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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1914)
Tin; m:ni iiri.urm, iik.nm, ohk vi:ini:hiay, avouht n, ion. jw3k ri Don't Complain aiiolt Yoni rj:i:r (iVt HoilHI exoUx FootbathTablets They'll iimko Vm fMl khiiI (alio mwiy "in Mitmiiit-f pulii iinrl U'lideiiifftM mill nuiUo 'cm i-otil unit toinfy. Von Kt'l '" nl PATTERSON'S lured lit tho Pilot Hutlo on Monday. I J. (Ilmlor npont Huinlny with his fninlly on lliolr Mllllmui vnlloy homo Htunil. , (I. W. Hornur nml .1. .1. Coon, thu liililhiw niorcluinlH, wuiu In (own on Monday. O. I.niirKiiwrd and 0. IM Hona of tho TiiidhIo f'rujuui wuiu In town o.i Hittttrdny. Mrn. I". T. Pnrkor and hor Infnnt itiiuclitiir riitiirnud from Antorla on Thiirmlny, Htnlo Hnxliumr J. II. town ocr Huiiirdny. at Hut Ilond, l.owl wild in III) Htoppod fl ONI.V COST A gi'AIITKIt OIIIIOON THINK TItAIN Arrlvea ...... i ....... 8 n. m. Leaves . m 8:30 p.m. O.-W. It. AS N. TItAIN. Arrives 7 : 4 6 . in. Leaves 7:85 t. nl. htaoi: mm: Korrii. Arrives 7:30 p. in. - Lonvca . , 10 a. in. auto mw:h. Cam dully to llurim and point Mouth and southeast. I'O.HTOI-TlCi: IIOUHH. OrniTnl drllvery open dally li:15 a. in. to 0 p. in. General delivery open flunday B;1S to 10 n. nl. Night train mnll closes 7 p. in. Day train mall closea 6:30 a. in. ti:i.i:oiiai'ii ltouitN. Western Union dally 7-12.1-C, 710. flunday 81 0. 4-C.'iiom: houiw. Pioneer Co., twimty.four hour service, InoludlnK Sunday. Mm. I'. II. WIiihIow of Seattle, wns In town on TiKMuluy,' nluyliix ul thr. rum lllllUI. Alfrml A. Aya of l.u Pino wna In town mi Riiuduy, ruuUlurod lit tho Pilot lliilto. County CoiiimlMtanr It. It. Ilnr lt.v of I.hIiIIhw, wan In town Monday and TuuNday. Mm. C. It. Cook linn returned from hor vacation hkiiiI at Cwlro'Woutay, Waalilimton. Mm. A. M. I'rlHKlu Iim been oob fin ml to tho lious with un attugk of ilimmmtUin. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS J. Hnow Parmlntcr was In town on Monday. J. V. Oouchor and family bovo left town. Mr. and Mm. John K. Ityao were In town on Monday. Tho Jtrltlco Club meets with Mm. Gould on Friday. J. It. Miner went to Creccnt on bualnera Monday, C C Itandolph of Crescent wet In fawn on Monday ,,W. D. clteney arrived In town from Seattle on Saturday, Mil Haiti Graves la visiting hvr aunt. Mm. O. II. Cook. W. II. Uh has sold .nut hla pr6 fr; business and left towm "" County Commissioner Willi W. Ilrown waa In town yesterday. Mm. II. W. Hkujo .left Supday evening for a trip to Portland. Mr. and Mm. Hugh O'Kano return ed from Portland on Saturday. Mr. and Mm. C. T. fihort of Fort Itock, waa In town on Saturday. J. Fellows of Mctollus waa rtj'- "itTiit -xmamsr jai Wiim S "X Silk Gloves The nrlctiMl nml mm Inr ihti tloul ir bulnlthrCortr ul. AV fnrtlwm t vul OUacLk.i. -Sh Short "k'AVSnr At ak oiowi LoeiKAYSCITfUiVaievei 7BCtOa.OO a auRANttc MiTN ivcnr mm y R. M. Smith Clothing Co. LKAUN THE WAV. Oriianliflm of tho Ordor of Owl hnvo lni'ii worlcliiK In town for too piut two wunka. Tom Mutton, thn Hlmop man, wan In town iivnr Huinlny, Ho wu niK Utorod at tho Iluiiit. Mm. II. IC. Atliin und hur thnm rlillilroii litft for Portland on Sunday to vIhU hur tnothur. F. P. l.lRht, iironrlutor of thol.nko- vluw Hotitl, waa In town on Sunday, ruKUtiiri'ij at tlm linml. J. V. Olmlrk and A. K. Kdwarda went up rlvur on a InintliiK trln Frl uay. rmurnitiK Ktinuiiy. F. F. Smith of Portland, formerly of llcnd, Iihk lioi-n In town till weok, a Ktieit at tho Allainont. A. J. WVIion and II. J. Ollkcy. of tlm Tuiimlo Project, wuro rt'nlnluroa nl thu Allainont on Sunday, C. M. lti'dfluld, elilof imiclnrer of tlm Control OroKou IrrlKuilon Co, Mopped at thu Ilond lout Friday. It. I.Iiiko, of Vuiieouviir, II. C, waa In town ovr Huinlny. Durlnic hla atoy be atoppd at tho Pilot llutte. T. K. 3. Duffy of Prlmtvllln, wna In tnWn ovnr Sunday. Durlnic hl ty tie wnt. n-Kltturfil at lha llcnd. Mm. T. II. Foley and Mm. S. K. Itobcrta mid their ohlldron went ti tho rlvur on a cainpliiK trip Monday. 3. C. Campbell, of tho Johtmon WiiyerbanuMT orulalni; party, hau bvnn In town for the laat few daya. Horn to Mr. and Mm. J. Ilrown of Plcaaaul valley, a aon on July 31, lloth mother and child nrn dolna; well. Mm. J. A. KaatVa left on Saturday to rtalt her daiiKhter aud adnlnaw, Mr. and Mm. Staplctoo, In Portland. -Mr.'J.-l..Kli)-Aa nsthltdr'fhJ. turned Saturday from a vacation ot aevvral wrcka nt on I'ueet Sound T. J. u Kenre, or I'ortland, waa in town laat weok for two daya. Dur ing hla atay he rexUtared at the !. ,... 7 f , . ! Mrji. .Ppwijlflon baa boucht Uio Hboufo residence and will occupy with her mother who la now living. In SUtera. K. M. Hoyuurn of Swarthmore, JM prrlwd Ion Huuduy with hi dauRhter, Mary, to vlult hla non, J. II. Heyburn. C. W. Kmklno. Italph Polndexter anil Fred KmvM went to Summit Prulrl on n huntliiK trop on Friday, rvturnltiK yintiTilny. Mr. and Mm. 0. V Well or Hod moiid woro In town on Saturday. Mr. Well waa formiirly u meiubur of tlie llfdmoud oily council. J 8. Kokvih, Worthy Patron of tho Order of tlie Kimluru Star, and Dep uty Statu Managur or (ho Fraternal Jlrothfrhood la vIrUIuk In Ilond. Koiia Fa mil a m tiaa moved bin ofllco from Wall at rent to thu Kermott building on Ilond atreot. Hiking pac In the room occupied by It. P. Mln tor. Virginia Dutton wum In town on Saturday. During hur atay alio atoppod nt tho Pilot llutte. Sho la on her way to Yollowatouo National Park. Tho rooma on Oregon atroet for merly occupied by J. W. Oouchnr nnl funilly nro IhiIiik chnnged over for tho um of II. II. Do Armond and C. V. Silvia. Mm. C. !.. Tronery, of La Mnr, Iowa, la vlHlllnjf hur alator, Mm. John K. Itynn. Mm. Itynn'a nophnw, Frod Myom of Portland Ih iiIho vlnlllng hor. It. II. MHIor, D. 12. Clark ntid .1. M. Thomaa of tho OroKoii-WiiHhln ton Itallroail and NnvlKatlon Co. worn In town on Mondny. From horo tho wont to PrlnoVlllo. J. II. Woiiandy roturiind on Sunday from Portland w Intro bo had boon to attend to tho ahlpplng of n third auto truck for unit on tho flllvor I.uko linn. Chn. Booloy will ItrlriK tho truok In from Tho On licit, arriving horo on tho 7th. Mr. and Mr it. II. A. Mlllor nrrlvod In town thla morning. Mr. and Mm. O. M. Pattomon wont to Portland on Tuemlay night' train. Mm. 0. M. Onrdnnr of Lakovlnw waa a guoit of tho Wright yoitorday. Tom Sylveator of PrlHBvllla waa riigltorod at the Wright 'over Sun day. W. II. Hlifltnnn of Motollu waa 'n town on Monday, atopplug at the Wright Ilntol. Mra. C. l.oroux of Walla Walla. Waah.. la vlltlng hur dnughtor, Mm. O. M. Pntteraon. MIm Noll Mnrkol waa tnkon alck Monday night with hcxirt trouble. he la bettor today. Mra. Is. F. .MoKec ontorlnlnail n party of frlonda Inst Weuk In honor of Mm. J. II. wonntitiy. Mm. Ida II. Momynr of Ktamntli Fall, hna llonti 'tfl'M fflr a fow' day, atopplug at thu Wright. II. F. iLawjrnnca of Lnldlnw waa In town on Tueaday and during hla atny waa reglatori'd at tho Wright. Curtl Ilcealny, employed at Tho Hend Co.'a Mill, allpped In front or a log yvatordny and brokn n rib. Dr. Ferrell. Mr. nnd Mm. llrnnt ol Portland, and Mia Arrlo lllnck ro turned laat nlgbt from a trip to Cra ter Lake. Another telegraph operator arriv ed at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mm. C. A. Vonderhult Friday, July 3 1st weighing alx pounds. An Impromptu dance waa given In the Artisan Hall lait night, about 15 couple attending. Mm. McLaren rurnlhcd the muc. Tho mnmbem and friends or tho llnptlftt Mlvftlon Circle will bo enter tained nt tho homo of Mm. 13. A. Smith on Thumday. Interior repufr arc being made at the Ilaptlit church thla week In cluding papering thn wall and atnlu Ing tho wood work. A car of trout fry in charge of Tom Craig arrived In town Monday nlgbt. .The try "were dlitrlbutcd at Redmond, Prlnevllle and Laldlaw, The Ladlea Alii of the Flmt Kan chem church will glvo an" Ice cream aoclal nl the Grange Hall Saturday evening Auguat 8th. Kverybody In Invited. Mm. Adele Varker of Illngbamp- ton, N. r g teacher of tnuiic and olco culljire, recently arrived In town o live wltb her daughter. Mm. MeLarep . W. iin. . i. nivnH pu ucr vuii, iua 8tefra of Portland, are vlaltlng Mm. Hancr. Mr. fileffa waa former realdcnt of Uend and interested In Tho Huiictln. ' Tho Ilebeccah lodgo gavo a aur prlne yarty In honor of Mm. Grace Clark, at their rooma laat evening. The gueat of tho evening waa pre vented with a linen set. Mm. C. It. Cook nnd Mlsa Loulio Halvomen gavo a party In honor of Mm. Cook coualn Mla Hate! Oravca. About aevon peoplu attend ed and all enjoyed a pleasant even ing. Walter OlfTord'of the Portland Or egonlan, K. A. J. MoKonxle. llonald S. McKenzIo, and A. A. Frentxel, all of Portland, camu to town by tho Mc Kenxlo route Monday night on a mo tor trip ovur Central Oregon. Friend of Itov. E. C. Nowham bnvo received announcement of hi mar riage to Mlia Alice A. Towell on July 15th at Nottingham. Fniland. They will all for tho United State on Auguat 11. Mr. Nowham wn pastor of tho local Methodist church for a year and a hair. ALL EMJPEff WAR Ocriuaiiy ami Aunttln Arc Arrayed AKluit Itiiftiiln,1 France, Hnghim! Tho Kuropcan war that linn boon lookud for ao many tlm on In tho pnit fow year la now actually horo and tho wholn world aland watching. A yot no baltio have been fought but ono I oxpectod Boon between tho Germnn and French forcwi whloh may aottlo tho whole conflict. Tho preiont alluatlon haa grown from tho nNMiiwInnllon of tho holr to tho Auatrlan throno in Sorvla aomo wooka ago. Tho AtiHtrlnn govorn iii out niado demnnda on Sorvla fol lowing tho murder of tho arch duke and on their rofimnl declared war. ItiiMln inobollzod hor army In tho aid of Sorvla, mid Oonnnny, conldorlng thla nn act agalnnt hnr, declnreil war on ItUHRla. Sho baa alnro declared war on Franco and Ilolglum. KnglUh Bontlinent and treaty obllgnllonR am drawing that country Into the war la aupport of Franco and UelglutA. Th United -Statoa baa deelrol It neutrality. Damp Room Tt, To nucertHln whether a room 1 damp or. not phit-v n weighed quantity of frcMb lime In an open vchwoI In the room and leave It there for twutity four bourn, carefully closing the win dow and d'Mir. At the end of the twenty-four houm rewelgh thu lime, and If tin lucreiiM exceed 1 per cent of the original weight It I not afe to 1lvu In thu room. Bllver Fox For. The black allver fox fur I mont vol unble when there I no allrcr In it when It i a pure rich black through out. A dreitned klu of I bin aort aver age 'M by 10 iuebc nnd will easily bring $.1,500. A good silvery skin, clear nnd pure In color, with blulsu underwool, Is worth about f'.'.OOO. , in ... r T;' Chtp Carpet Cttsntr. "What can I ue to clean corpetat" nuked n rorreix)ident who signed her self, rather bahfully, "Young Hrtde." "Have you tried your young bus UindT" replied the unswera editor, who lost hi tolllon Just a few houm after tbu reply appeared. Cleveland Plain Dealer. ',? Stefl Ottting It Right. "He'a broke, nnd th girl he waa en gaged to ba dropped blm." "Sbe dropped and broke bleu, eh 7" "No, She broke aDd dropped him." Houston Post: Just Hint Mr. Btsylate-lK that clock. rigttT MIm De Pink (wearily)-I, think It must .need cleaning. If been two or three hours going that lost hour New York Journal. Fortitude la a great help In distress. riautus. H K"w; Mrs.-Ob. Jack! Dolly told me the mot excltng secret and made me awear never to tell a Ilrlrur aobi; Mr. -Well, hurry up with It. I'm late to the office now. Cleveland Leader. Axiom In Economics. Aa a rule, the money u man doesn't save by remaining a bachelor would 1 more than enough to support a wlf and ten children. Chicago News. Life without Industry ! guIlL-Johi finikin. New Silks For the Fall Season Have Just Arrived Trimming Silks Suitable for Girdles and Vcstings, which are now the Vogue. Wide Ribbons for Girdles. Warren's GIRDLE FOUNDATIONS. THE NEWEST FIRST AT MANNHEIMER'C TIIK DKPKNDO.V STOltE. JL September Ladles' Home Journal Patterns Now Ready. vestment of hla friend's money la not known but it la auggeated that he might buy Urass llutte and try again. Bend Dutter la Tiest on Dread. conx snow riutttiuMs. The O.'-W. U. Sl N. Co.. baa issued a premium list for the Corn Show to be held at Wajta Walla, Washing ton, on November 2C,"2'S, 27 anil 28. Competition U open to everyone In territory tributary to the railroad's lines in Oregon, Washington and Ida ho. It is expected that the com pany's campaign for the production of corn in the three atatea will result In a good exhibit at the show. CZIEAMKRV NOTICE. T Dutter will be on sale atith'e cream-. ery between the hours or Bajail 10 in the morning only, Bargains In granltewarc Hardware Company.1 Adv. BkuM Bend Butter Is Beat on, Bread. EVIDENCE FROM OTHER SECTIONS (Contlnutd from page one.) Taxation Tables Given. Further studies of the matter of taxation havo been made during tho past week, the chief effort having been exerted toward collecting facta In regard to taxes In Crook county In the past. With these figures be- Bend Butter la Beat on Bread. i j-j j. Don't Worry About Hot Weather When You Can SA VE 20 ON REFRIGERATORS at Thompson's Furniture Store. Buy Now. E. M. Thompson New Location opposite McCuislon. Grocery. , i (L ?Biul, Oregon , , ADDITION TO KMIILK.M CLUB. Tho delivery of lumber began yes terday for an addition to tho Kmblom Club house, the construction of which will begin at once. Tho addition will stand in tlie roar of tho prcsunt building nnd will be of ono story, 60X&6V feet In alio. Tho outside will bo covered with slabs harmonis ing with tho original building. Bargains In granltownre. Hardware Company. Adv. 8kuse NOTICE TO IIKMOCIUTK. Wo request that ono democrat from each precinct In the county meet witn us at the omce or .M. H. Biggs, at Prlnevlllo, Oregon, on Saturday, August lMh. 1914, at four o'cloc't p. m., for the purpose of electing a County Democratic Central Com mittee All democrats of the coun ty ara requested to como or send n tho name of ono In their precinct to act ns central committee man from that precinct. Dated August 1st. 1914. (Signed) M. It. BIGGS. It. W. ZEVELY. Appointed Committeemen for Croo County. 22-23 Adv. Buy Bend Butter. BltASS IS GOINU UP. According to Hugh O'Kano of tho Bend Hotel, his friend John McCon vll of Butte. Montana has juat sold a largo "brasa mine" In thnt town for SG5.000 which he Intends to lnvo3t In. a piece of land on Broken Top. Just what section of the mountain Mr. O'Kano has selected for the In- Year 1903. 1904. 190G. 190G. 1907. 1908. Valuation .$ 2,399.020 . 2.C88.783 . 2.926,205 , 5,892,317 . 6.271.S93 l,UiV,Zl 1909 7,910.421 1910 9,199,008 1911 9,345,320 1912 . 9,979,152 1913 11,593,587 1907 State General 8.00 School 3.00 High School 1.25 Hood 2.00 Library 06 Cruising Tnx 59.302.CS C3.204.41 71.121.86 104.568.35 108,135.46 130.137.30 158,669.95 192,220.66 252,648.21 328.418.37 411,143.20 1908 1909" fore hliri It will be possible, for tho voter' to make comparative atadle.? that are very illuminating. 'TfcBftl letln la Indebted to Goukty'Apieawr Foster for these table.,. , The first owe compares valuations and amounts paid In toxeti for a ser ies of years and tho second shows tno mlllage levied for all purposes' slnto 1907. in respect to tbj4e!n'nd taiblo It will be noted that the tt lvy haa been Included In the fe'eiieral levy except for the years ttll and. 1913. n Increase 116.980.00 3,901.00 7,817.00 33.447.00 3.567.00 22,000.00 28,133.00 33,550.00 60,428.00 76,770.00 82,725.00 1910 9.20 3.00 1.25 2.00 ,05 900 3.00 1.25 2.20 .05 7.50 3.25 1.25 3.95 .05 1911 4.50 7.95 Percent 36.S8 c.cs ,it.'ao J7;0B 3.25 2033 20.20 21.15 31.44 30.00 26.20 1912 17.46 3.50 V3.60 1.50 1.00 .05 1.50 .00 1.00 .05 Lory 22.26 32,70 21.00 lJT.OO 14.30 15.60 15.50 16.00 20.00 24.00 26.00 1913 6.00 14.50 3.50 2.00 14.30 15.50 15.50 16.00 20.00 24.00 26.00 The Largest Insurance Agency in Central Ore. "It's the way we wrkc our policies." Our policies pay 100 cents on tire Jollor. We have over 400 satisffol policy holders. Tbe largest insurers in Crook County are our Iea4is customers., Bend Insurance Agency First National Bank Building Bend, Ore. 1'OMCIES THAT l'KOTKOT. Mayfield Woolen Mills -sar- GUARANTEED PANTS We will give a new pair if they FADE or SHRINK from washing. Now Priced from $1.75 to $5.00 SPECIAL BLUE SERGE AT $5.00 e. a. sather; K. 4 1 i y i m 4 I JJ..t