Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1905)
for men 18 3, because of danger ous fishing. For women 165. Average expense of living less SATURDAY. Jt’LY 29. 1905. ■ In i a liizeii country , than any Average vage carn perhaps, StiftSCRIPTlON RATES: mgs, $88 a v ear. Oue Year ........................ |2 0U Mote reindeer than hoi -tit, more Six Mouth* .. 1.00 Three Mouth* ... . . ........................... 76 sheep than cows. Illiterates Two men in a thou .1 ! L.IANMVKI» — — — — Vf n naffer sand in Sweden, 3 in Norway and Denmark, 78 in Russia, which When a man is down almost wants to “improve” Norway anti every body wants to get a kick at Swetl n by dividing and conquer him, as it is evident in Senator ing them; t,j.6 even in England. Mitchell’s case. The newspapers of the entire country are “roast FROM M ARBV EXCHANGES. ing” him since his conviction and even that impenetrable wall of senatorial courtesy on the part of Blue Mt. Eagle. Mrs. Wm Bennett and son, 6Í the Washington correspondents Silvies Valley, were trading in this and lhe press has been thrown ’ city Saturday. down in his < ise. -Ontario Argus E Buckley, of Silvie« Valley i made a busine«« trip to thin city 1’or the benefit of Oregon stock early this week. men anil farmer.« the East Ore- goni.m hope« that the law taxing 'Harold Clifford arrived from outniiL sheep grazing in Oregon, I Baker City Monday for a visit with proves to be valid and constitu j relativi h arid friends. à he iiines-^eraCd Apportionments Per School Population Hay be Changed A Salem diapatcli nays Suiter- intendent Ackerman ftayn lie will recommend to the next legislature that the «yatem of apportioning Oregon school funds I m made on a basis < f achool attendance, iuatead of school population. This is the system followed in Washington. The Harney county school report which showed an increase of 108 jn school population, and a decrease of 24.121 days tn school attendance has caused the stir. The report of the Superintendent of Josephine county not only shows an increase of 1 .'¡6 persons of «chord age over lhe preceding vear, but also an in crease of 5 410 day in school attend ance for the Harne period. In discussing the point, Superin tendent Ackerman said th; t he could not account for the falling of the attendance in Harney county, unleM it be due to a mis take in summing up the total-, or tional . Attorney V G. Cozad ami fam , to the negligence of teacher« in 1 his thing of being eaten out of ily took tle ir departure Monday for keeping up their school register-. huu«e .mil home every year by Portland where they will remain If lhe later, fie thought the only outside -to' k is becoming tiresome. anil visit the lair during the next remedy would be for lhe district clerk to withhold the teacher’s nal- Oregon stockmen pay taxes to | month. ’ ary for the last month until her support the state government and! Otis Patter-on, brother of Orin | register was forwarded to the coun California and Washington sheep ' L. Patternon of the Blue Mountain ty superintendent at the close of have heietofore occupied many of 1 Eagle, arrived in this city Sunday the term, and make the payment of the choice watering places and accompanied by bin family. They it subject to his O K of the register. • . • . 1/ . . t their I . . . 1 ■> A. n a this 1. ■ . city, ranges during the entire summer «■til will • make home . . ■ in By the adoption of the Washington season, leaving the stale only for Mr. Patter- >n will look after th,, system, he says, it will become in j i interehlH uteres Is of of \ Shilling A Go. cumbent upon every school clerk a few months during winter. The law is just and is needed , throughout interior Oregon. teacher and taxpayer of the district for home protection. Where sheep I Frank M ■ B> an, John Wash, A C to see that every child attends range in < Jregon for nine months bore. A W Powers and John Cle school regularly, in order to get in the year they should lie taxed ment left ibis week for Mr Me Bean’s their portion. to help pay expenses. The same is true of migratory bands in coun ties. It is only just that sheep grazing out of their home County should pay .1 proportionate tax in e.n h county East Oregonian. . £ ranch in Bear valley to riiHticate and incidentally inspect a new min eral find on the property. A. J. Stephens recently received a canvass boat which he contemplates putting in use during a duck hunt ing trip nt the Harney county lakes this fall. Should, say a three fourth’s inajoi ity of a jury in any criminal 1 Roland and Pleas Hankins, resi case be sufficient to convict? I dents of Silvies valley, were trans That such should be the rule in acting busiiies« in this city Monday, civil cases almost every body but Daye Craddock cams from his some lawyers will agree; nothing home in Silvies valley Wednesday but an absolute obstinate adher on IniHincHH ence to old methods and customs, Ontario Ifemocrat regardless of whether they are Will R King returned from a trip right ami best or not, has prevent to Portland Thursday evening. ed such a change. But in criminal lirtisH Byrd made a business trip cases the popular majority in fav Io Boise during the past week. or of a 1 liange, if it were left to 'Gene Heath’s family moved to the people, would not be so gieat though except in cases of murder Vide last Thursday, leaving lhe tilt! in the lirst degree we believe it man in Ontario for the present would In i 11 ried by a large maj Frank bavin, of Harney arrived ority in Ontario Sunday evening. In tile Williamsiin-(ie.“tier-Biggs Rm- Miller, of Hruwsey, who has case, under such a title, the de been in till« locality for Home time fendants would have been con past left for the Rinehart ranch Fri victed. But the minority, and day morning lawyers who ate likely to be em Joe I. unii litui ( 'liarlie, of Drewsey ployed, like Colonel Stat bottle, were in ibi- ■> verni day« dur- for the defense, would vehement ing thè pust week We underHland ly insist that the old system be ad timi Mr, l.amh wilì nomi visit Cai- hered to; and that accused ln 1 * ¡furnia on .1 bttsiness trip, sons, 1 vi n if charged with only ' At a meeting of Chamber of Com minor < rum « should have the merce Friday night (hut body rac- benefit of a jury hanger. ceived notice that tin' Vale railroad Perhaps they are right, or at company would make Ontario the least that there is some merit nt prioont terminus for a bonus of *25- the argument for a unanimous OOO and five miles right of way, th* jury. Flu re is a remote possi money to lie payed « In n the mail bility, we suppose, that to or tr a complete.I \ eommitte was ap men arc wrong ami one or two pointed to give the matter further right; yet since life is short and investigation unceitain, ami justice is uncertain (’barky Cramer of Itrewsey coun to >, we believe that on the whole try loaned an eight horse team with beilet results would be attained «iippheH for the Ott A l.'o naw mill l\t a law allowing three fourths last Mood.11 On Itii way down Mr. or live sixths of a jury to find a Crnnier met with quite a «evere acc binding vetilii t in all civil I.IWV ident by f.lluitf from hi« wagon He and also m all .1 eases in wa« load'd with lumber. Piled high winch the prisoners life is not ■it and in some w iv to-t hi» halanc* stake Portland Journal ' mid fell striking on lu« head nod shoulder lie wa« pretty badly hr- un-d lip but after a ft-w days delay \<irwcfian CuMiomx. lie came on to the railroad (•11 pay day» ».thxins are closed and Having* bank-, are open until midnight. Servant gul* line fm t.alf year at a 1 in bv 1 ontrnt at * public olfi.e. is a telegraph lxi\ on eveiv 'Hi .-I 1 .11. Write meMuige, put mi right numlwr of «tamp.«, dtop in box \ ouog f.'.imei« can lx.i row money from government at .1 Pc' ■nt. IT.iiia.illy no illiterate*, Men I he tHainon .l Cure The latest news from Paris, io that they have di-covered a dia mond cure for consumption If you fear consumpti >n or pneumonia, it will, however, lie bti-l for vou to take that great remedy mentioned by W T McGee, of Vanleer, Tenn "I had a cough, tor fourteen tear» Nothing help. d no until I took l*r King's New b -very f >r< onsump- tion Cough- ind Colit«. which gave oistaiit relief, and «-fleeted a perms- perhap« lhe tine«l in the workl1 neut." Cmquailed quick curs for Thrust and 1 ting Troubles \t pliv »ic.lllv Army service univer- Citv Drug Store price 5)k- and »I, sal; only 3 per cent <4 youths guaranteed Trial botile fre- rejected for physical defect« Ilea th «¡'.i-mlid. Death r.tte^ Job printing The Time» Herald Don't Overlook this When in Need of TAKE THE ATTENDANCE FOR BASIS A few Points to Consider: livery , feed and sale STABLE. LEWIS & McGEE, Propts. W.bnvin.iirl ,u . tr ar. 1 dm t irom ttw lac’Oriw-X-“«et riel, quick" l-b-■ u-wd—itl La- th” bu-uir - f roar pri. c and bur dealing dewam I that ue LARGEST STORE IN EASTERN OREGON Main St., Burn», i)r(w< Complete lii e of Fu niturc. Carpets. Uu < Do-Ca.t-, Elauos. Sewing Machines in fact anything that gees with Horses receive the best of from experienced hands. class Furniture Store. Jim ” J. H. PARLEY, Ontario, Oregon Elegant Neut Livery First door north of Hotel Ontario. Cuting Parties Accommodated Horses Bought and Sold. Malheur Mercantile lo. ZF-OZe S-A-Z-E ONTARIO, OREGON. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Yea''.in san’ I wo-year-olds in quantities to suit. !',.»• buii -i '.‘till be seen (it the ‘ P" 1 Bunch and >o//.v desiring’ to purchase should in (¡uire tii.'i e of F. H Howell, Assistant to the Gen ial Manager, who will furnish inform t- Han as to prices and will sell the same FRENCH-GLENN LIVE STOCK CO. / , Leading Supply House in Eastern Oregou CITY MEAT MARKET A. E. YOUNG, Propt. Fresh and Salt Meat Always on hand Corned-Beef, Bologna Sausag Most complete slock of Farm Implements in Eastern Oregon. Home Sugar Cured COOPER WAGONS, RACINE AND FREEtfONT BUGGIES AND HACKS, P. & 0 PLOWS, SEEDER5. DISC, DRAG /IND SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, AND THE McCORMICK TOWER AND BINDER. Relurned rrom Hurns. Rev E Hayes returned Sunday evening from a trip to Burns, hav ing been gone since Wednesday Mr Hayes confirms the statement made by Mr Stratton made in last weeks paper regarding the hay crop in Bear vallev. In Silvies valley, however, Mr. Hayes says the hay appears to be in excellent condition, mid good crops will be harvested. This condition also prevails throughout Harney valley, wheat especially promising a lug yield. Mr Hayes thinks the horse industry in Harney county ha* j reached a much higher stage of de velopment than in Grant This, he says, is due to the fact that the farmers and stockmen in that coun ty are paying more attention to the breeding of horses.—Grant County News. HAMS Home made Lard and Bacon- Beef sold by the Quarter. GROCERIES AND RANCH SUPPLIES Barbed Wire, Slock Salt, etc. M rite for Prices or Call and See us. ice tersale, delivered free E. A. FRASER. Manager. FOR THE MAN AND ¡¡IE WOMAN WHO KNOW There s no lieht rill-- like the Marlin .92 repeater, for either tar,- I '1 ' '' ■ mall game, l .-eauso it ha« Marlin accuracy. 11 you -l, . tills 1... insererythm.-. The Solid Top, with its wall of metal alwair. be- twe»-n yoti ami the cartridge, and the Side Eject'd- are <<'■> “ <1 Marlin feature«, which make it. the safest to ! .le as m . il as the surest. It shoots short, long and lonir-rifle cartridges without any change. Marlin 16-gauge Shotguns are the smallest and lightest ro- manufactured. A new, w* il balanced gun of great Handles still k>a<ta safely and well. ' (ilxmt ant/ particular repeathiy > ide nr shotgun ' ■ "• !"ire. Cur latest Catalogue- illustrations — I' i'.i-f.. ,-h Jhiok, that tells what IfAllLfXS are i a the tn.rid over, fret fur 3 clamps postage. Bent Iler Double. _ “I knew no one, for four week», when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mrs Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa ."and when I got better, although I had one of the bent doctors 1 could get, I was bent double, ami had to rest my hands on my kr.ees when I walked. From this terrible ntlliclion I was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength, and now I can walk uh straight as ever They are simply wonderful.” Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver at kidney disorders, at City Drug Store, price 50c. Your Life Current. The power that gives you life and motion is the nerve force,'or nerve fluid, located in the nerve cells of the brain, and sent out through the nerves to the various organs. If you are tired, nervous, irritable, cannot sleep; have headache, feel stuffy, dull and melancholy, or have neuralgia, rheumatism, backache, peri odical pains, indigestion, dys pepsia, stomach trouble, or the kidneys and liver are inactive, your life-current is weak. Power-producing fuel is need ed . something to increase nerve -nergy- strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles' Restorative Ner vine is the fuel you need. It feeds the nerves.produces nerve fon-e, and restores vitality. Wl.ii I I veg an tahlnr Pr M llrMwnUtve N t > in*» Mn4 Anti I lT!lw 1 wraa t‘onfin««i to niv fax! Lad wttiv nervous apeil*, lhe rwmit »vf two .«am Ilin.-a with malaria I gradual!« gt> w ao w-ak that I w <- unable to alt up. The si ella w -ukl .«»ntm.-n e with cold rhllta. and I a >uld b* Gome week and alm. *t help rlrvulation was poor I had <lort<«re4 rtght *!< < but grew W.akrr and weak.r, lhe Nervine seemed to atrvngthru me right aw.»jr nnd my circulation waa bet i have taken in all »even bottka vf the Ner«me and I am enttrvlv well ROSA K WKAVKH. Htuart«, la. Dr M es’ Nerv ne 1« »old bv your drwflo «t. who w I goargntee that IM ftrit bottle will benefit If t fa a. w• II refund your mon»>. Mile* Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind ***t.*.-*•-*-•• .tn*...* ••t . THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO. , 43 Willow St. - ■ • New Haven, Conn. .c ;c To all our Subscribers! THE <5 GREAT AMERICAN FARMER INDIANAPOLIS. IND. The heading Agricultural Journal of the Nation. Edited by an able Corps of CUniters. 1’he l'.irmer is the only Literary Farm Journal published, it tills .1 P KHion of lt9 own and ha9 takcn lhe |eading piace m the It >> - I rural people in every section of the.United State- It t.i. t inner or stockman and his family something to think al' -nt .i-ult- from the humdrum of routine duties. l-or the next three months, we offer this paper free with his offer is made to all new subscribers. and all old ones who pay up all arrears and r between now and April 1. iqo 5. SAMPLE ntu