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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1924)
BITH "Jf S,TAOK tc , V II i: V I M 13 H - II IC It A li J 11 V It N B , lfA N K V COUNTY 0 It K O O N K.tttiftluy, .Jtl::( ii J'2i VaMM mm j 7 You Can Build Your Own Home Just Like Paying Rent BENNETTS FIRST ADDITION Lots - Inland Empire Realty Co Albert A. Traugott, Prop. ' Phone 30 W Burns, Oregon iinnnirmrn 3E The Times-Herald 'WaTL'lie l,aiR0l Oiiciilutlon Of Any .Vuusliupor In Ihii'iiny County. JWMA.V ItVltl) -SJIMIMT.IPTION mlx ?onllif. rIt)ro .Mntith Miutager HATKS aujihij. Juii. ., ni .fVilY NOT (MtTSO.MW OP THIS JIONHVV aceortllug to h ncent nifnertRe. 1tota KmsjUiu- Me.Vary Oregon' share or Xttnils from the Form aerrlea tvv tmuI Uulldli.j? lliki year la nearly a Wtelllou dollar The runda allolcd t til t.n 1463.093 rrom tht fr&t jwkI utiil $44o 120 from form ifxvr-ljjum ni fumlii. HiiriK y "ti!ii t paying ft proportion if bM- fn'i1 no iho Kon-at Depart nartii ..ill Dhoulil have a part cif li to nv j. it. nrniN It run be don v rrnpt i-"i r it ton with the fur i' .- ' . . ' .. rti's from thin eftui.t. -vri 'l bring Immediate ro aeon from ;: ."oreat in llio way of laroiiiumj for ro4itt hit are uaaea l&l and will finally have to b Imllt. ' If we wnli we uro tint going to hnvo ennuli llhiirn! niipiiort from tlio out- -a ftuitiH. K q - . . nrimtTV YKAIIK AfiO t ii ' .- . I CfjVuit) iiur file ot Juno Zlfylh'Ji) L .Prof. Newell it ml family visited f lokimey lust week. .: e.wcy cummins was in, '.town 'V Jia.tWf(k. r Wr Alumlcu U now IIvIiir In thu ' A&, jRJJVojUiluKtoii qpttage . - .iGou. i'ouiiK ban ubout cumpluted teTiiundatIon for IiIh now dwelling. mmlo Ituclno is taking hmoim on ? gflinjii from Prof Till (lliue. El3c Urowu of Dlamoiiil vullcy U tTli father of a 10 pound lioy pf wiiiuh ho la very iiroud. 'Horatio Dlllard has taken an In- RftStrial utroak. Ho In lniHy ImlplnR Vfit'lilmHeIf n ilwollliu;, JAIht lOslly, (laiiKliter of Caplaln vtJly. Who U now toncliliiB nn Silver qaonlv. paid a ylHlt to lior parontn 1nt Kuturduy uhd Sunday. .luilKu Clllford Ih on tlio bunch dur ll$y, tlila ttrtn of circuit court and dla . aiiii(? IiuhIiiokj with IiIb initial .thaniutt)rI.Mtlc alacrity. Mr and Mrn. Will Hunloy. johI iloots of Juckhon county, aro horo iniiiK at JiIh brothorfi' ranch. Wo i .wifmni sill A THE In McGeo Building, On A Street Opposite Bnrns Hotel Cleaning-Pressing-Repairing Gives Prompt Attention '""' "ritw nfo y,f" 50 x 100 ft. On easy terms fifta WW 3E MMMH -Sta I4MMMI mv hU brothr' rniicli bvcuuao ICil hu itindc ItU homo horo for levoml ypum and Will remnlnud In the vnl Ity, hut we pretumit thoy ar nllk iiitrtld in the InuiU and utock. V.' .It. Cradon Ih now umoin; the raatdentA of our town who oau liount of an Mctlleut cffMardn lima rtrohibltlon days the nbovu would hnvw nn nltocotltor dllTuioni hJitnin-?mw-l'tl.) allt I.olu Mcdui' U taaohlnK the 'jirlun tarm of chuol In tha iMclCln iion acltool buttav aavan liilloa Horth of till IllHCO. Dluk HlKKa pnrolwaad a ian of horxi from N'all iloal ol On rut county laat wiok. Thay ru fltia tanjior.) and Otok think when h liat thorn trulnail to his llkini; no mh of honwa In liurna and vicini ty will baat tltam tn atyla. Onind Jurora for tba trm or court Ittr Olwnrjia, forrinon; L.. N. 8ttl lard. Jno. JC. Martin, J. I'. Kldd. II ll'xou. K. II. Ktcd. Frank Itdwnrdv l.lMt of jurora for circuit court trrni: K. It Hanky. II. li. llaM I'atar (lemrii. II (' Drown I "la II Uruncr. J W. Jouo. Qao. rftun ellft. K I) tlakr. II H. SlmTrofn R V. Urod. Jamea I'lriv. Crank F.l-vrt-. I'. M tturnolt. C. F. Ilorlan "'I Btauffur. Wm. LoiiKuoad. .1 F. Alaftln. W. Ii. (Iraouloo. I.. N. mal lard, Jl. J OraKKi Il Dixon, Geo. Sfatfllay, John Q. AdauiH, .1. T. Ilanio.i Wm IMiolp. K. (J Mitrahall, Smn'l Mlckel, Phil Kldd. J. (Jrnddock. o TOO MANY KIMW: III! CAIIKKl'li One huudrid anil twenty-lour for eiit flrtirt huv( bonu reportel on the I!2 Nutlonnl Forests of Ongon imd WujthinKton ulnco March 1, 102, 57 in thu InHt 10 daya In May Thu For ott Service has already had to put on Home fl5 omerKoncy flro guurdn. Thl.t Ih a mom uuuHunl Hltuntlon. From all indications wo aro fear ful of a bad forewt flro- scuaoti. Wo have had to prohibit amokliiK on cortaln nroas of certain Fnrosti, area Hof high flro huzard. If a real omerKoncy nrlHen wo will feel Justi fied In cloaliiK all roads Into the Na tional ForcU koepliiR out nil camp er to reduce tho datiKor of n Koricr al roiilliiRrntiou. From our records, based on 16 oars fiiMroc, forest fire tiro cnuted (In orle- . ' nmnhor) ' : Ciiiiii-r Binolturi, Itnllroadj, I.umberlnu., UrtiHli ' i ,ir, Iuc-siidliiry the firn Iw oaro 1' fr; tho blgKest factors. Over 70 per e -it aro duf to tutt 215 to 30 per cont to lljutitln. The total number of vUltora to tho Na M ml Forests Increases nch year with tho openliiK up of now roads. camplUK npotH. nnd trall.i The pub- Louut Sweistras TAIL OR HIIHMIM,ltin ,.-..1 imiimilllll lie miiit ba rand flra-roieloui when In Ihu forest. Thu press of Dragon himI Uunhitir. ton bus ruudariHl Invaluable rrvlr In oilneillHi; llir puhlir in flro pre vention. You aro our mist "tiitied hplpnra. You have i;lvu nuiny col umn ofapnc. both uaw nnd wdltorlNl, to ftro hows anil fir protection. Th Forust orvleo iippreclatos HiIh i;rant srvlce to the public of thuxo two Hiatus, both so rich In forest Wealth. Will you help In what wo fetir will he n vary bnd flro seaaottf Fw flrM arw ca.tisud tnUllciotialy It la the thouRhtlana. etn'4aa parson who aoaan't rMtlttia tho tlnnRor, or wht iluouVt know any holtar; ho Is tho oiio to bv roaehod. (JUO. II. ('MOIL. Dlsti'lpt Foroaler.. " - ii' - iioHKi.Tii kvapp ttur:iei If ou have haver en the iatlh tuniiv -.Id i of a iu'!ety fuuetloti. a Uli'Vl" UIKllfllCf, thu iuw u'ltoi&ohlli owtifr. the proud iinuiiu and ii!!nl li'ld. or nn old lutv utrUKKllnil lih three yunli of lullrond tint' UMf. mi uwlll hav vur rva opvnDil w!im limMlh ICnaiip ItreetJ eotnus to Oh.iu tnii.iua with her ar'nttlutlnic pro Rrnni of charaMer NkotehM. olu..-' totiolotiit and drttinalle resdlnt. Mrs Itrewl la a remarkable Inter preter of real psnplo In rent life. Wlioti she left tho Mtnit" to take up Lyceum nnd Clmutainiua work, dra - inttlle eiltlen wald the theatrlcnl pro- fesslon had lot one of Itrt boit char- tutor nrllittH. Chuutouuua. howavor. lu !vau Hcarchlni; for Reed talent and what tho Hlago lins IohI Its nud iouco will Riiltj, In Mrs, Ilreed Clitiu tnttqua will find n keen student of human nature, a flue personality, re finement and hlstronlo alllty out of tho ordinary. She Is a professional at chasing dull enro and her proRram Ih glvon amid Rules of hearty luuRh ter. Win MKMOHIAT COUUT t AT I', or o. AHHiirnttcu has boon Riven Amorl can Legion olllctnU of tho ftpoodv ccnstructlon of tho Wnr Memorial Court on tho Unlvo-slty uf OroRon campus, by Itobort Kuykendnll, prcs l.lcnt of tho alumni .'itMni'lntlou and luiMoiial chairman of tho nlumnl r;lft campaign. Tho ofllcJnlH itr'i.iiite.l Mr Ku- rfpfaM tfa-'aLiblafa. ib- lHiJ HARNEY COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE (Inc.) Abstracts of Title Insurance-Fire and Auto REAL ESTATE Building Phono No. G3W Loans Now location in Kuod BulIdiiiR udJoln!ii Mntonlo Duildlng SMKTfi-ggt rgfC ri. - M. - - ,. - t - Conservatory Artists' Trio Appears Soon Thro Western Artists Give Two Programs Second Day of Chautauqua w jaiiiB A 1 kV irr r JT 4k. tSft BBBBBM K 1JL B BBBk jlfr " 1 Bt 4 BBBbV BBBBbHbbIbMbVB fWJ BBBBB V ,1 BBBBBBLKv 1 't-bA- TK yFRIRuriP( H Three iirtltt of Individual Achievement nnd promtno compose the Con nervutory ArtlwlH' Trio, Oenovlevo Ollbert, dnimatlu Kopniuo, Ih not only on of the moHt popular Mipiumm of the Went, hut hix won for hi'Molf u place vr Ihu national concert platform. A Hplimdld et'ou-illtv, coupled with n run dramatic hoprano, innke her one of the inont lutereallni; Auierlenn HltiKcrt. His! littfi excepllonnl dramatic ability, having Mttidlod wltli Minium .Modjeskn. Her prornmn are veiRatlle nnd npoallnu and .she hrlnuii Into them tin timiHtial pym pathutle Inlentreltitlou. riora Mae IIomh, concert planlHt, Ih a fluNied muxlclnn, with ti roninrkni.le couceiiili'ti of uttlNtlc Interprcfnlton nnd who poiwh the rare Ift of )pln 11 truly ayuipitthvile iirrompnulKt. Itefore ontanUlnr the proHntit irhv lio 'n dueled the ItoNfMonllelh-Ucther Trio of jn Anuelea and the Arco hndlott' Trio of Port land, Oregon MaitiM Telford, vlollnlat. In n elmrniltiif v- n Mt'tem .n who mn-r. y vH'llit uinlar Hon'-! Pll"". hoi l i ."n . , irtnntit of tu l.i-llaon-White ('n.i-i.itnr) of lnnle. Mhw 'i' 'i 'ny ( i' i in n, muak'lant of tti Wwt Kieh vwr tlndn h") r i.-n'.ln: I ,h"r in .ill . jnvllrtii,. .'I'lt ti futitri Ik.Mh! 1 tii Hi 1 ' A raJ nrtlt' trio In tvo (iih , . r. ki' ill til I i, S .'.' II,.. f u- tll U 1J'I b til ' rt.ltl' l'OII .Mltloll tf the d parttiittiu o, Oregon wh!h Ixuriily endurit t Hi Ltihrity of OrwRoit Oift Cainpi'K'i t se.t.r fund through tho fjlfts o( nlumnl nnd othtr friends for the purpos of eon stntellUK odilltlo!!! I iiulldteH4 mikI i momorlnl ciurl'M hom.r of the forty 'nVfii atudautK oi the I'nl- vtralt ywho died in Hr artco dur- lug the World War. WnrT It iniIimiI atlontlou to thu fnot that tin Auierl- . can UkIoii and the University of I Oregon am both dadtcntud to tho 1 nemo I don la thu promotion of odu- rstion, cUfMitshlp nnd patriotism and commended the emupalKn to tho citixena of the atnlo na meriting gen eroua and wholo honrtod supporl. "wo jmvo nun to our whole omit IwIkh for Rifts atno-vg tit alamni ootiter around thla aplatidld wnr me morial eourl" snlil Mr. KuykundHll. "Whllo it will oapoolally honor tho i , man of the aUito university who dletl. , It will in n larRor aonna eommamor- I iite the aaerlflee nnd tlm narvlco of ' nil men of our atnte who died and ' mM who erv.d Wo it to be ' ' the voiy hi irt tid 4Mitr of the I'nivrieltt'a llf tJ.. t. for aj-nertt- rlona tn eomo. Orean sludenta will find lit It ti constant Inspiration to M'lf-anrriflca and aorvlce . 1 "Tho wat court wait Hie flrti ohjcetifo'cf tin Pnlvoralty al umni, .Hid It will he the Nr't thtt)t tuUitiiiultil with th fund wo have ' ralb'd We waul this to Htnlid til ' "" H our trlbuto to tho highest ol l,l(' m mIn ,,,al tnotlvnto In tltno ol , Wl,r ",ul '"u iunlly valuublo ( ' t,mw of 'c;u,n- r tompleto pro- gram of bulldltiRH wMch wo hopo to flnnuco for tho Unlvorslly Includo the moiuorlul court, tho I.lbrnry and tho men's gymnnslum. Our subscription already nHsurcs tho construction of tho court ntu! tho first unit of tho Library." - o NOItTHWKHT FOHKHT K.V PKHI.MKNT STATION AII'HOVE Word has Just b'cbn received at Ho Ulstrlct Forostor's ofUco In Portland that CfliiRrcHH hits passed a bill pro viding for n Northwest Forest Kx jietlmont Station for Oregon and Washington, Tho movement for nn adequately equipped foreHt experiment ntatlon for tho Douglas fir region has boon boforo CongrosH for suvoral yonrs, nnd was strongly supported by chotn bors of commerco, timber owners, Surety Bonds Bui-iip, Oregon CO I' H ll 1 f.uiiu - Mi - .w.j4i ata-jsrais fi fTi t-m:wicuMiw,,jj' aiwjajyaigaBJOn forest ulioola, and federal. tnt), j and jirlvute foreattrj of the Noilh wust. ' Studies of rnto of growth of oir ' tree species, belt methods or mnn-1 aeiMiieut, of atdoud urowlh stnttds. I olTset of dllfurant methods of log- King on iintuml rapruduotlou. rat . of spread of forest fires In different , forast types, prediction of fire wcath- r by , nru n Mtudy of atmospheric Mutlc. few of tho many forest prob- lotus, forest ollleors say. In need of ! careful and iutcnslvo Htudy. ' The Don k Ian fir region oronom- ' lonlly In one of If not thu most Ini- t ; portitut lit tho United Ktntefl to-day, for within the Slnttw of OraRoti, , WiishuiRtou, and California in found t otio-half of tho roiimiultiR mercliant slile timber of the country. o AnihramoM diaoaiie of ROOMebor r' l indicated by the proaanco of i tnait si null dark apom on (he leaven thai oftM caitee the laovea to drop. Uordeaux Npplled in l-l-f.O atrenRth thorouahly to- both aurfacea of the lenvea la the remedy found off active by the OrcRon oxporimont station. Direction for milking and ualiiR the ! snrar may ho had on application to tr BRrtcultural eollrce at Corvnllis i ::k t'Ai.DWiii.i.'H i a it u i: it s ii o v N. w. Modo.ii Kqulptr.ont A tj luliig Masonic Uulldlng Old friends and new welcome S. M. JARVIS Livestock Commission Cattle, Sheep, Wool, Hay Burns, mMmmmmmmmmmm t Alpine Ice Cream PURE and WHOLESOME Made from Harney Co. Products Keep your money at home and get the best Special prices to Churches HARNEY CO. f SJI Burns I MH8 'S ;lgaiiaieWa0iEBmWWHMali WWilseasMI ,1. WHJ Glycerine Mixture For Gas On Stoma ci Hlniplo Klycorliic. buckthorn barl otcM tiH mixed lit Adlerlkn, hclpf nt' Kuitw Ran on vjie wujiuacu 111 i Kfj nj. Ull'H. JVIOHt medicines net only 0a lower bowel but Adlorlka acts ot DOTH upper nnd lower bowel abj romove nil rnsiMW and do!.,. RrliiKft out mattor you never thoumj wiik In your flyrttoni. Excellent fftr obtlmito coiiKtlpntlon. Oumdii again. Bt nppondlflllH. Iteod Dros. DruRBlnh' A(lvertltiment BBSSBsaaraBSBsnicjfflaBjib CYLINDER GRINDING Crnnlcahaft tTurninp, Con necting Rods and Main Bearing, Babbetcd nnd Machined to Size. Complete Engine Over hauling. SERVICE ACCURACY MODERATE CO'1 A. E. AULTS AstociaU'd Uuildirv' Bend, Orcyon Central Oregon I Machine Works We Give a Real Guarnnlcc With Our Work. Dr. Karl Norvall Drugless P h y s i c i a n Mcchano Thcraph) Elccric Theraph) Naturopathy Office Over Posloffice Burns, Oregon Oregon aWftaialBMBaalayT'ri T""T'' Picnins, Parties and Lodges CREAMERY J