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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1914)
M'jJAGE ' TI1K DKND lU'l.LKTIN, HKND, OHM., WEDNESDAY, AlWl'NT , 11111, $HE BEND BULLETIN (I'ubtliAicd Every Wednesday) .j George palmer putnam Editor and Publisher. ROUERT W. 8AWYER- Assoclato Editor. An Independent newspaper stand" lug tor the squnro dent, clonn busi ness, clean politics and the best In terests of Rend nnd Central Oregon. to havo the state call on the Irriga tion company to repair the flume ami If It falls to do so, call on the surety company U pay tho bond. It It pnys without suit wo should call tho bond u good. Whether tho bond Is good or, not we should bo Inclined to agree with Mr. howls that tho settlors aro not as woll off ns they would bo If thu state held cush Instead of tho bond. We obaervo that tho surety company Insisted on cash to make Itself sntu. uno year IllBO , Sis months so; Thrco months...., G0J' All subscriptions aro duo and". THE SISTERS PAIR. Tho growing friendliness between tho town of Rend nnd tho town of Sisters, ns Indicated by the Rend sub scrlptlons to tho Sisters Fair, tho II BUUBUIJIUIUUB 1W uuu "-' .l...lw..l.. ..- u ..,.. .I.,,. .... PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Not ces.or -!,"!'", ,u" , Y , .. '" . """"" nr mnilp.l unbserlbers nnd'Hcnd day nnd the attempts mudo lo- If renewal Is not made within reason able time tho paper will bo discon tinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of lallure to re ceive tho paper regularly. Otherwise no' will not bo responsible for copies missed. Mako all checks and orders pay' bio to Dend Rulletln. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. 1914. "From time to tlmo during -- tho coming weeks The Rulletln - will publish tables of figures bearing on tax matters In Crook county and In tho proposed Dcs- - chutes county. Every voter Is ""rirgCii to presence these figures arid make a special study of them In coming to his decision on the question of how to vote on county division. Tho matter of Uses Interests everybody. In order to make no mistakes a thorough understanding of tax matters Is necessary. When -- they are understood no one will oppose Deschutes county for - fear of higher taxes. ----' -VTUE WATER USER'S ACTION. The circular to the C O. I. Co. .water users issued last week seems at this time to bo particularly unfor tunate. The direct assertion Is made that tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company Is dissipating the assets of the company In falling to expend maintenance fees on the upkeep of the system and the whole tone of the circular Is hostile to the comany. It Is unfortunately true that all nartles connected with the regrega- tion have been at war for some time, but whatever has been believed as to the company's use qf maintenance fees, has been only aurmlsed. No facts save been known. At the meet ing hero on July 2S the attorney for the water users waa extremely care ful to say that IP the maintenance fees were being; Improperly spent the settlers had cause forcomplaint. Ho did not assert that they were so speak. His wbolo statement as to the 'settler's rights was based on an assumption, and he took particular paIns';to make It clear that It was only an assumption. The manager of the company In re ply.asiertcd that the assumption was not' correct that It was not Justi fied by the facts, and he offered to open the books of the company to an t examination In proof of bis state-1 menu Now, without having the Invcsti-j gatlon made to discover the exact facta this circular announces without qualification that the charge Is true and the assumption a statement of fact Whether It is true or not we do not know, and we doubt very much whether the directors know, or can know, prior to the examination of the books offered by the company. That is the next step to be taken and It should be taken as soon as pos sible. It Is to the company's Interest that It be done as much as to the water users and In the meantime whatever Is responsible for the alle gations of the circular should see to It that ttiey are withdrawn. ,y The Issue as to the bond between Mr. Howard and Mr. Lewis seems to be very clearly drawn. Both agree that a bond Is on file but they differ as to its worth. It must be confessed that one who attended the meeting referred to above came away with the under ttandlng that the companv had pledg ed S2S.000 lircash for the repair or tbe'flume when necessary. Mr. How. ard talked'of a "cash bond" and even snoke of the' bank In Portland where the money wns on deposit. Without wishing in the least to Impugn hU root lyes we venture pa hay-41iathere one who nttended-the-mee't-lng who did not understand him to mean' that this money on deposit was tholjond In question available at any moment for the repair of the flume in case of the company's Inability to do bo: It now appears that there Is no cash bond In the meaning un derstood by Mr. Howard's hearers but that there Is a suretv company bond In the penal sum of $25,000. -The issue as to whether or not the bond Is cash Is too trivial for consid eration. No sane man would say there was a cash bond In this case meaning Just that, and we are unwilling to convict Mr. Howard of having said what'ho did In an attempt to mislead. There was a misunderstanding. On the other hand Mr. Lewis is not to be understood as saying that the company has not put up on un dertaking called a bond slened with it by a Burety company. The thins Is there, whatever it may bo called. The one question Is as to Its value to th,e settlers. When, Mr. Lewis says there1 Is no bond he' means none of any value. That Is whqro Mr. How ard and Mr. Lewis disagree. , Aside from legal opinion" as to the value of the bond the only way the question will ever be settled will be, colly to nld in the road work on tho McKonilc pass, Is worthy of npoolal mention. Llfo Is too short to spend nny-of It In petty, local Jealousies nnd quarrels, and when an nctlvo friend ship springs up. even though there was no III will preceding. It Is worthy of record. , It Is worthy of record, too, that ono Sisters merchant Is outdoing every ono else In giving assistance to tho fair as shown by the following from the Sisters Herald: "The offering of moro thon $Sd worth of special prlios for tho Sla ters Pair, togother with $25 In cash donated and two shares of stock sub scribed for by Robt. Smith la worthy of more than ordinary praise. The merchant who is liberal with his do nations In Vipport of n cause as wor thy as the Sisters Pair Is sum o reap his reward nnd Is deserving of liberal patronage from nil who are Interested In tho upbuilding of the community. It must bo confessed that If? was wholly out of & desire to help tho now creamery that we urged the use of Rend butter last week. Since then we have eaten some and now we recommend as well ns urge Its use. It Is good. MAIL SERVICE IMPROVED. (Port Rock Times.) Twice during the past week tho mail has arrived In Port Rock at J p. m. This Is bringing the mall from Portland In 20 hours, tho fastest time ever made on this line. Tho reason for the fast tlmo Is that tho Wenandy Company has been using two trucks and ono touring. car to carry the mall. The trucks arrlvo here from 6:30 to J p. tn., while the touring car which. comes ever third day has been mak ing the record runs. Beginning July 15th. the government allowed the company to change tno running time out of Sliver Lake and only two trucks will be used, at least during the good weather FULL LIST0F00KfiTI0NS llctul Mervlmnts Miihscilho llnmU homely to Misters Knlr, Tho following from the SIkIoih Horuld of July 20 shows tho complete list of subscriptions to thu Sin torn fair obtained by tho fair mnnngomout In Dend, ns well ns Indicating the ap preciation of tho Slaters' people of their reception horot "A trip to Rend on Saturday by P. L. Shnw, president of tho Sisters Pair, whs rewarded by additional do nations, both In cash and special prizes. Thu spirit of tho Rend mer chants m shown towards the Sisters Pair Is worthy of moro than ordinary praise. Tho following Is tho coiuplote list or liund donntors to unto: Plrst National Rank $35.0') Tho Rend Company 10.00 The Itend Bulletin 2.00 R. M. Smith Clothing Co 5.00 Deschutes Stnto Rank A. 00 Patterson Drug Co 2.00 A. L. French, clothier 6.00 Skuse Hardware Co. 3.00 Bond Hardware Co 5.00 W. W. Pnulkner, dentist 1.00 O'Donnell Bros., butchers .... 5.00 W. C. McCulston. grocer . . . . 2.00 Bort Shuey, grocery 2.00 Mnnnheltuers, dry goods .... 2.00 Bend Milling & wnrchouso Co. 1 Itbl. flour L. II. Shaw, flour nnd feed. . . 2.00 Clias. Boyd, butcher 2.00 E. A. Snther, dry goods and clo thing, merchandise 3.00 Mannhelmor Bros., 1 pair Walk Over Shoes C. V. Thornthwalto. harness 1 bridle 3.50 R. M. Smith Clothing Co. 1 hat 3.00 Bend Hotel, HBlil. of Bond Hour. Bend Hardware Co. 1 Universal Pood Chopper. Bond Milling & Warehouse Co.. 2 Bbls. of flour to bo given as special prlxes. The Nyal Storo. Owl Pharmacy 2.00 A. L. French Clothing. Anything In merchandise, value 3.00 The Miller Lumber Co 2.0O Patterson Drug Co. merchandise 3.00 E. M. Thompson, furniture, rocker 5.00 PIRST AUTO TO I.VVA LAKE. With the distinction of having been tho first to take an auto to Lava lake P. T. Munroo and party, of Cross Keys, passed through town on Mon day on their return. They had sptnt n week In the woods enjoying plenty of fish and gnmo of all kinds, while Sunday night they shot a benr. Tho trip to the lake wns mado from Crane Prairie, tno party cutting out a road 4 BECOMING A BRITON. Easy For Alltni to Acqulrt CItlxsn ship In Ennlsnil. A large number of aliens become British subjects every year by taking advantage of the iinturnlhtntlou art. The process of taking out iintiiriiliut Hon papers In England Is delightfully simple. An application can ho put throughrlii n couple of weeks If good mid sufficient tent-ous ran be shown, while (ho average time elapsing be tween application for a certltleiite of ntitunillxntlon mid the granting of per uilxHtoii to tile the oi. tli of nlhtghinco to the king with thu home office, which automatically confers llrltbii cltlxeti- ship, Is only about eight weeks. The niilurnllr.atlou net of 1870 re quires that the applicant shall Imvo rvHldcd In the Culled Kingdom ut least fixe yean ami slmil Inlrud. when nnt urallicd, to continue to reside here. The lease of u honc or nu apartment Is Hiitllcleut to cstnhlNi legal recldence. The lamlUird'M word I taken us sulll dent proof. The ntilcnnt has merely to 1)11 In n blank with the detail of his residence nnd other Information mid have the fmts as to lilt re-Idem o veil- fled by one Brltlxh subject, white the applicant's respectability and loyalty must bit vouched for by others, lie then lllc the application with n 1 fee at the home olllce. A sieelnl Scotland Yard detective h nsalgucd to Inquire Into the ruse and examine till the statements on the ap plicant's memorial. Three month Is allowed him In which lo make his re- ort. but n few week usually sulllee. If the application In pasmtl another fee of '- In required. The applicant then has permission tn file his oath of allegiance, which concludes the proc ess. Loudon Tit-Bits. Buster Brown Shoes a it i. nnv nn tor their machine. Those who made auto truck will leave every morning, tho f'P ?cro M.r; nn,d u Munroe Sunday Included, at each end of the and daughter. Miss Veda Belts and ninety mllo run. The change of time of leaving Silver Lake brings tho mall from Lakevlew to here In 26 hours. Only a few weeks ago this was a three day trip. ANOTHER COUNTY DOING IT. EUGENE. July 29. Petitions for the creation of a now county out of the western end of Lane have been In circulation for the past three weeks In the district affected, but little has been beard of them, the committee desiring to work quietly until enough signatures were obtain ed to ascertain whether or not it was a popular measure. It la said that the people of the lower Sluslaw are signing; it almost unanimously. Bend Butter Is Best on Bread. Burt Hanna. HUXTINfl SEASON OPENH. T,he'6pcn sessbn for deer began on August' I'anll continues until October 31.' "DUring'tho' season 'three dojr with horns may be killed by each hunter "who has a license. By ar rangement wlthi the county clerk li censes may be procured from -J. A. Eastes In Bend and from George A. Altken In Sisters. Several have made short trips, from town since the first of the mnnth'jn the. hope nf bringing back, some yenlson but to rar no lucx nss been reported. All hunters are Warned against the dan ger of setting fires. Hottl Room Kays. A locksmlUi employed In one of New fork's largest hotels explain! tlielnrk system of lbs house, saying I list thetv were. 1,500 rooms In the hotel with In dividual keys, each of which will open only the lock It was made for. The "master key." however, will open or lock all of the doors In the hotel, and the "emergency key," besides doing this, will lock a door so that no otbvr key will mien IL The "mssttr key" and the key msde eclally for any one of tno doors are useless after the "raergeocy key" bus locked the door With It a man may be locked In or out cf his room, and If so be will remain locked In or out until the "rtprrgency key" la used sgsln. It sets a lock so thst no other key can turn It Nw York limes. xt"5itfr fjraPws. rSw. Are Made for Healthy, xFun -Loving Boys and Girls- j A child's shoe gets tho hardest wear possible, but vc enn offer you a shoe thnt will, on account of the toughncM of the soles, the high grade of the uppers, and the reinforced stitching and careful work manship, give greater wear than any other brand we know. Aik for Huitcr Brown Shoes if you would get Shoes like this for your children. Madttbv Brown Shoe Company, Inc. mt R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY LEARN THE WAY Bargains In granlteware. Hardware Company. Adv. Skuse 1 cent a word IS ALL A LITTLE WANT AD WILL COST YOU PHONE IT IF YOU WISH. Classified Advertising AdvrrtlseawiiU inserted sailer this heading: at the rate of ONE CK.NT A WOIID each Insertion. Ciuh must accompany all orders front persons not having a regular account with The Hullrtin. No adrertlncment tak for less thtn 15 centa each Insertion. FOIl BA1.K Full blooded llarrcd Hock last year's hens, whllo they last for $1.00 a piece. It. Dartlett, c-o Metropolitan. I'Otf. KOIl BALK Improved relinquish ment, 20 miles from llend. Inquire llullelln. 19-3Sp KOIl 8ALK A first class relin quishment, 1C0 acres under the Swalley Dlloh, 25 water shsres mure If desired. 30 acres Improved, nno crop potatoes, 13,500 work, cash paid out. $3000 gets It or will tako crop 2&00 or one half (80 acres) relinquishment 11200, If bought quick, need the money, worn out. K. J, Ilogers, Lsldlaw, Oregon. IVtf FOIl BAI.K Improvements and re. llnqulshment on 130 acres on Tumalo Project House, all fenced. S good wells, 3 private ditches. Will take $300 cash or a good team and wag. on. K. T. Oreen, Laldlaw, Oregon, Camp C. 19-3:p FOIl BALK Cheap. Tv,o single beds. Inqulro llullelln orttcn, 17tf FOIl BALK Ueglslered O. I. t. pigs. Phone or write O. O. Card well, Ilond. I3tr FOIl BALK flood horse, weight about 1300 pounds. 7 years old. In quiry Bhuoy s Grocery. 17lf FOIl BALK (Hack Minorca eggs for setting, $1.35 for 13, I.eave or ders at Bather's store. ltfe IWT AND FOUND. I.08T White setter dog. Notlfv Ilulletln omco. It BTItAYEO-rKsrly In May, larfi red row with twin calves. Cow brand ed MP on right hip. Calves branded A. It. Also one yearling ntflfer, dark red, branded A. II. on left hip. In formation requested. Address W M. Arnold. 30.32,i WANTED. WANTED Work quire Bulletin. WANTED High work fpr her board. 8house. aa janitor. In 2220p school girl to Inquire of J. II. 22p FOIl IlENT. Etoerta Peaches for Canning '. GET THEM AT ; . it Shuey's CashjQrocery ' . ,i . FOR IlENT Three room furnish ed house. Inquire at Metropoli tan. 22c. FOIl IlENT G room modern bun. gnlow on 8th street. I,. D. WIcst. 2022p FOIl SALE Jersey cow. sell, or trade, for gentlo horse. Annlv a W. Bnyder, 3 k miles south of Lald law, Oregon. sotf FOIl RENT Two small furnished houses near school house. 8. II. Hogln, over Deschutes Hank. 20tf FOR RENT Three room house, furnished. Also three room houe unfurnished. Apply Metropolitan. 20tf FOR RENT Suite of threo mod orn housekeeping rooms. J. J, Klein. I8tf FOR RENT Two room cabin, partly furnished. $6 per month. Dend Grocery, Ono block east of depot. 9tf FOR RENT Small house partly furnished. $5 a month; also tent houso adjoining. Near depot. In quire at Ilulletln. 48tf FOR RENT OHlces on Wall street very cheap. Apply Ilulletln Ofllce. FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo cated. Electric lights and water. Suitable for housekeeping. Cheap, Apply Ilulletln Olllce. FOR RENT Two room suites-furnished for light bouse keeping. Hcnkle ft Ryan. 12tf FOR SALE. DRAY and EXPRESS LINE HAVING bought the Nixon Express from J. M. Judd I will continue the management of same as formerly 0 - J. H. YODER fc FOR, BALE Gasoline stove and oven. Inqulro qt Ilulletln. 22c. - -FOR flAl'EV TRADE For Hand property, 80 acres partly Improved In YIIlamette valley. O. V. Sllvls. 22-23c FOR BALE Voung cow, $65. J. II. Shouse. 22p FOn SALBt-Horeo and buggy, $05. George (lutes at post ofllce. 22c FOR SALE 0 head tuberculosis tested milch cows; 3 head 2 year old heifers; 10 bond of heifer and bull calves, 0 to 8 months old. Don't write unions you mean business, VA. A.' Ilerg, Gist, Oregon, ' 22-2S c. FOR SALE Two high grade Jer seys, three year old mare, Red chick ens. Laldlaw post ofclce. 22-23 n A Concrete "" SKYSCRAPER IN BEND In 1914 would bo out of placo. It would bo a few years ahead of the times. Not so how ever with concrote I'LOOHH, BIDEWALKH, hTKPH. CIBTKIINH, ItOOFH, ROADH, Etc., Etc. No material la choapnr or more durablo for these pnrposcB than CONCRETE." ' ' And when you buMd of CONCRETE, use only tho best cement, sand and gravel. It la cheapor In tho end. Wo can supply you with, tho proper aliee of washed sand and ocrcened gravel for your particular purpose Ask for quotations. Bolton, Ruetenik- & May FRANK MAY, MRr. Bend, Ore. Olllce witli Hold. II. Gould, Deschutes " . Hank UnlMlng. 'Concrete I'ltlimitcly, Why Not Now?" SO CALIFORNIAr 'ULL -. . fAltttTOKll PI in fflbyiAW AllfSmiCA"SA E33 r. rr; i;..k IrOLDEn R17 WXTVUUTiy UlllVKHIK mmmmmam mmmmmmmmapGfmi mZcimA T "i II TkBVIUMHfr !CTMraV.tUCrfOUtP' . WRITE TOft lqutnijo?AnGut3