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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1917)
PAGM ft lUCND lUTU.imN, 1UJN1), OllttUON, THURSDAY, .IUN1J Ul, tlUT News of the World !tin Brief Whataiftjjr 'doubta muy lmve ox-1 Istjjit n $ Iho wllIlh(;no88 of tho pJSplo of Uio Unltuil St'olfeii to alt! in flnancluc tho war ngnlnst Ger many wero ' owont away whon tho flRitrod of tho subscription for the two billion dollar Liberty Loan bogiui to bo rolloctcjl last Friday. Tho total of jthe subscription has not yot been mauo known but It Is stated by the Treasury Department that tho over subscription IU amount to about eight hundred million dollars. With the Liberty Loan campaign over, the country boRan this week on a drive to raise $100,000,000 tor tho support of tho National lied Cross. Oregon's sharo of the total Is $600,000 and already many sec tions hare reported that their quota lifts been raised. In a remarkable speech on Flag Day. President Wilson outlined tho German plans for tho domination of Europe, pointing nut that as things stood today they wore largely car Tied out. Tho military masters of tho countrr, besald, would bo glad to have the war stop now for whon their present advantages arc wrested nway from them tho Gorman pooplo will want to finish tho Job and set up a government accountable to them as have all Uie other great countries. That Spain is in process of replac ing monnrchlal with republican gov ernment is hinted at In messages which have sifted through the Span ish censor In the past few days. De tails arc lacking, but it Is Indicated that tho anti-government forces, hitherto unable to unite, havo finally joined hands in opposition to tho pro German ministry and court and taken charge of tho government. Econom ic unrest Is said to havo contributed to the change. King Alfonso remains personally popular. In Russia, tho other foreign coun try where republican Institutions have Just boen established, evidences multiply that tho pcoplo aro settling down after their first excesses fol lowing the gaining of their new frco dom, and accepting tho dutlos and responsibilities which attend tho sit uation. A Swiss pcaco agitator has been expelled from the country with tho approval of tho council of Sol diers and Workmen, and 'Minister Keronsky has announced stringent regulations calculated to keep tho army at tho front. Tho Amorlcan mission, headed by Ellhu Root, has reached Pctrograd, and has mado a good Impression and much headway, apparently, hi Its efforts to keep Russia aligned with tho Allies. A Russian commission to tho United Stales has landed recently and Is now in Washington. On the western fighting front, Marshal Halg has reported further slight gains In tho region of Mes sines ridge. Tho British in roturn havo had to relinquish advanced po sitions in tho neighborhood of Laon. No further advances havo been re ported, but a tremendous artillery attack Is now being mado on tho French' lines as a forerunner, it Is believed, of a Gorman offonsivo. As a result ot the Messincs vic tor)' tho value of air craft has been again demonstrated and measures are jiow being advanced to make the utrnniTftt Affnr. nf If.A fTnlto.l an the air. ' Submarine sinkings are on the In crease, According to rqports from England. LOOKOUT STATIONS 1MN.UI) Difficulty In scouring man for tire lookout stations is being oxporlencod this summer at the lluud forestry office, ncoordlng to W. G. Hastings, forestry BUporylsor. Two now stations, ono at tho top of ltntchelar Dutto, and tho other on Diamond Point, will be established as soon as men onn bo employed to take lookout posts. Tolophono lino construction wilt bogln soon to tho two new stations sites, ono ot which, Datchelor Uutto, Is only 20 miles from Uond. (our chairs at your service at the Metropolitan. No waiting. Adr. It. H. Smith, deceased, by It. llnrnoa, County Judge. All persona having clnlum against tmld estate must present tho same duly verified nt the offleo ot II. 11. Do Arntoml, nt Hand, OroBdii, attorney for executrix. Wltltln six months troiu tho date of tho first publication hereoL Date ot frlst publication, Juno 7, 1917. FLORENt'M L. SII.V1S. Hxeeutrir of tho Last Will and Testament at II. H. Smith, deceased. 14 -17c. , CltASHIl'lltn ADVKHTISLNG. ' If WANTED. WANTKD A lady hnvlng private modern homo would like to hear of a good droSsninkqr tn sharo it with hor. Inqulro llullottu. lOtfu KOIt SALE. FOR SALK Saddle, not now, but It Is a good ono. 310-lBtfc FOR SALK Good timothy liny, 4 Mi miles N. E. ot Uond. Phone 10-F-3. L. C, Young, 2.16-13, Up FOR SALE Ilouso and lot. Price right. Terms ronsonnblo. Inquire A. E. Kdwards, Rend Sign Co. 37U NOTICE. In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, tor tho County ot Des chutes. In the matter ot tho estate ot II. E. Smith, deceased. undersigned was on tho 6th day of t , STRAYKD-Shoarml sheep, brand Juno. 1917. duly annotnted executrix I double box. Notify by phono, I Rack of tho Last Will and Testament of 2122. LOST AND FOUND. llS-Otfc ;g -- -v- -- -v- -- -r -- - Httiy C. S. HUDSON, Prcsldont U. C. COE. Vlco Prcsldont E. A. SATHER, Vlco Pres. E. M. LARA. Cashier L. O. McREYNOLDS, AnsL Caahlor . I). A. STOVER.Asat. Cashlor n The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND.OR.EGON Capital fully paid' Surphw - - - - . 125,000 The Federal Reserve System Helps You IT WAS CREATED, PRIMARILY To help the Business Men and Farmers', To provldo plonty ot currency at all times, To effect a steadier supply ot credit. Tho system merits tho' support of all good citizens; It must havo yours In order to reach its full development. You can sccuro the benefits ot this great system and nt tho same time assist directly in developing It by deposit ing your money with us. 0P Tie first national bank of bend h Ijij Do You Need Dental Work? Have You Money to Pay For It? IF NOT, WE WILL CARRY YOU If you pay cash, a liberal allowance will be made. You cannot afford to allow your teeth and health to go unattended. .For any who cannot pay all cash, wo will arrange to allow you to pay a small cash payment and treat and attend to your teoth until you can pay the balance In payments. Our office la equipped with all modern appliances for first-class and painless work. Efficiency Is our motto. Each operator makes a specialty of a certain class of work. Consequent' ly he becomes expert and skillful. Wo do not claim to be as good as others, hut wo do claim TO HE BUTTER, and do better work and for less money than any private or othloal duntlst can do. SATISFIED PEOPLE Aro sending tholr friends to us every day. WE ARB ABLE TO WAIT ON ALL WHO COMK. It Is not necossary to wait weeks and months and go bank time and again as you do when patronizing the Private. Ethical, Socioty. or Trust Dentists, but instead, with our SCIENTIFIC MKTHODS AND UP TO DATE APPLIANCES. THE KING IIHE DENTISTS are able to make you a first oIubb, natural looking. PKRFECT FITTING SET OF TEETH In one day. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Our Rend laboratory turns out aoveral complete sets of teeth a day. With our experience, equipment and skilled workmen, it Is easy for us to satisfy all. If your teeth need attontlon, do not put It off. Come without delay and havo your mouth ex amined and find out Just what can bo dono and the exaet cost. EXAMINATION FREE. Wo do not charge from $3. CO to fG.OO for treating a nerve In a tooth qur price Is 91.00. Wo do not charge 14.00 for an onamel filling our price Is $1.00. Wo do not charge from 17.50 to SIC. 00 for gold crowns our price Is 15.00. We do not charge from $20.00 to $40.00 for crude, clumsy, misfit sets of tooth our prlco Is $10.00 for a PERFECT FITTING, NATURAL LOOKING BET OF TEETH, which wo guarantee. Our satisfied and pleased patients aro OUR DB8T ADVERTISERS, of which we number more than thousands In our office. We use the host material money can buy. All gold work Is made of 22K gold. We treat the most difficult cases with skill and dispatch. You do not havo to spend weeks and months hero. Wo finish your work at once. m as J? "x JFjiSM&OBri-i- Rcry v' ?g;g;cvj $10 Full Set of Teeth, Upper or Lower 22k Gold Crowns $5.00 22k Bridge Teeth $5.00 Alloy or Silver Fillings $1.00 0VfM rrtit7 All work guaranteed. Written guarantee for ten years Lady assistant always In attrnilan" Hundreds of recommendations for you If you wish If any work should provo troublesome any way, we request that ou come and have same rr-medlrd at our oxponse. REMEMBER THE HOURS: Dully, 8:30 A. M., till 9.30 P. M.; BundayH, 8:30 A. M.( till 1 P. Wo Extract Your Teeth FREE when other work is ordered, Absolutely Without Pain. yai KING BEE DENTISTS BENU-. OREGON DR. A. C. FROOM. Profculonal Manager Daily Program Bend Chautauqua, July 2-7 Bend, Oregon E. C. MILLER Superintendent ESTHER JANE CLARK Junior Supervisor PROGRAMS BEGIN PROMPTLY. Junior Chuutuuqua, 10:00 A. M. Afternoon Concert 2:30 Evening Concert 7.30 .'' J Afternoon Lecture 3 :00 Evening Lecture 8 :()0 MONDAY. Afternoon Opening exercises, important announce ments Superintendent Concert . Lyric Glee Club Impersonations Francis Hendry N Admission 85 cents. Organizing Junior Chautaucpia, "Making Ameri- J&. "!' - Ev cans." Evening Concert Lyric Glee Club Popular Lecture, "Eli and Dennis Dr. Andrew Johnson, Humorist Admission 50 cents. TUESDAY. Morning Juniors, "Making Americans," Norse Stories Afternoon Prelude Fillion Concert Party Popular Lecture, "The House of Man,".. ..Wm. A. Bone Admission 85 cents. Evening Concert Fillion Concert Party Lecture-Oration, "The Price of Progress" Gov. George A. (Jarlson, oi uoiormio Admission 75 cents. WEDNESDAY Patriots' Day. Morning Juniors, "Making Americans," English and Irish Stories. Afternoon Prelude Military Girls' Orchestra -Lecture, "Through Five Republics On Horseback," Dr. G. Whitcficld Ray, F. R. G. S., "The Livingston of South America." Admission 50 cents. "Evening Concert-Entertainment Military Girls A full evening of mirth, melody and mimicry. Admission 50 cents. THURSDAY Music Day. Morning Juniors, "Making Americans," Nature Stories Afternoon Concert Royal Venetian Band Community Lecture, "The Advantage of Being Hu man" Mrs. Lorene Wiswell Wilson Admission 50 cents. Evening Grand Concert ' Jos. LoZito and Royal Venetian Band Popular Selections .... Mary Adel Hays, Colotura So prano, accompanied by LoZito and his entire Band Admission 75 cents. X FRIDAY. Morning Juniors, "Making Americans," Indian Storios Afternoon Prelude Tho Wasser Company Lecture, "Misunderstood Mexico," WVL. Mcllinger Admission 35 cents. Evening Entertainment The Wasser Company 'Motion Pictures, Mawson Antarctic Expedition, with Sir Douglas Mawson's own lecture, W. L. Mcllin ger, Lecturer in charge. Admission 50 cents. SATURDAY. Morning Juniors, "Making Americans" Japanese Stories Aftcrnoon-V'Storiea of.the South" Wood Briggs Pageant, ''Making Americans" Junior Chautauquans and "Miss Columbia" Admission 35 cents. Evening Closing Entertainment, An Evening in the Alps; Quaint Switzerland in Song and Story; Alpino Echo Songs; Hunting Songs; Yodeling G raus' Alpine Yodlers Admission 75 cents. A Season Ticket to Chautauqua Saves You Money. The 1917 Program is the Greatest Ever "" "season tickets Before Opening Day - - - - $2,150" After Opening Day - - - - $3.00 High School Season Ticket - - $1.50 Grade School Season Ticket - - $1.00