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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1896)
EAST OREGON HERALD AND)z BURNS THIES AV THE TIMES-HERALD. Consolidated July 22 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. OCTOBER VOL. IX. A queer Arabian Nights’ tale comes from the Pumjab. A few weeks ago a party of weavers form 'd a marriage procession and start ed for a vi-llage in Ferozpore. The •tidegroom was bald and blind of OREGON. ONTARIO, one eve, and hia father feared the bride’s parents would refuse him. so the weaver advised them to pre sent a barber’s boy who was with them a« the groom. The barber was dressed in the grooms wedding Have on Hand a New and Complete stock of garments and was excepted. When PRICES tne marriage was ovei and the' f’NT'We have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST . hud returned home the weaver de We carry a complete line of manded his bride, but the barher refused to give her up, and now Dry Goods o they have got e to law to settle th» Notions, question. j/, 35 cc i I--------------------- Gents Furrishing Goods, A commercial traveler, who is a o Clothing, > gold standard advocate, is quoted ULI ■is saying: “I have traveled through O j Ct Boots & Shoes, Indians, Illinois and Ohio, and I o Groceries. 5^ LL tsll you franklv, and I am sorry t< ‘ say it. that Bryan will have tin Hardware, Etc. electoral votes of those three ?great states. Everywhere I traveled Prices as low ns any R. R. point, with addition of freight. people were discussing tha silve’ »■(^“Special attenti» n to MAIL ORDERS—Correspondece solicited question, and I met many former Address Mason & London, Burns, Oregon. republicans who ere out for fret coinage and for Brvan. Other re DARING BANDITS IN OREGON publicans who stand ¡firm for the co St. Louis ticket, told me that Ohio PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Illinois, and Indiana were lost to BY LaGrande, Or., Oct. 2—The First | the republicans.”—Bedrock Dem- W. C. BYRD a SON. National bank of Joseph, Wallow’« I crat. P ublishers and P roprietors . county, was robbed of $2000 bv three men, one of whom is dead ‘‘What are your boys doing, Un HUBSCKII’TION RATES: and another badly wounded, while cle Ben? Are they all at work?” Ju. Year .........................w......................... <2.0u the third is being pursued hy a tix Mouth. ..................... .1.00 ‘ No, suh, All er dem loafin, cep, Three Month...................................................... 75 posse of citizens. n Jim.” Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of At the* time of the hold-up there, “ And Jim — what ’ s he doing? ” OFFICIAL DIRECTORY were four customers in the bank « “Votin eroun, suh. Got a steady Cashier McCully had occasion to I. . _. ., national : , , lob at it. —Chicago Times-Herald, \V hen he came • President ............................... Grover Cleveland go into the vault. f b e-Preaident. ................... Adlai Stevenson lecretary of State . Richaro s, Olney back he w^s confronted wit h a shot | »ecretary of Treasury ........... John G. Carlisle Secretary of Interior .. .. Hoke Smith gun in the hands of a ’•obber and i ieeretaryof War Daniel S. Lamont I ««m A a Aeet tr.S.Jmtrnnt nf iMMnt M j| Prof. W.H. Peeke, who Secretary of Navy .... Hilary A. Herbert told to throw up his hands. ■ makes a specialty of Secretary of Agriculture. ..J. Sterling Morton a ■ ■ A 3 Epilepsy, has without The customers had already com H fcÈF” liti ware and Firearms promptly Repaired. Attorney General .... Jtldacn Harmon ■ ■ ^k doubt treated and cur- Postmaster General .. .. Wm. L Wilton plied with the request and McCully H ■ ^^k ed more caser. than any STATE—OREGON I ■ ■ ■ living Physician; hia Burns, Oregon. S 8 !l k W success is astonishing. I G- w- McBride. did likewise. il",tor* ..................... I J. H.Mitchell. ' We have heard of cases One of the robbers leaped over! I Ringer Hermann ci so years’ standing i W. K. Ellis mg cared by «nKreMinfti ...................... the railing and opened the private | <:. M. ldleman Attorney General .... Wm P Lord *<»vcruor ....................... it R Kin<-ai<i door, through which the men were Secretary of State ... . Phil. Metsehan Treasurer R ... GM Irwin made to pass, and were then lined *upt. Public Instructiou W H Loeds Rate Printer R up against the wall. • ) R. K 8. Bean. Supreme Judge« ......... . ..> C '. Wolverton One robber took his position at ^^large bot ) F. A. Moore tle of hia absolute cure, free to any sufferer« tne door, and compelled all passers who may send their P. O. and Express address. NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, district Judge D M. D. CLIFFOKu by to halt and throw up their hands. We advise any one wishing a cure to address I PnLW. K. PX1XX, I. D., ♦ Cedar St., Mew York Oistrict Attorney........... .... C. W. Parrish. loint-Representative (R) . O. L. I’attereon The third robber went into the leint-Seuator................. (R)..............A. W.Gowan A vault, taking all the coin currency. COCKTY—HARNRY ! JOHN F. STRATTON’S He then demanded from McCully ............. C. P. Rutherford. STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor Bounty .jdge .. (R). H Kelley • lerk ................... Celebrated 9 the keys to the private boxes and .. (R) J. C. Welcome Treasurer ... .. D TA. McKinnon Purveyor ........... Band Instruments iherilt (D) A. J. McKinnon ransacked them. ALSO Aaaeaaor S. W. Miller . ..(DL... ................. By this time the report that the DRUMS, FIFES, tch.K>l Superintendent tD) . W. C. r«» ttoek Inspector Geo Tregaskis bank was being robbed reached the Piccolosand Band Supplies. ID) ? A.B. Marku Send for JOHN F. STRATTON, lommiaaionera •Pi Í Geo. Hagev citizens, several of whom armed CeulogiM. 811.813. 81 ».817 E. 9th St . N.Y I HARKEY Ü. a. LAMP OFFICI: themselves and awaited the ap Register .................... Thorn a a Jenen pearance of the robbers. «•reiver .............. . A. A. Cowing JOHN F. STRATTON’S When they appeared, Alexander •CELEBRATED Donnelly, a young man 25 years BirmingtiamSkslStrings ' Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic SOCIETIES. of age. opened fire and killed one lor Violin. Guitar, Mandolin, Banjo I inent Med«. Extra Plated, robber instantly and wounded nata MAI»* Warranted SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. 48. noi io rust Send for Catlg Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. JOHN F. STRATTON. another, bitting him twice Mia» I^la MetJee N.O. ¡mptrttr, Uannfaetn’r> and Vholrtaif Dealtr* Sam Mothershead. Rec. Sec’y. The third robber had the sack 811.813, 815. 817 E. Vtli St., N. Y. containing the coin and succeeded A. O. C. W Borst Ixxlge. No <7 in reaching his horse, which was Meet..very 2d and «h ™ - ’ n«K rrnATTo’t Burna-Canyon Stage Line i standing near by. I j w «ayer. , B and I nstruments The dead robber was named H. A. W illiams , contractor. Wdlti«t«rlHT I’KEMDEMT Brown, while the one who escaped H arney midge , mo . 77, i . o o f . i *œ«n eurw?« f imnaicnwv« Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expe g •<»*»<‘•1 x I . Meets at Odd Fallows Rail, every Saturday, is Fitzhugh. The wounded robber ' 7»p ta. W. C. Byrd. M. G. Stages’Leave Burns dy for Canyon City, and inte inordii t» pon B. D. McIntyre, Secy. is unknown.—Statesman. Fare $5. r rot* Oregon Forwarding Company BEST GOODS, CHEAPEST PRICES. MASON & LONDON. It will pay you to come to Ontario and buy fall and winter goods GROCERIES Dry roods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions, &c. O co She i iincs-Mitraid. I. S. GEER & CO Hardware and Tinware L^ u I vu - l : ihe Burns Bar p * in cr Q < X