Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1904)
f •■M —r-j « » ?• t••••••••••’ e WATERS, HACKY & COMPANY c » » « CLOSING OUT SALE • ••••••••••( WATERS, HAOEY & COMPANY We have inaugurated a closing-out sale, for CASH ONLY, beginning January 1st, 1904, ou all lines of Dry Goods, Cloth ing, Overcoats Shoes, Underwear, Shirts, Hats, etc. We have one of the best lines of Groceries in Burns, and will sell them to to you at reduced prices. Call and be convinced. » ihc limcs-lurald AT THE OPERA HOUSE. ing Portland the nearest commer- :»'ial center to Binns and the Har ney valley. LIQUOR LICENSE PETITION. I Comb honey at Huston’s. S0T,™„z™^™ iflo Willie from wvery duo Messrs Meade and Harvey made We the undersigned I' gnl voters house hit at the opera a decided of Lake Precinct, Harney County, Burnw, Oregon, February 4, 1904.1 j w SATURDAY. EEHI’R a V.Y 20, HMM. last Monday evening when they State of Oregon, respectfully peti i Senatoi M. A. Hanna died in played the comedy drama tion the Hon County Court of Har aSJSSSiSSS HllBSCRIPI ION HA I ES that »ai<l proof will be made beforethe KetrlBter his apartments at the Arlington "Eriends i” assisted by local talent. ney County, State of Oregon, to I2.UU One Year New and Elegant Livery Turnouts Complete. Fresh Tea hotel, Washington D. C. last The bouse was well tilled by an grant a License to Sidnev Comegys Henainea fhe billowing witness'» to prove i’r o nth» l.oc Vhlue .Month» .7'- Monday evening of typhoid fever appreciative audience and nothing to fell Spirituous. Malt anti Vinous hie continuous residence upon anil eu.tivation ( Horses boartlt d bv the day, week or of Mid land, viz: l.u’e A 1‘a’ker, Plot stint M. • He had been sick two weeks. occured to mar the pleasure of the Liquors in less quantities than one (,henev. i lMild Cote and J. Clark Frvct.ian, all month. 8;» vial care given all stock of Burt s, Oregon. „ Al Milager .» ILI A N If V IC I» W m . F abric Re inter. » The death of such a prominent evening except the lateness of the gallon in Lake Piecinct, Harney and able man is deplored by the hour when the curtain went up. Count}’ State of’ Oregon, for the I whole nation. The Times-Herald would say in Period of Six Months, as in duty SHERIFF'S SALE. FIELO FOR DEVELOPMENT. Cor. Mian and B Sts., Bums. Oregon. r ,‘spect that it takes time to “make bound we will ever pray. By virtue of a warrant issued by the Clerk of up” amateurs while with profes NAMES. the County Court of the State of Oreson, for the PROCLAMATION. While the proposition to e.\- County <»r Harney, to me directed, command sionals each does his own “making George Simmons, E<l Anderson, ing mi* to levy on the goods and chattels of the tend the Columbia Southern rail delinquent taxpayers named in the delinquent WhereaH, the Secretary of State of the Up.” However, this vvili he guard H. Interman. E. L."Mills F. If. Sil tax roll for said county for the year 1902. thereto road from Shaniko to Bend, and State of Oregon has notified me in writ and if none be feund, then upon the ed against in future ami people can vey, Bert Oxford, James Cary, J. attached, real propertv, as set forth and described in the to establish an automobile fi eight ing that pursuant to the provisions of an delinquent taxroll, or so much thereof as see the play ami get home at a I’. Cochran, Etl Pirctn, Frank said OU shall satisfy the amount of taxes charged there and passenger line from the latter act. entitled “An act making effective the seasonable hour. in, together with the costs and expenses. I have 1 Cawlfield, Geo. \V. Cawlfield, Lewis duly levied upon the following described nieces initiative and referendum provisions of We have just received a consignment of our Fall and Winter . or parcels of land, as set forth and described in place to Burns, seems almost vis Section 1 of Article IV of the Constitu W hiie great credit is due Messrs. Marshal', Ralph Hutchinson, J. B. gaid tax list, lying and being in said Harney Good», Lining*, Trimmings, ready made Skirt«, Waists, Fa' county, State of Oregon, described and assessed ionary, it would, if it proved prac tion ot the State of Oregon, and regulat Meade and Harvey for the manner [ Ivv, Fred Scott W. C. Brown, John as follows: nature, Outing Flannels, Ribbons, Laces, Muslins, Calicos, re tical, be a good thing lor Burns ing elections thereunder, and providing in which the various parts were McIntyre, Alike Allen, A. C. Lynch made Clothing, Notions; in fact everything that is carried in Penalty Taxes Ini penalties for violations of provisions of and also for Portland. Jesse Woodcock, C. A. Haines, G. up to date General Merchandise Store. We carry the this act,’’ approved February 24, 1903, brought out, it was not all due to Altnow, John, SE1 ,, SE’4 There is probably no place in the State Prohibition Alliance duly filed them that “Eriends” was such a W. Curtis. SE’i see 21 tp 21 r »», NF’ , • NE'^ see 2S tj» 21 r : I 1 -I |12 40 I 1 24 ti e United States that is so much in his office on February 5, 1904, an in success—they haye a clever lot of Notice is hereby given that on Cameron. H. G., Burns, Ixrts 7and S, block 6................ in need of transportation facilities itiative petition containing 8,810 signa amateurs that have talent., natural the 5th dnv of March, 1904, I will Dutfv, J. T„ W' NW‘4, BEU As well as the NW'Í. 8W.Í NEU sec JHtp apply to the above entitled court 88 as is Burns and ‘he great Harney tures properly attached thereto and cer ly, ¡y their work shewed r K4 ............................ I tified in accordance with law, demand Daniel«, L. B.. W'.2 SW SE’4 valley in which it is built. Burns ing that a proposed law, the tenor and Two of those participating made for the liceriso as specified in this SE’ i se elf» tp 36 r 32:\......... Fidelity & Savings Co., NEJ4 has many natural advantages that effect of which is hereinafter particularly their ‘ debut” on Monda ,’ evening petition. Rec 36 tp 20 r 25................... Farre, Wm., Burn« (Morrison Sidney Comegys Of Dress Goods anil Trimming« of any house in the county. This should make it a thriving city, for set forth, providing for elections in any —Miss Nita Smith as Jennie and I Addition) E’4 block 3....... Gibson. Wm. H., W'j SE’i county or any precinct therein or any is admitted by » very dress-maker in town. Grover Jamison as Hans Otto. 1 see 3fi tp 21 r32 ..................... it lies al the head of a large fer tnihdiviHion therein or any subdivision ('. W., Burns, Morri LICENSE PETITION. Garred, The latter had a ditlicidt part fori ‘ '1^' T/Jo are fere to pteaie and to cater to ueantx. Ca/t and see son ’ s Addition, Lot 1 block tile valley that has only partially of a county consisting of any number of 5.................................................. neu> epoods. tj/ioep are of t/ie oven a professional, but came out Gardner, Mattie, I.awen, Lots entire and contiguous precincts of such been developed. It is not many To the Honorable County Court Vjblock 2 .............................. county to determine whether the Halo of well. His delirium tremon scene ■ Harper, J. E.. Lots 7 anti spec tniies from the timbered crests of intoxicating liquors shall he prohibited 1 of Harney County, State of Oregon. 14 tp 26 r 31. NW 1 i NKJ in the third act was excellent and Lot 1 sec 23 tp 26 r 31. Lot I a spur of the Blue Mountains, and in such county or subdivision thereof or We the undersigned legal voters see 24 tp 2 o T 31. SE’» SE’,» surprised iiis most intimate ac- I sec 26 tp 26 r »30. Lots3,4 and hills on all sides for many miles any such precinct, and for other purposes of Wild Horse Precinct, most re 5, HE1 ■ NWJ4 sue 13 tp26 r Prices iiouter Than Ever before quaintances. Miss Nita’s part was 81 . ...................................... • form as productive a cattle and us hereinafter stated, shall be submitted not so dillicult, but nevertheless spectfully petition your Honorable Johnson, Colombns, E^ WJ4 Rec 30 tp 23 r27....................... to the legal electors of the State of Ore Albert. W’ , .i 2, NW’i sheep range as there is in Oregon, gon for their opproval or rejection at the called for some very clever work Court to grant it License to Homer Johnson, sec 17 tp 19 r 34. N’g SWI4 secJ7 to 19 r34..................... general election to be held on the (ith •n which she was not found lucking. Winters to «ell Spirituous, Malt Kelso, says the Telegram. Mrs. E. J.. WI4 W1,^ and Vinous Liquors in less quan see 16 tp 25 r 32*4.................. At present the neares', railroad day of June, being the first Monday of Lewis, M I... Burns. SU Lot Erank Mogan looked the villian June, 1904, tities than one gallon in Wild Horse <5 block 2. Lots 1 and s block point to Burns is Ontario, which Lots 3 anti 4 block 31, NOW,THEREFORE, I,Geo. E Cham to perfection—very handsome with Precinct, Harney County, State of 30. Morrison’s Addition all of is on the Oregon Short Line 147 berlain, Governor of the Statu of Oregon, “fierce” black mustache and a block 1..................................... Oregon, for a period of Three ' Leonard, (’ H.. Harney, Lots miles distant. The intervening in obedience to the provisions of said act diamond (?) shirt stud as big ns a 7 and K block 22 ................ hereinbefore tirst mentioned, do hereby silver dollar. He had some very months as in duty liound we will | Miles (Heirsof,)NW’/4 sec l 0 tp 20 r 36.................................. country is mountainous and traffic make and issue this Proclamation to the Mitchell, Mande, S’¿ SE’4see i ever pray. 34 tp 0 r 25.............................. is expensive in the extreme. Ag pe )ple of the S ate of Oregon, announc exciting scenes and his Llull's and NAHES. Modern Woodman Lodge, Harney Ix>t 7 block 13 ....... as th ; riculture products at e of no value ing that the said State Piohibition Alli- , gun play would make any wild A Stone, F S. Redon, Richard McDonald, D.. NE'. sec 24 tp 18 r 36, E’4 NE'4, AKYN when they exceed the demand for ance has filed said initiative petition i vaquero green with envy. Kelley, Chas. Turner, Lou .1 Bosen HW'4 NE' t see 11 tp 18r86, with the requisit number of signature» i 1 NW'. see 12 tp 18 r 86, Hank Felton as Padden Sr. bad berg, 1’ Andrews, Erank Larson, SW' home consumption, and thus great thereto attached, demanding that there | N'.ZSW',. SW'4iSE\, SE’zi SW' , see 13 tp 18 r86 . . HA' areas of rich soil must lay unused be submitted to the legal electors of the a tine “make up” and his scene Al Morris, Ed Carlson. Eailand Parker. J. (. E’i E’a sec 17 tp 25 r 32 ’ 4 ............ • .............. till the country can come in easy Statu of Oregon for tl eir approval or re with Miss Otto was touching, in Carlson. G. Lorenzamt, L. E. Ep Rusk, O. I)., Burns Lots3and 4 block 2.............................. jection at the regular election to be held deed. He went down on his knees person, dann Redon, Geo A «myth Shackelford, Jack. Burns, commercial touch with the outside on the fith day of June, living the first just as though he was an old hand Lots 5 and 6 Block 10........... Jr Chas E. Rigdon, John Smyth, Sheldon. Ralph, Burns, i.ot world. There is a daily stage Monday of June, 1904, a propose«! law 5 Block 16................................ at the business—but he’s not. Amado Miranda. Jesus Jarlejo, T Sizemore, Geo. S., Burns, all running between Ontario and providing for elections in any county or Block 68 Mr- Robbins, as Miss Otto, was precinct then in or any subdivision S Little, Have Bachman Bold. Thorn, Lizzie, Lots 2, "and 1, Burns, and this blings in the mail S'aSW^. NW', SW'isecB therein or any subdivision of a county good. Her first gov. n was very 1 loan tp 26 r 28 . . a few passengers and small ex .consisting of any num tier of entire and D. R . S’« NW‘4. SW'4 Notice is hereby given that on Thorn, handsome and her part throughout NE‘4, N v \ ‘4 SE' 4 sec 4 tp 20 press packages. The fare bv- contiguous precincts of such county to the 5th day of March 1904, I will r 27 .............................. err d was well carried. The lady render apply to the above entitled court Terrill, Byron. Burns. Lots.'? tween the two places is $10, and determine whether the sule of intoxicat and 4 Block 70....................... ed t wo excellent vocal solos between Vantlerpo«>l, J. W. S ’ . a SW 1 , Bor- ing liquors shall be prohibited in such for the license specified tn this see 1 tp 26 r 27, W'¿ NW1, the trip is a hardship that no one county or subdivision thereof, and for acts The little. Robbins’ also sting RRLOADS JUST ARRIVEE»“ petition sec 12 tp 26 r 27 Wyatt, Edward L., NJ4 would willingly undertake unless other purposes connected therewith as and became somewhat mixed when H o MKH WlNTKRS sec :« tp 20 r 32’, Complete line on hand. JTieth W right, Jake, s’, HE',. NW'4 hvreinaftei stated, having for its purpose tlx.}' responded to an encore. The urged by strong necessity. SE't Rec 28 tp 20 r 3'» Williams, Ge«». M.. (estate) Harney valley is the second and living biivflv of the tenor and effect smallest Robin objected to leaving SW’j.S', SE’4Ree 14 tp 2& r o « a a c e ® erse >••••••• following, that is to say: 26...................... ............. largest valley in Oregon, being the stage to.til his “ turn ” was com Zeigenfus M.. Burns. Morri A bill to propose, by initiative peti son’s Addition, ail blocks but little smaller than the Wiliam tion, a law pioviding for elections in any pleted and threatened n “scene.” I 22 and 23......................... Crawford. " ni.. Harney, I ajír Mrs. .» and 8 Blot ks 18 and Is etle. Ils turface is almost as c >unty or any precinct therein or any Iheit end ariassment was turned to cud on Tuesdav, the 2Sd day of Februar». subdivision of a county consisting of any their iidvinlage owing to C eir cute idianp 1901. t the hour of 10 o’clock a m, off ssid dnv. level as a floot. Government rii number of entire and contiguous pre ■it mv oITu c in the court house, in said count» trling, w" vs and state 1 wil'se i al public auct Ion for cash, gineets nrrr in the vicinity <>f the LEWIS & McHARGUE, Propts. trie Special accommodations for Commercial M the tn I lin< Just Received Fall and Winter Goods. BEST ASSORTMENT BEST QUALITY LATEST STYLES AND FASHIONS ?TtEL RAN6FS, CAST CCOK STOVES. PARLOR STOVES, BOX STOVES, CflMR S10VES- ŒDEB2Ù.KEB Wag-one, Hacks, S-ciQ^'boaxd.s, Ca.xxia.g'es, Eu.g-g'ies- Cazmp “Wr£Lg'oxxs. TOJO C cinct*« of such county, to determine E il M.'.td»» nt J Pn d Harvey 1 w hut her thu salt) of iiitox mating Injimrs shall be prohibited in such county or ‘ subdivision thereof or in such precinct; us the ‘ Er.ends’ were a decided sue cess Altin ugh Mr Harvey providing for the tiling of petitions tor • had appeared here a jet»r ngo last ■ such elections and the form and effect tall with the S.mther n sii ck Co., I thereof, ami for notices of sm h eh ctions ami for the time »<nd maimer of h Iding he was not vo well known ss his I an I c inducting the same ; de« luring what “s drk ii ker ” He is rt very cle vt r j »hall c»>ii»tilul»» it »iil«tivi»i>iti of the • voting actor and .1 gen ral iLvnrite is a flouring mill at Burns which |c°U,dy within tin meaning of this law ; S.-me of his scent s wiib Jack Pad declaring what acts shull and what shall furnishes the breadstuff for the. nut const’tnt»« a violation of this law ; , d-« 1 were tKeidedlt comical, and locality. Alfalfa and gram declaring the qualifications of j>e ition- agiin when in the presence of his both be grown without irrigation I*'™ »"'1 ”• elwton» at »itvli elec.Iona; lady love he would be quite ti e re IIis specialties were lit w in many p».t lions »f the ville} I applying to such ele. tiens lite provisions verse. ot Hevl»on« ltOO, U»l. 1M02, UKKl. IWM, but irrigation would be an advan- 1H05, IHOH, 11*17, 1!*», It*», 1W10, U»ll, anti took exceedingly well. As for Meade, the writer can’t 11112 and 11175 ol Bellinger A t’otton’» lagc in all places. Annotated t'mle* sn»i Statutes o( Oregon ; tell the people of Burns anything According to the statistics ob- providing for printing and distributing new about him He is known t.titled at the I nited Stales Land hallo a for auclt elections; prescribing thoroughly and like 4 »pt te aa Office, in Burns, last summer the duties of public officers tn relation thoroughly I he only trouble w ith there wer- it that time 161,000 to such elections and in relation to the enforcement of the provisions of this Meade is the p»'ople can't t ike him acres of vallev land open to settle law . providing (or the iseuaned by the seriously. No matter how touch ment in addition to large tracts Ccunly Court of orders prohibiting the ing a scene, one s»ts something sal»' ■>( intoxicating liquors within certain funny in Meade and he lias educat set aside for Indian allotment. The people of Burns are an limits and declarins the duties of such ed us so that it is hard for him to courts in reference thereto; limiting the | xiously looking forward to the in time within which the question of prohi- , take a part other than conv’dv troduction of a tailroad into the bition sur'h sal«» of intoxicating liquors i MiWttle will l»e in hi« »len ei tin ,„.sl Mood i v < v»'t ing F» b. valley, and they slate that they ma» again I»« submitted te vote 111 the ( same district; providing |smslties and | 20, when hia cninpanv wall “lw ,,, have $50,000 vn hand to give as punishment for the violation of any of j ‘ Ole Olsen" in its latest verai >n a bonus to a road that will build in the p ovisions of this law ; providing for This is sn old bill but some new the return to any liquor dealer or other there at anv lime. |ier*on of a proportional« amount of any features have i>een added which will Portland would rvalue much license fee which he may have paid, shuri-lv please the people of Burns Cr»"»m,.ri|.;I gain by proper trans- the above dehetibed ictil csli to the parson who offers Io pav the said »bdinqncnt taxes, I penalties. Ínteres' mid act ruing <« sts. and take a t ertifleate of sah at the lowest rate of inter- j vallev all last suinmei planning a great reservoir to aid in the in i gallon of the \ alley. At present only hay is 1 lisetl in any large quantity, ami that is generally ot a wild nature t' does not 1 equire cultivation. 1’lier» wheneve- tlie district tn which In» shall on facilities being provided be engage»! in business shall in» declared is. It is estimated that to be prohibition territory; and applying to all elections hell under the provis could easily support a ions ol this law the proivsions of the * 5o,»x>i peo| pie and general election laws of the st to and could be largely declaring certain rules of ev alenee ap- plicabi* to prosecution under this Act. Portland. The pro Pons a th - Capit»»l al Salem this 10th mobile line from Bend, dav of February, A. I»., lutM. GKO. K. I’ll IMHF'K! AIN vt'4jl a success, would • from Ontario and By tlie toivernor: F. I. I»t NRAR, »r route of the therebv mak- , | ' I ; | Governor. I | Secretary ef state The Japs still continue to “do business” with the Russian naw, but seem to be “up against it” on land The latest i- tn the effect ‘ that Japan had sunk S Russian . boats ami captured to, and a later battle sunk J more. There has bet-n no Kittles rd anv conav- t.1|rl,rc (K1 land, hut *o far the ’ Russian« have K en sunt-ssful. TOM ALI EN, RheritFof Harney County. Aermctor Luindmills, flermoton i;umps, Irrigation Pumps, Pitcher Pumps, Bicycle Pumps. G Ivanized Pipe, Black P pt, Stove Pip*, Pipe Fittings -AH k nd«. Iter. XK. K ie iaw ie suo» ine ák RIFLES, SHOTGUNS,T0YGUN5, AMMUNITION*'"1* of nil of »hi nt , r nil kinds 1..... '■ for „II them HOPKINS & GARRETT are still at lite old stand and still making those fine «addles that have bceotne so popular with the riders of this section. Write them for anything in the line of harness, saddles, chaps, bridles etc , if not Con venient tr Call. l’b v are the sole agents in this county for Security Stock Retnedn s Ther Hunting Coetr, Huntin i r ’ leggirryc H urne» Caps, Gun «sses, Gartr dye Cus i e. îZ E e., E HEAVY, '-HEUF, and Sr O->T1|MG H -A RDWARt3«m Galvanized, Bkck and Smooth Wire.—Doors, Wind or, Gias-1*! Tintinra, Graniteunre, Enime'edatare, Steeluiere. JOHN GEMRERLING, Jeweler. Optician and Enuraver. Fine Watch Repairing A Spe- Ol’v-r Chilled Plows, >ulky > lows, Gang Walking Plows, Disc Plows, Disc Dril sand Kar-^B rows. Cultivato s, Garden CultivUors-all kinds’® of Agrcultiiral Implements. cialty. GEER & CUMMINS, Burns, Ore. OPPOSITR THF. P. O. Lights in Drug Store Windows ■ii' rt-lics of thp old ciwtoin of mngeerating and perco- ¡.iiing dtuga in th-trout windows of apothecary »hops Our -tor»' cling* Io the »»bi tradition, but in everything :«e is pr gressive ami abreast of the hot modern iiietluxls of pharmacy. THiS LET I ER BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE LEWIS .< DIBBLE, Propts. Special ftt ten {'ton <¡irct to transcient custom ant freight teams. R v hi s almost always on prescription blanke, ia an abréviation <»f the la«tin word “Recipe,” an order to druggist to "take ’ the ingredients presen tied s nd pre pare them in a oertain way. In our prescription work w. al wavs prepare e »ch i.rescriplion exactly as direct- r»l by your phvsician Spring will soon be here and you wil n» rd ««vmethi- g for that tirod feeling Ton can get it at th»’ <‘itv Hritg St. re, rh»r ■ yon and your fri. nd« ir» alwavs w. ’tjome H. M. HORTON. Prop If true ft kept hp fhc da//Ê merk or numth. fusr CLANS LIVERY, TlRMKTSj| Ki Ihitf anil on hand. oLr’oi'.Ji our patronage solicited. wit i Main 8k., Rurns, Oregon