Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1904)
BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY.OREGON, FEBRUARY 27, 1904. OL. XVII. the state. The I BONTÀ ROAD A SURE THING term of four years, and until his suc WILL EXTEND TO LAKEVIEW OUNTY HIGH SCHOOL school boards cessor is elected and qualified.” ✓ course of study for the two years of There is nothing in the act which optional work in all high schools SUBMITTED AT HE JUNE ELECTION. ON TO BE w Being Circulated Throughout ounty to Place It on Ballot —The State Law. shall be laid down by the county high sbhool board in the county, or the district school board in case of district high schools, after due consultation with the State Super- tendenl of Public Instruction; pro vided, that in any high school of this state it may be provided by the directors thereof that all or part of the two years of optional work in the high school course shall be de voted to industrial training. T11 high schools where industrial train ing is made part of the course the required studies and industrial training may be interspersed throughout the four years high school may be deemed best by the board of directors of such school.” “Section 19. All county high school in this state shall be free to all pupils of school age in such county who pass or may have pas sed successfully the eighth grade uniform final examinations.” Approved February 2C>, 1901. TO CONNECT WITH A TRANSCONTI NENTAL LINE Bonds for Construction Floated la New York and Work Will Commence In The Early Spring. JOHN I). DAI.Y, I’ hes FRANK R.COFFIN, V icb D ues si»ecifies whether assessors now in COLUMBIA SOUTHERN CLAIMS THAT i office shall be affected by the new AS OBJECTIVE POINT. law. It has been generally suppos ed that the present incumbents would retire when two-year terms Original Plan of The Line Will be Carried have ended, but there may be some Out According to President Lytle —Delay Is Possible. doub, about this. N. U. CARPENTER, C asiheh , A. (’. WELCOME, A sst . C ashtsh . First National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. Accounts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. SToCKHOl.nXHH:—John D. Daly, Frank R. Collin, N. U. Carpenter, R. J. That the Columbia Southern Williams, J. W. Geary, C. Cummins. II. M. Horton, C. A. Haines. TFm. oposition of submitting to A link of steel from Baker City An tiarly Riser. Jones, Thomas Davis. * still has as its objective point Lake s of this county at the to the Golden Gate. view and opening up the whole Stat» and Coaaty Warrant! touytt at t/ie marJtat prtea. lion the establishment of a That is the dream of railroad A strong, healthy, active COtlSti Southern Oregon district east of the builders in this part of the world gh schoi.l lias been much tution depends largely on the con This bank is Insured and will be reimbursed for any loss by burglary Think for a moment what it will dition of the liver. The famous lit Cascades, was confirmed by Presi or hold up day or night. ked by r those interested in oured- dent Lytle in answer to a question mean. I affairs for the past two tie pills known as DeWitt’s Little s. an»»1""*1 It will mean that the trade of an Early Risers not only cleanse the i from the Telegram. 9n;eJnths kith the result that peti- ‘T know of no reason for chang empire will be brought to the doors system but they strengthen the ac ue have been sent out and num- ing the original aim,” said he, of the merchants of the world. mfily signed for that purpose ac tion of the liver and reduild the tis “ though our energies are now being It will mean that all of South sues supporting that organ. Little iding to the state law enacted in .•ao<■»•«■> r»»r><»ar>r»vr'i ."»»r> r»ar> r»ar> oaoa devoted to carrying out plans to eastern Oregon — thirty odd millioti rt‘g'"Ùl. Early Risers are easy to act, they M. A lkxankkr , 1’ hksidknt . K. IL T est , Cashier 9 W.M. J oses , V1 ce -P hb » ii > ent . C. E. K envos , Asst. Cashier a of railroadless acres—will be ti’eaver gripe and yet they are abso build as far as Bend. That is The establishment of a county brought into touch with civilization lutely certain to produce results where our stake is set for the pre t regonjM school would be of great bene- It will mean that those thirty that are satisfactory in all cases. sent and to which we must build to the people of this county before setting another stake further odd million railroadless acres will Sold by Burris Druggists. "““"d as "provided for under the law beyond. But it was our original leap forward in a development- un >uld n< >t prove burdensome to the 9 OREGON ONTARIO > intention to build to Lakeview, and precedented in the history of the xpayers. There is no question Must Answer to Federal Court. I know of nothing to change our Interest Paid on Time Deposits. whole West. ¡G its doming to a vote, as many purpose. We feel that the country Let us see how much of a dream ore than the required number of We Solieit Yoer Banking Business. Thos. O’Brien, who skipped out is naturally tributary to Portland, Blue I his steel link bet w ¡natures have already been at- ,r,,v,jnatu STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Win. Jones, E. II. Test, Gold- with the U. S. mail while carrying and this city should have access Mountains of Oregon irl.( ehed. As it appears many do writeiW the same between Lawen and Ven- . tf) t | 10 trrt de ” E. Kenyon, IL Alexander, Estate of Abner Robbins, William C. A Cure l;or Eczema on Gate really is. W(.e>tund lerstand this law we give the I Miller, Frank R. Collin, Thos. Turnbull. ator m Harney county, mustanswer ■ A. Y. Beach, editor of the Lake , Arrangements arc being made lorse(4>n^fel sections below. Owing to My baby had Eczema so bad to the federal court for his crime. County Examiner,who has been for ' (lenti lengi ¡th The Times-Herald cannot that its head was a solid mass of for the construction of a 25 mile He was arrested in Nevada and years diligently at work in every extension of IheKlamath Lake rail 1 the law in full, but gives '"•"Piblish scabs, and its hair all came out I road from its present terminus at brought to Burns on a charge of possible direction to promote the 1 bears particularly on the tried many remedies but npne leri'3en+' Par,8: Pokegama to Keno, on the Klamath stealing a team and wagon, but the development of that country, says: seemed to do any permanent good River. When completed this ex officials delivered him up to the fed “Nothing short of the extension of ion 5. There may be estab- until I used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel tension will bring passengers from eral authorities to be tried on the the Columbia Southern will ever shedlm any county in this slate Salve. The Eczema is cured, the S.m Francisco into railroad connec more serious charge of embezzling make Lake county a portion of X). >" Jinore county high schools; scabs are gone and the little one’s tion willi Klamath Falls, the Met U. S mail. O’Brien was brought Oregon,and make it build up like LPHiroviAd, that at any general elec- scalp is perfectly clean ami healthy, to this city Saturday by Poetoffice it should. California has our trade on hil'l in said county after the and its hair growing beautifully ropolis of South Central Oregon. The point at which the Klamath Inspector Clark and he was given and will keep it until this or a sim *MM v <>f 'his act a majority of all • •• '¡»■L cast at such election upon again. I cannot give too much Lake rood strikes the Pacific’s a hearing before U. S. Commissioner ilar road is built praise to DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Ward. He waived an examination “The Union Pacific Company I Jje pnoosition to establish it county Salve.—Frank Farmer. Bluff City, main line, is a small station named and failing to giye the bond required surveyed a line through this coun * CALDWELL, IDAHO 9 Laird ’ s about two miles north of hoo! shall be in favor of es- Kv In buying Witch Hazel Salve $2000,was committed to Multnomah ty in 1899 and we understood in Ager, California. The distance JabllBhi ng and maintaining such L 'look out for counterfeits. DeWitt’s county jail. O’Brien is being held tended to construct a line through ¡ounty high school or schools at is the original and the only one from Ager to San Francisco is 389 A General Banking Business Transacted miles. It is about the same dis in this city until the arival of an our virgin empire, but it has not ¡be expense of said county. containing pure Witch Hazel, Th« officer from Portland.— Blue Mt done so. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED ; “Sec lion 6. The county court- name E. C. DeWitt -i Co., is on tance from Baker City. id Engle. “ The N. C O. branch surveyed a Prior to the construction of the ¡t any general election to be held every box. Sold by Burns drug- er line from Reno to Lakeview before Klamath Lake Railroad, there was ¡n any county after the passage of gists. Relief in One Minute. 1 the Columbia Southern was thought hope that the Columbia Southern ¡bis act, upon the presentation of a CUT’ of, and gave out information that it would extend from Shaniko to Kla petition signed by one hundred or Unit One Minute Cough Cure gives would build here, but has not done Electricity for Ontario. math and tap tho rich and growing ¡nore qualified electors, taxpayers trade of that region for the benefit relief in one minute, because it kills so. Now the fact remains that no nd ¡if said county, must submit the who II, Test and A. S. Solios, E. of Portland merchants. With its the microbe which tickles the mu road penetrates Lake county.” oooa| question of maintaining a county OF HIWLLPIIIA cous membrane, causing the cough, Irrigation and agricultural enter jgh school to the qualified electors were recently granted a franchise usual dilatoriness the Harriman INCORPORATED I847. The county court, if they by the city council for an electric outfit, which is back of the Colum and at the same time clears the prises in process of organization or Issues all forme of sound life insurance at the lowc.-t rates. Our policies guarantee after three payments are made t expedient, may order a light and power plant, will soon be bia Southern, permitted the Cali phlegm, draws out the inflamma already almost accomplished leave I. Automatic extended insurance for tho f tee of the contract. tion and heals and soothes the af gin operations on the same, and it no doubt of the value of local busi fornia people to reach the goal first election for fuch purpose, II. A paid up policy. From authoritative sources the fected parts. One Minute Cough ness in the vast territory east of the 4 III. Loan or cash surrender value. lection shall be conducted in will not be long before eleclricty will Unexcelled as 11 dividend payer. nner provided by law for be the go in tho Queen City of East information comes to the Herald Cure strengthens the lungs, wards Cascades to any railroad that builds I INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU' IVAl’RE. off pneumonia and is a harmless ern Oregon. Our citizens should do to that section. The Columbia that the bonds for the construction ting elections. The ballots Sherman A Harmon, R- II Benedict, r„„ .for ilbh election shall contain the all in their power to aid the project of the Bonta railway from Baker and never failing cure in all cura Southern has evinced its determi General Agents. District Manager. ble cases of Coughs, Colds and nation by building to its present by contracting for as many lights as City to Prairie City have floated in Marquainjtldg., H. A. Dillard, Agent. ¡.'■»ii'irB “For County High School, Portland, Or, Burns, Or. ‘¿"¿J___ “For County HighSchool, possible, for it is a huge undertak New York and that the actual con Croup. One Minute Cough Cure is terminus and the positive an pleasant to take, harmless and ing on the part of Messrs. Test and nouncement that the road will struction will commence as soon as No,” a nd the voter shall indicate I good nlike for young and old. Sold be extended to Bend as soon ns ;o. hi* choice as provided in the Aus-1 Soliss, and they should be encour the weather will permit. It is fur aged in every possible way in their ther learned that one of the consid by Burns druggists. possible When the lin • is com traliai. ballot law. pleted to that point passenger and “ ‘ I Section 7. If the majority of laudable enterprise. Everything erations of the floating of the Bonta urniture cheaper than ever be freight automobiles will be operat all the i votes caston the proposition good is coming to Ontario.—- bonds, was that the railway should not be simply a jerkivater line to af fore i this town. We bought ed to provide rapid transportation ■ to esta iblish a county high school Argus. ...AND... ford an outlet for the mines of the right and will sell right. The very to the interior until such time as are in the affirmative, it shall be Grant county region,but it should be nicest in Lace and Muslin Cur the track can be extended. The Have You Indlzestlon. the duty of the county court, with a part of a system of great magni tains. Ladies, call and inspect. policy of the management of the in thirty days after canvassing Baid AITonls the |>cople of East mid Central Oregon all the opportunity <>t a If you have Indigestion. Kodol tude and assist in the industrial de We can please you in both style road is well defined in the brief ut igtheu vote, [locate said school in sotno first class modern Business College. It is 11 home institution covering suitable and convenient place in Dyspepsia Cure will cure you. It velopment of a vast Inland Empire and price. Bureaus, Chiffoniers, terance or President Lytle. Pro every course involved in Business College work It:* rales are the same said^county. The county court has cured thousands. It is curing in South Centra) and Southeastern Sideboards, Iron Beds, and in fact mises have uot been recklessly as charged elsewhere and the methods are the same. Students admitted oubles everything in our line.— Burns made, and the management has Iso estimate the cost of pur- people every day—every hour. You Oregon. I at any time. Instruction nt tlm College or bv mail. During the summer ho g«* owo it to yourself to give it a trial. The Herald is not at liberty to consistently striven to push con Furniture Co. g a suitable lot, erecting a mouths the College will conduct a i to the clw struction only when certain of its iT g and furnishing the same You will cont'nue to suffer untill divulge the soutc? of this informa ability to complete the work to a ummer ormal chool accomodation of such school, you do try it There is no. other tion but it can assure the reading tomad luf Ives i< —4 Studebaker Wagons, ¡Hack“, given objective point, after which he cost of conducting such coindination of digestants that di public that M jor Bonta baa sue nmol« For teacbers niel otliers who desire a reviewieg or prepniatory conrse. for the next twelve months; gest and rebuild at the same time. ceeded in hie efforts to float th • Carriages, Buggies and Buckboards plans for further extention have m am For speeiinens oí pon worlc. aml íull informo! ion <>n Business College aub- Kodol does both. Kodol cures, are arriving now and selling as fast bonds and that work on the railway received immediate consideration. ed, that the county court or Í»*clR. siblress as we can get them in. We have For this reason the people of that h school board, as herein strengthens and rebuilds. Sold by will commence this spring ZvdC- ZE. zeig-'to37-, Z=rin.., Instead of the road being a trol two ear loads of these goods here section have faith in the completion ited, may rent suitable Burns Druggists. ley line, operated by electricity it and in trains. The best stock of of the line and the renewed assur for the accommodation of SixrrxS, Oxeg-orx. is stated that steam will be the Wagons and Vehicles ever brought ance of its president invites confi ool. If rooms can be obtain Will Leave Long Creek. motive power, in order that the line j to Burns. Cal! and look at goods dence. public school buildings in may become part of a transcontin- • ■ven if yon do not desire to buy nt ace in wh:ch said school Long E. Coe, editor of the C. the prr sent time. Geer <V Cummins. located, they shall lie given Creek Ranger, whose office was j ental system. First Church Christ Scientist, Major Bonta, projector of the reference; provided further, blown up with dynamite on Feb. 7, services Sunday 3 p m, nt the par ' line has been in New York for two aid board may contract with has received letters threatening his Our stock of iron beds is now ard of directors of any dis- life, and that of his family’s if be months perfecting the details of his complete and at very resonable lors of the Cottage Hotel Prayer n the county that now main- presists in publishing the pa|>er in flotation He is expected to art iye prices. Call and see our folding meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 or may hereafter maintain a his residence as was his intention, in Baker City aliout the fifteenth of beds, steel couches, etc.— Burns Prompt attention to all kinds of Graying March.— Baker City Herald. I of high school grade to teach after the office was destroyed. Furniture Co and Transfer Business. »unty high school pupils at He has been warned to leave the For ru*h orders use ’phone fOsin 324 a rate per capita, or in the ag- county on peril of death, and will Do Asseswrs Hold Over. te, as they may deem right settle up his affairs and move away pat onize bouses chat d spiaij the ' 6 eeo fhd- Do county assessors row in office [just, and shall pay for the He will make every effort to locate ,4 .X The Finest of All out of the high school fund.’’ the persons who destroyed Ins office^ hold two years longer under the act ction 15. The course of study and serious trouble is expected lie- of 19<)3 extending the te-rn -if office deliveryman to four years, is a question which igh schools in thia «tale shall fore the matter is entirely settled. The trouble is thought to have will be sabmitled to the AtV>rney ace a period of four years the eighth grade cf the pub- extended to the settlers, who take General for an opinion The At- T h<e»ls of this state, and shall sides in the difficulties, and a genu MSMrs now in office were elected For Sale Oily at tin two years of required work, ine fued is being nurtured in the in under a law which preecrib-d two h shall he uniform in all high terior of Grant county. Officials years as '.he the t< rm of office In ds of the slate. Such course expect to hear of a killing every 1903 the legislature amended the TRISCO * DONEGAN, Proprietor * nd v for the two year« of rs- day, as many prominent citizen of law so as to read that “there shall d work shall l>e laid down by the county are i«ientii>eu with IL be elected at the general election Orsgon. Burns. Agents, Burns, One Superintendent of Public In- controversy, which resulted in the by the qnalifi-d electors of each tion, after due consultation destruction of the Ranger office — county in thin stale acouuty :i*«es< ZxÆalc© Tlxis Head f Rothci l j Bros . Distributers. Portland, Oregon or it ho sh ill hold hie office for th* all county and district high East Oregonian I I I FIRST NATIONAL BANK I I ? i i first Rational Bank PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. CITIZENS BUSINESS COLLEGE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL S N S GENERAL DELIVERY and Trucking MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Hotel Burns Bar A. L. HUNTER, THE CAPITAL SALOO*' .