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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1924)
TJIJW' tJii.--.T....- .,.J... ...L - .'' ".' I Httunlny, Juno U8, ltusi - 'T 1! H T I M H tt - II K It A h I) II U It N B , II A 11 N K V OOIINIV O 11 RQON PAGBI . 11 ,'.f' . j'MHtXtiasv ' 4 , AI'TKHNOOX OK MUSIU AT SUTTON HOMH Mrs W. M. Sutton riivu u dellght ti, afternoon of muslo nt hor homo , this city on last Wcilneiulny when s-vonil of tho hid Ion of llvirns rhIU rvl it ml tijiunt u very onjoynhlo sea i jii Tins nfliilr was k'vou iu honor ,. Mm OHeii, ono of tho Into munlo addition to mif city, Tho follow ius numbers worn rondored 'it no" brought KenoroUB prnltlo ttud oxprOH .'Dim of appreciation from tho fuCfltS Solo, "Invltntlon to tho i w' -WobiT, Mrn. Harris. ocul 8olo, "Tho Rosary", Mra. Wolttoulitllor. " , i-isil Solo, "lowor Koni. rroiii .list, Mra. Olson Ho.uIIuk. "Liihco". Mrs. Sutton. .iul Holo. "A Uttlu I'Jnlc Rnsu" i .irrlo Jacobs llonil, .Mrs. Fnrro. oo.U Sola, "Oh So Puro" from v irthii, Mrn. 01 hod. ... a I Holo, "Water of Mlnniubn- " Mrs. Wolcomo. 1'riu "Hcuutlful NlBht" fiom i l-.s of Koffnutn, MIsh Leonard, Mrn. WclMouliiller, Mrs. MIkks. ooal Solo, "Prison Sour" from II o.itori', Mra. Olson.. o Ml PKOPLB MAIUtlKI) THURSDAY , v "- Fire No. two no tlninuge. Flro No .thrcu 2 m. ft. timber 5.00 (hint of supprotmioti in. 00 Total area burned lean tliun onu half nero. Tho ftrut flro Ih iuiiu cuuhocI nnd tho hud two nro llKhtiiltiK flroH. Tho flnt Ih pure ctiruloiuiiiuHN and tho laHt uunvolilnhlo'ot coiirwo. TIiIh rIvcs ii Kcod llluHti'utlon fH to tho need of euro with fire. Seventy pur con, of our flros nro man enured, Wo nuint Hton thoui. It In notlilnir hut nuro oaralcuHUOKi or puro'CUBicduciirt, Wo know whero and when to took for tho llghtnlui; flron but a man emmed flro It) always Juut whero a Runner Ih not looltliiK'. Wa llho to bo iioltto and Imvo you unjoy tho Foruntn but If you loavo a flro you will havo to toll It to tho JudKO. " o tiik imu:hiiytkiua.v ciiritrii K UoRors and Ixora Itocori v i mirrl(id In thh city Thursday i) nv C. A. Watorhouso i.'iUi rlmrch and loft lin- i fu Uud whtra thy will i' I flu, The brtd Ii Hit ' ti nnd Mrn. John Utm- . . iin-rlty. This In tho 800- i vt tliBM young tnKiiila, hRkitiK ntarad tho bonds of Diony before nnd bees mo tit rud. It Ik hoped this will provo ,'i' reunion nnd that thoy will , jprrou. it wriK fiirrn.vcs poii pniriTV vi;tiiM.(i j i i he proMncu jf only tbo lm Hate famllTuet Mr. .Mnrlo Chfk i Jiiium I. ClioeJi wtro MHrflnd ' hom of tliti brliU)' mother llHttto Haitlp, on Brtit Soiior.r yoitordny. liv. Onll M. - r r (hi (iracio M. K. cUurL loud rfliuony. liniitpdintoly after the poniuny . ple UepHrtod for Humboldt hi it where they will spoiiil t'Ueir in vmoon. Stockton Itocurd Sunday School nt 10:00 A. M. Many aro makliiK tho mlHtako of not itolurc to Sunday School. Soon cr or latui wo all ronllzu our iiiIh tukiM 'but vory fow vor roallzo on tlioiu. Worjhlp at 11:00 A. M. Themo of Sermen: "Tho Chilstlnu, a Conscrvatlvo Force." Your nplrllual nature. Don't nog loot It. Kt'op truo to your Idoala by r-i;iilur ohurch attoudancc. SAMUHIi HAItlUH, Mlnlstor. ' -- o IIAPTIST lMUmt'11 NHKVICKH The tliiiitt for noxt Hunduy morn IuRt uervlt-o at tho llnpilet Church, by r quewt, will bv ' OxJn Mtcr- i pi c." Th morniiiK nerrtoe will A M Tho iitiinUntu't at the Hun- il i 'vrvlreit rw trery grallfylnK for Hi.) fliitumer month KvrO' oim lordinHv Inrlted Rtruuirre nlveii h h'art wotcome JCvwiltiK Norvloe at 8 P. M. o LOOM, AND PHUKO.VAIi ltl (WIIKI'I'li OF l-'IIIK I ii- following flrot lmvo nlredy ii rod on tho Urow Flat ltaer i' strict. The following iliimnce be u dotii r- No our 20 mix Wood $100.00 f tupyreealun 20.00 Pryor llnrncw wan over from hie ranch homo on Stiver creok during tho wook on one of IiIh ocraNlnunl vjelie. Pryor ! ouo of tho furtuuetu ohm on tin? crook thift Wison, aa he ha water for IrrlKnttou Mat Davlew U in town fiom hie I rsnoh homo tiotwoon Narrows ami 'Cetlow. Mr. Davliw naye tho nui;o U rnllief lr In lilt .i;otlou but the water la holding out woll. Ho miy tbv rni:" un the mountain ! very Hood. Mr. K. F Hthwartz hoe rilepiod nf hor lurgt and woll nppulnted roel deneu iroiKrty ttml will at onoe ho ;ln the arvtlou of nnotltor home of j mere medeet elzo hut etrlutly mod irn. She lm let the cuntniot. It will be located uar the Ifotpltal. Prominent Rusisian Vrifcer-Orator Coming lindu Returns From Tour of Ruai Jiut in Time for Opcninc of Chautcuquu Circuit. PPBBMe9VeMeleBeHBeVBeHHeeB eeeleeiee"" Mnurlre O. Hindus, horn, and rmirod In ti llusslan peasant village, Hpeaking the inuny peasant dialects, 0w ' American citizen, a college graduate, Har vard man, student of economic, lecturer, author of that celebrated book, "The Hussion Peasant and tho devolution," Is the man best qualified to discuss this important subjectthe Ilussla of today. Ho has Just returned from ono of hcv ral tours of Investigation iluilnir which ho studied conditions after six yeurs nf soviet rule, His message is "as hupian and dramatic as It Is fresh and hope ful." He has lived with the peasants ate with them, went to church nnd funerals and mass meotlnj,'s with them and lielns ono of their native brothers, was Biieeosifiil In Kettlnj; Into their hearts and minds and souls. Furthermore, Mr. Hindus visited (Scrnmny, the ltuhr district, and narrowly escaped heln fchot when tho piesldent of tho autonomous Itopubllf In tho Palntlnnto was as Misslniited on the 0th day of January of this year. Two lectures, "flcrmuny and the World" nnd "Itussla and tho World" will he L'lven In tho afternoon and eeiiluj; of tho fourth day of Chuutuuqua. in Wm. F A R K E NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE, Standard Stock Companies PRACTICE, before U. S. Land Office' and bureaus of the Dcpartnenl REAL ESTATE; Will open real estate brokage office July 1st and handle city, acreage and farm property Your Business jSoSidrtctl Mrs. Lincoln, an aunt of Mrs. Klllu and Frank llouuott, lo In Hums from ho i homo In Hear valley, Miss Gladys Holland arrived home tho first of this week from DoIro whoru olio had boon attondlni; a hunl uosn coIIuko. Tho young lady has fluiahed hor course In stenography Blio will remain In Hums until after tho 4th of July, Mrs. Harry Htluy was tendered tt. shuwor at the homo of Mr. John If, Caldwell Wednesday ilfternoon. Many of her school friends as woil art other friends were prbnuut and she received many nice preaenlu. II was u very unjoyahlo Kuthorluu. Married Harvey Mnr and MUh Pearl Pliikntdn wero mnrrlod In thin city last Monday. Harvey was for; morly a studunt In the lliirnu schools and has many frlonda In this vicinity who wish him well. Ho lt an oner Kotlc yoiinu man of IiIkIi character. Ills brldo Is a youtiK lady who Iiiib buuu a resident of tho Diamond sec tion for somo tlmo. Wo understand they will mnko their homo In Dia mond. AtmeHphurh: conditions have been unfavorable to radio receiving In lluriirt during tho week and an ru- null not much uows has been roculv- ad from tho democratic convention lining hold In Now York. Tho papers , Indleeto thoy are having a "hot tlmo" In moro wnys limn one, t liA wenthor In tug a factor hut doe not compare with tho debate nud aellvltleH of the UplocetM. It L. IliitUin iuiikj ivr from bit i,nrh home el Wagai.tlio Thunday ovenlnx. bringing In a tourtet who had tho mltfortuno to break down iioiir there. The unfortunate party found rejialre In Burns and will noon be on (h Ir way again Mr. Mutton nays range condition are very good In hi vicinity cniMlderlng the dry eenaou and ha will alto hnro about hie normal hay erop. Wm. Farro la making preparatlont to opon a reel estate brokerage olllcc on July lat. Mr. Farm Is woll known In I hi Vtflulty whino ho lias Imm'H oiiragwl in land praetluo and Insur auoo since hit long term of hnldrhr tho ponltlon of roglster of tho local laud olllce. a p6itlllou ho hold for over 1 1 yunre. Ho It aequaluted with laud Million, line n wldo ncimlulniico end It wrll iKiilpped lo conduct such rn olllce. Mr J M. Dultou nnd her daugh ur, Mm lmdirig Johneon with hor i wo rout, are now at tho family home In this ulty, having arrived Sunday evening from California Mr. Dnlton and John (iemberllng met thun In laikevlew on Saturday eveniiiK hringiug them over tho fol lowing day. lloth the Indloa find many warm frlenda to welcome thorn and their atay In Hums will lm much enjoyed by their frlonUe Mr. Tim ICrlba and two of hor children, with a nephew, have been ovr from lloml for the past wt or more vlnlUng with her titter, Mrs A Cole and other relative mid rr!ondt. They formnrly rwldi d In title tectiou and hate iimuy old tlmo friends who nro glad lo too them. Tlluy oftpnet to ionic for liouu lo lay and will be ucrompnnP u l. Mrn Nolllo Krlbii and chlldroii win will visit In Hoik! for a row week'. Scott and Poto Haley wero up rrom tholr ranch homo ucjtr the Mul hu,ur lake yoitordny. Poto Informs us tho firo did considerable damage lu that vicinity but fortunatoly thoy saved tholr homo and hay but tho flro Is not yet put out. Oamo Ward en Ileusou bus a force of men still using their efforts to put the flro out, but It si a hard task au thoy aro compelled to haul water with which to put out the firo that smoul ders In tho sod nnd under tho ground, Archie Manon mid family arrived up from tholr homo In Portland last Monday and nro guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. A, Dyrd, Mr. Mason was nt ono time engaged in buslnoet In Hums and it was while hero that he was married to Miss Tllllo Tupkor. Ho is now employed In tho Fodornl Ilosorv'o Hank In, Portland. In fact ho has boon assoc iated with banking over since ho loft Hums soveral years ago. Many old tlmo frlojids aro happy to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Mason again after yearn of acquaintance Chun. 10. Mol'lootoit with his wife and sou, hnvtf returned from n tour covering portions of California as for south us Los Angelas and the coust. Thoy lort horo In May traveling lu tholr Ford car, going out tovrr tho Columbia Highway on down to Cal ifornia. Thoy i'iwiio back up tho coast anil report a very oulovablo tour with, good luck, not having to remove a tiro on tholr our during tho entlro trip. Mr. MoPhootoru wns lu town the other day noeurlng ad ditional help to hnrvoat hii ilrst erop of alfalfa which ho announce.! ! very good considering tho dry HIMU10II Joriu Mi'Hdoon of tho mercantile firm of Ilrndoon Urothera of Illl'zou and Somcrnngc, was In town the fore part of this week. Mr. Ilrn doon slates that range conditions out iu lib section and on tho Stein's Mountain are not up to normal but aro good considering tho lack of moln lure, Tho Hriideons have' a storo at tho now post nlllco Soniornngo,,, up on tho sldo of Stoln's , Thoy nuked that tho now oirtco be named Stein's but the postal dopartmont objected bccauno there was a similar nnmo of I a pout olllco down south some where. Mr nnd .Mrs. J, T. (iarrett and daughter Helen arrived here Wed ueiday from Wlnnomucci for a short vIpII with homo folks They camo In tho. lloht, ICrumhelu car j from Quliiii River, Mm. Krtinilioln accompanying thorn and returned Immediately accompanied by her sister, MrH. Jerry Dillon, who will spend a portion of tho vacation with hor Tho Oarretts hope to remain horo for n rouplo of weeks and will unions culled back to their duties at Wlnnemucca before. Mr. Oarrolt stntcs range and hay conditions are similar lu that district to tills, al though somo of tho P L. i). Co. 111110)101 havo their usual crop. Mrs. Frank Dennett and little son aro hiimu from Canyon City whoru tuoy ntlomUd tho '02 culobrntlou and '.iaitut with relathau nud friends, 'I hoy nut with an accident upon iitnrtlng (or home, having tho cur badly smashed lu a collision on the Canyon grudo, A big car wan com ing down the 'grade as they started up and In making a curve at u rapid speed the big cur Jammed Into tho Ford coupo of Mrs. Iieuuott'a throw lug It off tho grade with tho occu pants, Little Tcrranco went through the wind shield Just ns tho glass was uhakeu out. thus avoiding a serious mishap. ' Mrs, Ilenuotl and Mlse Hulda Schwartz wero the other oc cupants of tho car nud fortunately wore dot Injured, though tho enr wan knot 'ed back about in feet. Mf Get The H Si D 1 and eat at the CLU B CAFE JLevens Hotel Builriliitf Meals nt nl) hours and the menu includes everything obtainable in the local mar ket in season Special Sunday Dinners Quick courteous hervice Krlng the Fan.ily Registered and Grade Jerseys High Class Mtlk Tested All T. B. Tested Frcth nnd Soon to Freshen Cows Now On Hand. Increase your cream check by making your dairy herd high class cows. Willis Rounsevcllc Burnt, Orrnun Try The Times-Herala For Job Worll bTbW eT2&i-aaamaa eJ t v t ir Tp 1 I n7 A"v 'C , JFAi r" UXWMk ADJUSTS S THE CAUSE OF B Harry S. Stone Chiropractor LEVENS HOTEL Olllco houis 2 to G I'. M. 1 1 uuior nourt uy appoiuimeni xm ti-i uMianiMnatrnwai rr-n' - Lmm , -. ! a iilOiiMai w w ayl taUfcifyrtyai , Best Yellow Fine Lumber Rough and Dressed E595SSSn WEIL'S YARD grr-aauww-.i.4uj-jsin,m-i-t) At The New River Bridge End of lane leading cast from Short's blacksmith IB Shop. Burna Paul A. Weil Burns 14 1 afr KmmyimMAmm ly 5T S3 ssssssotsorssssaovsxo K SOIZStOKSmOJGSSICs OLDSMOBILE Announces the Appointment of a New Dealer H. R. RILEY ItiM with great ploamiro that Olda Motor Works aiiiiouncoB this now member of the Oldsmobilo organization. This associationbrought about by a close similarity of business idoals will mean much to Oldsmobilo ownors and friends in this vicinity. Our now dealer will give, at all times, that oxcellent and thoroughly satis fying service which his own reputation and Oldsmobilo policy dpmands. Ho will carry a full lino of cars and maintain always, a complete stock of parts, so that tho requirements of every Oldsmobilo custoiuor and ownor can bo immediately supplied. Whether you aro an Oldsmobilo ownor at present, or aroconsidoringa car sometimo in tho future, you aro invited to call, go through this establish ment, and inspect the open and 'closed body typos of the new Oldsmobilo Six now on display. Olds Motor Works Lansing, Michigan OLDSMOBILE 5 1a Product of General Motoring 4A -ret MftwOJr XWTCAJuULSXii BtaossaaeBsiOKsssaFOBaoBsssHiOBaoEs: iaB5-CTmy-TRHBBff?agaaasi