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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1917)
niiNi) nuM.KTity, itKwn, okkoqw, Thursday, junk 21, iit paob r. EXAMINATION RESULTS OUT "J'l(IKTVONi: I'llOM IIKNIt KKHITII OUAKi: TAKE EXAMINATION, in or whom receive their MI'IOMAH. .. (From Monday's Dally.) Eighth pin iln examination fliuil re port given out thin inoriiliiK Indl iMtu that of thn a I who took thn (Humiliation from Ilond' eighth r.rudo, II) possod mill two woro von tllllonml. Aiiothur oxamlnutlnn will ho given HHptembnr C nml 7. Those condl 1 ,11011ml In tho Innt tixniiiluntlnii, hnv liiK (nllcil In no morn thnu two sub JmitH, will ho required to ro-wrltn only In the sttbjoots In whluh thoy failed. A lotul of DO took thn lat exam limtlon. Thirty-four pned. Those who passed worn: tlHntl Font Allen, John Ilrlck, (IrnrH llottroll, Lorluda M, Crow, l.ols Cohh, Cathryn Day, Walter Dim mirk, Robert Ford, Elsie Horn, Hor lutrn l.orhr, Franco 1 Icy burn, Pa tricia Nlswongor, llainl Itako, I'nul Reynold", Rolen Rodger, llesslo Hmlth, llnrry Huyilor, l.ydla Hchnrror, l.odu Frankhausor. Redmond Eunice llradlcy. Twou , tv took examination. Tuuialo Wayun II. Wright, Hor iili'o Couch, (loorgn Norcott, Leoun J'aik. Holhort Wallace. Ituliy Murlou, Hoven took examination. Terrebonne- William Numlinrii. Eight took examination. I'loarnnt Volley lllanrlio Motcalf, Clarence Whlttamnro, Dona Whltto morg. Throe took examination. Arnold Catherine Drury. Two took examination. Diwrhute France Hedfleld. Two took examination. Hninittnad Merrill lloyhorn. One look examination. Rolyat A u ilmy J a mm. One look txmlnallon. wnn amputated nt tho third Joint. It In hoped ho will Intvo u rapid recov ery. Mr. and Mm. Milton, accompanied liy Rachel, Constance and Kmmott Knickerbocker, spout Hunday on tho Mfltollun fishing. A party wnn given nt thu homo of M. W. Knlckurhockar Knlurdny night. Card playing and daucliiK worn tho clilof nntortalnmont, About 10 guests worn present. Everyone reported a nice tlm.n clovehhale. Koil, thin 10th day of Juno, 1017, Attcdt CIIAH. HH'BCHEN, Pro, ULHNN If. SLACK, P. II. DKNCKH, (1, L, MOORE, Directors Control Oro. Croamory. LIKKRTY BOND SALES HER 10 ARE $11,000 (From Friday' Dally.) Rend' total Liberty Loan bond iHUbiiflrlptlon amountrd to 14 4, COO, ymlorday' sale bnliiK 133,3000. Tlio total do not Include applications for about 17,000 worth of bond iudo by employee of Thn Rhovlln Illxan Company and entered through tbolr Mlnnrapolli officii. Hro J, Hyan ft Co., for farm land loam. Adr, l'LAINVIEW. (Contlnurd from Pago 3.) irop havo boon coming on vnry nlnwly. Hut now tho general out look li Rood. Dan Wlukla wai Injured at Ida mill, wwl of tho I'amon place, Fri day morning. Ilia foot wnn badly lirulned and out, and tho IiIk tou (Special to Tho llullotlti.) OLOVKRIMLE, Juno IS KjiIIi orlun Pugh, of Ilond, In vIbHIiik with frlitndn In Cloverdale, Ilium Kolloy, of Forest drove, ar rlvod Hunday morning to vInII with Mm. Hkoltou th alNummor. Mm. A, Tomplntou urrlvod homn from California lout Wednesday. Her mothnr Ih rocovurliiK. li. (1. Umbo wont to Itodmnnd last Wi'dnuNday, .Ml mi HoInIIiik In vlnltlng hor aunt, Mm. (Irovtt llmird. Minn HuUIIiik Iiii it appllod for tho Clnvnrdnlo ncliool. II. C. Mlllnr and Karl wont to Hod mood Haturday, Kntliurlnn 1'ukIi and Mlllan Van Mutro worn ratlltiK on Mm, Kdward MIIIn Tuimday aftornoon. C'lilldriin'N day wim obinrvad at tho Hchuol liouno Hunday, Tim fol IowIiik proKram was roudarcd: Unci tatlou by Aloatha, Juanlta and Kitlmr CyritN, Howard and Kills Mat thnwn, Fay Mlllnr and Dorla Clay pool; hour by Ntnall KrlU, Aloatha and Juanlta HoiUon, Kthor Cyrus and Frvoda Arnold; nook by Jun ior, l.ndona Cyrus, Fay Miller and Mlllan Van Matro. Aftor thn pro ;rnnl, Hnv, Mamhall kovo a talk. Mm. John Fryrcar and dauxhtor, Mm. Hchullz, attandod thn Child roll's Day oxorclsos Hunday. Mm. FarthliiK and Dr. Itobbltis, of Hlstnrs, wnro prrsont at tho Chil dren's Day nxnrclsos Hunday. Mr. and Mrs. Trnco Heard liaro mnvml to Muriel, OroKon. Miss l.oiilio Audrus and hor aunt, Mrs. Htuhlus, nrrlvwl nt Mm. It. O. Andrus' placn Inst Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carton will movo on tho Cutllp ranch soon. Thoro wan a school moating at the school houso Monday aftornoon. LEGAL NOTICES NUTICK. Ilond, Orogon, Juno 10, 1917 To whom It may concern: N'otlco Is hornby given to tho public that Kdgar Dowltt OlUon, or Ilond, Oro., with offices In thn O'Kana building, has boon nppolntod as general manager of tho Central Oregon Farmers' Croamory. a corporation of Ilond, Drschutet county, Oregon, and Is authorlied and empowered to super intend and transact tho business of tho company, act In all matters, and to novo full and direct chargn of Its affulm, subject only to tho specific orders of tho board of directors of thu aforesaid corporation. All ac counts nrn payablo to and collectabln by Mr. Ollsou and to him nil claims against tho company should bo pre sented, with proper vouchers. Witness our hands, at Ilentl. Oru- NOTICK l-'OK I'lIIMCATIO.V Department of tho Interior, If. H, hand Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oro gon, Juno 15, 1017. Notlco Is hereby given that Henry II. WulkowlU, or Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on Juno 10, 1014, mitdo Homo stood Kntry No. 013400, for HVt NWVJ and HW' WV4 HKU, NKU HK, Hoctlon 34. Township 20 Houth, Itungo 14 Iinst, Wlllamotta Morldian, has filed notlco of .Inten tion to make final three year proof, to establish claim to thu land nlftvo described, before II. C, Kills, U, 8. Commissioner, at Mend, Oregon, on tho 23rd day of July, 1017. Claimant names as witnesses; Vernon Clovenger, Frank Hpencer, William Hpencer, Levi V. Hmlth, all of Mllllcan, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 10-20p Register. MtttMONH, In thu Circuit Court of tho Htnto or Oregon, for Deschutes County. Morlgugn Company for Ami-rio-i, a corporation, I'lalutlff, vs. II. C. Melsol, O. A. Molsnl, C. 1. U'lien, as Administrator of tho Kstato or William Johnson, Deceased, and Deschutes Itaneh Company, a cor poration, Defendants, To tho Defendants, II. C. Molsol, O. A, .Molsol and Deschutes Itanoli Company, n corporation: In tho name ot tho Btato or Oregon, You lire hereby directed to appeur and answer tho complaint filed against you in tho above entltk'd suit tvltliln six weeks from tho il.ito ot thn first publication of this sum mons, that being tho tlmo flxod In the order for publication of sum mons within which you ihill so ap pear and answer said complaint, thu said first day ot publication being thn 24lh day ot May, 1017, and It you fall to so appear and nnswer said complaint for want 'hoieof plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief demanded In said complaint to wltr For a Judgment against tho defendants, II. C. Melsol and (I. A. Melsol, In the sum of $3,075.01, with Interest thereon from April 1, 1U17, ut tho rote of 8 per cent per .innum, and the further sum of 5300 00 at torney's f, with Inte'tntt thereon nt tho rule or 8 per cent per annum, and tor Its costs and dUlrirMinants heroin, and for a decree declaring tho mortgogo described in suld com plaint to bo a first Hen on tho property therein described, and foreclosing said mortgogo and selling said property for tho satisfaction of tho sam-j. and forovor foreclosing and barring you, and each of you, from all right, title. Interest and equity of redemption In and to said property, and lor n de ficiency Judgmont against tho de fendants, II. C. Malsel and O. A. Molsol, and for such othor relief as tho Court may deem equitable Tho said property-described In said com plaint Is tho West Half or tho North ssst Quarter, and tho Kast Hair or thn Northwest Quarter ot Section 14, Township 16 Houth ot Kongo 12, Kast or tho Wlllamotto Morldian, In Deschutes County, Oregon, and tho said mortgage being foreclosed thoro on was executed March 17, 1015, and recorded April 32, 1015. In book 23 of Mortgages or Crook County, Oro gon. at pago 330. This summons Is published by or der ot the Honorable T. K. J. Duffy, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered the 32nd day V VJ S& co iv a ""ivfa. WtAY -. i -'SjS.tJA it -. '""'ACt o ' &' v ,T l.r , ' V1 bo-' tof isW ,tA srA ' V tA r ,-a' -, " .. . T OV-- lot ' . ... - x& v tfit V fv OMTO 1.- rd ih pt t? ""j oil ? teat i.?0oa m i"- msim Zerolenc, "a mott tatUfsctory motor oil" that Is th testimony o( the leading automobile distributor of the Coait. They know from the record of their service department and we know from exhaustive ttitt that Zerolenc, correctly refined from aclected California, aiphalt-bai crude, give perfect lubrication with least carbon deposit Zcrolcn Is the oil for your car whatever the make the oil for all type ol automobile enflnci. For correct grade, get our Lubrication Chart rovering your car Af diahrt avrwhrt nd Standard Servc Station STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA! ROLENE 7AoSii3JtdrdQiIrhhrQiiv. O, gk 1 A m f3gggggV4aT 1 i 1 M I 1 M .--aggggMst H kW M PtHsmBgfllga m M bLt IJJs K ssgggggggggLB sssgm, A Jk satssMayMaHBaMaBsMsisisiBBaM J ssHgV JaWJ gBI'NJgBgW HOW do if ou know when dinner's ready 9 bur Nose Knows m f Trust that same sense of fragrance in the selection of a tobacco. Get its flavor! Whiff it close to your nose. Its pure fragrance will appeal. It will always satisfy"Your Nose Knows.' ' Such a tobacco is KWW The Perfect Tobacco fir Pip and GtfuwttaX And the reason is that TUXEDO is made of the most fragrant leaves of the tobacco plant, the tender Burley leaves ripened in Blue Grass sunshine, mel lowed and carefully blended. There's no fragrance like it no fragrance' so pure and 'appealing. Put it up to your nose--" Your Nose Knows." Try this Tctt: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in the palm of your hand to bring out its tun aroma. Then smell it deep its deli cious, pure fragrance will convince you. Try this test with any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment "Your Nose Knows" r fv 5c69 ) Tims HAifMrua ftxxoOjes JfcjMIOORS iffTiSBTOWjt U tow. MOMrr x$rj WElTfEfulwim P3c MilBliWfl HcHBKrHsIRL iJiWialLam sssSwGr5''55'?5!sgHPC dggB of May, 1917. snow. imoNAuan & THOMPSON, MacCOHMACK SNOW, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 12-180 NOTICK OK CONTEST Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land Offlco, Lakeview, Oregon, Juno 6, 1917. To llortlo A. Jolley, of unknown address, Contostee: You nro heroby notified that David O. Freeman, who gives Dox 147, Ilond, Oregon, as his postofflco address, did on June S, 1917. file In this offlco hhs duly corroborated application to contest and socura tho cancellation ot your Homestead Entry No. , Serial No. 04923, mado August 39, 1911, tor tho North hair. Section 14, Town ship 31 South, llango 22 East. Wlll amotto Morldian, and as grounds tor his contest ho allogos that, You have wholly abandoned said traot tor upwards or six montha last past; that you havo novor resided upon or cultivated said tract as required by law, and that said absence from tho laud wns not duo to your employ ment in military anrvlco rendered In connection with operations in Mex ico, or along tho borders thereof, or In mobilization en in pa olsowhoru, In tho military or unvul organizations or tho Uultod States, or tho National Guard ot any or tho several Statos. You nro. thoroforo, further noti fied that tho said iillogutloiiB will bo taken us confossod, and your said entry will bo cnncellod without tur ther right to bo hoard, either before this offlco or on appeal, it you fail to rilo in this office within 20 days after tho FOUHTH publication of this notice, us shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to thosu nllogutlous of contest, to gether with duo proot that you havo sorvod a copy or your answer on tho said contestant either In person or by reglatorod mall. You should Htnto In your answer tho nanio tit tho postofflco to whluh you desire future notices to bo sent to you. JA8. F. ttimaESS, Roglster, Dato ot first publication, Juno 14, 1917; dato oC second publication, Juno 21, 1917; date ot third publica tion, Juno 28, 1917; date ot fourth publication, July 5, 1917. 15-lSc NOTICE IXm 1'1'HUCATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles. Oregon, May 1C, 1917. Notlco Is heroby given that Thomas William Todd, of Mllllcan. Oregon, who on Juno 10, 1911, mado Home stead Eutry No. 09124, tor Lots 3-4, S NV4, SWK and SWU SBU, Section 2, Township 20 South, llango 15 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, has tiled notlco ot Intention to make final five-year proot, to establish, claim to tho land above described, betoro 11. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend. Orogon, on tho 1st day ot August. 1917. Claimant names aa witnessoa: Alvln Lee, C. F. Hartwlg, Thomas Motritt, A. D. Norton, all ot Mllllcan. Oregon. II. FIIANK WOODCOCK. 12-1 6 c Resistor. A PYRAMID WITH A FIRM FOUNDATION Service I sTsMHsMsSHgaHdLl Quality, Combined 9 With Low Prices g Square Dealing I I WHAT YOU WANT 1 WHEN YOU WANT IT F. Dement (Sb Co. Oppose P.O. GROCERIES Wall Strcrf