Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1904)
JL at tuned Ip, mi me bra ingle, t ■ nr me. VOL. XVII. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, FEBRUARY 13, 1904. TER VALLEY EXTENSION stated that some of the largest COUNTY COURT HOUSE BURNS edyucasiiun. What difference wood DEATH OF THOMAS PRATHER it mako to Willie if the shoe last merchantile firms in Berns were .JOHN D. DALY, I’m N. U. (ARPENTER, C amus «, did way more when it cum down. Former Harney Valley Pioueer passes . FRANK R. COFFIN, V ick P ues . making arrangements to haul their A. (’. WELCOME, Asar. ('Asmica. Hu couldn’t sei junk on them bases It» Away in Montana ENT ECCLES REFUSES TO MAKE' freight through this city from FIRE DESTROYS UPPER STORY 0^ Never mind teechin’ Wil|ie sience. Shaniko beginning early in the RASH PROMISES. BUILDING AT PRINEVILLE. He won’t need it in basebal, and spring. Mr. Watts has spent the The Pioneer, published at Big OF BURNS, OREGON. furthermor we doan’t want enny Timber, Montana, in 'its issue of past three months in the vicinity of ackrobats dooin leeps 4 life off the Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. Jan. 21 reports the death of Thomas a Point to a Long Extension of the Burns where general dif satisfaction and Effective Work of the Firemen rufe for the benefit of doctors and with the merchants at Huntington Prompt Prather who was among the first ad This Ycar--To Confer With for ( Saved House From Total Destruc | ’ WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. hospital students. It's well enufi settlers in this valley and owned a 0. R. & N. at Portland. ¡8 expressed. Three of the business t Bur tion*-Records all Saved. for rich men’s sons, wot has nothin’ stock ranch on Prather creek. S tockhoi . dbiis :—John D. Daly, Frank R. Coffin, N. U. Carpenter, R. J. firms which have concluded to tn. Williams, J. W. Geary, C. Cummin«, H . M. Horton, C. A. Haines, Win . President David Eccles of the make the change in shipping routes Fire, starting from the roof, par 2 do but keep gettin well and havin Many of our old timers were well Jones, Thomas Davis. *Se"*HNler Valiev Railroad who is are: Voegtly, Miller A Haines, and tially destroyed the second story of relapses. But wot a poor man’s son acquainted with the deceased and State anti County l/Jarrants bought at the marketfirief. urns from Utah and left last Lunaburg A Dalton. the courthouse at 8 o’clock this wants is how 2 reed his own name will be sorry to learn of his demise. light fi>r Portland and Hood River when lie sees it in print, If Willie; These three shippeis ar.etamong morning, says the Prineville Jour I his bank is Insured and will be reimbursed for any loss by burglary The pioneer gives the following datimrhera he has large business inter- the heaviest freighters in Burns and nal. The offices on the fust floor shood ever be a mooter man on 11 \ account of his life. It says here- or hold up day or night. • con stewhen asked hy a Baker City the change made in bringing their and the county court room were electrick car, they cood rite down sided in Grant county—this being te. Jemocrat reporter what he intended merchandise by the way of Prine not damaged and work will be re ennything at a koroner’s inquest as in Grant county at the time: Mgr® l^'s Beft8on th6 wa-v ex" ville means a considerable increase sumed in them as soon as the wa- his evidence and he woodn’t know Thomas Theodore Prather was i ensioti of the road into the John of business at this point.—Prine ter and dirt can be cleaned ou t. it. So lot this koinmunercashun be born in Clermont, Ohio, on Dec. 21, )ay gcountry, Canyon City and ville Journal. warnin to you. Your’s trooly, The damage to the building will 1843. At the age of 10 months his •■»ooeo oeo oeo- oer» oer> nt’ Turns, said: Mrs. Hennerr B Leathers. amount to $2000 which is fully cov parents died of typhoid fever and M. A i . kxandkr . I’ hkhidknt . E H. T est , Cashier ms, QI «i»ever Jo any talking untill I W m . J ones , V ice -I* hksipent . C. E. K enyon , Aset. Cashier he was then cared for by relatives WAS DISCHARGED FROM ASYLUM. ered by insurance. ___ un ready to act. We do not believe County Clerk J. J. Smith had Sheriff Lawrence, who left Vale until be was 16 years old, when in n giving the public a lot of hot air Ad Gared Refused Admission and Will been in the building only a few week or so ago for Nebraska to 1859, with an uncle he journej-ed a _ ^hont what may or may not be dona. minutes when the blaze was dis- bring back one J. II. Slattery, held by oxteam overland to Douglas Be Tried for Murder. is D>v firm be.ief, from the inves- covered. A fire had beon .-tarted on a charge of horse-stealing, and county, Oregon Here he remain OREGON ' ONTARIO » ¡gallon we have already made, that Santa Rosa, February 3.—Sheriff in the county court room stove and wanted here, arrived home Sunday, ed until 1862 when he enlisted in ""he Country south and west of Frank Grace returned to this city Mr Smith had just built a lire in Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Co. C, First Oregon cavalry and ,, Whiwey, including the valleys in this morning with murderer Ander the clerk’s office when the smell of haying failed 10 get his man. Slat remained with his company until tery was arrested jointly with one We Solieit Yoer Banking Business. p/^thicb are situated Prairie City, son Garred in his custody. The smoke led to the discover of the of our citizens here. However discharged. Mr. Prather then re STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Win. Jones, E. H. Test, 1 f.nvJMiyon City and Burn«, is very Sherifl took Garred, who prior to burning roof which had been set on turned to Douglas cour.ty and for a c. E. Kenyon, II. Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William Eirich in natural resources of all kinds his killing of former Sheriff Mc fire, it is thought by the sparks through some technicality of the year followed agriculture and cattle Miller, Frank R. Collin, Thos. Turnbull. Vri>nd would pay well to develop« for Kinnon of Oregon last year, was an from the chimney. A 40 mile gale law the requisition papers were not raising. He then sold out and re honored by Nebraska, and the pris " ‘'j i transportation line, at least it escape from Ukiah asylum, back was blowing at the time and the turned to Ohio After eighteen ii(j ¿would seem that the country would to thatl'nstitution. The authorities flames were given a draft. Only oner was turned loose. There is yet months spent in the scenes of his len ( i«uppei I a road in a few years, refused to admit him and gave him the prompt, and effective work of a wny out of this matter. It is high youth he again set out for Oregon her GThe further extension of our road his discharge papers, holding that the tire companies saved the build time this matter of horse-stealing 1 going by way of the Isthmus of was put a stop to. It has been go will iepend somewhat upon circum- he was not a fit inmate for the asy ing and those across the street from ing on from year to year in Mal Panama He engaged in buying itanaes and the arrangements we lum. Grace accordingly rearrested total destruction HOWARD SEBREE, PMUOIUV ». •. WHITE, V ici P rikochv heur and Harney counties unabated, j cattle and selling them in the fall ban jpake with connecting lines for W. R. SEBREE, C ashisr Both fire companies were soon on A vigorous campaign should be in-1 in Washington and California Garred for the murder of McKinnon ,he olehange of business.” Later he engaged in the manufac and kept him in the jail at Ukiah the ground and inside of 35 min Frlrn one who is close to head- over night, To-day the discharge utes the flames were extinguished. augurated against these jackals. ture of buckskin gloves but in this » 0 (a luarlers" it is learned that the papers were filed in court, Garred Almost all of the second story was Comparatively few of these offend venture he lost money so he again iuar|< iter Valley people have con- will be tried regularly for murder. wiped up, but with systematic ers have been captured and brought. turned his attention to cattle rais Epump .emplated building about one hun- —Press dispatch to the San Fran- work the firemen confined the to justice. Bring Slattery back, ing. He recouped his financial and let him and those with whom .1 retail nd ten miles of exlenson ibis cisco Examiner. flames to the upper floor. CALDWELL, IDAHO he is accused, have an impartial j losses and in 1872 removed to _ year It is known lhat they have As soon as the fire was discover trial. If they are innocent, so j Grant county, Oregon. On Feb. J most of the material on hand and ed all books and records in all the much the better If they are guilty, 22, 1872, he was united in mar A General Banking Business Transacted A Cure For Eczema " {j; ahave the equipment here with which offices ivere put into the fire proof let them suffer the penalty of the riage to Miss Lucinda Jane Marri- || otjloojferate the extended road. The My baby had Eczema so ba<> safes and so far as known, nothing I man of Jackson county, Ore , and revolution in traffic matters that that its head was a solid mass of of value has been lost. While the law.—Vale Gazette. the fruits of this union were a would occur with the completion of scabs, and its hair all came out I fireman were fighting the flames daughter, Kate, now the wife of A. Some Winter. 1 this •xtention is apparent to the tried many remedies but none from the outside, the county clerk, J. Bryant of this citv, and a son most casual observer. A vast em- seemed to do any permanent good sheriff and deputies, with the as '.ZNZS/S. The past week the weather has William Thomas Prather. Portlpire jo the southwest of Baker City until I used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel sistance offered, gathered up the (for ten years he continued in • •••only «wails transportation facilities Salve. The Eczema is cured, the books and papers and carried out been the most disagreeable of the winter. The wind has been blow Grant county and was successful in to ma ike it one of the richest coun- scabs are gone and the little one’s the furniture. ing at. it rapid rate giving us a the business of raising cattle and iin the world from every view scalp is perfectly clean and healthy, INCORPORATED I847 little snow here in the valley and I horses. In 1882 he moved to Mon mines, agriculture, stock, and its hair growing beautifully Issues all forme of sound life insurance at tholowe t rates. Our policies Western Ways. more in the mountains. The ther- tana and located on a ranch about guarantee after three payments are made r. fruit, all can only be devel- again. I cannot give too much seven miles west of this city. Here Mrs. R. F. Claypool was a West inotnetor registered 3 below Tues I. Automatic extended insurance for the face of the contract. their fullest extent by a praise to DeWitt’s Witch Hazel II. A paid up policy. fall visitor Friday of last week. day morning the coldest yet record he engaged in sheep raising until III. Loan or cash surrender value. Salve.—Frank Farmer, Bluff City, 1900 when he engaged in cattle Unexcelled as a dividend payer. John Daly passed through West ed this winter. iiein Portland Mr. Eccles will Kv. In buying Witch Hazel Salve puna raising. He was a hard worker INVESTIGATE BEFORE L’OIF INSURE. 1 the conference with President A. look out for counterfeits. DeWitt’s fall on his road home Friday. and conservative in his dealings in <lif An Early Riser. Sherman & Harmon, R. Il Bonediet, iler, of the O. R. A N. and it l'r*(l(ia^^K— ----------- ---- is the original and the only one Al Weatherly and Carl Iiiley, of General Agents. District Manager. through which characteristics he : os'i is faif to presume that the two presi- containing pure Witch Hazel. The Drewsey were in Westfall Saturday Marrpiamjlldg., II. A. Dillard, Agent. succeeded in accumulating a com A strong, healthy, active consti Portland, Or, Burns, Or. :'i>. dentilwill arrive at some under- name E. C. DeWitt A Co., is on evening on their way home from a tution depends largely on the con petency, and was considered one of 0PE standing as to interchange of busi- every box. Sold by Burns drug trip to Nevada. dition of the liver. The famous lit the wealthy men of this county. J>! Vness ill southeastern Oregon via gists. Wm. Altnow, of Drewsey was a tie pills known as DeWitt’s Little v Baker City. The public has confi China New Year. caller at Our Western Wavs oilice Early Risers not only cleanse the dence that the people who opened WERE REFUSED BONDS. one day last week. Mr. Altnow is system but they strengthen the ac up the mining camps contiguous to China Tom pai one of the leading stockmen of the tion of the liver and reduild the tis Sumpter and put a large timber ...AND... visit the other day and informed Geo T. Miller ar.d James Colwell, Otis Valiev, sues supporting that organ. Little eat. field In the market will carry oh the us China New Yeat would begin Early Risers are easy to act, they tomorrow, Feb. 14 good work and in the near future who were brought to Burns a few at midnight, weeks ago from the penitentiary for Relief in One flinute. s, i neaver gripe and yet they are abso o S > d rich John Day and Harney great religious He desired that the I stoi— lutely certain to produce results Affords the (people of East and Central Oregon nil the opportunity of a counties as contributors to the a new trial for the murder of Warren L_ inform the public that on Tuesday, One Minute Cough Cure dyspes gives Curtis, March 22, 1902 and who first class modern Bu»inei>s College. It is a fiume institution covering that are satisfactory in all cases. Feb H>, at 3 o'clock p. in. the China bowel • worii's markets. every course involved in Bueine»» Collego work II» rate» are flu* num» have been trying to get out on relief jn one minute, because it kills Sold by Burns Druggists. men would fire off 1 00,(XX),(XX) fire tion ot as charged elsewhere and the method» are the same, tit 11 loot» ndmittbd the microlte which tickles the mu- bonds, will have to remain in jail ves tot It Rains Mud. nt any time, Instruction nt the College or bv mail. During the Hummer crackers and that horserne < should until circuit court meets in Burn» C.OU9 membrane, causing the cough, month» the College will conduct a There is a little paper published be careful not to hitch their teams orksd lenomena which seems to next April, according to a decision | and nt the same time clears the in the state penitentiary of Min in the vicinity. trail ¡.every one and is ns yet lin rendered by Judge Clifford early phlegm, draws out the inflamma nesota Prison Mirror, which pro ummer ormal chool un This matter is given for the pur tion and heals and soothes the af » «TX bi ed. oveured here Thursday, this week pose of warning people who have For teacher» and others who «lesire a reviewing or propaialory course. The parties appeared by brief, fected parts. One Minute Cough pounds the following question: wer of rain came up in the tea ins. For «peelmen» of pen work, ami full information on Busin«»« College aub- “ Why is it from the first con remai n which proved to be not Weatherford <£• Wyatt for Miller 1 Cure strengthens the lungs, wards jecte. ndilre»» itekp» ception of our paper until the pre and Colwell and Wm. Miller for off pneumonia and is a harmless glvint it drops of mud. Windows Have You indigestion. it thaï and never failing cure in all cura- sent time we have never had an M. 33. T’xirx., ewalks were spattered with State of Oregon. Judge Clifford, in refusing the de | ble cases of Coughs, Colds and | editor to sojourn in our midst? d the apperence of hats If you have Indigestion. Kodot1 ExiirxS, Oxogforx. lend the impression that fendants bail, said: “My opinion Croup One Minute Cough Cure is , Other professions have been well Dyspepsia Cure will euro you. Il Of preachers we ha» cured thousands. It is curing men had been standing on is that under sec. 1494 of Bilfinger pleasant to take, harmless and represented. eads. The fact that trains ; and Cotton’s code when the pr<>of of good alike for young and old. Sold have had enough to furnish sub people every day—every hour. You j Ig from both the east and the . presumption of guilt is evident or hy Burns druggists. sistence to an African chief for a owe it to yourself to give it a trial i ere covered with the sub , strong, and the party is charged year; doctors in sufficient numbers You will continue to suffer untill | Ährest. demonstrates that this I with murder in any degree the de to depopulate a state and enough you do try it Then- is no other j fendant» are not entitled to bail.” trick of the elements is not comdinntion of digestants that di- i Deer Teecher—I am »endin' our l i.versto establish a good sized ge«t and rebuild at the same time. r* local. Various theories — Blue Mt. eagle. colony in Hades. But editors — Willie with a inclosed exkuse for Kodol doos both Kodol cure»/ Prompt attention to all kinds of Draying en’advanced as to its cause. | An Elopement. I his absent» during the time ho wuz 1 not one.” strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by prevailing idea seems to be 1 Editors are too honest. and Transfer Business. ere has been a volcanic erup- ; - Last Saturday evening the boy away from skool, which will explane Burns Druggist« why he wuz not there. It is a» For rush orders use ’phone cnain 324 tnewbere. Russell wlio was serving a 12 days’ much your fait as Willie's that he ever the only thing of thia I sentence in the county jail for patronize bouses chat d splat) the “Green Flag. known to occur recently is breaking in a bouse at Lawen, made wasn't to skool You told him that The Finest of All ¡»patches from Amsterdam his escape and has not been seen anything that fell for anny distant» that the volcano Morapi in • by the officers since. It nccured wood inkrease in wait, a» it desend deliveryman nd of Java, is in a state of just before the prisoners were lock- ed and Willie put a pare of kail 1 and pouring forth hot ed in the cells for the night. The in the front yard under the bai nd ashes, but we do not pro officers had intended to send the window, and went op on the roof to Far Sale Oaly al l»e sufficiently advanced in boy ont on the stage Monday, so he let a ahoeinaki r’s last fall, and sea ence to judge the feasibility raved the county the expense of his bow much it wood way at the bot tom, and fell off hisself and frack- x planation on this scale — board and stage fare tured his spinal column ju«t l-elow ng ton Herald. TRISCO A DONEGAN, Proprietor». the kitchun-window. He was lade First Church Christ Scientist, npp for 3 weak» and 2 day» Now EH1HT TO COME THIS W AY. services Sunday 3 p m, at the par if you don't stop such ncneei lors of the Cottage Hot»-| Prayer your leeching, I will I» ZsÆcilze Tlxls Headquaitois meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 loreport the nfftre First National Bank ne li * I e FIRST NATIONAL BANK I I I. • first Rational Bank PENN MUTUAL. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHUflDELPHIfl CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL S N S GENERAL DELIVERY and Trucking A. L. HUNTER, Hotel Burns Bar Agents, Burns, One THE CAPITAL SALOON, Bums, Oregon.