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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1915)
Qviwma&jafttmaiftw innTssnfiir 111 m"mirfymnmmmt4mm4mm, jt ISStffTpfaZn "W S T. thk unxi) mtllhtin, ims, onn., vici)K'usnAViuNn no, una. p.aor n. r- S . ;' S r 3 9 i1 I S- s ir BIG NEW PRESS FOBBOLLETII PRESENT BUILDINO TO BE ENLARGED ii 9Imtant Mnclilno I'or High (Initio Printing ntiil Aililltlomil Hh(i), Iloom Will Hliorfly i:iulp Plant Kor Increietl HiisIiicm Here. iWhllo Tlio llullotln today has a ftli6p well enough equipped to hnn tllo almoHt any sort of printing nor mally occurlnR In n town tlio stzo" of llend, It Is following Its policy of try ing to koep a llttlo ahead of tho trnda nnd U about to malto a great Im provement In ItH plant. A Pony Mlohlo press, lias 'bcon liurchasod and In now In tho ware house II will ho Instnllcd ns soon ns an addition to tho present build ing can ho erected to homo It nnd other now equipment. Tho ninchtno linn n prcRH hod of 20x34 Inches, nad 1h capahlo of handlliiK nny nort of lnrgo Job work, nucli as booklets, two nnd thrco color work, largo posters nnd every oilier kind of high grado printing. With tho new press The llullotln enn offoct economies In Inrgor Jobs nnd will ho In n position to compoto with Portland houses o.i nny kind of lirlntlng, aa It nlwajs hns dono nnc cessfully on smaller work, Tho Mlehlo presses nro recognized to ho tho highest typo of presses manufac tured, and nro In nso In most of tho large printing establishments Tho cost of this t)po of press, new, la nbout $1,800. It wolghs about 0,000 pounds, and will hnvo a sopnrato elec tric motor of Its own. Plans aro completed for nn nildl (Ion to tho present llullotln building. A now room will bo placed nn tho north end of tho present quartern with dimensions of 2tx34 feet Tho walls will hu of brlclc, with a skylight ns well as windows, tlcildo ncrom niodatlng tho big now press tho ad dition will prnvldo space I"0" tho present stapling nnd punching ma chines and glvo nmplo room for fold ing and amtcmhllng largu Jobs. Fa cilities for binding will bo added, nnd Itow typo will relufnrco tho already 'largo nsHoitmcut Tho prcsont stock room will bo mined Into tho addition providing moru spaco and batter llghtjng In tho mnliv shop. Horuafter tho present Ilabcnck cilln'dor pioss will bo used entirely for pTlutlni; tho newspaper, nnd will ha available for n dally nt nny tlmo, or, for long runs ns special millions nro desired. In thin connection, The llultutlii this siiinmor will Ihhuo a liirgc and verv oomprehcustvu (level ninnont number with mnuy Illustra tions whlah will bo In nil odd the most Important publication of the Wild ever attempted In Central Ore nn tid Will offer ii extremely Mil liable admtlilnn medium During Chautauqua Week IIHNH lljM'KAIH iiudmomi TIib low! mine Mtlly defnutwd a tcuu from lUdtnoutl oi Sunday, the wore liulni! 11 to S. Both tennis hit tho urtll oniilly but tho I lend lulluld kept thg.una o( tho Uniting team tn n Minimum (lames hnvo been nr Minedlth. Madras for .Inly 6 nnd 7, and otheikgnmos nro to ho plnji.'d on tho 3rdJltti, and Gth. 'ii ' " Tor algu painting sco Kdwards. Adv. '" TJso Deschutes Sprny Flour. Whlt ttr nnd better tlinn evor Tor sain by The Now llend Hour Mill Co. Ath. . Hiim'HK nrcKivi:s appointment Word Jihh reenntb boon rocolod of tho hoqor accorded J 11. Bhonso. rormerly superintendent uf oehoola In this district. In appointment to tho nrofeisnlMilp of education nt tho University of South Dakota. Mr Shoum Is n graduate of tho unlvor Hlt) sud Is nt present attending CM eimo university whoro ho Mill rcelt the I'll. I), degree thl mimmer. H O liamliersrn and Hiuol V Caldwell, both of Ho id, wero married bv Rv. A O. lthoten of lted'Mond nt Itahumid lilt night. Mrs. H. O. ('ldwll and daughter Until accom iwnUd tluii'u. Mr. nnd Mrs I.ambor Mu ro llvlnn tho WrUlit for tho Krisnt, liuv. expect to keep houso shortly. iEAST SIDE PIER (Continued from page 1.) down to Midpoint whore tho bridge roatraetorH tako hold? On the oilier, side of the river th oleurlng tpullfiues, It Vbl"K "8 ,n" teiitlou or tho company to remove all brush which .might te u flro dan mr In all JSTatres will bo cleared lit prtwent'nt, the mill site. On tho logging itnfd th clcarlag runs back about thrfco grading slll start soon, The now development cans ed by tho nill bulldlnK It tho start ing ui of tho brick yard west of town, V 11 MpftL tm owner of tho yard, lunl i rrolveda contract for over " 0' e io hiJckTtp be delivered nt tho mill mm n.tlTvuYv of the'so brick was jiiH-ied ti. begin todav. Thov will 1 o ued for the iw mill power house, i tlip eopluo .id boiler rtom aud tho, ll!r nutting. Ui beginning work! at tho lir'fk M obaIi Mr Horn Is employing tS mou. We will put on the best reels we have ever shown. We will run every night and as usual have two shows, the second beginning at nine o'clock. By attending the sec ond show you will be able to go to tho Chautauqua and attend a good all around picture show. Everybody come 15c . I SO The Dream Theatre .WALL ST.. nEND MORE ITER FIGURES GIVEN I'rexcut I 'low nt I,nu Pulls Is 1a est llVcr ItfHordeil, Supplementing his statements con cerning the water situation roportcd In Tho llullotln last week, l'red V. Honslmw, district engineer wator re sources brunch of tho V. 8 Goologlc nl Survey, stntcd boforo leaving town that IiIh luensuromoiits nt l.aa falls Hhowcd 1100 second feet to bo run ning tho rlvor nt tlio preaont tlmo. This Is lower than tho lowest water over recorded Tho nverago minimum In .livio for tho past ten )cnrH has been 1700 sec ond feet while tho lowost minimum recorded was 1430 In 1906. The snmo 1014. nbout year. On point wns reached ngnln In Tho flow In Juno, 1007, was doublo that of tho present Tumnlo creek tho same low water conditions provall, tho flow on Friday of last week bolng 13S second feet an against ISO second foot aver ngo for Juno. One year. In 1010, tho Tumalo showed a lower stngo tlinn that at tho present tlmo, running on ly 111 second feet. TO APPOINT POSTMABTIIH. A post olllco Inspector has been de tailed to mako nn Investigation with tho vlow to tho appointment of n post mastor nt Jllvors, Oregon, Tho otneo Is now vacant duo to tho resignation of tho former Incumbent, PATTERSON itRUG CO. INCnitroKAThl) -A MEET YOUR fcUIENDS ATS - We are hidqurteri for Pure Dtut and JSJgrxctigu Comp,ete L tof KODAKS AND SUPPLIES. ' Chautauqua Week Specfal D E.N D PENNANT S three f o r $1.00. PATTERSON DRUGCO, The Mot'of The Beit for The Lef IN KENWOOD Lots 60x114, Sidewalks, City Water and Electric Lights $100 to $225 - TERMS: $10' Cash and $lb' Monthly. Special inducements' to parties who will bukl lioms J.RYAN&CO.i: MILL PLEASfSJBOVERNOR In Orcgonlnn Interview Putnam Knys Doolojiincnt Uncournging. SAIiCM, June 28. With news of renl develspmont In Central Oregon, Goorgo Palmer Putnam, sccrotary to Governor WlthVcombe. returned to Salom this motnlng, after leaving the Governor nnd his party at uona, whence they proceeded south to Klamath Falls and Crater Lake. The primary purpose of tho Central Oro gon trip was -nn examination by membors of tho Desert Land Hoard of tho Tumalo project, recently com pleted by the state. It waB the first official visit of the Governor and At torne'y Genernl Brown. "Tho Governor wns greatly pleas ed with tho project," said Mr. Put nam. "However, I really hollave whnt ploasod him and tho other vis itors most was the big lumber mill Ing development they found under wny nt Bond. To como upon the construction of a mill that Is costing (000,000 und will employ S00 men certainly is encouraging. " The mill In question Is being con structed by tho Shevlln-Hlxon Com pany, which recently acquired tho Deschutes pine timber holdings of A, It. Itogors and tho Johnson-Prince In terests. Already more than 1G0 man nro at work, 'To reach the mill tho railroad Is building about n mlfo of track nnd placing a largo steel bridge over the Deschutos. XOTICK OI." AXNUAfj .MIIKTING. The annual stockholder meeting of tho Arnold lrrlgntlnn Company will bo held at tho Bond Commercial Club room nt 2 p. in, on Thursday, July 1C. 17-18c WITHYCOMBE IN SPECTS TUMALO (Continued from page 1.) tnlned by tho Bond commercial Club whero Prosldont Koyes sctd a few words of wolcomo to which Governor Wlthycombo respondod. II. II. De Armond presided. Arriving at Tum alo at noon, after tho Grango hall meeting, tho visitors found no elab orate lunchoon spread In Community hnll to which more than 200 sat down, In tho spanking which follow ed, G. P, Putnnm acted ns toastmas tor, Introducing V. A. TorboB. Attor ney General Brown, Wesley O Smith, V. C. Wilkes. W. D. Barnes nnd Gov ernor Wlthycombo. Tho nftornoon wna Bpent In nn In spection of tho project on which the Governor commented enthusiastical ly saying; "I nin more than pleased with tho Tumalo project, The work has bocn noil dor.o nnd It ecems to mo that the project ns tho stnto has built It stands not only ns n monu ment to tho efficiency hut especially as a mora desirable example of tho right way to construct! rrlgatlon en terprises. If tho oxamplo set will Chautauqua Week Specials Beginning Friday July?2nd,.and ending Wednesday July 7th, I will . put on sale a SPECIAL ARTICLE each day. It will be something special each day, and to be sure of getting" the benefit of this sale you should come in every morning and see what is on sale. A. L. FRENCH Bend's Leading Men's Clothier . 50 Lots in Aubrey Heights REDUCED IN PRICE! Size CUT IX) 9 (10 $1C0 $200 2G0 (? 75 9100 & 912.1 93 CASH AND 9.1 MONTHLY, 0 PKK CUNT OK 90 CASH AND 91 MONTHLY, NO INIKIHIST J. A. EASTES, Agent encourngo others so much tho bet tor." While tho Lnnd Board wna on tho Irrigation projocta momhers of tho I'lsli nnd Gnmo Commission visited tho now hatchery nnd put In the day lshlng up rlvor, all meeting for the dlnnor In tho evening. For sign painting boo UdwnrdJ. Adv. FECIAL for 60 DAYS ?fWL Every Real Estate Owner who has ever purchased a lot fromour company is now assured of a profit and. that you may further profit by the purchase of Real Estate NO ADVANCE IN PRICES will be made for the next SIXTY DAYS. Our terms of payment have also been changed to EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. If you would like a nice lot, close in, at a low price and on easy terms of payment, this is your opportunity. Come to our office or telephone us for particulars. Ask for D. E. HUNTER, Manager Real Estate. Department. , q . t f C n 1 3v .At 4. i THE .BEND rrr. i , . J fc! J to' J