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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1915)
"" i.4,jvmiSMuMaiM-iiiiiitia?BM :3CJMV 7 PAGB 0. TllRJBRNn HUI,i,KTlX, 11KND, ORB, WBDNH8DAY, JUNK 0, 1818. Who Pays? 1- .J 4ft f:' tr 5 B ' v. T1IK11I! 18 NOT ENOUGH KI.I.CTUIC LIGHT AND 1'OWEIl HUftl NESS IN IJKNI) TO FUUNI8II MOItH THAN A 1JAIIH MVING FOIt ONE COMPANY. WITH TWO COMPANIES TIIIH IIU8INEHH WOULD UK DIVIDED, HEHUIriNO IN A 8MAI.I.EI. INCOME POH EACH. TJIK TOTAL EXPEN8FS, HOWEVER, WOULD HE INCREASED, FOR THERE WOULD HE TWO TliANTH TO OPERATE AND KEEP IN REPAIR, TWO BirrH OF HALARIEH TO FAY, AND INTEREST AND FIXED CHAHOES ON TWO PLANTS INSTEAD OF ONK. EXPERIENCE IN THOUHAND8 OF PLACIM HAH HHOWN THAT TWO ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANIES CANNOT OPERATE rilOFITAIILY IN TUB SAME CITY. TUB IiOOIOAL OUTCOMK WHICH INEV1TAHLY OCCURS 18 THAT ONB COMPANY 18 FINALLY FOIICED TO BELL ITS PROPERTY TO TUB OTHBIt. TUB RESULT OF THIS THAN8AOTION 18 THAT AN INCREASED HOItDKN 18 I'LACKD ON TUB PUHLIC, SINCK TUB COMPANY 18 FOHC BD TO CHAIIGB HATK8 SUFFICIENT TO MAKE A PROFIT ON TUB H0U1ILB INVBHTKMNT. THEREFORE, THE PUBLIC PAYS IN THE END. TUB HISTORYtOF LIMITING COMPANII-S ALL OVBIl TUB UNITKD HTATBS HAS I'HOVBN THIS. WILL UBND MAKB TUB 8A.MB MISTAKE? ' Competition COMPETITION DOES NOT IJIUNG GOOD SERVICE, FOR GOOD SEUVICB DEPENDS ON EXPENSIVE APPARATUS AND EXPENSIVE LINES, HEACIUNa TO EVEUY FART OF TOWN. NKITHEH OF TWO COMPETING COMPANIES CAN AFFORD TO DO THIS. COMPETITION DOES NOT IlIUNG LOW HATES, KOB UNDEB TUB LAWS OF THE STATE OF OltKGON TUB HATES ABE FIXED BY TUB HAILHOAD COM3IISSI0N OF OBEGON. COMPETITION DOES NOT ALLOW EITHER COMPANY TO MAKE A rBOFIT. YOU CANNOT EXPECT EITHEB TO MAKE NU'BOVEMENTS WITHOUT HOPE OF nEWABD. IF ANOTHEB FBANCHI8E WEBE GBANTEH IN BEND IT WOULD BE HABDEB TO SECUBE CAPITAL FOB OTIIEB PUBLIC UTILITY AND INDUSTRIAL ENTEIU'HIBEB. IT WOULD EVEN HAMS ITS EFFECT IN THE SELLING OF MUNICT 1FAL AND COUNTY BONDS. Bend Cannot Afford to Have,' b the Reputation of Not Treating its Invested Capital Fairly. OUB INTEBESTS ABE IDENTICAL .WITH THOSE OF JIEND. ,IN THE INTEBESTS OF THE CITY, WE RESPECTFULLY ASK THE CITI- ' ZENS TO VOTE AGAINST THE PBOPOSED FBANCHISE. WHICH WILL ; INJUBB IT FINANCIALLY AH WELL A8IN BEPUTATION. Bend Water Light & Power Company a- LAKE FOLKS ID L DEA DO NOT LIKE SAM'S NEW ROAD Silver Lnko leader llead Opposition To Plnn Hays Ildnil tit But Utile Shorter and Buiin Over Dry nml Burroii Country No Water. Whllo Sam Hill U planning hi so-called cut-off on Ills so-called Con trnl Oregon hlRhway throuRli Lako county and Mllng the Portland par org with reports of the advantages of tho new routo, the ncoplo and the nows pupors In the territory affected seem to ho Rotting madder and madder ovor what they call the "audacity" ot tho man In coming Into tholr county and telling them where their road should run. Tho Silver Lakq Leader has taken the trouble to Interview a number of residents In tho affected sections and In Its latest Issue prints two columns ot statements criticising the plan. One ot the more picturesque (s tram J. L, Clltr. a 10 year resident and tho man tor whom the'town ot Cliff was named, Mr. Cliff saldt "That Is one h 1 ot a route for itnyone ot Intelligence to propose. Who Is proposing this thing anyway? and who Is going to pay the bill! I know ot no worse route, more cxpen slvo one, than this last freakish prop Pillion, It seems to me It would be better for the County Court and tho Commissioners to confer with the tax-paying pobllo 111 this road-build- ing matter and. not with Mr. Hill ot Washington." la the same issue tho Leader makes a long statement on tho plan, extracts from which follow; "A few weeks ago when C. C. Chap man, editor ot the Oregon Voter, told tho public a few cold fact relative to the failure and flagrant audacity of Samuel Hill In his efforts at build ing all the automobile roads ot two states, we thought him a little bit severe; but new that we are having our own experiences with tho stu pendous gall of the emtio Blind from Maryhlll our opinio have rcpldly changed. "to the May 1st Issue ot the Voter, Mr. Chapman said: 'It Mr, Hill ovor spent n ilvo cent pleco of publlo mon. cy In n way that grvo satisfaction to tho public that ho was trying to sorvo I novor honrd of It. In Wash ington ho controlled tho oxpondltura of millions and In Oregon ho dictated tho road policy for tho oxpondltura of thousands. Illttornoss, disappoint mont nnd hard feelings havo follow cd In his wako In both states.' " 'Dltternoss;- that was what was engendered tho day following Hill's arrival hero and when It became known that ho had Incubnted an Idoa In highway construction for us as craxy nnd tnaano as the aadd dunes and thn dust storms and whirlwinds look In tho desart thrauRh which his propored routo runs. Tho audacity ot the man Is making our citizens vicious, for as Mr, Chapman says, 'Each district knows Its own needs bettor than does an outsider,' and as our own peoplo aro paying tho bills and not Mr. Hill, our own pooplo will no doubt settle nil these road ques tions and at tho sume time settle that disturbed condition of Mr. Hill's head, so far as our own ronds aro concerned. "This high desert road as propos cd by Mr. Hilt of Washington will pass through a country of sand duhos, rim rocks, whirlwinds and simoons, and tt will be tho height of ridiculous folly to allow him to evon turthor I suggest such a thing, at least nt the expense of tho tax payers ot Lake county. If Mr. Hill and hla gum-shod powers from the throne wish to . tickle their fancy they are at liberty I ,n t..ll.l tK .. n .hula nw.. nw iv uuiiu av iuu ui uivil ufl wy pense, and r the proposed route Is from SO to 40 miles from tho fertile valleys In iLake ceuuty the road will be a sort of private holding for Mr. Hill, hla gum-shoe elect, and their pals, the transcontinental overland tourists. "This, desert route goes through a country that haa alwaya been known aa the deserts of Lake county, the same being uied by the stock men as winter range, and can he used only when the snow begins to fall, which Is generally In December, when cattle, horse and sheep lick up the snow for drink. During December, January and February the winds blow and the mows drift through this desert country, whteh rvry sleek man In Lake eeunty knows. Kreti the cowboys and sheep herder melt snow tor their ej use, "Over this prepoMd desert mute there wll be cuts which will drift full of mow and will be lmpaamble for two or three months during the winter. It U Claimed that the roads are natural er already built to a greater or leeeer degree; but the facts are that during the .swing months white te tsovt are ateHhsc off the roads are hnpstssM-e, nvw far wagons, and tlm wholo dlstanco will nood bo graded In ordor to uecuro spring dralnago for tho roadbod. la this ilcBort road as proposed by Mr. Hill and his crowd an all-year nntural rondbad? "Lako county wants tho Central Oregon highway, hut wants It ostab llaiiod whore it should bo. "Tho proposed chango of lino of the Contral Highway Is now slatod from Lakovlow to Trlnovlllo via Abort Lako. Lake. MUllcan'a and on. missing Patstoy, Summer Lako, 811 vor Lako and Fort Bock In Lako county. "Tho arguments of tho promoters of the now lino aro that, tho distance Is groatly shortened nnd that the snow bolt Is avoided. The real facts In tho matter aro that tho distance Is shortoned very little, tho turns and angles being about the somo as are on tho route now established, nnd tho unow conditions will cerfalnly not be Improved over our Fort Hock cut-off. "Notice tho following air-lino table showing tho distances from plnco to placo on the present routo established by Lnko county and the proposed now1 road: Lako County Duo. Miles, Lakovlow to Paisley 3G.25 Paisley to Summer Lnko 19.60. Summer Lako to Silver Lako . .20.00 Sliver Lake to Fort Bock ... .10.00 Fort Bock to Mllllcan's 40. SO MlllIcnn'B to Prlnevlllo 27.00 Total 1S8.25 Hill Gum-Shoe Line. Lakovlow to Abort Lake 38.60 Abort Lake to Lake 39.25 Lako to MUllcan'a ..47. SO Mllllcan's to Prlnevlllo 37.00 Total 162. 26 AID THE KIDNEYS. llend sufferers should take no fur ther risk. Why will people continue to suffer tho agonies ot kidney com plaint, backache, urinary disorders, lamoness, headaches, laneuor why allow themselves to boconio chronic Invalids, when a tested remedy Is Engage Your Rooms Ahead for the (&haxxtaxxvxxa AT THE plot gittt-e gjotd. For Good Service, Quick Service and Reasonable Rates. The Pleasantest Location injknd. offered thorn? Doan'a Kidney Pills have beon used In kidney troublo over 60 yoars, 'havo boon tostod In thousands ot cases. If you havo, any, oven one, of the symptoms of kidney dlsoases, act now, for gravel, dropsy or Drlght'a dlseaso may sot In and mako neglect dangerous. Can Dend residents demand moro convincing proof than tho following? Mrs. B. A. Wilkinson, 1207 Main street, Ore gon City, Oregon, says: "I havo used Doan's Kldnoy Pills for backache and' kidney troublo and havo had relief. ,. I bollovo they are n flno kldnoy medl Yj cliia and I don't hesitate to reconr, mend them." Price 60 cdnts, nt all doal'ers. Don't simply ask for a kid ney remody get Doan's Kidney Pills. tho same that Mrs. Wilkinson bad, Fostor-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo,. N. Y. -Adv. ft Staple Groceries are the things that are used all the year round that is, good groceries. Try ours and you will be getting the first quality kind. Vegetables, fruits and delicacies are always in season and our store can supply all your needs in this line at right prices Steve, Range Tinware Granlteware . C. CALDWELL TUB STORK OK QUALITY Free DeMvery Aaywliere to CHj. HARDWARE If U)llkBlAM Lai VTVv.eJPVv7M i The United Warehouse Company A Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE Ofe, GASOLINE, SUGAR. FLOUR., SALT. HOES FRESH d SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD 1" t Ito Unitai W-tfthotis Co. , A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregea HqtT ..' .. iii ,-