Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1896)
" ther 1 Grain IE TIMES-HERALD. » on BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. VOL. IX. com a« ar stand -ÿerald. The r, CHEAPEST PRICES. 'ST GOODS, MASON & LONDON. kbat g< a >1 Have on Hand a New and Complete stock of GROCERIES very religions man, cut the throatB of his wife, his 9 year-old son, Carl, | his 2-yeat-old daughter, Edna, and j himself between midnight and day-| ¡light this morning, five miles north of here. Bray, owing to sickness I in the family the past few months j and financial embarrassment, lost I his reason. ------------- -------- ' < 1896 NG 46. Oregon Forwarding Company OREGON. ONTARIO, lit will pay you to come to Ontario and buy fall and winter goods Salt L ike, Oct. 9.—Henry Sly, of Payson, Utah, was arraigned be <W~We have the LARGEST STOCK and LOWEST PRICES fore United States Commissioner We carry a complete line of Twomey today for making and passing counterfeit $5 gold pieces- Qfy QoOtlS He waived examition and was held Notions, I to the district court under 12000 bonds. Gents Fumshing Goods, I Iry oods, I Clothing, Furnishing Goods, | Leadville, Colo.. Oct. 7.—From I Hats and Caps, ' present indications every mine that was in operation before the strike Boots and Shoes, will have been started again within next 30 days. The Smith- Notions, &c. the Moffat, propertiers, which, it was 0^? Consolidated July 22, OCTOBER 14 1896, Counterfeiter In Utah. Jrs go EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS TIMES Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Etc. ices as low as any R R. point, with addition of freight. ^flTSpecial attention to MAIL ORDERS—Correspondece solicited thought, would be idle for some time, are to resume under present Address Mason & London, Burns, Oregon. plans and, barring the satnewhat slower work of men unused to work ing in {these mines, the output ot Regarded It as Impossible. . the great carbonate camp will rap- __ idly » A . groan of e , horror escaped . f from , 7 reach old time figures. " L b LISUED EVERY WEDNESDAY passing pedestrians as the scaffold-- BY ing eave way and the form of the | ’ La Grande, Oct. 8—At. Enter-1 W. C. BYB.D &. SON. housepainter was «e^n to drop i Dr,t,e, *n Wallowa county, today, PiJBLI8HER9 AND PROPRIETORS. through the air. He caromed on • S. Ivanhoe shot and seriously the third story cornice, struck the wounded R C. Gregg. Mr Ivanhoe SUBSCRIPTION RATES: telegraph wire in front of the sec- is 1 a well known attorney, and Mr. 'Gnufacturers and dealers in all Linda of unr Year ............................................... •li Mouth» .................................................I-J? ond story windows, plunged into a ' Gregg is a druggist. The report Three Month» .. ............................................... pile of bricks on the sidewalk and received by telephone says that Mrs. rolled to the pavement with a thud. ./• W. Dalzell and Gregg were have- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Strong men turned awav their ing trouble over Mrs. Dalzell's son N ATtONALl faces. A woman fainted. The en and Mrs. Dalzell had i And Sporting Good., [rwident ...................... ....... Grover Cleveland Gregg with an umbrella Aillai Stevenson gineer, who was getting a breath of f ii-e-Preiident Richaru S, Olney leeretary of State . . tempting to dis arm her, Gregg | John G Carlisle air in the areawav, bounded up the krretary of Treasury I-iT Fin ware and Firearms promptly Repaired. I Hoke Smith erretarv of I nterior broke tne umbrella, and a scrim | Daniel S. Lamont stairs and stooped over the pros krret»ry of War Hilary A. Herbert kcretary of Navy Oregon. A b he did so the pros mage resulted. Mrs. Dalzell con Burns, J. Sterling Morton trate form. Irrretarv of Agriculture. Judaon Harmon Utvrney General tinued the assault, add in protec Win. L Wllaoli trate form rose with a spring and •ontmaater General ting him self, Gregg used consider HTATK ■OREGON : nearly knocked him off his feet. G. W. McBride. tuttora J. H.Mitchell. •‘Aren’t you hurt?” asked every able force. Just at that time lAan J I Binger Hermann i hoe appeared, and, seeing, as he i body in a breath. r-'*n?r?Minen .............. »W. R. Elli» <’. M. Idleinan I Attorney General supposed, a man. assaulting a) “Hurt!” was the contemptuous Wm P laird poveruor .......... !i R Kincaid Heeretary of State . . ‘‘Why, I’ve ridden a wonan. took a shot at the man., Phii. Meteehan lesponse. Ireuurer . R 0 GM Irwin 14upt. Publie Inatructiou The firat time he missed, hut the «tate Printer R W H Laedi wheel every day for five years.”— second shot struck Gregg in the > R. S. Bean. Detroit News. ■•upreine fudge* > C. Wolverton jaw, inflicting a severe. The bul J F. A. Moore N’INETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. let wos recvered bo physician this Monkeys Have No Fleas. Jlttrict Ju'ae 1) M. D. CLlFFOKu Oittrict Attorney ........... . C. W. I’arrieh. afternoon. Unless blood poison- STEPHENS & RICHARDSON, Proprietor Joint-Repreaentatlve (R) .. .O. L. Pattereon. '•int-Seuator .,(R) .A. W.Gowan It is curous that monkeys should ingsets in no serious results are COUNTY— HARNKT : be thought to be infected with apprehended. » <»nnty „jdge . C. P. Rutherford •»’.erk (R). H. Kelley I what naturalist call the pulex ir- treaanrer J. C. Welcome ... (R) Sarveyor D T A.McKinnon ritans .and what ordinary people’ <h«ri£ A. J. McKinnon (D) **e»»or ............. .(D.. 8. W. Miller know as the flea- «ebool Superintendent .(D) W. C. Bird 'toek In»pector As every zoologest isjaware, mon- j Geo Tr»ga«ki» „/ ¡Mlrbu A. B. Mark« keys have neither fleas nor any. «<»mnii»»foner» W. n. Peeke, who Geo. Haney make» a apeciulty of other yarasite what so eyer; in Epilepay, ha» without harnet r. a. land officb : doubt treated and cur- ••Kiner .................... Thom»« lone» which, of course, they diTtr vastly than any »-Couneou. treatment guaranteed. Your patronage aolie ••«euer ..A. A.Cowing | living Phyiiciant hi« from man. A b a matter of fact, when mon-■ « to year»’ »tending STi:dHb: keys begin to pick each other about i SOCIETIES. publishes a in the friendly wav we have all ob valuable syi .V a REBEKAH Degree No. tf. work on served, they merely detach bits of thia di», ’•*»1» every lot and M Wedneadav. M' m l.e'a Mr-Gee N.G. ea»«, which hardened sebaceous matter which h e aenda1 S»m Mot her» head. Rec. Bec’y has been excreted by the glands, and the flea idea is entirely fabu who«¿7 ¿ otäk - s P. W . Rnrna Lodge. Mo «7 loti a.—Pearson’s Weekly. Burns-Canyon Stage Line Mretaevery .J and «th Thnredev» WRITE US FOR PRICES Oregon Forwarding Co. She ¿imc5-|ieratd. I. S, GEER & CO, Hardware and Tinware. ihe Burns Bar Fits Cured - H M Horton. M W | J W Bayer, Rec’d J _____________________ ________ i WtavRY Lonc.B, wo. n, too r. , J**’" •’ Fellow, Hall, every Setnnlay. "P » w C Rvrd. W. G. B. I». McIntyre, Secy. Family Wiped Out. Coblesville, Ind , Oct. 9.—Albert Bray, aged 35, a farmer, and t H. A. W illiams , contractor. Wanted-An Idea SSS «SSMW«SM»ff4 ÎS-ÂÏ.S C •frying (L 8. Mail, mid Ewtorn Oregon Expree» Co’» Expe F„r«5SM'U"eB"rn,djfO'C*n?On Ci'7’*nd ¡»‘e medi. U.K,.