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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1915)
TheTimes-fteraidi Hat Ths largest ClrcaUtlen Of Any Nw..p , n Harney County. j SATURDAY. NOVtMtUt 1. lata. Local News. See "The Vogue" hats at Clin Kin8 Hat Shop. Paramount pictures at Tonn wama next Monday night. Meet me at the Burn Hetel: That's the central place in town I All kinds of grain including! wheat at Lunaburg Dalton & Co. Arrangements are going for-, ward for the usual Christmas ball at Tonawama. The Firemen have issued post ers announcing their annual New! oar dance at Tonawama. ... N v uuiii.v v,ienc nugnet is back at his desk after an absence of several days from illness. Mrs. Millar has made a gener al reduction on all her millinery. See her at Schwartz store. J. E. Rounsevelle and wife wore up from their home near Denio during the week on business. The Burns Packing Plant soli cits your patronage for their pro. ducts and jruarantee the quality. The prices are rijrbt. Austin Cumminsrs was in to make proof on his land yerterday. He was assisted by Leo Buchan an and James Gibson. Special meeting of Burns Lodge A. F. 4 A. M. tonight at the Masonic hall. Work in the K. A. Degree. Visiting mem bers welcome. Mrs. Millar has received some of her Fall and Winter Millenery and invites the ladies of this vic inity to call at the Schwartz store and see the display. Mrs. Marvin McGee and his mother, brothers, and sisUrs de sire to express their sincere thanks to the many friends who were so kind and helpful during their recent bereavement. A big bloodhoun left the Fred Nickles place in the mountains some three weeks ago. He was branded K on left hip. Reason able reward for his return. A. Kimball, Burns, Oregon. 4-5 The fellows who have s ated they would bring wood to this office during the past two months Statement Of Tha Condition Ol Tk. First National Bank Burns, Oregon At the clow of business November 10, 1ft is. Roller skating at Tonawama to-night, I still have some good golf BairUatSforflOQ I. Schwartz. W. T. VimderVoro was aftr from hlfl Pine Creek home v I "" 3C ua-ms i iww (tay. RESOURCES Loans and Discount $886,240.96 U. S. Bonds 6L000.00 Bonds and Discounts 47 905,29 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 9,504.92 Five per cent Redemption Fund 2,600.00 CASH 188,961.81 $646,102.98 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits Circulation . ." DEPOSITS Capital and Surplus $ 60,000.00 59,816.30 60,000.00 486,786.69 $645,102.98 si 00,000. United States Depositary ACCOUNTS INVITED YOUR ATTENTION to Invited I the strong condition of thU bank aa re flected ay the above report la the t-evernment which akawa our deposits larger, oar reaoareaa area lee than ever before la the hi story 1 f cur Institution have failed to make good. We 1 r"r 8le ttt market prices. - W. A. need more wood but will not oav ; woodman s feed yard any fancy prices, so the man who comes and asks for a con tract to furnish it at right prices is going to have a cash deal in a hurry. DRESS UP BOYS Williams- j Mexican Chilli at Mac's Res Zoglman Go. Co. have the goods. J taurant. I still have some good golfi Mac's Restaurant wants tn hnv shirts at 3 tor si. uw -1. senwartz. nw iioxen eggs each week. Micheal Hacker is in the city lorn and Mrs Allen were in from Voltage making proof on from the P Ranch during the his land. ! . SUnt Tyler was the guest of Opening of a fine line of Fall relatives and friends in this city n,m """ernaisat tlingan Hat Wednesday. shop- Pasture and all kinds of grain Best of care given patients at and hay for sale. Phone or see Mrs- Fireoved's maternity hospi Henry Vulgamore, ; a'- bom SAjatnd Mlxed timothy and clover seed Mil auio. r. 1. vanaerveer. Drewsey, Oregon. Frank Smith had the misfor hoM down tune to bppak h- mm the othpr Place tins day whUe ptayiBir b(uket ba First class potatoes SI Der 100. Rolled U.Jo v. wheat and oats,-..-iot- HiinrMl ., ri.m;j. v bbbj a. , al a OIUV, .luntura and Rrogan. Caldwell Potato (Jrowers. Chicken dinner Sunday at the The cheaDOI!i ftd lat flour n Overland 12 o'clock and also' the loca, ja that j, from &:J0 in the evening, from new wheat by the Burng Milling (.0. As yur merchant for it. Stockman look forward to long period of feeding during the coming winter. Several high school students went to their country homes to spend Thanksgiving vacation. The new flour made by the Burns Milling Co. from this year's wheat Is every sack iruarnnteed. Try it. There will be a meeting of the Presbyterian Ladies Aid at the home of Mrs. (Jemberling next Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Miller will take orders for the Palmer Carment Co., of Chicago. Sample book now on hand at the Schwartz store. t lildmon n ... .1 ( I . I N vMwyfvw aiHi iiuniiy anu his mother. Mrs. David Cary came over from Crane Creek yes terday and are guests of 'relatives and friends in this city Between four and of snow greeted the people of this section on Thanksgiving morning. A chinook has reduc ed the depth of the white cover ing very materially, however. Pat Cecil and wife were guests of relatives and friends in this city over Thanksgiving. Mrs. Cecil is a former Portland lady and met many of the speiety peo ple of this place while hero. Good bread and pastry is as sured when the new tlour from new wheat made by the Burns Milling Co. is used. Get it from your merchant, the mill, or Hous ton, the Secretary. Good barley ground at Chan. P. S. Weittenhiller expects to Wilson's. 1 leave in a few days for Spokane I still have some jrood ttolf whfl,v ht' wi" Wm th w,ntr shirts it 8 for ft 06 I. gch .1. I A friend recently received a A low ifttMoMt of ftrilrav 1"'",rfrom Lfbswnjn sMetait l.-, .. , it,., tn: 11... ,,.... that ftir and iwr.t - Mil . iniKim III11 V niA inviK'n Sho,. HAY! Have you seen our iiuw Macklnaws? -Williams-Zoglmann Clo. Co. The school children are making th host of the short vacation psffod during Thanksgiving. A new consignment of hats and Ostrich feather boas have boen received at the Clingan Hat Shop. Frank Clerf and wife were? over from the Alvord Ranch this wook. They encountered very imd roads through the Valley. The Burns Hotel is the head quarters for all when in town. Qood table service, clean rooms and accommodating attendants. Chester Mace and his bride have returned from Boise and Bra receiving the congratulations of their friends. Tilt FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS SI 00.000. "THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR I $ $ $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. M F 1mtD I,. 1 1. i. -e tl 1 -tn.i of a NO. MM. MpaD ol lit reailliloB ul lb HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK el BURNS st llurni. 111 In lists ol orsfoo, st the (lost ol tmilneia, Nov .'in l.r luth IIIA. sgsoeavas. Ui.ii. m..l Iiltuuiil anv.lMW t'.S. RobuS ilepoelted teaeours rircu Isllon parvalu.J 2S,MU0 l' Hoili I'lnlisdto ssrurs tl N .1. .inm ;pr , slur I &.IWUUU U lunda pledged to ssrs raaalBteaiaj .. . low 00 O. H uondloBB.d ami tin pledged t.ooueo Tonawama has for a fancy dress ball on the 14th of February. Paul Finke has from his mountain week after supplies. Fred Clingan has gone to join his wife who is at the bedside of her mother. Mrs. Hale. The lady is seriously ill we are In formed. A Portland newspaper reporter is either miod in his lines or R. h. Strahorn has his head turned bv his recent triumphal tour through Central Oregon, he is P"1'"-" meeting and exchanges quoted in a Portland paper as, f ideas between the business savincr he was most impressed of men of this city are a good thing the oreat interest taken in hia The meeting last Sunday night enterprise ly the foot that the Burns delegation at Bend accom panied him on through to Lake view and Klamath. The fact is our delegation returned home im mediately following the Bend meeting. .11 SMS. called for the purpose of perfect ing the organization of the Com mercial Club brought out much discussion which showed that we are not all of one opinion, there fore the more need for getting together, CORSETS!!! I have just received my new line. The largest and most complete ever shown in Burns. The celebrated line manufactured by WARNER BROS. The list following gives just a slight idea of the stock Rust Proof Corsets $1.25 to $3.50 Red Fern " - - 5.00 Brassieres - 65c- Perfection Waists 35- .. . . 65c. " 1.00 '' Skeleton Waists . 25c. Sanitary Belts - 25c. The merits of Warner Bros. Corsets are too well known to require any extended mention. This is simply to let you know that th$ above men tioned goods are here, and you are cordially invited to come into the store and inspect them. I. SCHWARTZ General merchandise n..nni K11I dinir. - ourns, vm.u.. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $100,000. 'THE BANK THAT MAKES YOUR S t t $ SAFE." ACCOUNTS INVITED. The Mothers' Club is again to be congratulated upon the suc cess of their annual Thanksgiv ing ball. It proved a most en joyable affair and largely attend ed. Be sure that your next pur chase of bacon and lard is from the local packing plant it is up to date and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Ask your merchant for it. Frank Johnson, who returned from Prineville in company with W. P. Davidson of the Coloniza tion Co. last Thursday, reports his aged mother in very poor health. Telephone information receiv ed last night from the foot ball game at John Day stated that the Burns team was victorious to the tune of 27 to 0. Our boys had a hard time getting over there and were more or less ex hausted from the 'trip therefore their success is most pleasing to those interested in such sport. .. , r-n ..; U-..N Marnea ai noon on innn- giving, at the home of the bride's parents, Willis L. Barber and Miss Ada C.Thimmes. Rev. A. K. MacRae. Baptist pastor, preform ing the ceremony in the presence of the relatives and a few friends. Both are well known young peo ple of this county and they will make their home in Catlow Val lov. A big dinner followed the ceremony. The Times-Herald joins friends in wishing the newly weds a happy life. Miss Clara Weittenhiller, dsUi Khlor of P. S. Weittenhiller. was married in Spokane recently to Mr. Arthur Karr, late of Iowa. Both were here this summer and the bride is well known to many of our young people. She is a sweet young lady who won Boar in mind the concert nt Tonawama on Thursday svsoiog, Dec. ! when the famous baritone. H. (J. Whipp, comes from Port land to sinjr for the people of this vicinity. Kst rayoil One bay horse about 12 or 14 years old came to my place about a year ago, branded with J and lazy J or lazy C under on left shoulder, weight about lloO. and saddle marked. Owner prove property, pay all ehnrges and take animal. .1. P. Malum. Princeton. Oregon. President Davidson of the Col onization Co. came in Thursday evening in company with Frank Johnson and after a short stay in Burns went on out to Riverside where he took the train this morniug for the east Mr. Dav idson had a conference with the railroad committee while here and made them know he was with this town for quick action in securing transportation to this section. Reward About Nov. 7, 19 head of cattle wsrl l t from near Buchanan ; L6 head branded LH (L reversed and pail of II) on right hip, crop oil right ear snd wattle on right side of neck; one cow branded N on left hip; one branded J bar J and 49 on right hip and side; one young cow branded 49 on right hip and one cow branded NE connected on left hip and O on left side, dehorned and small bell on her. Suitable reward will be paid for information leading to their re covery. Mrs. M. Hilton, Buch anan. Oregon. "The Million Dollar Mystery" at Tonawama every Wednesday night until the serial is complet ed. This is one of the most popu lar picture serials ever produced and during its run Inst year at tracted more attention than all the other serials. It will be giv en in double installments at Ton awama. thus being completed within less than half the usual time. Four reels ston night with an additional oomedy five reel program for 10 and 15 cents ad mission. The new machine is working well, although the old films of the serial story are nut in gobd shape. M.'U0 rj.if! J..1.IUU J.SM77 ijttm 111,. I-'. '! Ti.UI 11. 8 Honiit " utlilc otb.r I' M. huiid.. is Slid UIII.I1 . . -in. olh.r Ibsu Ks.lorsl Hcmko Ktmk suuwrlplloB tuMock ol 1 . i.-mi kmin hsok M;uoua . 1 ssuunl unpsld 'A&uoo Kurnlturs.uiiniiur.. K..I fits). OWIMHiolb.r lli.O M.nk Ins lluuw N.I snuiiui iiur liost r.drrsl Hwiu ti.Bk Net sutuuttt d.t from sp i.r.i.r.i rn.rt. sfselt Is New York, tblnsfo sad M. I41UU I ..MUM N.I mm Mini du. limn SB rtiv.d 11 '!. B(SBIS la oth.r iumiv. till. tf.ns.M M.MI tl N.I sinnuai du. from Iwak. sod l..l.kiri lullicr I .UiV.) lltl.rl BaeSBj 1. 11 lisBk. In tlir taini' 1 lit nr luwit ss rriortlBg bsiik oui.lil. tbrrktsad ol bi 1 cssb 1in.1t. I 'Moll, Irscllonsl csri.ory, BlrklM Int cots, $M.?A NuU. nl oib.v SsUonsI Bsskt ri.t.'isl HtlflYt Botes Iisiii Unit. Hnssvs is Hiss, 1 1 IMal inln "il .'.iriisVBiMi I ..! l.-ll'l'l lil'li. lt9riinoUoii runt! it lib V - I r..iir.r. (nol tbsa I wr ou rlcu-Ullnii) Vsls t .Imb Nu .11 ferial No. HUM NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i'nitbii statkm i.nNii ovrioa IS. Niiv.ini,.! n, IVUi Niiiiiii it h.iiitiy livtB tbst Ihs H.irlhorB I'Ml-lnr lltllwuy ( oinisiiy, sti.Mu pust oftlce 1M11 la HI. 1 it 111. .M it tuts, lis. tbli'Mdsi'Ol Nor.inBBt. mi., In II, It nirs in y,'. Hun iu iiilfii't uud.rtb. i,rovtilOTini in. .i "I I'linilliu, SililV.ll Jlllv I. UllMlWIMIsl. '.V7, I. lit .1. Hit. 4, I'p HI H ,B. to BS.I. W . M , ilM.ll seiei. Any snd sll nsruoBi il.tinlna sd vrslr Ihs Imnlt ih'ti illifit, nr rl.tlrluK In nl.liirl IrtH'SUM of lb. Mlni'i.i itisrsi'icr ul thu l.iid.orsBy nt In r ri-ntiin. In tint lOtnm.! to tt, skniilit III. their nrritlf. 1 . or iri'.i In Hilt ntTiiT, mi nr bilniit tag lib dsjr ol Jsnusry, 1V.O, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. IStlKH HTATKH I.ANI) OKPK.'S. I Bursa, Orsfno, Novsnbsr 'ill, 116. 1 Ntilliu It h.M.'hy fjv.ll Ihsl Rdwsrd I. lilli ou, whn.1' iinti-nflHv Is Hsro.y, Ori'ion. ill. l,t, nilii' rnli ilnt nl Msrrb, lull, His III Ihlt nit li i'H wnrll Nt.tflit flit snd Abf'llcslloii, Nn u.' imriihsin tin' N W ,,NK',.Hn'tlou ,, r.jn lililj. 'il H . llsiiK.-rl'i K. Wlll.m.tls M.rl illoi, tint till' tlmliiir tDSrsOB, tin' urn '.!., lit Ul tin- mi I f Jmit 3. 1M7H. mftm nilaliiry, kiiuwn-st lb. " I linlnr sud num. i. .i .i turn v. mi. nt itilirlit tie rtt.d by an i.raltmuoiii, ami thai iniituaiil to lurb suull . tilnn tin- laud and ttiulu'r tbere.ui bsvc in-i-ri M-ralii il.lll tlii'tllltl Hi" limit.. i . tilinali'il H'.itti l, anl lost at II Ml irr m. ana nut inlia UJ; inui ttl.l .til. BUI will offir final prK) Iu a iiiiurt I til. it(.(.:i .'Miitn and .wont .lat.mrflt no tb. till 'lai ul I'l'liruaii. mil), I" Inn, I hit HaglaltT .nut Rsselvsr, st Iturna, Or.con. Ant prrtun la al liberty to protsat tbla nir iliati. I.tlnrii ilitry, nr Inlllst. al any lliii. In-lom .l. in laauna, by IIIIi.k a enrrobors lri In Iblaiiflliti, all.ilus tail, wbloh would d.dat th. entry Wb.Fabbs. ksglalsr. Notice of Final Settlement. ByrBI M jua 7.'. ' :tt t. Ill Ul I' .1.11 . 90 1,1700 T.tlal HcUt.tMW uaaiime. .nit at to.k paid In .. M.BWun xiiritlua Puu.1 . U.OMM tya.twooo t'Bdlvldsd prutlla. I -at rurreul .spvesea. in l.i. l ami tales paid t.lTail t.44 II i in ulatluj iiotf. ouistsBdlBg aVMSI dcpualla: Inillvl.lal .l.pKlli.iibjcrlto iberk jii.iu; 'J i.iiittiai.t ol d. posit du. In n tbsiiBOdsya. nt.t?i;i) ' i m i.ilf'litvke . .... t i ,. . , i...,ktuiiitisii.itii Maw I ial. d.Malls tkOVBl I'otlal eatings depoalta S4MS9 I . tat li maud I'cpualta BsaVSI In rime d.ponliai (payable alter .tu ileyt tn iii..reoutloei ( irllKi aleaof il.ioalt aui,v?3e nthir tlui. depoalta l&.ajam Inlnl tlmr ili'lnHllla . m, nn. tit Itmlltiuunt wlib Federal Hsserve Hank . . 1 tlUQOD Notice is In rol.y given that tbe under IxihkI Bilinlnistrator of the estate ol Jasper lvi, deceased, ha Died hli fiaal ilrcoonl of hit administration of said estate ail hi he clerk of theCouotj Court of the State of Oregon, for llsrney County, and that mill court lias made an order appoiutlog Monday, Dotanber SO, UH.'i, at the hour of ten o'clock A. at., at tha County Court loom in Burns, Harney County, Oregon, aa the time and place for the hearing of said final in toii nt and the settlement thereof, snd II objections that may be filed thereto. All persona Intereeted in said estate ami having objectiona to said fiaal ac-t-unit or miy parlor item thereof are l. no i.j ii.ttiili'.l lop i.'seiit said objections and file the sanm with the clerk of suid court on or before said date. J. I. WlTllhKl, Ailmlnistrator of the estate of Jasper lvis, dsceated. NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION IN ITKu 8TATEN I.ANI) OPPICKI llurua. tirrgon, November 10, IVla. Ni.ii. le berehy (lysa thai tlsrlsno Ull, ol 1..W.11, Oregon, who. on stay 6. Ivll mail. Htiiitt ttiHit, p. n try No. U7t.ii tor NVVU, ' n ... luwnthlp '.', Houtb, Mang.S'.'U 1. A illiami'ile Mi,.li4ii tiaa tiled But tee of lulen i it, ii Iu ataae i uuiiuutatluu prtml lu eetab ntb tit im i.. it... .bore described, belore Itrgial.r and Keeelyer, SI llurua, Oregon, ou IBS lllb day ol I km . ruber 115, i latinai.i iiaiiu-a .a wttnsaaaa: Henri f. lluBtl.y.ot taw.B, Oregon, Harry j. jwii.;i, ui iiaoiiuau.o i. 'gait, 'leorge liiyn lug. nt Law eu Oregon, John h HuugB.rty. ol llariltnati, oregun. risss. Keglat.r. ACCEPT OUR THANKS The Obligation of this bank to the depositor . does not end wiih Ihe mere keeping of hooks, the receiving of money and, at the demand, paying it out. There is a deeper covenant than that, for our duty as we see it, is to remember always that without the depositor the bank could not exist Therefore, Thanks giving seems the accepted time to wish for every one of them PROSPERITY AND PLENTY and also to assure them of our keen interest in their welfare and desire to help assist them along Prosperity Road. To individuals, business and professional men, thia bank, with total resources of over $400,000.00 not alone cordially extends the benefits of a service that is the arch of satis faction, but it takes a lively interest in your progress. Harney County National Bank Burnt. Oregon MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE Progress with Safety UNITED STATES Depositary NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I NIlKllHTATrti I. AMI OFKK'K, I riurui. oraguu, Nuennber la. mil I Nnilie Is hereby given thai Ksy L. Travis. of llsru.y. Oregon, wbo. on July f, 19QS, Bis'e llomeai.ail Kulry No. uuca, for rllt', BSetlou 2b lowuahlp'il 8., Haujte aa K. Mlllam.U. af.ri tll.ii, bsa Bled usile. of lutentlon to msks do al five year I' wt.tiltab elalui to the laud aboe deeerlbed, before tbs Hsalstsr and He reiver, st Surna, tiregoo. on tbe 31at day of lit i-erii leer, llilft. i isnusut naiii.a sa wituessas: John K. Ball. Kdwar.1 I. illbaon, both ol tlariivy, Oregon. Trod l.enateilt, t uarle. K Hi riu-vi.ii, Imlb ol Murne Oregon Wm. Kiaas. Keglalrr. Total HSD.SM 30 ITAlKOPOKKliON. I t ..iiniy of llanit y. j I, le.. n M. Ititiwu, Csshlsr ol ths aboys named baak, do aul.rsuly ibat the above itateiueiit littuetotbe best ol my knuwlixlge and bellel. I.son M. Bbows, t'sahler -ultaiiil.e.l and twurn to before ne tbli lath day ol Nov. inker, IVIA. A. W. Mm ."al Notary Public. Correct A Ileal C P. UcKlBNBV J. U. Hilton II. A ttKSBiil o Hlreeiors. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION I MTK!) BTATKrt l.A Nil HKFICK Hurng, Oregon, ociobvr 0, 1V16 Nollre (Bberbj Klvon Ibat Mlcbil Darker, Of Vullago, t)r.s;ijii wbo, ou Mat 2d, IV 10, made Heiuralt'ait Kntrv Nt. W7,'.7,lor MVeUNWX.. NU . .Sn'aKK'a. MfU,.,iWp. 7 H., It a II ft W E, v iiian.'-iiu MarTdlan, hai fliaJ nutir of hiiu tloti to tu aii e final ttv-yar urool, to aatablUb laltit to tbv land b.hmu tlt-Bcrlliei). Ujftiri- HrK- iair ami lu-ii-i vrr, at Buroa, Orvkfuu, ou iti .Till -tay of NnvrmlHT. ml-, t'laliuaiil natiit ai wtinvaara tlua Htabl. lit rt DoiiuIuk. Mrbolgi OUlar, Mn l.n- I Hat kci , all of ullage, Oregon Wm. Kamki. Keflatur Varnish the Shabby Surfaces Shabby surfaces detract from the appearances of your home. Floors, furniture or woodwork that are marred, scratched or scuffed give your home a shabby run-down ap pearance. Make these varnished sur faces bright and new with ACME QUALITY , VARNISHES There's an Acme Quality Varnish for every purpose; a floor varnish made to be walked upon; a quick drying furniture varnish that imparts a brilliant, durable lustre, and var nishes for all outdoor and indoor sur faces in any quantity desired. Which do you need? Screen Cloth fort Doors and Porches Water bags, nose bags Ice Cream Freezers fij mIT 'P aV if Stk. 1? j ajl"i flfs IB Beware ol Cheap Subalitulaa. In these days of keen competi tion it is important that the pub lic school should see that they get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and not take substitutes sold for the sake of extra profit Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has stood the test and been approved for more than forty years. For sale by all dealers. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. I NITKIlrJTATEri I.ANI) OKKll'K, Murna. Oraguu, October vu, Ivl.v Nollee la hereby given mat Joha Nar rowa, Oregon, w bo, on May .'ti, IvlO. in a .1 ... ,r tea.) Kiilry.N...M;ti3.(urKKl,NHi ,1 .1 , and I -til, l and 4, See 1, Two .. ltaugesUB., Willamette Meridian has Bled nolle, ol in:ntlun to rxsk. flusl tlvs-ysar Proof, to mtablitb elalui to th. land sbov. deacrlbBcl, before Keglaluraud Hurtle, Oregon ou tbe Wth day ol November, lvl'i. t'lalniaul nameaaa wltneaasa: K. I,. Ilaaa, ilffuril llroutlieck, Wlllltin J Dunn, flank Brown, allot NarroBl. Oregon. Wh. Pabbs, Hagi.tei. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'nitbi. ntatb. I.imu Orrn a i Iturna. Oregou, Novsuibur i, ltil.p.. Nolle li hereby given that elision P. Borrow dale, of Met kl.y, Oiegou.who.ou April 17. itlv made Huiaeelead entry, No OMrr?, fui Ni,, Heellou in. Towualiip M 8 , Ksuge J. I. , Willamette Meridian, haa "leu unlive in Intention to make flosl Hires jear I'roof. I. etlahlltli claim lo lb. laml hemic t k Tullwli It. k I'uiuiulaalun.r, a bl.ortue, at ItcckU). Oicgou, ou tbe nib ila of I in fin It.. r, two. i laluiatu nauieaas wllnesaea: W II. Wllklninu, Hoy A, Jubuaon, Frauk Kuillala, A It. Jub , all ul Surdugo. Or. BBBJ, Wm bun, Keglat.r ho esteem of all her actualn tancH. Vr. Karris an exem plary young man of good family and is very industrious. The Times-Herald wishes them u happy life together. John (iilcrest, former superin- t. nilt'iiiof thu 1'. L S. Co. in this .'tuii'. took his departure for his home in California last Tues day morning. Mr. Cilcnst had been in this section for so many yeurs und was recognized a man of force who made good in his position, that it was hard for bis many friends and admirers to hid him goodbjre, Ho lias peel in ill health for Borne time, first undergoing an operation early in JllM whidi left liim 'i"i' weak and before lie had regained his former strength he fell and dis located a hip as well as the DOM of the leg being broken, later having a severe attack of pneu monia. He was accompanied to California by Mrs. I. 11. Holland and Geo. Love who will visit at his home for a few days and wit ness the ending of the big fair in San Francisco. DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE NEW STORE IN TOWN? We will absolutely meet and beat mall order prices. Kindly bring; In your Hat and get our prices Specials for Coming Week Young spring turkeys, 18c. par lb. Sugar, 11 pounds, $1.00 Freeh Christmas and Now Year cookies, 16c. lb. Manchurian Walnuts, 20c. lb. Winter apples, $1.50 per box Potatooet, $2.25 per hundred Onions, yellow or white $2.50 par hundred REMEMBER.-we take anything of value In trade Why not bring In your grain and other products and trade at home Farmers' & Homesteaders' General Exchange Store Phone No. 284 One block east of Lampshlre's Garage Builders Hardware Paints and Oils Barbed Wire Farm Machinery Implements of all kinds In steck: Seeders, Plows Disc and Drag Harrows. Binder Twine Barbed Wire BELTING Nails. Doors, Windows, Roof ing. Building Paper Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition NEW DISHES, GRANITEWARE Crockery, Tinware I BURNS HARDWARE CO. I I NEIL SMITH. Manager I For it wonderful accuracy, iu safety and con venience, and it effectiveness for mall came and target shooting, you should buy Sum IfVOutt TL.aa.aJu ?. . bbsbbV ggyaBss salsa reeeslefka. allele. WBuaa saasnsB. M-Cu..uiLT:CZi. aHKsaw M.. tahaa ami aaai!. Yaw saavat l.ta.k iLsn...L sL BBasnOJBJJJJJJJjV .. BS BS a SB. . -. , fjBBBBSBsVjBBBBaW E3msEB&VZi3& S-Hn. sseSrUsM. Ucled-laa'aaW 9 25. XI HWyarse. ApeileU UfiiaBaW fM roar tlealer, ssBasaVvl Si aBal BSBBsaasBBBSB BVBSF StSBJSBBaa, La I BBS. BBVBSatgaaBBBWsBl sDaseSBassr.B.t- R5oPl I alee aaa akatisota, BBaBBaaassasssssaal . ,., Ui.l-iicWslU aderes eaa, iWBla HsBsttisl.MBlMri..MBBsatlJUI. it! la. iwuo.i, gtMug tueia,.!. Assesssala sun lar rabbit., auuuiela. Uawkt. eruwa. aac eflasrja .2 (eBsaeua alio nade wub lever ectisai sek 48 Wtlluw Ht.. N.w Havsaa. C. Warin jib oaiiaas RepesaHntf Rifle del 2a bs illualralrd. 24 lack octagon barrel, I) or 2) slioia,SII.U. ff ssaa