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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1914)
l'AOK S. TIIK HEM) 11ULLKTIN, 11KN1), OMK., WKDNK81UV, JUNK SI, 1BI4. W ' - ?-- A CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. IIKI.D. 7 .... ---- .. (Special to Tho Ilullotln) HELD. Juno 15.E. Npjson mndo n trip to Hand Inst week. Stovoji'avick returned from Uond, whoro ho rent to moot his wlfo and eon, whom ho expected from Now York. T. Uoorsto roturjneu from Uond Saturday, drinking with him a nutn hor of nrUes which woro donated by tho Hend pooplo and which are. to do Riven to tho winners or uto Ulncreni contests to bo held hero on tho Fourth of July. M. llallmoyer arrived horo from Bend on Saturday with n lond of groceries for tho Hlvers' store. F. Mlkula recently went to Tort land from hero, whoro ho will work for tho summer. Wo havo had soveral frosts late ly but they did not hurt anything to any great extent A largo crowd assembl t th Warm Spring Sundai. Ttacv tcn tho afternoon tn playing baso ball and as tho majority had never Been the branding of calves It was Immen sely enjoyed by all. Tho different clubs havo thctr plans for tho Fourth of July well along. A now pavilion will bo put up for dancing. There Is also to be a cafeteria dinner served and dlScf-, cnt kinds of booths put up. J, Kennedy and daughter ilabel, started for ilcnd today. V MIIiLICAN. , (Special to Tho Bulletin) M1LL1CAN, Juno 13. J. F. Davis arrived home Wednesday from Prlne vllle, whero ho has been tho past few months. - v Louis Schmccr is homo for a visit with his family. The annuar school meeting will be held Monday afternoon. Mr. Samuel Roebuck, who has been visiting her husband hero the past month, returned to her homo at Oregon Cfty the past week. C, L. Hartwlg and Alex Qllmoro drove to Bond Friday, returning Sat urday. Mr. And Mrs. A. D. Norton went to Bend Saturday with their little daughter, Maiol. who is quite ser iously ill. They Intend to remain un til she has entirely recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Schmorl visited with Mrs. Koppor Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Rooney was a visitor at tho'Rcams home a day last week. Miss Vernlo Oarako leaves for PrlnoVlllo Tuesday, where she will take thoteachern' examinations. William Reams brought out a large supply pf groceries for his storo horo .Th'urad wre i rIdSliatand drove to Bend on Monday; f 'v. V. Ij. Owenlrnpved hts family to Bend Saturday. LAIDLAW. (Special to Tho Bulletin) LAIDLAW, Juno 21. John H. .Lewis. State Engineer, visited Lald law .Wednesday, on ofllclal business. He made a tour of tho T. I. P. camps during the day and went to Redmond In the oVenlng. Mark Painter and family will leave this week for The Dalles, Oregon, In tending" to make that place, their hbme. " Harry Pol mi bo of Camp S, visited his family Saturday night and Sunday. J. Hughes and family recently moved (o, Arkansas, going ly team. Mr. and Mrs. Stiles and son have ro.turn.ed to Laldlaw, after living pear Portlan'dtfoi; two years. Miss 'Mfy' Dietrich of Tuninlo, is making her homo in Laldlaw for awhile, . pi Those who v'slted the Rose Fes tlvulfat 'Portland .were Project En KlnecwO. Laurgaard and family-., Mr; andMrs, Will Shallor. Mr. and Mr. Al, Hanson; Mrr Arch Nlchol, Mrs. . Ada Jjun"dltprg,.nnd Mrs. 0. K. Ross. AirlreborU jx jrnind timo and ha'i'o great stories to tell of tho beauties and charms of tho Rose City. K. w. Towne made a trip to Port- flat Clrandvlow wcro tho guests of Dart Nichols Sunday, Phil Smith was transacting busi ness In Laldlaw Monday. Louts Helms of Plnlnvlow Is as sisting Fred PlnkstnfC on his ranch, John Bagwell, who has been in tho hospital at Redmond, returned Monday vory much bettor In hoalth and took up his work again at Camp No. S. y 1'I.NKIIUIIHT. (Special to Tho Bullotln) PINBHUHST, Juno S2. L, It. Root mado a business trip to Band Thursday. Mrs. A. H. Heed and Vernon Reed wont to Laldlaw Wednesday. Kthol and Ivy Snyder spent Wed nesday afternoon with Ruth Bayley. 0. W. Snydor and Georgo Reed mado a business trip to Laldlaw on Wednesday, Mrs. F V. Swisher mado a business trip to Bond Thursday. Mrs. 0. W. Snyder wont to Lald law one dny last week, Reginald Bayley went to Laldlaw Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Yager of Camp No. 6 spent Saturday night with Mrs. McCalllstcr; Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Reed mado a business trip to Bend Saturday. Ruth Bayley spent Monday and Monday night with Fay Crawford at Plalnviow. Tho Plnehurst Sunday school spent Sunday at tho now hcadgato. n big T& Lafollette Nursery Co. Prineville, Oregon CENTRAL OREGON'S NURSERY I WILL FURNISH FRUIT TREES for planting for a half interest in the crop. Write Hnrtwig. Millicnn, Ore. plcnlo dinner and tea crenm woro enjoyed by everybody, Mr. nud Mrs. Coon, Mrs, Cady nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Walker of Lnldlnw passod through horo Sunday on mi nuio riuo. cu)vi:ni)Ai.K. (Spoclnl to Tho Bullotlii.) CLOVERDALK. Juno S3. II. Hod son and family nnd Q. J, Doppt nnd family spent Thursday evening nt Grubo's. Mrs. Null from Montana Is visit ing hor daughter, Mrs, Clydo John son. Mother nnd daughter had not mot for n I no years, F. Welso took a load of wool to Redmond Monday, Thoro were men looking for laud through Clovordnlo Thursday. ' Mr. Moo moved his family on tho Tumnlo to Camp No, 8, whoro ho will work lor somo timo. Mr. Dopps, Sr., has been visiting a low dnys with friends near Uend (). Burnsldo and wlfo woro guesta at Clydo Johnson s Sunday, Tho seven year old son of Clydo Johnson, while playing jump Friday, had tho mlsfortuuo to break his leg. Dr. C. 11. Downey ot Sisters la at tending hint, C. Carson and wlfo and Corwln nnd Florcnco Wnldron saw n big cougar while camping Inst week. Tho Children's Day exorcises at tho school house Sunday attornoon woro well nttonded nnd exceptionally fine. Tho part given by Voru Lowo from Topcka, Kansas, deserving es pecial mention. E, E. Hccse mado a business trip to Redmond Saturday. Mr. Skclton and wlfo rcturnod on Saturday from a two wook'B trip across the mountains. They report a vory rnlny timo. Mrs. N. Kruchok has not bcon well thop ast week. E. Slmor Is building n flno vornnda THE WHITE IS KING A Torpid IJvcr Is a flns fliM (or tho Malarial Otrm and It thrives wonderfully. Tht cer tain result in such casts Is a. spelt or Chills. HERBINE la a I'OTTtrfnt Clittl Toulo una I ZJvcr Itesulator. It cuts tho liver in healthy. Vigorous condition and cures tho chills by destroying the) disease serms which Infest the system, llerblno is a fine ant!- Berlodlc medicine, more affto re than the syrupy mixtures that alexen the etomacn: D0- cauia It not onlr kills the die- em e germs, but acts effectively In tho liver, stomach and bow els, thus putting tna system in condition to successfully resist th usual third or seventh day return of tho chllL Herblna la a cleansing and Invigorating moaicmo lor too wnuio oouj. rric 50o per Bottle. 8amttP.DsllirtJ.Prop 8t.Louli.Ma. I Stephens Cye Oslve Is ointment for Sore healing Eyes. 3XOAM0RlCOMWtNDtOf3vl Patterson Drug Co. land I aidlaw to the Rose City, to be employed Tuesday, and Saturday hoi -. ,.. . 7 . .: . . r . i jcii uaiQiaw io mane nia nome ai as clerk In.tbo City Engineers omee. , Anifmber of LatdlawS.young- people attended (he danco in Bend Thurs day evening. M(m Ada Dullard Jias been quite sick wjth tho measles but is report ed much better. Miss Sapp is employed at Thorp's Place t prosqnL,, T-. U t-' y SONNYKIDK. K . iP SIJJW LSpeolal to The Bullotln) - lYSlDi:. June 20. The W. C. T. If. of Plalnvlew met Friday at (he hom,e of Mrs. F. v. Leverens Mrs. Ixu Pultlam conducted the devotion al lyxerclHf.'S, aftor which business matt wer,e discussed. Those pres ent were Mesdames Towne. Sayler, Donava'i. Armstrnngi Scoggln, Loulaa rhalfan, Lou PulUam. Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss Van Tassel and Miss Nellie finvder. Tho next meeting will be bold July 3rd at tho home of Mrs. Douavan. Wator was shut off In the Couch lateral a few days last week in or der to finish tho concrete work in the bqttom of the ditch in the by-pass above Frank Swisher's ranch. J, Thomas of Camp No. 7 shifted vamps the first of the week and Is now engaged in hauling: wood for use on the, project from Laldlaw. Amo.Ll(ly and daughters, of Gosh en! .Oregon, arrived Thursday and pre siting his father-in-law, J. L. Couch and other relatives. Mrs. Frank Marlon and daughtor, Mrs, Jim Patton went to Laldlaw RntnrrifiV nti liitftlnpfui. Nichols Bros, purchased four lino J j nogs irpin j, nuriz oaiurpay. AjUiaiKjjrldge is being construct od sJrpBa the nnnal at Camp No. 7. HaTfilbn Wilson and T. Novell ot Tho BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that' can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes boih LOCK and CHAIN Btitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on cosy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful II. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machine Co. 519 Merchants National Bank Bldfr San Francisco, California POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Director? of each Cltr, Town and Vlllar. firing- diMrlpdro sketch ot each place, location, population, ttle- grapb. (hipping and banking1 point! alto Claulfled DIrectorjr, compiled by irutine ibu prvivwivn. a L'll. I. 1-OLn A CO., BUTTLE Tnoc ManKs DesioNa CopvniaHTa Ac Anrone nillng a tktlrh and dewrlptkm niaf qnleklf atraruni our ohhH.ii free litlr an liirntun it rrhiiblr MtanliiM. CoruntutiUii. iioni.iiicil7iiadia(J. HANDBOOK oil l'iiu til frr. OMHt nrr fvf curing Pinu. rinn ikn ibroadi lunn a Co. reclre tftilol nctUt, wllhoul eatnie, la the Scientific JUiiericaiL A fiandiomilr Hlnf ml M eMf. Attttt Hr uieUUHi ui mnj sntiiuuti journal. J ci wmurt four ruiilif( L tkA4 tfcil nwmjirtv MUNfj&Co"B'"i"''NewYgrk Uraacb Gate. CS W BU VTubUwiaa, U.C. The Dairy. Commissioner rules that Butter Wrappers MUST BE MARKED .Dairy 'Butter full weight given in ounces and the name and address of ' the. maker. Do yours comply with the low? If not, have some printed 1 '"" that do. TJiE BND BULLETIN on tho homo ot Clyilo Johnsou nml a fow cans ot pnlnt nro also Improv Inpr thu lookH ot nn nlrondy thrifty lookliiK homo, Tho UlvoOa wcro doing hUBliicss In Hodmoml Saturdny. (I. Oyrtis nnd futility woro cnllors nt Wolsus Sundiiy. ' At tho tiiootltiir of tho Clovordnlo Council qiub Friday iiIrIU, It was dn oldod to iostiono tholr uiooUiirm dur liiK tho mouth of July, K. Wnldron, who hits boon vlsltluii his pnronts, K. Ii. Wnldron nml wlfo, rot u mod to hts homo In Wnlln Wnlln Biuulny, Tho thrco famtllon ot Doiis who cnniu horo In tho early spring aro to roturn this wook to tholr former homo In Ynklmn, Wnshlnftton. O. J, Dopps Imp mndo nrrnnRn tnontn with CI. Cyrus to do hts hnr-vvsttiiK. Mrs. Unrvoy Cyrun spent n fow dnys with hor paronts, Tho young pooplo of tho Cruho family nud 0. J. Dupps nnd tnmlly woro ontortnlnod nt tho homo ot II. Ilodson Krldny ovnnlng. Mr. ,l,owo'n family Imvo ns tholr smnmor guonln his hrothor'n wlfo, nc compnnlod by hor son nnd duiiKlitor, from Topokn, Knnsns, I'OWIIMi Ill'TTK. (Bpoolnl to Tho llullotln.) POWHIili IIUTTIC, Juno JJ8. Hov- arnl ot tho fnrmors out our way Imvo boon dipping tholr hogs recently, 10. L, I vermin had his homo pnpor- od last wook, n paper hunger from Prlnovlllo doing tim Job. At tho rocent school election North Uutto olectod Henry Twoet im dlroo- tor nnd Goorgo Morgnn clork. It In reported that some of our ranchers have nlreody contracted this years' crop of liny to sheep men. Ii N. llnll stocked hay Inst week. This In tho first stacking of thu 1011 orop nnd In considered In advance of last years' crop. John Forrest, young brother of Karl Forrest, emtio In from Molting hnm, Washington, tho foro part or thu week nnd will mako nn extended visit with his brother and family. Mrs. a. PaiiIr ontortnlnod tho Pow. oil Uutto Rorosls nt hnr homo Wvd nosdny afternoon. Doable members Mrs. Pauls luid nn hor guonts Men. tlnmes UlliHoin lllduon mid Kills. Adit Morso entertained tho olub with u rovlnw of tho llfo work of ouo of Holland's famoiiH artists whlnh was much enjoyed by nil present. Thu hostosit nerved rofreshmoiitn lieforo. udjdiirumoiit, liolng nitslstud by hor( dnughtorn nml Mrs. W. (I. Mutdnrd, Thu next miiolliiK will ho with Miss Maliel Alton July Nth, Mrs. 12. N, Hall returned Friday evening from n two wuoks' visit in (Contluuotr on pago 0.) !iJ' M What's the Use of frolKhtlnrtKrocurlcn from Uond frco of clinwo7 Lot JOHNSON pay tho freight. Homombor tho plnco, nonr l!8 inllo post, Hontl to Hums road, MII.UCA.V, OUKdO.V, J Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary DIHCIC IS AU80LUTELY FIIIK PKOOF IN ANY ORDINARY CON. FLAOIUTION. IUUCIC HUHiDINaS NUVClt DUIIN, ALTHOUGH TH13Y AIH3 ROMK ;TIME8 INJURKD 1JY FALUNO TIMIIKHS Oil COMllUBTIHLi: INTBRIOIt WOODWORK, A HRICIC DUILDNO 18 AH80LUTKIA FIRi: PROOF IF WIIIK 0MB8 18 U8ED IN TUB WINDOW8 AND IF 11URNED CLAY FLOORS ARM U8KD. AN INTERIOR FIRB IN 8UCH A lUJILDINO 18 CONFINED TO THE ROOM IN WHICH IT ORIGINATES; NO OUTSIDE FIRE CAN ATTACK IT THE PROPORTION OF IIURNED CLAY IN tlUILDINO CONSTRUC TION MEASURES ITS FIRE PROOF QUALITIES. IIURNED CLAY IS THE ONLY IIUILDINO MATERIAL THAT HAS IlEEN THROUGH THE FIRE BEFORE YOU GET IT, IN SUCH A MAN NER THAT IT WILL RE8I8T FIRE. ALL COMIIU8TIULE MATERIAL IS IIURNED OUT OF THE IIRICK IlEFORIt YOU GET IT. WHEN YOU BUILD USE IJRICK. . '. ' ' ' The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BEND PARK COMPANY REAL ESTATE We Control and Have For Sale, at the Bet Prices and Terms, the Largest Amount of Business and Residence Property in Bend. Call or Write for Free Maps and Descriptive Matter INSURANCE Insurance Written in All Its Branches in World -Known Companies V. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US. OUR OUTSIDE Offices and Agents "J ', Better Enable Us to find You Purchasers and Tenants. BEND PARK COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. ii I I li 1 '4 i