH, Oregon DRAW SHOW V gggBLlBeVBflBr 1 PAGB a PROFESSIONAL CARPS - in(. . f. r.siiTii PlijHlcInn and rJuROoH DurtiH, Oregon Offlco nt rosldonco, Dr. OrimtU's feft mor homo. Phono No. 14 It O H O O K O . WAR PhyolclMi and Surgeon Comploto X-ray Laboratory t Connoctlon Hums, Ore j. B. HUHJAIID I) K N T I H T Otllco first door cost aoU gallery Hums, Or ,fn CIIAULKfl W. ELL1B Ii A W Y H It Duma Oregon Practices in tho 8tato Court ami boforo tho U. 8. Land 0e J. W. McCullorli Itobt, M. McCUMX)CII & DUNCAN Invryer Offlco nbovo tho U. 8. Land BURNS, ORSOOM II. V. HO 11 MALI Attorney at Law Contests and practice beforo O. Land Offlco a spoclalty Offlce: Masonic Dldg Hums, Oregon J. W. Ulggs M. A. Blew it i a a s moon LmvycrN Hums, Oregon -t M , A . O L I K It Painting and Paper Hangor All Work Ounr. -teed Huron, Oregosi KC5AN CHAPTKH NO S lloynl Arch Slnsoa Hums, Oregon, IlcRmraJ nirctliigs first nnd tbirsl Thursday of each biosuA II. F. SMITH, H. P. HAUL onAIIAM, Secretary. AUCTIONEER Tho undersigned Is now locntod la Hums and will bo found rendy to ery Public Auctions nny time at aay plnco. F. P. Pot it rc st. OLAnt . .scorr ltiilliliug Contractoi'H Plans nnd lfiitimntc.i Furnlsliod lliiniH, Oregon 5W BOYS THIS IG OLD PoP" A PICTURS OF HIM AN WIN A PRIZE. NAUSWM UMGrH CAL HARD. PRAW IIM INK.. CONTE&T OPEN TO ALL f0-AES 8to 1G. 15 Bio 23iSS 32 SS ftftn&At.U CLOVIT& . BAT6 .QALU5 tuts ftAMfs KIND THE QtGr J.CAGUC6 O&E. VOU CAN HAVE VOUR PlCi IP 3U ARE ONB OP THE WINNERS. WBVTB WA.ME AOORHSG AND A&E OH 6AS OF : ORAW1S& AHO SEKIO $TO "B05 CONTEST M CAftff i.r? -nJiC OvOPO.. COMB ON. 'r OS WHAT VOU OftN DO. 1 .1 V I .a m 4: 1 4t M x ;i 't Mi.