Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1896)
I EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS TIMES THE TIMES-HERALD. Consolidated July 22, 1896 N® 44. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 30 1896, of the family was ^>orn, and as the elder boy was mour’ned for as dead, < t Fort Resolution is one of the 5 the younger the parents gave I PUBLISH KD EVERY WEDNESDAY most important posts in the coun- son the elder’s nail e. Recognition BY I try, says Harper’s. Though it has did not at first fl ke place when W. C. BYRD i SON. not so many claims to distinction his photograph OREGON. P ublishers and P roprietors . as Uhipewyan, its natural resources the elder son sent! ONTARIO, to his mother in I Inada a short for food ate much greater, for near time ago. He haq iong stories of SUBSCRIPTION RATES: i by is the most productive fishery wanderings to rela I, his inclination On. Year .................................................. ' in the country; the Dog Rib and having led him through Utah, Cal-, three Mouths .............................................. Yellow Knife Indians generally HERALD CLUB LIST: ifornia and Oregon In the latter Herald and Harper’s Magazine... .... 5,00' keep it supplied with carabou meat 5.2V I . he settled at Central ^oint.Jackson Herald ami Harf er s ft eckly . . .... 5.211 ___ .... 5.20 ' in the winter, and geese and ducks Herald and Harper's Bazar • county. He followed the business Herald and Harper’s Y 4fo oung People “d cSped>: '2.99 ! are ^irly plentiful in spring. Fur gSF-We have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICESjpf Herald and Alden's Manifeld ‘ each a I litional volume after Vol. I oo cents. thermore, it is the only ipost that of his father, that of a contractor, 10 cents extra uer volume, postage. never married and made a fortune «Mte-copieeof all the above works can be ex secures any quantity of the country . The elder brother came to Chicago We carry a complete line of «wined at leisure in the Reading Room. luxury—grease — though the In 'to visit the younger one, who bears gter-Publishers of periodicals are solicited dians never bring in marrow, which the name that is the elder’s by «menTclubb ng rates, a copy of their work for The aur Free Reading R >om—We file and bind the is a very palatable tidbit. | right. atte- at cl. se of every half-volume, end r-v h grease they do bring in is the fat lories hv advertisement. from the back and around the joints | CONTEST ARRANGED. of the caribou, which is called hard ADVERTISING RATES: grease, in contradistinction to the irAi't 1 wk 12 wk 1 1 roo J 3 mo J 6 mo San Francisco Sept. 21—Thomas '»5.00 »h 00 »11.00 marrow, which is soft. Both of "neh »1.00 12 50 18.00 12 U0 6.50 3.00 4.00 Sharkc-v and James J. Corbett are I “ these are used in making pemmi- t “ 3.50 5.00 8.00 15.00 24.00 to fight 10 rounds in this city for a 1 “ l 4.50 6.00 10.00 -0.00 82.00 can, which is made of dried meat, col. 1 0.00 9 00 15.00 23.00 48.00 1 12.00 16.00 28.00 48.00 80.00 ptv se of $12,000. pounded into shredB. and mixed 20 ‘KI 30.00 40.00 60.00 110 00 I “ ' This afternoon the hoard of super with grease and rolled into balls or to the JOB WORK made into square or round Blabs. I visors granted • a < 1 permit X • Eureka Athletic clup give an if everv description executed with neatness Pemmican, however is a rare ar tide nowadays, and not to be found | ll,hletic exhibition ^p.Thffhksgiving uni despatch, at reasonable rates A Craving for GFrease. She iimes-gwaid. Oregon Forwarding Company It will pay you to come to Ontario and buy fall and winter goods .Dry Goods, Notions, , Gents Furrishing Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. WRITE US FOR PRICES circulars, envelopes. • atemeu's. Memoranda. Pamphlets Letter Heads. Curds, Tickets, Dodgers. Etc. Poster«. Hill Heads. Note Heads, luvitaliwus. Oregon Forwarding Co. I anywhtre south of Resolution, and evening in this city. It was an only there on occasion. This is nounced that the principelf in the Tux H erald is kept regularly on file for re contest would be Sharkey afd Cor lerence, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- chiefly because caribou are not bo iwrtiiiii« Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. The battle wjll be fopght in plentiful as they were formerly.and • bett. i . • It« A the Indians keep most of the grease i OFFICIAL DIRECTORY | for their own consumption. Nor do thev make pemmican to any national : A J Aam r.S.J<nm»at of IfedMoe I Presiilent ......................... .. Grover Cleveland great extent, their substitute for it Adlai Stevenson Bl __ Trot. W. H. Peeke, who . /ice-Presiiteuf. ........... Richaru S, Olney beirg the pounded meat, which is H "W makes a specialty of iecretary of state W -A ■ ■ N Epilepsy, has without John G Carlisle •ecretary of Treasury . Hoke smith carried in little caribou skin bags doubt treated and cur- Keoeetarv of Interior ed more cascc than any . Daniel 8. Lamont iecretary of War living Physician; his . Hilari A. Herber when traveling, and eaten with lecretary of Navy ■ success is astonishing. .J. Sterling Mortoi tecretarv of Agriculture We have heard of cases J nd'I n Harmon grease—a pinch of pounded meat Attorney General ......... Wm. i. Wilsou of ao years’ standing' Manufacturer» and dealers in all kinds of ’ostmaster General cured by and a bite of grease 3TATK—ORKl.ON : him. Ho G. W. McBride. publishes a t I must confess that a plate of J. H.Mitchell. valuable I work on I Binger Hermann 1 pounded meat and several good thia dis. i W. R. Ellis •ugreasmen..................... ease, which <'. M. Iilleman sized lumps of clear grease were Attorney General he sends Win P Lord ioveruor ............ I about the most tempting morsels 1 I __ ________ .with • li R Kim ni<I terrei ary of State rreaanrer . R <upt. Public Instruction träte Printer . ..l'tlil. . r mi. aiciri >inn . Metschan gm Irwin W I Ando ' W If H Leeds i R. S. Bean. .> C. Wolverton <n pre we Ju ine« > F. A. Moore N1NÜTII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. I'S'ri. i Ju-'ge D M.D l.'LtriOKo Pistriet Attorney .... C. W. Pnrriah. tolnt-Kepreaeiitaiive (R) O. L. Patterson, 'lint-senator ...<R)..............A. W.Gowan R C ii PNTY—HARNET t Jaunty . ldge ........... . C, P. Rutherford. erk............................. <R). H. Kelley Treasurer............ .... . IK) J C. Weleume tureavor ..................... D T A.McKinnon sheriff (D) A . J. Me Kl nnon l aaeMor .. .(D) 8. W. Miller < 'n >ol Superintendent .11» W. (!. Hi rd Uoek Inspector Geo Tregaskis A B. Marks : nniniasioners Geo. Hagey H MIN KT f. H. LAND OFF1CB: ........... Thomas Jones Seyister . .......... ....... ... .A. A. Cowing avrei ver t ,JL ID Cured I. S. GEER & CO Hardware and Tinware. of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers jjad set betore me at any time on tie who mav send their P. O. and Express address. » wJ»wPJen.wishingi a curo to address u.y trip. One never gits enough rroi.W, H.FESXX, Y. D.,4CedarSt., Hew York grease in the north land; it is oaten I as some in the civilized world con ' Burns, sume sugar; in fact, I developed a craving for sweets that even grease , ELY’S PINEOLA BALSAM Is a sure Remedy and for asthma. It did not satisfy, chiefly, I suspect, fur coughs, colds, sore throat •oolites, quickly •bates the cough, because the supply was so limited, •nd render« expect- oradon ea«y. and somewhat notable in my case Consumptives for the reason that ordinarily I sei will Invariably derive benefit from its use. ' dom if ever touch sweets. The ab Many who «oppose , their care« to be con. sence of bread and vegetables and sumption are ouly 1 Buffering from a the excessive cold undoubtedly chronic cold or deep seated cough, often combine to excite the desire for •ggravati d by ca- tarrh. For catarrh use Ely’« Creani Balm. Both for both grease and sweets. •emedles are pleasant to use. Cream Balm, 60 eta. COUGHS and GOLOS per bottle; Pi neola Balsam. Mr.. Bold by Druggists. ELY BROTHERS, M Warren St., New York. SOCIETIES. MYI.VA REBEKAH Degree No. »8. Meets every let and id Wednesday. Miss 14'a McGee N.<t. Sam Mothershead. Rec. Sec’y. Both bear same Name Chicago, Sept. 22—M P. Carney. 51 years old, and M. I’. Carney, 31 J years old, brothers, struck hands A. O. U. W. Burns IxMtge, No 47 Meets every '2d and 4th Thursdays ¡ yesterday for the first time in their H M Horton, M W J W Sayer. Rec'd lives. The home of the Carney ‘ family 35 years ago was in Mount HARNEY LODGE. NO. 77, I. O O F. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday. I Forest, Canada, and Carney the 7:Mpm, W. C. Bvrd. N.G. B. D. McIntyre, Secy. elder was 16 years of age when he 'started efT with little ceremony for _ - ------------ His . t>ar> nts received California. parents HARNEY POST NO. 48, G. A. R. 1 Meetseverv 1st and 3d Wednesday of each One letter from him ill I which he ■ •nth. at odd Fellows’ Hall. All Comrnds I told them he was about to set off >n good standing invited. on a journey through the Black hills. So as the time went on and u. 8. MAIT.8. 'no further word was had, the pa r- ■ran»— tali ents reached the conclusion that A rrivesand departs dally, their boy had perished. ■sr «ne—c*WT®w cttt : veiaad Departs dally, eacept Randpr In the meantime a new member ' 1 y E3F~Tinware and Firearms promptly Repaired. Oregon. ¿he Burns Bar STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor I t 1AND JOHN F. STRATTON’S I •CLLEBRATED BirminghamStiKl Strings è lor Violin. Cullar. Mandolin. Banjo Finest Made. Estri Plated. IMA«« MASK Warranted not io rust. Send for Catlg JOHN F. STRATTON, Importer, Manufacturer and JTholetaif Dealer' «11. 813. 815. 817 E. tKh St.. N. Y. I-^’Courteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic THF". »TÜATTON 4 R ami I nstruments s Wdl.^wr ^EXT I'HLSIbEXT t* >w 18 tfci tim« tn forwi r«w «»nd« for Omp«'ra ow ls» w* -—- — ina aeenaa.a I«r I ' *•"< nn. hr r-,|W CM.«. JOHN F «TGATTON ■z-av> a oralt a Wanted-An Idea r*a Eurns.Canyon Stage Line H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U. S. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expe Stages’ Leave Burns dy for Canyon City, and inteirttdi.* ti .«on Fare 15. ? 4 r 1