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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1924)
ft At7lTC T II 13 T I M R H - II IC It Ali 1) II U II N 8 . 11 A Jl N K Y COUNTY O II K O O N Hnltmhiy, Juno 1!8, I JJ 1 i ((. . MW(amMiiumnumnriWM .cfc4MUNilkMUkKmni U NITED STATES TIRE S A R. E GOOD T1IVES The Old Reliable r Real Estate AND Insurance Fire Automobile Life FARM & BUILDING LOANS Investments Inland Empire Realty Co. Albert A. Traugott, Prop. Burns, Oregon. Phone SOW usco FABRIC TIRES 30x3 and 30x372 inch FOR many years the USCO Fabric has been the stand' ard of value in a fabric tire It's a better tire today for the light-car owner than a cheap cord of unknown make. Costs less and gives more. The USCO Fabric wjll give you' a lot of tire service for the money. yMSS til A I its 4 H wrwriiaw V&RV, 1UV. CIUCUHK8 .liKIJ .tACKll! COIMIAN riTAUH CHILD I'AltADIHK UlVtOriitl. lor U'lio Uhlillr unit Kcry Jtoity al (hit liberty July a-1 6as4;h a liny to whom th wjtllp-tir.n&-&nil talont nf Mx Krcnt otrfiUHoa "A-.?riiian 'xvHtlaliJ for Itltn to roxtl Bxweliu-'latrt mid youiiKtor run 'tuatej? imtnifl and lemonade stand. tmftam wtty tr rvfrarihuionUi to all -rTnB wt fWs HolKhliorliood. and XXtzaaf. -rbatirft to play the part of Ttsi yn will Ki aomu lilii of tho w&xsnirnjirin(rtU that toll to (lit -Oar: u frn oltftit-ywar-olil lad In llio "t3l TJmt guy 1)ly niiiitt be mi '&) mit,4jrlDlnj a Irrim way nut rlto ttavw parta!" TUtiifel. or oihfr word to 'hit IT t 'wm t- i aiuul nlMorvatlnu nf mutt majamr -wiiii w.i ' not In the knew" -vwaawt tot- u'-l the rat xpiin; of it: tsat iiril rtiMiiy tanntcil j.n m niitkirt f th- mnall ai Hollywood Ui -" far km Imiuiurn -uauI Dauriiiiw MiiMt ttroolalmlui; tho vA-atar of "Daly'i Mninmoth Clrcua "5rif;rniiW)ht 81iow on I-Jorth" noon ra-stwwe Kcnerally known. bt nriK 11 real olroua all Tight, or v.soRiwr .it collection of olrcnaoa, but It "-sn bring fctBueil for tlio regular "Tiftutu-oinK public. It "wnn being ( UMl'ei tho filming (it fhoblggoAt cir- ) v'cturo ever -rondo "Circuit V BiC Mtnrrlug 'ttin Incomparable uribfe'tiongau 'and coming to the Libert) Theatre next Thuradnr and Friday. Tho oiilpmonl, uiilmaU and uotom of half 11 dozuu of the lurgaal rtr cuhm In tho world which chuiiMd to ho In rnllforuln wf uiH In many of thu moil Important kciioh of tho film. KlophaiitM .uflinolH, IIoiih. moiikoy, aerohatJ. cfiuontriiMiitoa, trapozo art IttH and ctosvim In fact. ovurythliiK that i;ooh Into tho maUIni; of a ureal clrutiH. from IiowIIiik ithlo-Mhow fioak nml McrDHtiiliiK iImiii callopi'H to hlarliiR'h.iiidH. woro thun. And rlRht In tho midst of all thin (lory of tho kiiiiiII hoy Jaoklo Cooijan pronhlod proudly ovsr a poamit mid lomonado Httiud. Tho who! hti4iumi wiih iiioro fun than work for Jttuklo. who had ns boon companlQiia, N'elllo I.ano, tho rmiem woiiiuu. aud WIIIIi'iiii Mallow, the jkinnlMt man In tho world, nx wull u IVnehtM JnrlMin, a tiny quwilrltfiiiio kUr. Jai'ldo wa aimply ntkhotl froifl I un Joy to uiiotUer. ( nihil nway from the hapjfy tak f lrlun awy I -. muh pink kmonail at ho did not w.itit to av for hliuawlf. Jackfo t Ikmi mado to ro through an art that i vim the iiraoliwt ploamira of hla oraon otirer -an net that would huvo orowncd th oiimhltloii of llious hiiiU of small Iiovh ull ovor tho Imd. Ho wiih cullod upon to appear nil the tttar clown of tho clicus! "ClreiiH DuyH," a I'lrnt Xntlonal pleturo proHoutiMl hy Bol LoHHor, U ndaptod from Janieti Otis' faniotia story, "Tohy Tylor, or Ton Wvcka With a Clrcua' "Toby," n played by Jackie, ruim nway from tho farm of n Iinrsli tin- do a ml Ktiv I.'h job m n clrruh pf. I not jncrchani ut a dollar A wtk and j ' found " Mti uio'kp'it'il leap Into l finiii' an tho hit of ti.u i-Irnix tiitinw tvhou Uv U purmlltcil to atihktltuto for tho llitlo otiiatrloiiuu who had pntluod an niiltlr. True, ho hadn't, lutaiulad to achltvo auoi'flHa In Juat that way, hut ho Ih contoitt with tho happlitww It lirlncy hla widowed molhar nu dth Utile oitiotrlaiiiio. Tho produntlou la dorlaroil to hv th fluotit In which Jackie Coognn haa yot apponrod m'l'KKT Hl'dllKH "fJI.M.MIV KI'AUKMNC CO.MKDV. IUIA.MA i . 'tPSfs 5 l.v, ' 1 1 1 ;! 1 i.MliH 3y V. S. TlrcM from 3U&MS C A K A BtiPHtf, Oregon G 3S ! !' M.WfMi lloruV that liidufatlRiihlo author and phiywrlithl, Ituport UurJioa. comliiK aloiiK with another of IiIh i;roat Horeou hui:cojmoh. "(llmmo," whloh will he nhnwn for tho flrat time lit liunia at tho Mhorty Thoatro 'for 0110 day only, Wednesday. July 'i. II'h ooinedy thl time, of tho "Pnti Kcroun Curve Ahoad" typis comedy merry and parltllni;. hut mluelod with heart appeal, too. In other word, It'a a truo to lift picture of Ih udomwtlo adventure and mUuul vantuora of any evtryila) ltHhnml and wlfo. The jirolileu or tbU purileuiar eopplo tnvolven thul hlKhly Imuori ant iiumIJoii In modrrii nxleiy of n wlf'a ocouomlc aUitua. Muat dio he oppnty lov hor dluapprovnl of liar aon'a vholc hy withdrawing nil flu atiolal aaalHtauoo and parmlttlui; Clinton to ahouhlar hla own rMpoual Ixtltty. Kami)- fluda horaeU lu tho unooui forlahle ihniIMoii of havliiR to (ink tUw Haiiu-tiio-woaltUy Clinton for every eent of dpoudlui; money. She I U Indohled to tho extent of K'OO 1 t borrowed to provide a trouaaoaio, : 'to' hue former oinpluyer, tho Interior durorutor, who otruvldoa eompllca iIoiih for tho ploL by tryliiK to i:ap Itallzo l'nnny'a otollnatlon to hlnu f Thin, roaultn In il mlHuudemtainlliu hntwowu tho h unhand and wlra, but lliltiKH ovvutunlly aro cleared up und Fanny never aicoln ha to ultar tho baleful wont M(llmmi." Iloluue Cluidwlck. who plnymJ. to himutlfulty hto role of the youtiK wlfo lit thai other l(ui;hc' uiaator pleeo, "l)iini;uroUH Curvoa Ahead," U mkhIii tho wlfo In thin 0110. und. glViM a UhwU.! performance. Tho hii8 lwuid. Clinton Ken'li. U phiyd hy (laNtou Ulaaa. that skilled younu Kreu Reactor who lliat came to pub lie nollow for hla wurH la "llumoraa qtif." Other In tits xiat. whloh la uniformly ex'lluL nra II Ii. WaK hall. Ulaauor IJoar4tuan. ICatu laaUr pavtd linhoilfu, (Jmiruln Woodthropo ltiitfllrlnt paraoftiwl. tliw ujcporl iiimhUiI work uiidor Dr. J. V. llof aian, foriuarly dlrxutor, hiu proved (trt praolloal valuii- to foreateru and Umber owiiom of tho Dougtas fir ro zlon. It l KCiiornlSj' nuoKUlzed. Huch rwiilta inalhoiH of natural rr ateukliu: of nouclnu fir lands ami relative humidity m rolntod to for out firea have proved tho value ot such InvcstlKatlvo work, la tho op Ion of forMtera. totally dapomUnt on bar hmhand lor pockat moiioy to aay iiothliiK of I May Wallnev hhiI Jaan llopu. Tho food, olothliiK and ahollor? It'a a acttluga. by Cudrlo (Jlbboiia, und tho prohlom that haa oitusod many a photoplay, hy John Moeul). tiro par inntrlmonltil bnniuo to founder. Hut tloiilarly flno. us 11 problem It him Ita Reed polutH, , ()J fur It fiirnlxhcd Mr. IhiKhoa and hla ' wife, who eollahorated on tho story, ' WE REPAIR iHmlilt: li 1811 1 riSSIi tlmf fit H v " , " fi?i ' rirtii iii ix 1 tt " ''-'' t 'jr f- 4- f 4 f f J ' I "f j r flno photoplay niatorlnl, Tho btory, lu brief, In of a aelf HiipportliiK Klrl, an Interior decorat-, or, Fanny Daulonl by name, who murrleH Clinton Forrloa, only aou of Tho Foret Horvlco haa had n i.tmill Ntntlnli lu tho Wind lllvcr Val ley near Htablor, WiihIi., for aoino ton yoars, hut hna never had sufllc lent fundii to carry on tho InvoHtlga tlvo and Htudlea work that wan need ed to bo done, foroat ofllcera nay. In Radiators Rightly Promptly Reasonably Burns Hardware Company I'KATUUK AT TIIK MUKHTY TIIKATUK WKIXI)AV, JULY a i wealthy and doting mother, who xplto of liiadoquato equipment and yafMTIIIlK AT TIIK MIIKItTY TIIKATUK HATUHDAY.HUNPAY, -. IKATCHK AT Til? MHHUTY TIIK ATRK HAT.-Hl'N, JV.NH MI-B9. I ivvVt1 Will II I r & Hi JNL w Jr 9 DAY'S A4MM l. .Halaa. '' BHaflHaBBlhalBiiiBBKIrraBBBB V TWm m kiiiiiiiiiW7ikiiiiV V HPL aaBi' ttaaaaPHnhTkiiiiiiiiiiiH X. S BaH 'aVar iKiaaaiLiV' VHLiiiiiiiiiEHawiiiiiiiiiiH . If I-1 , 'SStHSMS'i- JJSBjSiy fW M'2Mi4 JCIII UUIW KIIINTI Vl I I J&af Hp awr VlZn GAP of REP WITH EDWARD HOIXTON ERNEST TORRENCE LOIS WILSON FRITZl RIDGEVVAV CHARLES OGLE LOUISE DRESSER JAMES" CRUZE PH00UCTI0M GOLDWYN putitirri AntiPERT HUGHES iMCTUftt Rf tww k1 k$i$lfr IS sg c mmm cuahwicec, gaston gas UaWALTtlAa, lLEAMOE boadmah KATE LESTER wnrntN by RUPERT ano ADELAIDE I1UG1ICS DintaSD 0 RUPERT HUGHES 'A GOLDWYN PICTURE