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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1914)
TIIK I1RNH 11ULLCT1N, IIKNI), 0I1B., WKONKHDAV, JUNK t,Jfttt. TA(tF. S. h ) MOVIE MAN WILL BE HERE Representative of Pathe Company, Who Filmed Harney County Last Year Will Cover Oregon Trunk Pictures Show Him at Work with Camera &VlKWr?WKT!S7iv 0Vfc ldKvla BwS -JiSihJzs tka.rnL.bjaBwpiHBav.wPAJij -? jrn - ;hmf v xf-swr. Descend Whit Call Moanttla ui Tti-1v-iWlsdk Mw-OTrj I'ATIIK Itni'ItlWKNTATIVi: AT WOHK IX ORHGON, WASHINGTON AMI .MONTANA. Control Oregon nnd tho Wlllain tltu vnlloy will to not In inutlon 011 plcturo scrovna aver tho country ns tho result of tho Interest In motion pictures taken l.y l.aul W. Hill, of tho Great Northern railway. Ralph Knrlo, reprt-sontlnK tint Pathn Com IHiny, w (nko n do r I on of picture nloin: tho Oregon Trunk, coiiiIiir to FREMONT'SPROBRAM GOOO KntcrprfnliiK Koutlirrn Comiuunlly Itutrrtnlim I loyally on Fourth. Alvln 8. Hawk, who wm hr on Monday, kIvc tho following prayirnn of Fremont's Fourth of July Cele bration, to which pooplo from nil parts of Central Oronon nro Invltod. Invocation, Rending, Declaration of Indopondcnco, tnuilc, selection, ohorua of 100 voices, address, Prof. Storey, nnvll chorus, Fremont ItrnsH Band nnd chorus of 100 voices, ad dress Mr. Mattock, selection Fremont llnnd, voting contest for selection of most popular lady. Daso linll, La Pino vs. Fort Hook, Junior haao hall, CouKnr Vnlloy vs. Fremont, tug-of-wnr, Kllvor Lake vs, Fort Hock, sack race, free for nil men, orr rnco, frro for nil ladles, three legged rnco, freo for nil men. 100 ynrd danh, free for nil men. Vt yard dnsh. freo for nil men. Duck InK contest, freo for nil, saddle race, free for nil, pony race, freo for nil, Indies, haao hnll, winners morning Kama vs. Fremont. Ilnwnry danco 8 to 10; regular danco from 10 o'clock. CALL FOR 1111)8. Soalod hlds will bo recelvod nt I.n Pino for Bchool District No. 43, for tho building of n. bnsomont nnd fur nlshlng matorlal for aamo. Tho base, ment to bo built of stono or comont lllds must bo In beforo 13 o'clock noon July 0, 1014. Tho school board reserves tho right to reject any nnd The BRICK GARAGE ON 110NI) HTltlHCT WILL 1IH OOMPLKTKO IN A COUPLK OF WKKKH This will bo tho largest nnd best KUMKQ bulldliiK I" Central Oregon. Arrnnco Now For - BTOItAOK AT .MODKItATK 11ATK8 ICxpert Hcpnlr Work nt Flr Prlcen RESULTS GUARANTEED Wo Dlstrlhuto Chalmers fii Ha.on Cars nnd Heldeij Trucks GAHOLINK- fjUNDlUKS 1Tb Bond Garage Company It. E. Hardy E, II, j T ' , 11 VgT7 fW 1 " 11 ii" T 1. it rfj-4. M 1 Bond probably curly In July, I Lust year Mr. Knrlo visited llar 1 ney county (or iiKrlculturnl picture , nml thoy wore displayed nil over tho United State under tho caption "Oi pnrtunllles nml a Million Acre." In Mny tho picture conununciil tho tour of Kuroponu plcturo tliontres nml I'nrU motion picture pnpurs rocantly nil Mils. Pinna and Bpocirtuntlona may ho sn nt I.u Pino. C V. Cnrmi chaol. 13-lCo OfAItKHT ItHPOItT. NOIITII PORTLAND, Juno 19. Itoeolpts for tho week have been: rattle lbll, calves 71. hogs. 2433. sheep 8004. Cattla tir'ces ntendy to firm all week. Hecelpts of fair vol. utile, especially first half of period. Good grass steers sold 7.25 to $7. CO, light hay stuff 57.76. Ilutcher slow, duo to Inferior stuff offering. Tho 1 hog market maintained Its strength throughout tho week, with buying demand keen nnd outlet strong. Bx tromo top at week's close $9.10. with bulk going nround 8 cents and $8.05. Sheep houso a very snappy depart ment, with a steady call for smooth . fat mutton nnd lambo. Fancy year 'lings nt $4.76 rnd $6 featured. Ewes 1 ranged from $4. to $4.2G. Lamb buying was on a $0 basin and tho trade could havo used more than was offering. Get lllil of tho Torment of lllietitnn tlsm. Itomomhor how spry and ncth'o you wore before you had .rheumatism, backncho, swollen, aching Joints ind stiff, painful muscles! Want to fool that wny again T You can tnko Fo loy Kldnoy Pills, For they quickly clear tho blood of tho poisons that cnuso your pain, misery and torment ing rhoumntlsm. Adv. Patterson Drug Co. NOTICU OF FINAL 8KTTLKMKNT. Notice Is hereby given by tho un dersigned that ho has mado nnd fllod with tho clerk of tho County Court llrunka T. W. Hnrdr Miking Movies of Agricultural Sccoet la American Northwest frnn pictures of Harney county scenos I In n descrlptlvo atory of tho Oregon HK'iciiuurai mm. Mr. Knrlo will vlilt tho town nlonR tho Oregon Trunk Hallway, film tho Irrigation projects nml secure general pictures to show tho opportunities for nowooniors In this port of tho atnto. of Crook County, Oregon, his Final Account ns Administrator of tho Ks tnto of Oeorgo Auno, deceased nnd that said Court has set Monday, tho 3d day of August. 1014, nt 10 o'clock s. in. nt the County Court room in Prlnevllle. Oregon, ns the time and place for tho hearing and settlement of said Final Account, at which ttmo nnd placo any person interested may appear nnd object to said settlement. Anton Andreas Auno, ns Adminis trator of tho estato of Oeorgo Auno, deceased. C. S, Denson, Attorney for tho Ad ministrator. Dated this 24th day of June. 1914. 1C-19C Roofing of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY T1NN1NQ AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting? Cornices and Skylights. PHOTOGRAPHS All kinds of photography, resi dences, business housos, picnic parties, family groups and homo portraiture. Work to plcaso and prices to suit. Drop mo a card and I will call Havo your plcturo takon ut your homo. A. NOUUM, Commercial Photographer Itesldeuce, Kenwood-llcnd, Ore. FOR SUMMER Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN tho Shoo Repair Man. Bond Btreet, Bend, Ore' HIMNH FOIt HALE. "For ItentV" "For Hnle," "Ilooms io Let", "Housekeeping Kooms," "No Admittance," "No HmoklnK," etc., etc., Placnrds printed In largo type on heavy brintoi board, IS ten I rncli, lews In itinjitiUo. Ilulletln Ofllco. 12tf FOR KENT Two room suites fur nished for light houso keeping. Honklo & llynn. 12tf Adv. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior United Htntes Land Ofllco, Tho Dalles, Ore gon, May 26, 1014, To Aimliel L. Parker, of Pendleton, Oregon, Contcstce: You nro hereby notified that Jul ius rf). Handbnrg, who gives llend, Oregon, c-o box 147, as hlu post ofllco nddrnss, did on April 17, 1914, file in this ofllco his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead, en try No. , Borlal No. 08918, mado May lf, 1011, for KA Section 29, Township 20. 8., Itango 17 E. W. Merldlnn, and ns grounds for his contest ho nlloges that said Asa hot L. Parker has failed to establish his residence on said tract; that ho has failed to cultivate said tract or my part thereof; that ho has aban doned said tract for upwards of six months last past and that such foli um nnd abandonment wns not duo to his employment in tho army, navy or marine corps of tho U. 8. in tlmo of war or otherwise. Yni are, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will bo tr.kun by this ofllco ns having been confessed by you, and your said en try will bS'Cnncelod thereunder with out your further right to bo heard therein, ol'.her before this ofllco or on appeal, If you fall to file in this of llco within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and 'c spondlng to tueio allegations of con test, or 1 you fall within thr.t time to fllu In this ofllco due proof that you have Served a copy of your an swer on tho cnid contestant either In person or by registered mall. If this service la mado by the delivery of a copy of your answer to tho contes tant In person, prcof of such service must bo olther tho Mid contestant's written ncknowledgcmsnt of his re ceipt of tho' copy; showing the date of its receipt, or tho affidavit of the person by whom tho dolivery was m dc stating when- and whero the ropy was dollverod; it made by reg istered mall, proof of such servioo must consist of tho affidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating when nnd the post office to which It waa mailed, and this affi davit must Imj accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for tho icttor. You should statu In your answer the namo of tho poet ofllco to which you ileslro future notices to bo scut to you.. . II. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. Da to of first publication Juno 10, 114. Date of second publication Juno 17, 1914. Data of third publication Juno 24, 1914. " Dato of fourth publication July 1, 1914. THE UNITED mmmmammmammmmamBmmmmmmmmimmmmm WAREHOUSE SAflSMHHMMSSJHHHHHaHaBSJHnHBanMMiH COMPANY Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants vW WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES ERESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD: . T& United Warehouse JCo. ., - .T 1 . JSP A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'PONNELL BROTHERS ' UNION MARKET NOTICE FOR J'UIILU'ATION. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Ofllco at The Dalles, Oregon, May 5th, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Mildred Illladeau, assignee of Tokll Hwanson, decontod, of Dcnd, Oregon, who on Juno Cth, 1911, mado Desert Land Entry No, 00080, for lots 1-2 nnd E NWV, flection 30, Township 18 Boutli, Kongo 13 East, Wlllnmetto Meridian, has filed notlco of Intontion to ninko final desert land proof, to establish claim to the land nbova de scribed, before II. C. Ellis, V. B. Colnmlsslonor, at Ilond, Oregon, on tho 9th daof July, 1914. 1 Claimant names as witnesses: Ja cob F. Thomas,. Henry Starrst Ralph A. Dunn. Earl J. Dunn, all of llend. Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register OREGON TRUNK TRAIN Arrives 8 a. m. - Leaves 8:30 p.m. O-W. It. & "K. TRAIN. Arrives ....7:46 p. m. - Leaves ...7:26 a. ru. 8TAGK LINK HOUTII. Arrives 7:30 p. m. - Leaves 10 a. m. - AUTO LINEH. Cars daily to Iiurns and points south nnd southeast. POSTOFFICE HOURS. General dolivery open dally 9:30 a, m. to 0 p. m. - Goncral delivery open Sunday 9:30 to 10 a, m. - - Night train mall closes 7 p. m. - Day train mall closes 0:30 a. m. TELEGRAPH HOl'RH. - Western Union dally 7-12,1-0, 7-10. Sunday 8-10, 4-6. - TELEPHONE HOURS. Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour service, Including Sunday. --'-- Fraternal Societies J, O. O. F. Henri Lodge No. 218. Regular meeting every Mon day night at 8 o'clpek In Salt er's Hall. VIsltlifK brother cordially welcome. MA. PALMER, N. 1. GEO. P. G'vE, rt"croiar'. THE FIUTr.RNAL UROTHER HOOD. nond Lodge No. 897 meets In Bather's Hnll ovcry Thursday evening, with social on third Thursday each rontb. Visiting mombora cordially Invited. Mrs. O. W. Shrlner, Prcs. Loroy For, Secretary. ROYAL NEIGH DORS OF AMERICA. Unnner Camp No. 00.11. Regular meetings second and fourth Tuesdays, Bather's Hall. MRS. J. 1L CONNARN, Oracle. MR8. A. ORCUTT. Recorder. 11U8INES8 AND PROFESSIONAL. ROIIERT II. GOULD Civil Engineer neml Oregon IIENNETT, SLVNOTT & GALIXWAY Attorneys at law General Practlco Tho Dalles, - Oregon RORERT W. SAWYER NOTARY VVK LI O Bulletin Office, Dcnd, Oregon S. R. HOOIN Land Attorney Ruslncss boforo tho U. S. Land office a specialty. Twonty Ave ytrnrs experience In practlco bo fore tho local U. S. Land Office and the departments At Wash ington, D. C. Offices over tho Deschutes Stato Hank. IJENIi :-t :: OREGON J. IS. Hell A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Successors to Tho J. H Honor Abstract Co., Prlnevllle, Oro. Abstracts Insurance W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST OOlco Over Postofflce Bend, - Oregon WILLARD H. W1RTZ LAWYElt Prlnevllle, Oregon. I'. O. COE, M. Bv Physician and Surgeon Office over First National Banlc Offlco Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to S p. m. I BEND. -: OREGON 1 C.' 8. BENSON Attorney At Law Benson Building, Wall Street Bend, Oregon. VERNO.V A. FORBES LAWYER " First National Bank Building Bend, :-: :-: Oregon GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil ani) Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer of llend. Room S First National Banlc Building II. II. D e A It M O N D LAWYER ' Satber Building Bond, Oro. H. O. ELLIS Attorney-at-Law United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON DR. J. II. CONNAriN DENTIST OCSco In Sather Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 6. Sundays and eveplngs by .' Appointmont. - DR. A. B. CROPP Chiropractor DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN Office over Miller Lumber Co., Wall Street. Hours: 9-12, 1-5 O. P. N1SWON0ER, Bend. Ore UNDERTAKER Licensed Enibalnicr, Funrrul Director, Phone. Lady Assistant GEO. B. WHITCOMB . Prospoctor . For water and mineral Post ofllco addreqp BEND, OREGON Hit:. rw -. i.-i ..wiflSt) rftVrwfc . APVERTISIHG DY THE 'V - 1 1 "- 3MMSSS'3 oenchau omcrs NEW YORK AND 'CHldAGC 0HNCr:C3 IN ALU THE PRINCIPAL CI E ! lal1lfaWallla1llRWIIII11laWIWWWaajajs .. ,'i .. ,-.y, -' -