Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1905)
vol xvm. BLRNS, HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, AUGUST 5, 1905 !Yell GLENN RANCH SOLD sagebrush aud bench land; 14,000 CHRISTIAN COLONY WOkk , 5 per cent on the bonds for the PEOPLE MUST MAKE GOOD acres uftule swamp lands, and hi, first five years will I>e managed and JOHN I» DALY, Pasta N. V. CARPENTER, ('»»mm. 000 acres of other grazing laud s The invested by local institutions, in A. C. WEI COM I’. A mt . C asiiikh . C. Ct MMl.XS, Vim Pasa KISIU.N FEDERATION GETS IT H»R meadow laud may be adapted loal- RFA H S. M ALLACE EXPLAINS FED . co-operation with the Commercial HOME-SEEKERS AND INVESTORS ARE I COLONIZATION PURPOSE. most any desired agricultural pur ERATION METHODS Trust Company of New Jersey. A COMINO HERE. pose and the bench and Bagebrush strong New York syndicate has un land is of the same character of the dertaken all the expenses of the OF BURNS, OREGON. It Hundred nd Slxiy-Faar Thousand Acred richest and most productive wheat bo«» talo Detail Coaceraisf Praposed »if I issue, and a far-reaching work will Bu*inet* Hen Should See That Stranger* Secured for Million Eight Hundred lands of the Inland Empire of the Hood lisue tod the Edablithuieal Get Good Impression of the Country fbouMnd Dollart. be undertaken at once in advertis of Larje Industries. Northwest. It has been well dem ••Treat Them Vert Best. ■ ing the advantages and resources of 7i^arrantj hüfAi at tAa nrarkat prtca. l ast Tuesday’s Oregonian says: onstrated that all kinds of grain Oregon, which will be of great im "Progressive Christianity" was There is no longer any doubt of WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. portance to the state. Large areas he day of the cattle king has crops may be grown with success. The tule swamp land is said to be , the subject of the sermon of Rev. of land in Eastern Oregon are to be the efficiency of Harney county's niRFX ’TOKSt s.-ed, and the largest stock ranch incomparable in fertility for any H 8. Wallace, president of the Co- acquired and developed by irriga exhibit at the Lewis and Clark to N U. Carpenter, John D Daly, C. Cummins. 1 Oregon, and one of the largest in kind of farm crops, aud the work attract attention and bring many Operative Christian Federation, re tion, cultivated and settled Such H . M. Horton, C. A. Haines. J. W. Geary, inquiries and some people already ie United States, where 20,000 of draining it has been under Thomas Davis. cently organized, delivered last settlements are to be brought into It is a success in this respect fur id of cattle and 1000 bead of taken by the use of a steam dredg close communication with Port- evening at the Central Baptist greater than was anticipated bi r-.-s have been handled annually er now at work and that ¡has dug a land. .Church. Mr. Wallace endeavored ditch 18 feet wide, nine feet deep ir years, will be converted into In Western Oregon, suitable those who suggested our participa .-»«■* woe»« r>o«os<i«r> •'»«*5 to show the brotherhood of man ..mes for 10,000 people, if the plane and 15 miles in length, across the lands will l»e acquired that can be tion and who have worked so per M. A i . kxandek . 1‘ bksidknt . C. E. K ksvox , Cashier kind and the fatherhood of God, sistently to make the exhibit one f the Co-Operative Christian Fed- swamp, Now a lateral ditch will W m . J onks , V icc -I’ kksioknt . C. P i - att , Asst. Cashier â selected as the center of the Feder with quotations from the Scripture, that would lie a credit. Our coun be run the length of the swamp, ration are carried to success. peliminary to an account given at ation work. There the chief F<d- ty court is to be commended for it... 1 'ontracte were signed in Portland which will make the laud avail J | the close of his address of the pur- eration city will be established. good judgment and foresight in re night for the eale of the French- able for alfalfa, with the water Manufactures of divers kinds will 1 ' poses of the Co-Operative Federa- sisnn ranch of Harney county, supply and facilities for irrigateon ! tiqn in some printed matter, which be set 011 foot there, which will give sponding liberally with an appro OREGON ! ONTARIO, priation making it possible to carry 1 iomprising 164,000 acres, to the controlled t3 make its yield certain 1 was distributed to the congregation employment to the active members out the plans of energetic, public- ? Interest I ’ aitl on Time Deposits. and beyond variance at whims of federation. F. C. Lusk, of San of the Federation. There will lie ♦ Mr. Wallace is very enthusiastic spirited citizens to bring the possi i francisco, attorney and general the weather. We Solieit Your Banking Business. for this great enterprise, which has creameries, cheese factories, woolen bilities of this promising country 1 à Located at an elevation of about ! been capitalized for $50,060,000, mille, flax factory, clothing factory manager of the company, approved before the world. i STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Win. .Jones, I- II Test, à • 1 contract for lhe owners, and the 4000 feet, the climate is said to be 1 and which is now being placed on and kindred industries. These i C. E. Kenyon, H. Alexander, Estate of Aimer Robbins William â While th- ’ exhibit may not ne re very similar to that of like alti are the objects aimed at by Mr. 1 ,1 executive board members—J. Miller. Erank R. Coffin, Thos. Turnbull. a substanfial basis, says the Ore 1 Wallace, r.s set forth the ex sponsible, or rather given the credit r, ,nk Watson, Samuel Connell, N, tudes in Colorado and Nevada, with gonian. j « v < j » v *< j « c v < js - j « v < jsc Jet «-■ planations given last evening, and of doing all this missionary work, I lilapen, R L Durham, L O a superabundance uf sunshine. In "It is for lhe purpose of purchas the same influences that promoted Lileton, C. E. S. Wood, Wallis ’Vinter there is some extreme cold ing large and mainly undeveloped which are now assuming form and it have been the cause. From care • i lash and H S. Wallace—signed but usually not prolonged, without properties,” he said ‘‘on which en substance. As soon as the $50,• ful investigation it is found that t,r the Federation, agreeing to pay the severity of blizzards that sweep terprise of various kinds can be es OUO.OOO bonds are disposed of in A? almost every individual coining to HOWARD SEBREE. PRESIDENT W.R SE BRE E , VlC E-PRESIDENT VX 1 S<X',000, lhe first installment of the great plains. Ontario, on lhe tablished; to pay for such proper the East, then trained agents will Harney county to look for a home R A COWDEN. CASHIER À Oregon Short Line, Baker City on purchase the tracts of lands needed V ihich must be forthcoming withi ties by the proceeds of a bond issue or seeking investment, ha- been at O. R. & N. and Winnemuca, Nev. for the settlement, and the working V |0 days. The property is 60 miles of a new kind, embracing certain tracted liv our display at the fair,- n length, 25 miles wide, has more on the Central Pacific route, are the safeguards which will protect the out of lhe plans of the Christian through reading the pamphlet “The V V han 500 miles of fencing, and the nearest railway shipping points, bondholder absolutely from loss of Co-Operative Federation. Great, Harnev Country,” or reading V lrice for the land is $10 an acre, each about ¡150 miles distant from . principal, secure him the interest copies of The Times-llerald, or A Why We Lose Teeth. V ritb $400,000 for personal property, the ranch. It is the announced in- j I for the first five years and leave through correspondence with the na is considered a low valuation. tention of the federation to tap the , him no risk of lose of future inter Sir Oliver Lodge, in opening the local development league. These A General Banking Business Transacted )f the real estate, ilie stated that region with a line connecting with est, considering that the revenues Dental Hospital at Birmingham, results can be traced directly to one ully 100,000 acres can be irrigated one of these roads, thereby insuring | and earnings, of all properties are or all of these influences, Il is CORRESPONDENCE INVITED rithout storage other that a series transportation of products to mar pledged to pay it, witli the increas England, the other day, said that natural that such proof is gratify the general neglect of the teeth wa* f low dams along the Bhtzen ket, and which it is anticipated will ed values of five years’ develop ing to those who are responsible and liver, more than 50 miles of which not only quickly populate the large ment to secure it. To manage all remarkable. An eminent surgeon the general public should take an told him that the bad teeth among . absolutely controlled, together area but will start an immense im properties bought for or by the civilized races was due to the de active interest in such work and vilh numerous tributary streams migration into the section. Federation by trained, competent, velopment of the brain, assist U appear- mtween the Steins Mountain and weilknown men, associated in a ed that brain and teeth could not It is now up to the people of thia ilalheur Lake. Rev. Ira R. Hicks, the St. trust for that purpose; to vest all exist together. The more brains section, and the business men of Peter French and his partner Louis weather sharp, has account the properties of that trust in such TRI8CH A DONEGAN, Proprietors Burns particularly, to "make good ” ■ .vere pioneers in Eastern Oregon, ed for the unbearably hot weath a way that no interference with one had the fewer teeth one had, The people are coming to see us unless they were artificially provid •ealizing the opportunity there pre- Burns, - - Oregon. er from which a large part of the their management by any or all ed Possibly the nervous condition many have already come, and with r Iiteil for one of the greatest stock hardly an exception are favorably the members of the Federation country has been suffering recent produced by high civilivation in HxzEaJr© Tlxls ZZea,<d.q.-ULa-xtexs. t.mehes in America. As early as could lie practicable; to supply the creased the secretion of acid, or it impressed and most of them will ly. Mr. Hicks attributes the hs72 they started acquisition of necessary labor for all such enter might be that the gentleman, who become citizen;, of Harney county;, Wines. Liquors and Cigars. 5 unis, first claiming springs ami heal to a large healthy spot that prises, so far as possible, from the they will he followed by many who ever he was, who discovered fire streams and running a small herd has just made its appearance on ■ active members of the Federation, Billiard and Pool Tables will help to develop this tnagnifi-I and the method of cooking food, bf cattle Additional acreage was the sun. Just why the spot on the resident in the model towns and I cent section and offer greater in- ! laid up a store of indigestion for Club Rooms in Connection.' procured from time to time, the sun should make the weather hot settlements established his descendants, Teeth promised ducement for a railroad, it there i. imb-r of livestock multiplied un ter is not made clear, but the spot "The bondholder gets 5 per cent to become extinct par is of the hu fore behooves the business men of | it 1 th.- standing number of the herd does the damage according to Mr interest on his bonds fixed, but an man organism, as he expects our our little city to exert Iht-mselves I. is been for years kept at about Hicks. The spot now visible is one other 5 per cent contingent on pro toes would be if we persisted in toward entertaining the strangers, p 1,000 cattle, with a very great of the three largest on record,says fits. Workers get wages at current wearing hoots, and Lord Rosebery's within our gates and see that they Lumber of horses and some other rates. A member gets the social museum of the future might be ex have every opportunity of seeing the weather sharp. stock. Small stockmen came into “When I first saw the huge de advantages of a house in the Fed pected to contain a special set of tile country and brought in contact INCORPORATED IH47. lie' region later ami the range wars eration town at a stated price paid natural teeth as a curiosity. If we with reliable people. Give them a pression in the sun’s surface,” Mr. I»mien all furma of sound life inauraix o at the lowa.l rales. < >ur 1 ■ >h. i s, that called for human sacrifice or. for on the installment plan. There had lived on vegetables and nuts, warm welcome and any information guarantee alter throe paymenta are marie khe alter of greed centered at this Hicks goes on. “it was on the east will be free schools, classes, medi I. Automatic extendi*! Inaurane« for the face of ilie 1mit-uri with an occasional raw bird thrown that will help them fry to give limb of the sun. It is moving 11 A paid up policy. least estate. Peter French was cal attendance, provisions for wid in ns a delicacy, possibly we might them a good impression of the peo III. Loan or cash surrender value. killed in one of the conflicts bv be westward over the sun’s surface. ows and orphans, welltrained and have preserved our incisors What ple and make them feel al home Unexcelled as a dividend payer. Share* also in we wanted was more brains and among us It is an injustice Io ex ing shot, ar.d lhe death of Glenn The sunj is 900,000 miles in dia managed towns I.W’ESTldATE REFORE IOII /.VS 17.7 followed a few years later from meter. This double spot is about the net profits from the whole en more science At present we had pect a few to do the honors tor we Sherman <V Harmon, It. II Benedict, natural causes. Then the heirs 175,000 miles in area, and you can terprise, which will represent about just enough of the latter to make a are all equally interested < renerai Agente. Diali ict Manager. MarquamJBIdg., II. A. Dillard, Agent. The Times-Herald suggested iast organized a California corporation see just how big it is, I predict 165 per cent of such profits mess of things. Portland, Or, Dumo, Or. khat has since operated the proper- ed ten months ago that hot wea week the advisability of re-organiz "The principle of the Federation ing the Board of Trade It should r.v ther would be the lot of St.Louis- is fraternal, not paternal. It is no done al once If • ver there was When the founders acquired the anas the last of July. I calculated church, but is based on the ethics A MATTER OF HEALTH be need <>f such an organiz ition it is at land it was with due regard for the on the sun spot when 1 made that laid down in the teaching* of.Jesus «.* The Finest of All .< this time We really cannot afford Christ. If quarrels m.d diflereneea Iphysical features that enabled announcement. lo allow people to c . hiic In re fur Ih ■ arise they are to lie settled tiy arbi building of fences i.n their own purpose of locating an I ■ m gb-ct- property along both sides of the tration, for which full arrangements •‘Any currently bill of the Unti are made in the constitution If a ed Since this effort on lhe pirt of Blitzen River, up to lhe mountains ed States with the eagle on its member breaks the moral law, or a few to eh >w up and advertise this st the south, thereby enclosing be hr Salt Italy at tween their successive lines of face and of a higher denomination becomes unfit for nieniltership in section has met with success lhe jranches an area several times great than $i is an altered bill and the Federation, he- can tie expelled, business men should use their best er than the deeded acreage, larger should not be accepted by any but he shall receive I ack whatever effort to keep every man here that than many counties of Eastern business man comes, or al lea.-t I .rm such a favor Any note with he has paid on his house Ai-y in li -rates and without violation of the the eagle on its face and with the terference with liny *j>< < ja| relig able impression that should tie de rulings of the Interior Department figure $io on it, has been raised ious tenet* or ailil: ition of any part he would have nothing l.ut A jents, Burns, Ore I r ’hibiling fencing of public lands. praise fur the Haru.-y < *>uniry members is exprr**|y forbidden. ” from $i to $to. Be careful how With an active organization tins Thu will be the first of the big Rev H S Wallace the origina I you accept $5 bills By a skiii- matter could la. pro|e-i|y looked ranches lo be cut np for homes of tor of the F“deration :s an Oregon settlers in the northwest. Its de- ful process the eagle on the face man, and has lirongn! the plan to »fir. In fact there are in any mat -irat.ility has long been realized by of the $t bill has been erased and its present “taml •inf. After full ters that should have attention ami Absolutely Pure p rsous seeking large holdings and the head of the Indian that appears consideration will j«lern uphold- we should l-e ready for any emer has ho substitute gency. We all realize » future for the Mormon Church has beea one on the face of the $5 bill has been ers and friends of 1 • enterprii»*. it Hartley county, we know its ad- ■ f the recent prospective purchas substituted”. was decided lo iesi. 150.000,000 in >antages and possibilities we also er* making investigations, wtile This warning was issued on bunds, the trends t » carry 5 per know that iKipulatnni .ref theiulti- ; - ........... .. I'- ’r • agents of an Eastern syndicate Wednesday morning by Stephen cent interest fixed and another 5 vation of the »oil are tu <•• weary to H wtre also after it. The directors of A. Connell, operative in charge per cent c«>n<jiHi»n«*l i^larewt ' tiring aleiut tlie desired r »•»ulta It issued on >hould therefore have the fl ret ron the Co-Operative Federation tbere- at the United Stater secret ser This issue wtU tie tna-l by the «'deration of the Iiurinee-I men • .re lost no time in bringing nego- vice bureau at Portland. JEW HIKk. SO HHUISUI. Tit'e Guarantee A 1 ist C‘>'ii|iauy tia’i ..« to a close after receiving .1» tl< • noces :: I’HIILOI). MEfiM. A close examination will show of New York. «• - reports The time before the first WANTED— Agi-nli», Hustler« •nrv papers pr*|nr- 1 ti,. < he SALT LAKE. LIAI. that on the genuine f s bill the let payment falls due will be consurn- ■ Salesmen, Clerk* and every tael y :: gon counsel i.f the Fr.lli ral ion have CHIÚI j D. ILL. C a LDHELL. IDAHO who wants lo enjoy a go •el hearty e 1 in obtaining an expert examina- tering "United" in United State- been ftaaaed no by th e Y • York PayaUe at Par. ' laugh to send 'Sk: for -TltlW to tion and report upon the property, of America is squared on a stra counsel The funds et»n,ed from y or lew* than P. O. raf«-* JtMMki Agent».” Worth $W t- » any j>rr- “U«l it is the purifier to have the ight block, while on the raised bill the «n1 «criptiun fir ie g *rantee at any hwur o» H-nt by mail. •00 who ne H r for a living. property ri-ady for colonization at » it is swerving. Thia i* one thin" " of repayment of ths ¡•rhe- pal <if an early dale. 1 Mm 4 SOVS If not »atiefactory ymjr rnorwy that people who accept pay ment the Isinds al maturity • 111 lie held 8 tia> k Circular tor sta tu|>. The According to lhe reports submit- must look to. •nd invested for that purpose by t' l. the ranch compris»« 45,000 Dr. White electric Comb Co., Deca* the Trust Company 0f American arr-s of meadow. 45,006 • C*M of Job printing— Tn* Tim*«* lierai«! The fund «»curing the payment of tor. lit Alfalfa at Geer A CuruiuiriW. First National Bank A General Banking Business Transacted. FIRST NATIONAL BANK I A A Â A A A A J ÏHE CAPITAL SALOON, PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Hotel Burns Bar POWDER THE TIMES-HERALD Cives all the local news $2 a Year—Club rates given. Job Printing