Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1905)
VOL. XVIIÍ. BURNS BOARD OF NO. 36. HURNS. HARNEY COI NTY, OREGON, JI LY 29, 1905. TRADE Bad Strap at Baker County Mine. HELP ALONG THE EXHIBIT made to pay for the properties, and SENATOR MITCHELL S I ATI arrangements have been made with A WELCOME, AWT.UumitH C. CUMMINS. Vi. I’ hi - s A Baker City press dispatch of the American Bond Company, of| SHOULD BE RE-ORGANIZED AND MADE recent date says: Bad blood which AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS, MOODS. New York, to pay the issues, it be SIX MONTHS IN JAIL AND PA. FINÌ MORE ACTIVE. has been brewing some time be ing said substantial security has OF SI.000 TOO ETC., TO BE ADDED tween lessee Pierre Humbert, of been given to insure this. Houses OF BURNS, ORECON. the Union company mine, and the in the settlements will be built for the management of the Mayflower, an The Local Ortaaleation Should Hate Hearty wage-earners and sold on the install- Jud,e DcH.v*. Kaouunces That ol Ihr Such an Ortaoliation Détendant Was Taken into Consid Oo-operation ol People to keep II menUplan, 5 per cent interest being adjoining mine at Cornucopia, Social Featurci. eration--Execution Stayed. ■ Fresh and Attractive. added, and the homes are to be ìtfarranU òou^Àt at tAt market price. broke out yesterday when Hum modern in every respect. Schools, It has been suggested that our bert, and two of his men, Nick Last Monday Senator Mitchell WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. The local Lewis and Clark fair churches, hospitals and tuition in M illiams and \ alentine Lauben- was sentenced to pay a tine and six local Board of Trade be re-organized ' L • . 7 nice association has forwarded a B , 1 hen ., ___ 1 HRElTOltS the University of Oregon and Ore —inner, lay ... in .................. ambush and waited lot of produce to be placed in Har gon Agricultural College is includ months in jail Pending a review' or at least made a liye organization for Manager Ueo w Bogg N U. Carponter. C. Cummins. John 1> Italy, _js, his son of the case by the supreme court of Il. M Horton, J W. Geary, C. A. Haines that will be an active working basis Ray Paige, of Ohio, Superintend- tley County’s exhibit, but still want ed. Widows aud orphans are to be the United States execution of the Thomas Davis. for the good of this city and the ent Wilson and others, who were more. Very little in the vegetable cared for and every bondholder is sentence will be deferred and the line has yet been received and prac county. - passing up the road to the May- to share in the profits of the enter Senator placed under $2(XX) bail. Tlia Times-Herald heartily ap- Hower mine Laubenheimer fired tically no samples of- the various prise. In pronouncing sentence Judge De- proves of this and would suggest two shots at the Mayflower crowd, woods, pine, fir juniper, sagebrush, If a member of the settlement I Haven said: that it be organized in such a man- Young Boggs picked up his rifle etc. breaks *h» moral law or becomes an â “The statute under which the in-' Our display continues to be the unfit or dangerous person, he is to ner that the meetings may be made , and ordered Laubenheimer to throw dictment was found provides that of sufficient interest to bring the his gun down Instead of doing so center of attraction in agricultural be ejected from the settlemei t, and the offense shall be punished by im 3 business men together frequently, the latter fired another shot, which hall, but is lacking in the way of all quarrels and difference« are to be prisonment of not more than two I agriculture. The fruit prepared so that important matters of niutu- hit Boggs in the leg Young Paige settled by arbitration. The circular | years or by a tine of not more than , • al interest may be discussed. In was hit in the heel and Laubeheim- last fall and shipped down at the states. "The principles of the feder $10,GOO It al«o renders the defend 1 ONTARIO, OREGON, 9 beginning of the fair did not reach ation are fraternal, not paternal,’’ ant incapable of again holding am | this way the businessmen stand to- or received two shots. Humbert and ? lutetvst Paid 011 Time Depowitn. its destination in as good shape a.« says the announcement. “It has ♦ gether as a unit, and will not be W illiams remained in ambush and I office of trust or protit in the I'tri ted was hoped, although exceptionally We Solicit Your Banking Business. no church, but is baaed on the eth miking, writing or acting at cross kept firing. No one was seriously 1 States. As 1 construe th-- language ; good considering the distance it ics laid down by Jesus Christ.” purposes. No matter what our ad- injured. STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander. Wm. Join’s, E II Test, à of the statute the punishment m 1st The companies expected to fur be both fine 11TH imprisonment, lu.i | s C. E Kenyon, 11 Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William vantages or resources may be, if the Last midnight Sheriff Brown and had to be hauled over rough roads. 3 Frank R. Coffin, Thus. Turnbull. 31iliri, rinsisa ' «■•»» people do not stand together, have and Deputy Snow. Dr May and It is very desirous that this portion | nish the capital are the Title Guar the court is given great latitude in I e » Miller. 1 be replaced at as early date as pos- i antee & Trust Company, of New <jel J.W. faith and pull for the welfare of the Colonel Emmett Callahan, Hum o»«. J.V ♦ si*de. Of course we all realize that York, and the Trust Company of fixing the amount- t tine or impris country, the good accomplished by bert’s attorney, started for Cornu- this season’s crop of fruit is much America, ami investment from the onment The court may make the a few public-spirited and energetic copia by special conveyances and « • • 1 shorter and may not be nf the fund securing the payment'of 5 per punishment merely nominal. Iupro- citizens is greatly reduced. horseback At 1 o'clock this after quality of former years yet it will , cent on the bonds for the first five pouncing judgment it is not my pur Jr Since last October five men in noon the Sheriff had not arrived at W. R SEBREE. VICE-PRESIDENT show what can be done in this sec- years will lie managed and invested pose to comment upon the evidence W HOWARD SEBREE, PRESIDENT Burns have constituted the Board j Cornucopia. He Is provided with R A COWDEN. CASHIER A I tion. Those in charge_of the ex by local institutions in co-operation | or the verdict found by the jury V of Trade—that is actively. During [ John Doe warrants and will take A hibit are urging the local bureau to with the Commercial Trust Com In reaching a conclusion in this case V that period hundreds of letters have necessary steps to protect all in- A hasten produce to them so that the pany of New Jersey. Honorary I have given consideration to the V been written, quiries answered, and terests. The attorney for ihe May- age of the defendant; which liny be A booth may be freshened up | memberships have been offered at the resources of the county extoled Hower mine, L C Dennis of Tacoma A The Times-Herald hopes more $10 each, and the first to respond taken inti account in mitigation of in an honest, business-like manner arrived this noon. /> people will take an interest and with a check was W. D. Wheelright, punishment, and the further fact W These men have worked together It is expected that the matter he is forever hereafter disqualified A help along this work We have the for the common good of the whole ; will be brought into court, as the assurance of every one who has vis piesident nf the Chamber of Com from holding oiliee. /& A General Banking Business Transacted merce. It is es imated that not country; they have furnished their I Mayflower people claim the use of “In view of these facts and in eon A ited the fair that our display is a more than $500<J will be needed to own stationery—attractively print the road, which was partly built by | credit in every respect and in the sideration of the nature of the of CORK! : l'ONDKNCE INVITED ed, for which thev paid out of their| them, and has been used by the way of attracting attention and ad start the settlement, and the funds | fense the judgement of the court is own pocket, and postage as well— public many years. No more trou vertising Harney County it is a required for the federation enter- j that the defendant be imprisoned and have asked for nothing in re ble has transpired today. Hum success beyond expectations. The prises are to be provided by the tor six mouths in the county jail e turn for their work, except the good bert also claims certain water rights Times-Herald knows this to be a bond issues, and no work is to be of Multm mail county, in this state undertaken or liabilities incurred will and appreciation of the people which he is disputing with the fact from the number of inquiries and that he be fined in the sum of who desire the settlement and de Mayflower people. Probably the coming to this office and those ad ! until the sufficing number of bonds $11)00” have been subscribed. entire thing will lie aired in the velopment of this county. dressed to the Development League TRISCH A DONEGAN, Proprietors. They have accomplished much court9‘n a f|,w ^sj’8 Bogga and It is accomplishing far more than Wants to Cut Out ••Webioot" cranks! good and the results are not vet his crowd are holding the fort the average individual realizes and at last fully known, as some of the matters awaiting the Sheriff’s arrival, while ! it is not justice to the few in It is suggested by F. E Beach,of looking ■ his attorney L C Dennis, and Sup that have been taken np are yet I F. E Beach A Co that people of dividuals who have taken active Tlxis ZZea,d.q_-CLaxtexo. ey will j Portland, and of Oregon in general pending, more information and cor erintendent Wilson, who arrived charge of this work to expect them respondence being necessary; . t|jev from the mine this morning, are to keep the exhibit up without as should use all possible effort to do have worked at a disadvantage in ! awaiting developments here. ! away with the name of ”\\ ebfoot” sistance. I ETTER TO THE TEACHERS. many instances—without printed uts applied to Oregon, and substitute There are several who have and matter descriptive of the county in ! Agricultural Society Officers Meet in its place the term "Rose Stale” who are contributing liberally but A Letter to Teachers and Public (hot a mil-concept ion regarding the any respect, their task has been there should be more. Among anything but easy when particular climate of Oregon might be correct The new oflicers of the Fourth those who are most active are Jasp of Harney County: ly attractive opportunities have pre Eastern Oregon Agricultural society er Dayis, Adam George. I’ G Smith After corresponding and interview ed. To aid io this, lie suggests that sented themselves to do a little mis met in this city several times yes George Marshall, A Egli. Joel Stur ing a majority of the teachers of | several weeks each year should be sionary work for Harney county. terday and discussed matters infor tevant, Joe Rector and others. 1 Harney County, also moving in ac- set aside as a sort of Summer hol ft With sixty or seventy-five men mally. They got down to formal These genetlemen appreciate the 'cordance with advice from State iday’ to be termed "Rose Festival” II Of WUWHlfi working as unselfishly in hearty ac business last night and effected a work of the organization and know | Superintendent Ackerman, we have when a sort of holiday slioiiM be ol>- ^CORPORA 11 I) IM47. « cord, the results would be ten-fold i temporary organization with Fred it will result beneficially to the I decided to discontinue nur annual : served. s I miioh all form« of Hound life iiiBUiaiictf at the lowest rates. <>m | m >II ci . a teachers institute this fall, and Mr Beach declares that the name S greater, A. Fraser, of Eagle Valley, as chair- county. guarantee after three payment« are made I. Automatic extend« *! tiiHurance for the face of the contract Through the efforts of The Times- tnan The laws governing their con- Photographs of some of the at unite with the slate teachers insti of Webfoot does Very much to Ore 11 A pair! np policy. Herald these five tpen will now duet were discussed at considerable tractive scenes throng--lit the eonn- tute to be held at Portland August gon, as It gives some people nil idea 5 III. Loan or cash ntirrvnder value. have a limited amount of printed |ength by the members repres- trv hay stacks, grain fields, I 28 29 ami 30 This feature was made that there is no time here it does I' ip - xt ••lied as a dividend puyer. /vr/.sT//; 1//: hefokk roir matter to distribute that will some- fcnting Raker, Grant, Harney, and modern residences, I usiness blocks, possible by ail net of the last legis j not rain. It causes the general opin- lature, and as our institute fund is j ion abroad regarding the w>-ather|to what lighten the burden, but still it Malheur counties. The members etc., are also solicite I Sherman 1^ Harmon, R. H Benedict, (¡♦•neral Agents. Diatrict Manager. is not sufficient and should be add- |,rt,f,Pril were George F. Wright, Fred Our local photographer. John very low, so much so, in fact, that 1 be overdrawn; and lie believes that 3 Maripiam'Bldi/ . II. A. IHlIard, Agent. Portland, Or, Burna, Or» ed to j A. Fraser and S. O, Correl for Bak" McMullen, is now taking some it would lie impossible to employ every use of the word in a loi'a| Why not make an organization er; A-1). Leedv for Grant and J. W. views of various fields which will that class of instructors that would 1 sense should he discouraged. that will include every business and r Biggs for Harney Permanent organ Ire tinted in the natural colors and mnkeour institute a value, we deem But it is not alone for this reason it advisable to move in accordance that Mr. Beach would have the Rose professional man in Burns—in fact. ¡zation was effected by the selection added to the exhibit. eViry substantial citizen of the . of g q Cmrel, secretary-treasurer If the general public will co-op with the above plan. A splendid pro I Festival He thinks that the work The Finest of All county ? Could not social features The annual exposition was decided erate with the local officers much gam lias been arranged for our state liegun by the Lewis and Clark Fair be added that would lie attractive upon for the week of Sept. 10-23 more can be accomplished These teachers institute, and we hope our | -hould be continued in -1 small w ■, and bring the people who are inter- G1P same dates as claimed by the officers have their business affairs teachers will take advantage of the each year, by having a holiday s-u- ested in the welfare of the whole Speed Association. The premium to look after as oth«r people and opportunity and attend in a bodv. son set aside that will draw visitors We have arranged for six local .from afar. He would have in that country in closer touch'’ lists were ordered printed and distr- are receiving no remuneration Lor Sale Only at^ At a nominal cost comfortable ¡t,ute<l through the several countie« whatever for tle-ir services in look teachers and parents institute« for season large convention here and quarters in the nature of club rooms at once, ing after the fair, tlieiefore cannot the coming winter, and we expect ! every inducement given to Eastern« could l»e fitted up for such a purpose Ao interested spectator at the visit the various section« to gather ' the hearty co-operation of troth to come to Oregon Thia matter has where the members might have the meeting was W. J. Church, of La specimens in person Bring what teachers ami parents in making lieen discussed he declares, by him privilege of going at will and where Grande, came up to consult with the you have when you co m* to B::«ns, these institutes all they should Ire s elf ami a timnber of his frit mis uml X’ery truly yours fluents, Bunns, Ore the regular stated meetings could members of the society with ref- or send it on the stag- and it will „11 have agreed that it would be of M E R iuby . be held and these matters of public erence to the racing dates of attx- receive prompt attention and be lenefiit to Oreg m if a plan of that interest be discussed to better ad- illairy organization« and the purse forwarded A««ist iri building up Supt. of Schools, Harney County. kind is materaliz.ed Regarding the matter of discour offerings that are to be made in or- your county vanta:e. aging the nickname f a■ l.f-sit, Mr Prominent stockmen and ranch- der to get up programs that will ii • Reach relate, many instanc«. that ers of the surrounding country have sure the attendance of the very beet Purpose of Co-Op rathe Federation A MATTER OF HEALTH Lave come to hi« notice, wherein the appealed to the writer repeatedly Ui equines among the saddle and har name ha« give a wrong “idea of Or etart ench a club or organization r.ess performers These features will Since the lust 1“ • < egon. He tell« of men who have talk They desire a place where they can be taken up later and planned to Herald, the Co-Op ed with him in the E.i«t and who feel at home and have privileges make the very best showing —IVm- tion !>een discu sincerely Irehevr d tba'. tie- auii «-:«- and liliertiee—a place to take a ocral ly and Hie peojde o£ ... r<-ly ever «him - m Or- g-m —Te|e- friend and know they will meet eager for furli • r inf g r im garding th* plans *••• congenial companions, or where A Surprise party uusiness affairs could be diacu«»ed organization. Th" 1 without rude interruption A pleaasnt surprise parly inav I* from a i««n» Such an organization would not given to your .torn >• h and liver, hr Telegram give« «•>».- only result in more thorough and taking a medacine winch will re federation, al liiugh concerted action for the good of the lieve their pain and dircomfort, v.z: meager The federation ye»«- rdsv indued common interests of the entire erc- Or King's New Life Pills They tim. but it would a I an tend to bring are a most wonderful remedy, af its pro-pectus. III I I testl-t it in for the buaines« men of Burn« closer to fording sure relief and cure, for •»' fourth the federati* ■> |>r> prose ttieir cn-lomer« throughout the headache, diizine«* and constipa Io purchase large and rai «Inly un- deve|<rp*-d tracts of lan-i- on which countv and a better understanding tion 25c st City Drug Store Absolutely Pure will Le e-labiish»d enterprise» of among the representative men of HAS RO SUBSTITUT! Job printing—Toe Time- Herald various kind« Bond ia-uei »ill be Harney connty. First National Bank A General Banking Business Transacted. Ï V V first national Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO V ♦ J THE CAPITAL SALOON, Burns. - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables Club Rooms in Connection. PEHN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, i MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Hotel Burns Bar THE TIMES-HERALD Gives all the local news $2 a Year-’-Club rates given. POWDER Job Printing « I »