Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1904)
a Venator, Va&ator,rattle JV left hip, ii<r«a JV left stltte. Sunday school at Hurney the Frank McClintock, Burns, Me tonnecivdira ■ ■ both hips: hotsvs left Stille. [ first Sunday of each month at 10 J H Al dertoi Monumeet, rattle a right lira and hip: horkes X right stifle. In the Circuit Cnnrt of the Slate of o’clock a m. On the second, third H L Harkey, Burns, cattle OHL left hip atR and fourth Sunday of each month SATURDAY. FKBURAHY 70, 1904 ribs, circle F left hip; horses Oil I. and C2 ld| Oregon f .r ilarney Comity. shoulder at 3 o'clock p m. Preaching ser- J . T. Guthrie I’lff) ' J p Far re. Borne, rattle JP connected, epefl VH head with bar under on left hip. mark upul vice » very second Sunday at 8 p tn. HUBHCKIFTION RATES half crop iu each ear; ho ses same brand on la One Year 12.00 | Lou (iuibrie Deft) «title. At the Pre-fiytr ruin church W II Max field. Bums cattle, EX either hip I 8i X Mouths i.ou To Lou Guthrie above nametl Deft i Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor ■ide. in h rk crop und split in leii t ar under S mm HANDSOME MIRRORS, TL tee Mouths ............................. 75 in right; ho*sea EX left shoulder. In the name of the State of Ore Devine services the third and fourth J W shown Harney, cattle US left hip luai erop and two • righteai boraeaUBli IRON BEDS gon you are hereby required to ap .Jll.lANIiVRD — — — — Manager Sundays of each month at 11 a. in. stifle. pear and answer the complaint ; and 7:30 p tn. Fabbath school at D 11 Smyth. Smith, cattle triangle, bard, li< Children’s Iron Beds com e< t-any place; bones Mme. * | , tiled against von in the above en- 10 a. m. every Sabbath morning. OFFICIAI, DIRECTORY Center Tables, Coms ' titled suit within the time mention The Hurney County Live Block Association will pay seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars Ke led herein, and if you fail so to d' J Preaching services at the Baptist STATE—OKEfiOR : ward fur the arrest and conviction of anv per church every 1st ami 2nd Sundays, iTiCuCS, Matttesse* H.»ii or persona who kill, steal or drive off any 1J. 8. Men atora I J. II Mitchel the 1’ifT. will apply to the Court for horses, mules or cattle belonging to any ni nic i (’. W. Fulton. morning and evening Sunday he i of the Ass «elution The County Court also Pillows, Lenolium, the relief prayed for therein to wit: |J. N. WilHutiiftoD, otters an additional le.vtnl of Two Hundred Coi git omen school every Sunday at 11 a. in. I and Fifty Dollais. M. F en . vk K. Pits A decree diasolving the bonds of G. W. YoUbU, Sec’y, Burns, Oregon. Attorney General A. M. ('rawford. Stage bine. Kitchen Oil Cloth prayer meeting every Thursday Geo. E ( liajnhvrlaiii. Guitutui KKANDS AND P. O. ADDRESS OF MEMBERS. matrimony now existing between F. I . Dunbar. berrete rv oi Stale $ "nn Additional Pewird Tn it g urei ('. 8. Moore. W l'lff. and Deft, upon the grounds of evening. Latent’designs in J. H. Ackerman. Hupt. Publie I nut ruction TW C In addL . » to the Hi tiu Pi i liter J. K. Whitney. a ».»ve 1 otter T»()0fi deterlion and for judgment against under. h»- mineeon- Leayes Burns daily for OntiiiiM k li. H. Bean. di ions for horses .> C. Wolverton i mi for tile costs and ilislinrsments Supreme Judges branded horseshoe at 6:30 a Arrives at Burns da^^M » F. A. Moore I ar on both oreither of I his suit jaw recur«.v t in < ly from Ontario at 5 p m. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. IN count its. Range, You will fake notice that this Harnc , Lake and JiiNir.ei JiKige M.D. C lifford Come in anti see us. rook Counties. The only through pfssenger ah<M,dM ]»sir< Mforney Win Miller Sun,minis is set veil by publication Ho. s -s tented when sold. Hoist b sold transfer route from the Times-Herald, a week.v 1'0011- to 11 mty't New things arriving. < Ircult Court meela the Third Mouday in in to pass through this Nothing is omitted that concerns | April und Fourth Monday in Octolrer. bc ti..ti will i>e re railroad. newspaper, by virtue of an order ked b ported h. ihls paper, Joint KcpreMentative E. H. Teat ’ rep.tried, please write or u h ( hone for service by publication issued in 1 he interest of buyers and selleis BURNS FUCN1TURB CO, First-class Mccommodntions,”»**® The Til: cs-Herald. Main 324. ‘ Burns, *-------- Orc. < Joint Senator . .. J L. Xand the above entitled cause by liis 1:1 the livestock, grain, provisions, W. W BROWN, File Die on. good eating stations at convenierfB1»»* COUNTY—IIARNF.Y I Teter ('t'emens, Burns, horses, PC on t itati Honor t he County Judge of Har produce and financial mark cis— lie; cultk* same on either hip; eainimkscro distances along the route. ' * II . ('. I.evenK and split in left ear, swallow fork and s quar < Ilol.l) JlldgC law pro the quotations are comprehensive, F 8 Rieder ney Comity Oregon as l»v under bit iu right. 1 ' I« t k S. S. WILLIAMS, Gen Mgr.. ' K A Miller '1 iF.HMiirrr M Fenwick, Burns, horses, double dot vertic vided, of dale January 28th 19t)4 and are in every way reliable. fcHM«vor al bar on left shoulder, cuttie, L on right hip; Torn Allen Drewsey, Oregoi^^M ; . ill earmarks, iwo underbits in each ear; also some .». E. Ixtggan which order provides that yon aie AFM'Mur branded bar T on right ribs; earmark, under The Journal in addition carries J c Bartlett Ft iiool 8uprri idendenl half crop in left ear. required to appear and answer said .Newt H<»over L. Woldenherg Jr., Agent, Th« t block Itiupcctor J H Bunyard, Burns, cattle, 7 on left hip; ear every days a full and truthful re . 1 KJ William» < -»inHiirRioiierv complaint within six weeks from marks, crop off left ear, swallow fork in right. i C T Miller Burns, Orcgorjli ecl port of tne world's news and pre- I J P Withers, Harney, horses, combined TJP County Court meds the tlrst Wednenduy in the date of the first publication of to on left Bhoulder; cuttle, hulf chele cross on either hip: eurmurks, upperbit in right ear,un January, March. May, July, September and this Notice The first publication is sents many special features of deep derbit in left. -------------------- - d M | ,Nove»n her. interest to the average reader. Martin Bros., Burns, cattle, double dot bori February filh. 1904 ------------------------------------------__ >uld n zontal Imi on either hip; earmarks, upperbit in HARNEY U. H. LAND OFFICF*. The Jouanai’s woman’s page, the rigid ear, swallow fork In left, wattle on right Biggs Ar Biggs, GROSSMANN’N 'xpaye Win Farre jaw; also some branded circle N on right side Kegister .................. CI ihm . Newell Attys for l’lff. ! illustrated sportlang news page, | PATENT WRITING RING its co Receiver O L Shlngledeeker. Burns, horses, 5 on lef shoulder; cattle, 5 on right side and hip; ear CITY. — BUKNH* Journal stories ami comic pages marks, crop off rigid ear, crop and under half ore th crop off left. ........Dr J. W. Geary, 'T'HE most important iniprove^^q, and other good things muke it a lx Woldenherg Jr. Fred Densiedt. Burns, horses, FD on the left SUMMONS. W. A. (h»wun. 1 un lit of the age in the art Khouider; cattle FD on left side; eurmark, un De Jameaoii. very popular family newspaper, der half crop in each eur. penmanship makes the poor writeM^ f Sam Motherahead, KJ Williams, Kile), horses, CH on the left clean and bl ight from A to Z and < F. (). Jackson, ( 'otiiirlliii<*n shoulder: cattle, CB on left hip; earmarks, crop a splendid penman in a few week«»®’ | Simon Lewis. off left ear, under half crop off right, wattle un In the Circuit Court of the State of year’s end to year’s end. I G. W. lie veliger. by the use of t his ring. Endorse,8®nlia der chin; also cattle branded 88, crop and un derbit in left ear, under halt crop hi right; also by prominent College regon, for the County of Harney. I’residei s leng Meetings of the Council every Second ami Daily, one year by mail, $4; cattle JT on left ribs, crop and split in left ear. under half crop in right. Jauquin Berdugo, jilff. J and Boards of Education in Europ^ligh Four!Ii Wednesday. six months, $2 25; three mcntlis, H H Elliott, Narrows, horses. Th combined on ami America. Sample dozen at-Jj. vs I .ell stifle; catlie Th combined on left hip; ear ' A. C. Brothertaii A E J. j mark, upper slope on eat h ear. wattle on chin sorted sent post paid for $LO^J $1.25. and bell collar. single sample 25c. When orderinfl^M I Brotherton, deft ) Semi-weekly, 104 issues, one Sylvester Smith, Narrows, horses. H 8 on right leg; cattle V bar, earmark, under half crop mid a single ring, state whether for inan^^M To A C. Brotherton and E J. Bro- year, $1.50. short over slope in each ear jughmidie und HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. woman, or child. \ shed •lew lap therton the nb«r» named Hefts Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday Weekly, $1. The issues of the • BurP?. horses, guarter circle 8 on’ 7:30 |> in. E. J. Martin, N. 0. PILYN Mid. SUPPLY CO. >«<* right him! leg and left shoulder; cuttle, quarter In the mime of the state of Oregon F. <). J ark non, Hecretary. circles on either hip; earmarK, crop oil right Semi-Weekly and Weekly Journ No. 118 S. Fourth Street. PIIILADFl.PllirOvUk you are hereby required to appear ear, split in under side of left; two dewlaps. al also contain the market news onfl A E Young. Burns, horses. Y on left leg mid BURNS LODGE NO. 97, A. E. A M.. and RiiBwer the complaint filed J >< connected on right shoulder; also boot on Meets every 8atnrdav (•veiling in Masonic Daily left shoulder; cattle, rocking chair on left hip; and all of the features of the Hull. R A. Miller, W. M. against you in the above entitled earmark, right ear drooped down, left < nt slop- F. 8. Hehler, Secretary. mg towards head on upper side; wattle on lef *3»W Hiiit within tho time herein men Journal. side of neck; all animals dehorne<1. with The Times-Herald clubs C I* Rutherford. Burns, cattle, bar 2 on left tioned; and if you fail **'» ,(* <»*’• fori INLAND LODGE NO. 70 K. of I’. side; earmark umk-r half crop righi car; horses !'Z^f bar 2 ou left shoulder. Meets every Thursday evening lit the Brow n want thereof, the plaintiff will ap the Journal at the following rates Ihtll. Thornton WIIII huin , ('. ('. Thos Wingfield, Burns, horses. ® (chainlink) >bmh on left shoulder; cattle, same on left side; mark John M. Budlcnmn, K. IL 8 ply to the court for relief prayed for both papers: crop ot! left ear, short oversiope in right. k»unty $4°° Daily,................. for in said complaint to wit: ( rH,,*,ock, Silvie*, horses, 8-8 on the left ¿r’ri rhZ1 <’al,,e’Ji-8 (>» right side; mark, crop Bl'ItNS LODGE No 47 A. O. U. W. J>e exi 2.50 Semi-Weekly . . A Great Newspaper bdsket ’ 8wa,,ow h»rk In left, ,'ewlap on 1st For the sum of $5602 Of) be Mecik every second tint! fourth Friday • “R at A. Welcome, M. W. 2 25 Weekly .............. ing the principal sum of three cer l.n Absolutely PURE, and W E Smith, Burns, cattle, XI on right side (’. N. Cochran, Recorder. I mark. split iu right ear, wattle ou nose. tain promisor}’ notes, made, execut will OUTWEAR all other 3 any The Sunday edition of the St G Hudspeth, Burns, cattle, scissors on right ¡n any side; mark, crop and sniit in each car. ORDI R <>F WAHAINGTON. ed mid delivered by defendant A. Leads. Louis Republic is a marvel of Simon Lewis. Burns, cattle SL on right side Metta every liuti and thinl Fridav, in Hrown PKOFESSIONAL CARIES. »nlklrbit in h*ft ear, crop aud Hall. C, P. Bui ber foro, Presldeii ■ C Brotherton to plaintiff for $1500 // your local dealer does not car modern newspaper enterprise, under half crop oft right. * Pearl Vulgsinore, Secretar). ry it write to us and we will see that each via............................... $4500 00 John Witicll. Hume, horai-it, W bar on liirht The orginization of its news str- shfle; natile, iliamond bar on left hip; mark; regon you get it. Interest thireon due at tho •pltt in each ear, wattle un er ehm. H BURNS CHAPTER NO. 10,0. E. 8. W. J. COLEMAN, vices is world-wide, complete in 1 O ''.‘-«I' •'k"»"iy. Burna, horses, reverse Lon W P Fuller A. Co. Portland Meets c\er\ second and fourth Mondays, III date of the commence- elt stifle; ' «tile. on left hip; ..... rk, metal tau Masonic Ihtll. Rose E. ('nailing, W. M. every department; io tact, superi Stenographer and Notary Publio in each ear With full name and addrea. Delnora U.iwan, Secretary. inent of thin Hiiit .......... 527 I F on'r'i' hor,et- l l'0" right.title; cattle or to that of any other newspaper. B urns , - O regon . Taxes paid on Mtgd. pre derhh InLiahi^r""1 ' <'r°P’ u'” Office iu Citizens Bank Building. acific The magazine section is illus KYLVIA RFBFI x All DEGREE N o . a .'L mises ........................... til '•ani) 71 baroli sdite; Mectsevcry 1st and 3d Wednesday. ( attic, bar IL on left ribs, mark, unde-bit in left trated in daintily tinted colors and Flora Huge), N. G. Interest there on iodate of var, under slope in right. 1 “THE BIGGEST BENHATtON KVKKYWI1BRK C G. Smith, Rec Sec y. THORNTON WILLIAMS. Depart for TIME N< II Fill I.ES AHRIVK Front Huntington Ore »lirt^'eat'd..““"^ |h«"*?•.114 ••'•■'•Ml'cdon left splendid half-tone pictures. This Troni 8 12 suit ............................... ?ieht’ear' left"'.¿m V ,nil,r'i- in =-. LILTFTJT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. K»1’tHr. k ft split in half lower part loi>i>.q| sei lion contains more high-class Chicago- Sult Lake,Denver, Ft Reasonhle attorney fees in HARNEY VALLEY »'AMP No 3 m |, W offW doWn against side of head. 1 ‘“ppvu COlapsable Pocks Oilice one door north Meets ever) fl ru I and Meeolid Tlleaday literary matter than any of the Port 1 nil Wurth, Omaha, Kan suit ................................. 5(MI AK> ?■» "" left shoulder; < w Merlali», Goin. huiVir « i. “ ? k ‘lp; ,,ulrk. Crop and under of French Hotel W. A. <it»WMii, ( lerk. SteecoscojM? A pparatus tialf < rop in right ear, underbit in left. And the costs and dislmrsmenls monthly magazines. The fashions Special sas City, S* Louis. C J Jonnson, Riley, cattle, O Laron left nil» The Rm al lest Stereo wop • with the atronue 12:35 Chicago and East. 1: 15 a in thereof illustrated in natural colors are O regon . Bruxs, marks, swallow fork in right ear, split in left ' optical cflrt t lilglib iinislic*! in dittcren wAkK :i. ir. TI’I.F CIRCLE no . It»., W. of W i Johnson < attle, J K combined on left bin on with rich gold »>1**1 lilver deeornt i.»r«w especially valuable to the ladies. 2nd Foi th** reform ami foreclo Met ta every fourth Tuesday. mil. mt ¡11 usi. I n< lii<lin r 'J* \ . I . riiot*‘grn| b»Tfkm,oprn"ll!.^h'e,*r’ tW° M hi C'H Dalton, G M DALTON BKIGH The colored comic section is a « \ t laut ic Salt Lake.D< liver.I‘ l. sure of that certain instrument of j . W BIGG8, lone Whiting, Clerk. Sent everywhere prepaid in letter form. on'i.n ibb?' Yà'',rir- ...................... No,” Exi CPS' \\drill. (Iinalia, Ka< \GENT8 WANTED. 3:35 mortgage of date Nov. -I, IIM*2 exe- gi mum • laugh-maker. The funny Biggs ä Biggs left shoulder; mark, upper half crop in left ear. 2:10 sag Lily, St. I/oiiis p w.. his o John Bu.iy, Burns, horses,2Bon left slmnl.'< r ruled under their seals by the def cartoons are by the best artists. n hi (’hicapo ai;d Fast. ATTORNEYS- AT - LAW, cattle. 2B on tight hip <»r siile: mark eroi, it The navel department's last re tralia FORREST BUILDING each ear. hole in right ’ 1 0,1 endants and delivered to plainlitl The humorous stoi íes are high h HNS, — ----- — — OREGON. “St port has an official chart showing ami recorded in Book of Mortgages 1 li’ighct. Warm Springs, cattle ear PHILADELPHIA. class, by authors of national rep- St. Paul Wall Walla, Lewis lock on left side; mark, wmtfe und.-r ' bin.' Practice in all the courts of Ore. all tb F, st Mai ton, Spokane, Minne that the United States has the <>f Hurney county “C" al page 556 12:35 Sohn Ilipsmati, Burns, horoea, OJ on the left utation. shoulder; < atlle, GJ on nxht.ide; mark »nd i 1 45 apnlis, St. Paul, Du a. ni. Collections promptly made. to etf left ear. two underbit. In righi. ’ 1 fifth largest navy in the world. Sheet music, a high-class, pop- 3rd For the sale of the morl luth Milwaukee, Chi Sain King, Burna, calile, S7 on left hit.- mark are i ular song, is furnished fret' every •wop and underbit in each ear, waitlJon Mt gaged premises towit: Lots -I ami cago a nd East 11 .. Great Britain is first, with 201 the < KODOL digests what you eat. I Sunday in the Republic. ..m*’ *,i, *t;'n’'m. Narrow, horses, anvil on l..n S. W. MILLER, vessels with 1,00,000 tons built, 5 block 6 of the Townsite of town in th The price of the Sunday Re-i ¡h^nii'*111 *’ bfr ,l,r"UKl1 diamond on the left now city of Burns according Io the mark, underbit In . .. h ..... 1 . " branded on left Bide and hip' " *r' ,ne KODOL c,eanses' purifies, strengthen vote, and 38 vessels now building. public by mail one year is $2.00. (KEAN and RIVER SCHEDULE shoulder; NOTARY PUBLIC. plat ii. the County Clerks office in ■ and sweetens the stomach. miM FroM Partlaatl KooeSlti, NrrrowB, lioraeB. R baron left .Him ----- - For sale by all news deal' rs. Burns, - - - Oregon. can le, same on left bin or aide- n..rL- .. . France has 98 built, 57(1, ixjo Harnev County, State of Oregon bit Iu each e.r,deWl.pPo°nrbrl,k;1.,"*rk- KODOL cures lnd|g«'lon- dyspepsia, sm BaiJ All sailing dates sub --------------- all stomach and bowel troubles 4th For judgment ami execu tons, and 14 building. left Btlfle: cattle . w ntIh'P i,*rk' U*'*’tr <>n •’•lieropoil right in’ V / ject to change. <*. W. P arrish il. A. K kmrold 8 p Ml 4 p Ml. tion against anv other property of KODOL EccelerEtes the action of the gas -^3 J W Biggs, Burns, homes, ok on left stifle For San Francisco PARRISH & REMBOLD, R ussia has 56 built, 410,1100 defendant A C Brotherton remain --------------- trie glands and gives tone to th* B~"3 START A BUSIN E S OF YOUR every 5 days digestive organs. b jik Attorneys-at-Law, _ tons, and 14 building. OWN ing over and above ujam such re I Banin (anti Canyon Cily.) Oregon. (olHMbia Hirer 8 p in KODOL relleves an overworked stomad foil 1 p. 111. Alli practice in the courts of Harney and I Steamers. --------------- of all nervous strain gives V with Germany has 73 built, with covery after the proceeds of said ■ rant Ex Sun. T»» Aptn 11 am. W :»y- Except counties nnd iu the supreme << urt ol the Our new beck entitled " 40 M oney . sale have la-en applied thereto. left ar.snlit in riglit. 1 "'»rz, crop off the heart a full, free and untrammel« «tale, and also iu 8 land office. f aturd'y Sunday. 387,000 tons, and 13 building. Laiadings. action, nourishes the nervous system am ecDe I M aking I deas ” is worth its wei Jit in < .Hie, i ><•«"». feeds the brain. You will take notice that this 10 p. u,. prov America has 73 built, with summons is served by weekly pub gold to every man who wants to start a Chius. 11. lx'onarxl. Willamette River, KODOL Is the wonderful remedy that h tbn 1 legitimate, paying mail order kusinesa. A ttorn ky - at - i . aw , 294,0.10 tons, ami 28 building. lication in the Times Herald news --------------- making to many sick people wal 6 a. in. Oregon t’:t\ X, w 4:3(1 p ni It tellr you what to do an-l how to do and weak people strong by giving to that* "3 Careful attention given to Collec Next in order is Italy with 28 paper by virtue of an order for such Except berg. >alt u> iu<i W.iy Except bodies all of the nourishment that la co» NM tions and Real Estate matters. it snccea-fully Send us 50c today .h<mMe?rt’ •>«"«. hwc on the left LAndiiigN. Sunday talned tn the food they eat. Sunday. built, with 258,00.1 ions, and six service of the above entitled Court Notary Public ind we will «end iou I* e ■ ,ok. at nd a John Gilcrest, (p. L s ( n u of the dale of 2lst dav of Jan. HMM wrench on left »title- cattle ■■mL™’’ih<irMiB* S Bottles only. »100 S im holdhw 2M times the trtd building W Illa met tr A lamteill B urns , O hegon . k‘h 5lp: valuable n< 1 I* v |ou ; ai <1 ve 1 Ere«' 7 a ui 3:30 p m mark, .quar» crop off right ear •Ue. which Mils for SOo. issued bv his honor, the County Office in Times-Herald River. ■top« ou left. g tMr’ r’*rh or undvr- building C ent k * I i ir isii . s . ,.<. ih -> > 73. Tcu-dav Or< gi n City Japan has 44 built, with 242,000 . l»a> inn Monday Fiwmw oair hy L C. BaTOT 4 M, CHUM French-Glenn Live Stock r<» t Judge of Harney County as t»y law T'ihrd’y and May-Landings Wed. & tons, and three building. • IKY L A' « ». iNY provided, and that the time pre Burns Druggists. A Sat Friday. GEO. S. SIZEMORE, scribed in said order in which the ---------- 1 ATTORN KV, Willamette Klv*r. 6 a. in | 4:30 p ni Win. Ilanlcy, of Burns, prest- defendants are required to appear Tuesday Portland (’orTallia 1 uesday throat; cattle. Ton left hi»- ®»»der O kkgon Oir left ear, » mile lertjj;, *’ "»»are crop dent of the Oregon Cattle Gi ow- and answer said complaint is six B urns , Tlmr« A and W.»y Landings Thurs A «H H I X M<-\1 r LLE\ Voller. iou *. Land buMneMt, anti Hral > kfl .Uk??' ’ - , ” n ’ P - h «"" branded CV o„ 50 YKARH' ers association which was 01 gan- full weeks to commence with the fatale matter promt tlv mirami«« to. Sat Sat. EXPERIENCE Led in Portland in January, has first publication ami that the first Leave Leave stirred up a hornets nest in his publication is the 2”d day of Janu W. L. RARMtRN, JOHN W URART t <aake Kiver Kiparia, l.owistn Burn« own town and county by making ary, l*M. 1 20 a m lliparia to Lewiston. 8 30 a m MARSDEN & GEARY. Daily, j Thornton Williams, tar Fon |rfT eb..alder or rit« »... w : ra|Le Daily. a statement to the Oregonian that Cloudy d..\ - I‘li\sicians «ilici Surgeons bin in left and me in ri«H ■'«. ,B" ®ndvr- in reek ear * * * lw*‘ un«»erbitt Vlffs Atty T rao « M ark « he favors the leasing or selling of making Hl HNS, OREGON. A N.II oar , Diaien« .nX , o^^ h n ,^V. r t k B "r' n ’ - 7 ,tl ' ished in Ojfirt-at rrafviruiV. tr X. ft* the public range Long Creek unuin C orvrioht « Ac- Huntington. Oregon boTMtame b<and% r£ht «Hie ”* ”rh e,r: Religion* Service*. A L. CRAIG, Light. Sirîitl wb«U«r aa •> ITr -M U0.1 ntidcntiai. Haad»rw>t<a F r M bw (ten. Pass Ag’t. Portland. Oregon underbit in left. U?..Ìh » *’h it t. I • proreFR i*8r <■ ————— and upper half crop In tJn ¿,^17*’-’ in ri*M A I. MOHLER. President. Services at Christian Science V •h.»nl<fer. H »• 8 «.u right t*X I • ist class work J. H. MH.P. 4. JI.. M. 0. nker Wagons, ¿Hacks. *• KrHey. Ruma, home t.rard cimi. « Hall every Sunday nfti'rimun at 3 ■d M on guara* tec.l '|luggiesand Bucllbo«rds ...... .... vk XUS?*** •Ira F o'clock. Service Weiltiesday^even- PI1PSICIAN ANI» SURGEON in. -njnfc Knâï. «i • now and selling as fast _ _ _ — — — — — — — — — I ingN at 8. Subject for next Sunday Burns, Oregon • .them in. We have W antbd —T bistwobthy MBB AWt TV "" kfl »“S- February 14, ‘ Mind." Office al resilience. jroMVN to trav< I and s iverti-e for old , hrse goo.Is here J 1 “ >rr»a. catlie 7 l »4^«.. «. •stabli«he«i house of solid fiocinisi Rev A. J. Ir» in will preach at «nderbft la debt rt*h! hip „lie beet Stock of "MAXES PROPER DICTJJ | sU' dirg. Salary $7»M a yrar an i ex- . mark h»‘rw brand 7 L »'••kJ I. F Hibbard t hides ever brought Harney the 2nd Suiidar of each H K RWWMMl pen»'-- »'I payable in caali. No c«iva» , PLEASING lliblNitxi At Ih-oxviiton. «•« rv«porrd Oiv,- n tcren.-r« a«i en .-.W O. !e,t )a.ft ami look at gissla month at Ila. ni. and 7.30 p. in. DeWitt’s Salve cl. wr ralf «ddreraetl enve’npc 1 »F.NTIM'IX, R I > iv«fet. Barna, rattle C <»n Uft k«-. '*/ " sire to buv at Sabbath school every sabbath at 2 ’ • I * A Mr« MAnacer, 355 Bid* Bo, rgnw A|> P llfflr» «rW <1«wr *•»’ wt THr elfin-,. , A Cummins p. ■ T "’I”* Supper M, „ ,lrtt Itiirn. Orrgvn. One Minute Cough Cveci 'e tf ______ - ------- »e »eft aht.uldv - Oc (Eimes-JItraíd H(TM MONS A New Line of DINING CHAIRS and ROCKERS Ontario-Bums HEAD THE MARKET NEWS Wall Paper I he Oregon Daily Journal. THE TIMES-HERALD Gives all the local news Job Printing P] ONEER WHITE LEAD O S horj L inf ai » union P LILIPUr STERIOSCOPE CO. ßfe äw SSZ«^»-- Scientific HnKrica«. ____ __ 'dr F orce For Cough«, CoMa «nd Croop-