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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1925)
PTtmmmZT 'I tfp 1 n 'jiwi11! T" "4; A V II 10 T I M 10 H - II 14 It A h 1 IlimNH, K A It ff W N V Y 9 It M Q W BMurtijr Jaaaary 91, ItM !A(JK 9 The Times-Herald (.'OVIOUNMIJNT l'KllB THAI1 NOT rraMWSIMlKI! WANT10O ! : r i r M i) ia. ".i f i. ! ' Hiw The linr-gent Circulation Of Any Newspaper lit Ilnrnoy County. JULIAN ItYM) Ma tinker HUIWCUII'THKN HATKM Ono Vrnr ?. Hlx Months l. Throo Months 70 Hattiidny, .Inuuiiry 211, 10i!rt winnti: mm monhy (Joioh Tilu CongroBH tltUH iiiniuihuil all rccunln for tillkliu; ittul Tor lirlntlni;. Tho taxpayers oxpondod 52(5,000 for tlto nolo Horn of Printline tho lestl tuony In tho Teapot Doino and I)aui;liorty Invofltlcutlonu. Induod, tho puhllo prlntor Itiformn uh thul "tho printing of tho Hocord and Journal for both iIiouhuh uxcuuiloil nil foriuor volunioii of mutual oratory with n total of 10,175 im;on." Thou wo aro told 'thai 25,000,000 conic of jpiihlluallontt )u) l)UW wanted In fruo distribution liy Con Kress and tho dopartiuuiits In ton years at a tyns of not Iuhs limit $G00 000 u yoar. TIiIh, of eourno, nuiiiu up tho dlroct lesn: It ilowt not con-altk-r tho cluttorltiB up of tho post olllco dopiirliuoiit und rutiHOiiiiunt loss tlioro. HooinlitKly wlionovor a postal doflclt Is ilraKccd lioforo tho public, douunclntloun nro houpud on tho Imckft of tho nownpapor publish urn, who, us n fact, i;lvo tho liuuufll of tholr roducod rata of carrlor ser vlco to tho public, ooIIIiir tholr pro duct at an actual Iohh. Tho nation would bo bottor off If Uiat 5000,000 waMtofully expended and a good doal inoro woro ap plied to InworliiR tho doath ruto par ticularly unions tho wumun In Amor Ica. Thin could bo dono If thoito wiinIo moneys woro put Into tho IntolllKout illnsomluullim of educational adver tisements addressed to youtiK and to prospective mntliurs. to spread Iiir tho light on Knnltntlon, and to Bafi'KuardliiK thn people aKalniit tho medical (juackory from which tho people suffer, particularly In Iho Npamoly populated districts. iht cati'ij-: diuvijh is .M,IH: TO Itl'll.NH nv v.s On January 10th tho 54 X started about kIx hundred hoad of ntttlo across tho donor' to Harney county for foodliiK. Thl Ih tli lual trip to liu tnailo and iimkon a total of about ton thouHiiud ln-ad which have boon takon ucrosn tho ilosurt. Tho number , J4X cattlo now on tho inarnh shows a very docldud (locroiiMu from tho amount usually wintered hero. An a roHiill of a Tory dry Hiiiumor, only about two thoutmnd hoad of cuUlo. liieludliu: calvcH, nro IiuIiik fed here, whoro practically sovnn thotiHitnd UHunlly nro wlntorttd. Mont of tho cattlo on tho marsh aro tho old Htouk wlrlnh were too woalc to bo drlvoa to other feeding KrnuniU. Tho company I plnntiliiu to feed tho Htonk wlilcli nro loft horo cot ton need enko. which. In addition to tho lmy, will muko aullielert feed to IciHt tliroiiKh the winter Lukovlow Kxamlnur I.NCO.MK TAX INl'OU.MATIOX Clyde (1. Huntloy, colloclor of In ternal rovonuo, today nnnouucod J 92-1 ruvonuo law roturuos iiiiihI bo filed by ovory uumarrlud poi'Hon whoso not luoomo for 1U2-1 wan 51000 or inoro, or whoso grow In roino wiih 55000 or niorn, and by ovory murrlod couplo wliono hkkto-k-ato not Iticoino wiih 52500 or inoro, or wIioho iii;k result gross Iiicoiuo wan 55000 or morn. HuHbnnd nnd wlfo living totfothor, , may Inoliulo tho luoomo of onoh In a hIiikIo Joint rotiiru, or ouch may Illo a Hoparato return hIiowIiik tho Incomo of ouch. Not Incomo Ih groan Incomo Iohh curtain npnclflod roductlonn for Iiiih InoHH oxpunHOH, Losmoh, bad dobtH, uoutrlbutloiiH, otc. Tho period for filing rotuniH Ih from January 1 to March 15, 1025 Tho ruturiiH, accompanied by ut louat ono-fourth of tho amount of tax duo, must bo fllod with tho col lector of Internal rovonuo for tho dlHtrlct In which tho taxpayer Iiiih IiIh legul roHldonco or Iiiih 'IiIb prin cipal pluco of buslnosfl, TJioho UvIiik In tho lower part of town toward tho rlvor nro exper iencing Home luconveiiloncu at OiIb tlmo becaUHO of high water, Thuru day night a umall roHorvoIr in tli Hrown field northwest of town broko ami allowed coiiHldorablo water to como down In uuch volumo that It overflowed tho grado and threatened to flood Home of tho homoH iilnug Itu path. However, It will hooii Hub eldo ru a ohanuol Ih oponod for It to oacapo to tho rlvor. Tho warm raina of tho week havo causo tho river to rlua and It la running almowt bank all. (Contrlbiitod) Thoo recent autlou of tlui County Court or llaruoy County, In iitojiplng paymont or fundii Hpont lit wagon for Oovcrnmout trnpporn, not only mottiin that tho wholoiialo polHonUg of valtmblo fur bearing aulumlii must coiiho at omto but brought to light tho fact, that tho fur Industry wan tho leading ludiiHtry of tho ceunty: and tioudod protection rntlior than doHtriicllon. Prominent buuluoitn mon or lluriiH In dliictiHHltig tho muollug of tho Hudgot Cnmmlltoo at tho (ourt iymo worn iiuaulmoiii In tholr nplnloiiH, that tho Individual homo trappor ban tho Hltuatlon well In Mind. And tho rovonuo derived from rapping iihotild go to tho homoHtoador In hln homo building uctlvlllcH. Tho fur Industry of Har ney County Irt a elemn ciimIi liunliionn mi a uulrkturnovor IiiihIh in lluriiH ulono fur liuyorn pay out to Individ ual trnpporn during tho hint three yearn tho avoniRu huiu of ono hun dred thouimiid dollnrn u your. Why HiIh Incomo Hhould bo done away with by polHonlug Ih boyond com- , prohonnlon. KHpuclally nluco It payn , In tho loan inontltH or winter tho i annual Iohh to Khocpmoti. of about one pur cent or tholr flookii, l not auttlclnnt rciiRon for tholr paying out moro In tiixo for hired trnppom. And I tho Hhuopmon aro ready to lot tholr nolghborH trap without coHt to thorn. In t:ho Htato or Washington each poyoto cniight, cotM the Oovorninont riftoon dolhirM. In Oregon the rout U twelve dollar to catch thoni. Tho hniiKuteador rutclica thoni for noth ing; and umkoH money tit It, no why pay (lovoriiinent trapporH Hoincthlng for nothing. A good trnppor can make more In four montliH than trapping for tho Htato a year. There fore only the Inrompoteiit trappor need flocv to tho pnlnnn HiliadH. Oovernmeiit going Into prlvato IiiihI iiohh, like running a railroad or trap ping coyotOH, alwaya ondn In u Ions, let tho Individual trapper hold 'bin prlmnry trapllno rlghln hiicIi iih Ih recognlxed In nil fur rountrlen, 'ind which trappcra ronport among thoni Holvtm. Not all goveriiineut trapper, but many havo loft tholr pol-urn along anothor trappera lino which doo not bring about tho bent of riiollnga. I'ultlng out polHon In Ore gon Ih not only Illegal but footlah and wimtoful n well. In Btutoa where (Joveruiiiout traperi haw nonttorod polon ninrteii, mink, wont oIm. and other valuable fur bearom Imvo been dentroyed. Thin ehisi of furH known iih fine ftirrt will noon tllmippoar If thin prnctlco In contin ued. All of which but ndiU to what Ih common knowledge. The necoH ally of a two year clone hoiihoii on flue furn, and n law regulating tho trapping of coypton, no that only prime pultit may bo taken. The Htato of Oregon prodiiceH two mil lion dollar worth or raw furn per kimuoii. Of thin amount ono half million dolliirH worth roino frotr. (Mtorn Orogou. One hundred ISoiih ntid dollara being lliirnoy Coiinty'a Mharo. With Malheur and l.ako fouulliw makliiK up tho balance. A porHon huinI but take one trip 'o the country diatrlcta ami thov will find out that trapping and Oovurnii'cul trapper Ik tho prevailing ueU'on. And the answer Ih ulwuyii expremo'd in but few wnrdH, Tlmt Oovernmeiit trappera are not wanted In Harney County. 0-- With tho pitHsugn of the hill In troduced in tho leglHlaturo to nlro the tax situation In Harney county holng In quoHtlou, It would nonm tho part of wlridom to get busy In tho matter. Hhould Dbtrlct. Attorney Coziid'a HiiggoHtlou bo takon up It ahould bo having Immediate atten tion, iiIho, but If It ahould fall what aro wo going to do? L 1 Addition nsen IDElAli SIME WOW OPEN IFOK INSPECTION Cloflc in, Best location in Cily, Level, Alfalfa, Firat water right. You select your lot and home plans. Wo will build for you. Small Easy Payments. Cheaper Than Rent Be independent. See U3 to own your Home, and Cheapest in the City Beat T & Fire Innurancc Burns JHmmm ester Leading Realty Dealer company r o Building Loans Oregon N1V I'OUI-SJTIIY BTATIKTICH OUT Wrltera. nf uiluiilM and othora who nro in need of forestry and font produilH Htatlutlcii will find valunhlo Inforiiiallon In tho now United Btntoa Department or Agriculture yearbook Hoparato No. 001 onlltlud "Forestry ami Forest I'roductH," cophm or which have JiimI boon received by DlHtrlct Forester C. N. "ranger. Portland. Homeeo of tho HUl'Jorla covered by tho atatltlra are: Forest areiiH; wood and timber standa; forest tiros; lum ber production and value; and wood pulp and paper. Othdr tnbles give Htatlstlcal data on forest planting, National forest roada and tralln, grar. Ing. timber ntiloa, nd miscellaneous forest products. Cooperatlvo flguroa are given vnr loualy by your or deendoa. Tnblea are subdivided by atatoa and sum mnrlaed by regional groups or ror iho country as it whole. The table on rorust llres lit par ticularly Intel untliig allowing un ad justed average annual number r foreit fires In tho United HtatoH to bo 30,112 fires. Tho total yearly average damage caused by these flros nmoiinlH to 10,43.24 1- Of HiIh 510,738.738 Ih damage to timber ami 55.721,503 damage to other for est properties. The average yearly area burned Is given an 10,051,1 117 acres. These averages are based on flguroH for the years 1010 to 1022. Inclusive. Tho statlstlca wore compiled by the Forest Horvlue, In cooperation with tho Hiireau of Agricultural lCooiioinloa. Copies may bo obtained from tho District Foroater. Portland. Ore. UHJAIi ANlJ'l'KIWO.VAIi Relatives havo received tho an noiincement of tho marriage or MlpH Margaret daughter of Mr. and Mm. Ilulph ('. deer, at Tiiroma. on Wml noHday. January 21. to Alvln Wes cott. llalph Ih a brother or Irwin (leer and wns rormorly associated with his brother horo In tho hard waro bue'noss. Itnlph and JiIh wife woro m ifwl In llurna and nro fav orably r)M'nibr r l by many of the pioneer rohldea: ' thin place The Jiimiw l.ampBhlro homo was the aceiio or anothor hocIo! affair on ThiirHilay afternoon whon tho Auxil iary of tho American Legion gavo a farewell party In ouor of Mrs. M. H. (lllbort, who la leaving In a abort tlmo with liar liuahnnil for other parts. Tho afternoon was apent In playing cards, aowlng and soalal In tercourno. High acore wna mnde by MrH. liiickoy with Mrs. Trlaltn re ceiving tho consolation. Peter Peterson cniuo In from Wng entire Monday and after looking af ter nomo business matters in lliirus on Tuesday took tho Wcdnosdny morning tn.!n out en route to Hnlom where ho wont to vlalt his alster, Miss Hmina Peterson, who is aurror lug from tuberculosis. Mm. A. C. Volmer, for aovornl yearH a near nolghbor mid close friend of the patient was also a passenger out with the Intention of paying her young nlTllctad friend a visit and give her encouragement. Mlrs Hmina Ih fav orably remembered by many cltlzona of Hums whore abo Is known. II. IC. ItobliiNon and wife arrived j here tho latter part or last week nnd are doiulcllud In tho (loo. Fryo rsel deuce where Mr. Kohllisun Is associa ted with the activities or Mr. KII hutigh In terminal ground bulldlugn ami Improvement!!. Mr. Itoblntmt called at tills olllco yesterday morn ing and In conversation wo loam that another car load or building mitterlal arrived on Thursday train but tho present thawing weather luu caused so much water to stand around the terminal grounds that work Ih out or tho question. Ah hooii iih tho natural channels nro cleared HiIh water will run off and leave tho grounds In condition for work. ISBST ii jv,,i jiiuw3nm-i -.l. jt-...- BITT-rlr BROWN'S Money SAVING Sale We are offering everything in our Ladies department at Cost. Sale To Continue Until All Is Sold You can save a great deal of money by talcing advantage of this sale WIS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE All Goods Offered Are At Cost Brown's Quality Store When you need medicine TRY NYALS Each remedy is from a tested and tried formula Nyal has a Remedy for every common ailment and are dependable for the entire family. Home Drug Co 0 lrw-,iinwwm.urWM I i ju in, i in. ,. - , ff IovI'Wl . i TiTii ? n . .t. . U ,"V. '?,' If v, ,I',T 'ill . n CLOSED CA.RS The biggest value In a winter car for the family The Fordor Scdun provides room for the whole family. Yet it ia light, easily handled car the kind you want for tho months of changeable weather and diflicult driving conditions. It is Titled with carpet and curtains that harmonize with the color tones of the two wide, deeply upholstered seats. It enables you to keep comfortably warm, yet have plen ty of fresh air since theFordor Sedan is equipped with Cowl vcr.iiiaiurniiuwiiuiuwtjwiiuiuwui ujr mvuivini;ii--b",avv'1E The Fordor Sedan $660 Coupe - SS20 Tudor Stdati 580 Runabout 260 Tourtna Car 290 On open ! DtiacuinubU IUmi in J Sunn i Ml extu AllprU f.o.b. lUtroit You cannot own a car that oITers you better value or moro widely useful 6ervlce. And tho greater economy of operating n Ford lends emphasis to the practical worth oi tnts car to you. "-"rvS Detroit Or.K THE WEAKEST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT ALL FORD PLANTS t i a