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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1915)
"A MCf WiWpn TIIK I1KND HULLRTIN, I1KNI), ORR WHDNE8DAY, JUNK 80, 1018. PACK 7. - tjF-- PP TO PTADT CDiniV fiVERYTHINQ IS READY FOR EVENT Iter. H. C. Hartranft to Deliver Ad dress of Welcome First Concert Is Hy Adclphlnns-Tno Prognuiui Given Dally for Six Days Hero. 'Everything Is In readiness for the -first Bend which begins "Friday nfternoon as advertised. Al- ,ln n. Nleman, tho advance agent of tho Chautauqua system has been licro since Sunday, J. Joel Oyche, head property man comes In Thurs day morning with the tent which will hha put In place at once on tho lot bo- ,tween tho old bank building end tho Johnson building on Wall street. iMIss Miller, the young lsdy who will liave chargo or tee morning program for children for tho .week and Lester V. Murphy, tho Chautnuqun suporln Uendcnt, will arrive Friday morning land evorythlng will be roady lor the iflrst progrnra Friday afternoon at 13:30. - II lis Miller, who will have com hileto chargo of tho Junior Chautau- ;fius, is well preparea to nnnulo trio children in a way mat oniy an ox pert can and all tho holders of tho children soason tickets should, jipt fall to meet lior on Saturday morn ing at 0 a. m. In the tent. The first liort of tho morning Is taken up with the kind of stories that the young 'folks like to hear, then tho play I hour comes and Miss Miller will tell of tho best kind of games that all tho boys and girls llko to play. There will bo also folk dancing by Uio chil dren representing tho children of nil nations. Tho first 2G boys and girls who bring their tickets to The Ilul letln will recelvo tin Indian war .- bonnet frco. f In tho nfternoon aftor Itov. H. C. llartranrt lias introduced superin tendent Murphy, ho will give a short response and tntroduco the Adelph Ian quarlctto and from then on there will not bo nn Idlo moment, uqtll thero havo boon hoard In their turns all tho companies and lectures that are to bo thero. Every program con tains muslo and a lecture or enter tnlnmont by a great artist. Friday evening, aftor the quartotto has given an hour's concert. Col, Wil liam Hamilton Miller will gtvo his famous community lecture, "The Neighboring City." Of Col, Millor It Is said that when ono has hoard him m once, ho will nevor forget him. Ho i buiu u uuva inuru oiunun iu mu Inch than any other platform speaker and can talk faster than any record set by "Maudo S." On Snturday thero will bo r.nothor musical treat In tho concerts that tho quartette will give and all ixro urged to hear their "Old Homo Program," In tho evening, Thoy sing all tho old songs that are ever new to all and which all love to hear. Also In tho afternoon Col, Miller will give an other Iccturo which will bo as "fun ny' and as full of good sense as his first ono was. If you want to bo stirred to a better patriotic life you must hear his lecture, "The Hobblo Blclrt of Freedom." Saturday even ing Marlon Halloa Fish, the wonder ful "lady chalk talker" will give her ftrat lesson on "Kweer Karactors," In which may be recognized some of the queer characters of TSend. Sunday tho Fourth there will be two concerts by the Itoyal Hungarian Orchestra, and Mrs. Fisk will give her other lecture "Cap'n Tommy." In the evening Miss nergh will sing with the complete orchestra accompanying her and A. A. Franike "the little slant of the platform" will give his lecture. "Tho Matchless Hook," Again on Monday there will bo two programs from tho orchestra and one from MIsa Ilergh and another lec ture from Dr. Franike, and MIsa La Dell the "Child Impersonator" will be heard tbt first time In the even ing. Tuesday afternoon tho Jublleo singers will bo heard for tho first time and Miss La Dell will also give another program of humorous read Ings, In the evening after tho Ju- tl lee singers Oaten their program Senator Durkett will give "The New Woman and the Young Mm". On Wednesday morning at 9 Ml Miller win give a talk to ptotners ana a demonstration of the work that she has been carrying on all week. In the afternoon the Jubilee singers wilt give a full program and In the even- lag they will give an hoar program after whlett the oeaelndlic lecture ;"Jtti Ve give by Senator Burkelt Ifl nis "Government Ownership ot Haii- ra. Am" ' The complete program will he found elsewhere la (Me paper. Lots close in J0 to flSS. Bay ravtseate. J. A. Bastes. Adr. ri Net for Me Only. Women suffer as bum as men do from Indigestion anal etMtlpaUea and require the sKe setetttifte reffl dy to keep the stomach sweet, the liver active and the howeta regular, Foley Cathartic TaMefe are whole soate Hd eleaBaiag; Mt gripe or cause mb. tHcmt yas4a say this Is the ch cathartic thai tabes away that ever-tall aatTekwd-Hp feeMog. Fatteraea Drue 0 X Use DeaebuUa 8fMy Fltwr. Whit er and better tha aver. Far k by Tfce-Nw Saul rtotr SOU Oe.Adv. POWELL BUTTE (Continued from pago 2.) Prlneylllo Saturday for a brief visit with home folks. !rj w A Nany of Doschutes visited Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon from Tuesday till Saturday of loot week. Mrs, Allen Wlllcoxon was a busi ness visitor to Bend Saturday, re turning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reaves Wlllcoxon en tertained Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dussett stad iLloyd and Fay and Mr. and Mrs. Rose Bussett, Grandma Drown and Toddy" Johnson at dinner Saturday. Jess Shobert and Miss Belle Mont gomery attended the show In lied mond Sunday ovenlng. Rev. W. N. Dyers of Redmond Who conducted the usual semi-annual ser vices at Wilson school houso Sunday was a dinner guost at tho It. L. Mooro homo. Allon Wlllcoxon was a PrlnovlIIo visitor Saturday. Mrs. Mary Brown Is visiting the week In Itedmond at hor daughter Mrs. Young's homo. Dr. Mann of Portland, who has re cently ncqulred the John Rhode place Tinnou m mis section Monday, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Yatea and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Ivcrson enjoyed Sun day dinner at tho Guy Scars homo. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Van Doron on tertnlned at dinner Sunday. Tholr guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. John Bkom and Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J, Chapman and family. senator unamoerialn in company with several lesser guns autoed out through this section Monday on sight seeing trip; A Mistake Modo by Many. When you suitor pains and aches by day and sleep disturbing bladder weakness by night, feol tired, ner vous and run down, tho kidneys and oiauaor snouia bo restorod to hoal thy, strong and regular atclon. It Is a mlstago to treatment. Fol oy Kidney Pills put the kidneys In sound, healthy condition and keep mem active and strong. Patterson Drug Co. Adv. LEGAL NOTICES FOR SALE COMPIiETK MACHINKRV FOR FLOUR MILL 160 Barrel Per Day Capacity "CHEAP IF DOUGIIT SOON. Writ for Particulars H. BTKINDOCK ?oa North Commercial SU Salem, Oregon. 16-19 p NOTICE OF CONTEST. - Department ot the Intorlor, United States Land Office The Dalles, Ore gon, June 7, 1915, To Wlntrod Scott Jacobs or Puyal lup, Washington, Contostoo: You are hereby notlOod that Don ald .A. McArthur, who gives Bond, Oregon, as his post ofllco address. did on May 17, 1946, He In this of fice his duly corroborated application to contest nnd securo the cancella tion of your homestead, Entry No. Serial No. 013185, mado May 13, 1914, for W 8EU, Section 10 WVi NEK, WV4 SB, SEW, BBU, Section 15; SWU SWV4 Section 14, Township' 20 South, Range 16 East Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest ho alloges that satd Wlnfred Scott Jacobs baa failed to establish his residence on said tract; that ho has failed to cultlrato said tract or any portion thereof; I am In formed and verily bellevo nnd there fore atato that said ontryman has abandoned said tract for upwards of six months last past. You aro, thoreforo, furthor noti fied that tho said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your said ontry will be cancelled without fur ther right id bo hoard, elth'or before this ofllce cr on appeal, It you fall to fllo In this o'dlce within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, When tho tost comes you want to know that you car will moasuro up to the require ments. Ford cars, with their light, strong floxlblo frames, sturdy, powerful motors and simple design, meet all domands, Tho Ford gets there and gets back at an average cost of two cents a mile. Ruuabout $440; Touring car $490; f. o. b. Detroit, with all equipment- Out of cars for over threo weeks. Two carloads on road Get your order In, On display and salo at ' The Universal Garage Geo. F. Hoover II COLLINS HENKLB SALTZMAN HOYT DIDDLE IIOD80N Bend-Klamath Auto Stage Co. AND Bend-Burns Auto Stage Co. RATESt RHND HARPER , ,9 1.BO HKNI LA PINK , S.0 ItKND CRESCENT 4.00 IIKND LONOHOTH fl.OO HKND FORT KLAMATH B.OO HKNUCHILOQUIN 10.00 ItKND KLAMATH FALLS 11.80 ISKND BURNS 10.00 Car Leave Bead for Klamath Falls Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday after Morning TralH, K. a. LAMHKKSON, Agent, Dead. Oregon. Bend-Silver Lake and way points A Seven Paasenjcr Touring Car Each WyEeh Day. MME tN THE EASY CARS Walter Coeabs, L D. Fax, Piueer Aiti Stage ami Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WEN AN T LIVERY CO. Freight Truck m AMkio your answer, under oath, specifical ly responding to these allegations of contest, together with due proof thai you havo served a copy of your an swer on the said contestant cither in person or by registered malt. You should state In your answer the name ot tho post ofllce to which you deslro future notices to bo sent to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Date of first publication June 30, 191G. Date ot second publication July 7, 1915. Date of third publication July 14, 1015, Date of fourth publication July 21, 1915. (, TC . NOTICK OF CONTKST. Department ot tho Interior, United States Land Ofllce, Lakovlow, Ore gon, Juno 12, 1915. to Edgar W. Moshor of unknown ad dress, Contostee: You are hereby- notified that Frank A. Stevens, who gives Rend, Oregon, as his post omceoddrees, did on May 25th, 1U15, file In this ofllco his duly corroborated application , to contest and secure tho cancellation of your Homestead Entry, No. , Scrlnl No. 04829, mado July 14th, 1911, for NEK NW4; NWU NBM; Sec tion 29; EH 8W',i: W14 SBU and SWU; Section 20, TownBhlp 21 South, Rango 18 East, Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his con test ho alleges that E. W. Mosher has failed to establish residence upon said tract, and has failed to cultivate said tract or any portion thereof, that Bald entryman haii abandoned said land for more than one year last past and next preceding this application, and that said abandonment was with out leave or legal excuse You are, thoreforo further notified that tho sntd allegations will bo taken by thl ofllco as having beon confess ed by you, and your said ontry will be cancelled thoreunder without your further right to bo hoard therein, either before this ofllco or on appeal, It you far. to file In this ofllco with in twenty days nfter tho FOURTH publication ot this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, spe cifically meeting and responding to these allegations of contest, or If you fall within that time to fllo In this ofllco duo proof that you havo served a copy of your answer on tho said contesthnt either in person or by registered mall. If this servlco Is made by tho dellvory of a copy nf your ans'wer to tho contestant In per son, proof of such sorvlco must be either the satd contestant,' written acknowledgment of his receipt ot the copy, showing tho dato of Its receipt, or the aflldavlt ot the porson oy whom tho dellvory was mado stating when and whero tho copy was deliv ered; If mndo by registered mall, proof of such servlco must consist of tho aflldavlt ot the porson by whom tho copy was mailed stating when and tho post ofllco to which It was mailed, and this nflldavlt must e accompanied by tho postmaster's re ceipt for tho lotter. You should stato In your answor the namo of the post ofllco to which you deslro future notices to bo sont to you. JAS. F. nURaE8S, Register. Dato of first publication, June 23, 1915. Date of second publication Juno 30, 1916, Date of third publication, July 7, 1915. "to ot fourth publication, July 14, 19i , Building Material LUMBER, SHINGLES w w w w -F 0-- M wr)4)4ifif)f)44)44)f4)fr)44i-if)fi444J.4f The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. 5- IN TIIK COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OltKOON FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK. In the matter or tho Bstnto ot Wil liam n. Wyllo, Deceasod. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE Is hereby given by tho undersigned, tho duly appointed, qualtflod and acting administrator of tho estato ot William D. Wyllo, to tho creditors and all persons having claims against said deceased, or said cBtato, to present them, verlflod as required by law, within six months after tho first publication of fhls no tlco to tho safd administrator at tho ofllco ot his attorney, Vernon A. Forbes, in the First National Dank Uulldlng, Rend, Oregon; tho samo be ing tho placo for tho transaction ot tho business ot said estate in said county and state. J)atod this 23rd day of Juno, 1915. L. O. McREYNOLDS, Administrator ot tho Estate ot Wil liam D. Wyllo", deceased, '"r 18:20c IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOIl THE COUNTY OF CROOK. In tho matter ot tho Estato ot Net tle Harmorson, also known as Not tlo II. Colo, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE Is horoby glveu by tho undersigned, tho duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator of tho citato ot Nottlo Harmorson, also known as Nettlo II. Cole, Deceased, to tho crodttors and all persons hav ing claims 'against tho deceased, or said estato, to present thorn, verified as required by law, within six months after tho first publication of this no tice to the said administrator at tho ofllco of his attornoy, Vornon A. Forbes, In tho First National Hank Rulldlng, Ilond, Oregon; the samo be ing tho placo for tho transaction ot tho business of said estato In said county and stato. Dated this 23rd day ot Juno, 1915. LEWIS 0. McREYNOLDS, Administrator ot tho Estato of Not tlo Harmorson, also known as Nottlo II. Colo, Doccasod. 1C-20O '- - NOTICE FOR PUHLICATIO.V. iNolateil Tract. . Publlo 'Land Salo. Department of tho Interior, U. S, iLand Ofllce at Tho Dalleo, Juno 3, 1915. NOTICE Is horeby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Ofllco, under provisions of Section 2455, R. S pursuant to tho application of Emit Anderson, Serial No. 014175. wo will offor at pubtle salo, to tho highest bidder, but at not less than J4.50 per aero, at 9:15 o'clock a. ra on the 20th day of July, 1915, next, at this ofllco, the following tract of land: 8WU SEU. Section 14, T. 17 S R. 11 E. Tho salo wilt not bo kopt open, but will bo declared closed .whon thoso present at tho hour named have ceased bidding. Tho porson making tho highest bid will bo required to Immodlatoly pay to tho Receiver tho amount thereof. Any porsons claiming adroraety tho abovo-descrlbed land are advised to fllo tholr claims, or objections, on or bofore tho time designated for salo, H. FRANK WOODCOCK, M""P- " Register. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 20, 1915. 8 ' NOTICE Is horeby given that Al. bort D. McNoal, of Dond. Oregon, who, on February 3rd, 1911, made I omootead Entry No. 08109. and on Novembor 11th, 1913, mado addl tlonal Homostoad Entry, No. 012232. NH 8WV, Soctlon 1, Township 20 South Rng0 14 Eost, Wlliamotto Meridian, has filed notice of Inton tlon to mnko Final Three Yoar Proof, to establish claim to the land above doscrlbod, bofore II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Ilond, Orogon, on tho 12th day of July, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: ra?? J' lnlr. Otis 0. Honkle. !? ,?' ""BO". John E. Johnson, nil of Ilond, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 12'1!l Roglstor. ;o To rr. mV boy . YOU KNOW A qooo THIJJJ EXCUSE MB JUDQE TOR J BUSTiNq FORTH INTO JV 1 I OUT A LITTLE REAL I -wTOBACCO CHBW I f t VJUST HITS THE r-1 rv spot S,J ,A AJ. SA$C"T V .l ( THC OLD TAft EXPLAINS TO THE POOP JUDGE ) I IT'S just as natural for a man to sing the praises of the Real Tobacco Chew as it is to look at a beauti ful woman. "Right-Cut" is made from the finest meljowirich leaf tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough. New cut, short shred, so that ycu can get all the good of it. Tsk a vsry small ehsw Uti tfcM o-qaartr tho eU sizs, It wHl b mors tnhtyht IJhm a mouthful el ordfasry teb.wo. J'Ht BttAU en it until you find the stra(4b shew that ul veil, Tuk It swsy. ThM 1st U tctt. 8 ken Mtlly sad evenly lbs real etso (site comti, bow il wllifiet without triadlni, how mutfe ! you txvs to spit, hew Itw rtmir.u Uke to h tabasco 4lMd. Tbsl's why It is Ihi I lal TiaK Chtm. TtMJ why isotts ! In llw eod. Il il tttir . f l ' W4 Mt ifcr.4 m (hat ya o.'t fc t lUJ m U lh row l". Uri4u m wilUurf JJ itfew lukM in. main tea l.n.fc. Tk. UMt ot Pn. rWi Miw nni lo t cottrkl p .iitMUNU ul timid- KwktlkMlM'trii ( Uii la "KiU'&.l. One tmafl chew talics the place of two bi clitwi of the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY SO Unten Square, Naw Yerk fWY FROM DEALER OR SEND lOSTAMPSTOUS D IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 01' THE STATU OI' ORICflON, I'QR Tlli COUNTV Ol' CROOK. ' r Maymo Kookan. Plaintiff, vs. Charlos M. Kookan, Dofondnnt, BUMMON8, To Charles M. Kooknn. Dofondant: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OI- OREfJON, you aro herohy requir ed to appear and answor tho com plaint filed against you In tho nhoyo entitled suit In Court on or hofore tho 30th day of July. 191C, and If you rail so to appear and nnswor, Uio plaintiff will apply to tho Court for rellof prsyod for In her complaint heroin, to-wlt: that tho hands ot matrimony now oxlstlnn hotwoen you snd said plaintiff ho dlssolvod and that said plaintiff bo relieved of all ohlgatlons arising by vlrtuo of the marrloRo contract now oxlstlns; be tween you nnd said plaintiff, nnd for such othor nnd furthor relief as to Uio Court may seem oqultable. This summons is puhllshod by or der of the Honorable T. E, J. Duffy. Judgo of tho Circuit Court of the Btato of Oregon for Crook county, which said order was dated the 9th day of June, 191B, nnd which order prescribes that this summons be pub Ishod In Tho Ilond llullotln, . weekly nowspoper published and printed In llend, Crook county, Ore gon, for a period of six successive wooks; the dato of tho first publica tion of this summons is Juno 18, 15-21 c. VERNON A. F0RI1E8,. Attorney for the I'lolntlfT. NOTICE OV HHHRIIT'H HAI.K. Dy virtue of un exocutlon In fore closure duly issued by tho clerk of the Circuit Court of tho Coifnty of Crook, Stato of Orogon. datod this 9th day of Juno. 191S. in ,.,1.1. action In tho Circuit Court for the said County nnd Btate, wherein An na Ilrosterhous, administratrix of the hstate of George Ilrosterhous, de ceased, Plaintiff, recqvered Judgment against George K, Harris, Defendant for the sum of Nino Hundred Ninety and no 100 Dollars with Interest at the rate of 10 per cent per anBuni, from the 7th day of Doc ember, mi, together with One Hundred Dollar attorney fees, and tho further sum of Thirty Three and 60-100 DaiUr. cesU, and accruing costs. wouce is hereby given that I will, on Saturday, the 17th day ef July, 1916, at the North front doer of the courthouse In I'rlnevllle, In said county, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon nf suld day, sell at publlo suction, to ue iiigncsi wooer for cash, all right and title that the abovtj, jianied de- frndnnl George K, Harris have or bad nt date of said Judgment In the following described property, to-wlt: Lots numbered 13 and 14 ot Illoclc tit of Rend, Crook county. Oregon, E, II. KNOX, Sheriff of Crook County, Dated at I'rlnevllle, Oregon, this 10th day or June. 1915. Ily Floyd A. Rowell, 13-19 c. Deputy. P-iiJs tJ 4 il ? ' T v , i 9 m y H I'T v I- VJ n i LrV? 'XV ' l m m sm t& SMSSSnVSSSS8HSSHSHMSllHHHMSHV . 3lfmtmmmiLm