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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1914)
EVERYONE IS INVITED TO fcOMR TO 8Erfl JULY OUR,TH TOR A SOLID DAY OF GOOD FUN SOMETHING ENTERTAINING ALL TtfE WHALE The bend bulletin. j - Vol, XII, IIKNI), OHKUO.V, WBRNKBRAV AFTERNOON, J CIA' J, Hill NO. 17. I i i 'POMD AD : UTOGOI 100 EXCURSIONISTS IN SEPTEMBER VWt of Kinblrm null lo rorllnnil l Jo I in Holiiriiril Unique Program I'or Tno lnjr Will be Arrnngcd Attention Honor Itond. An ii rnMiilt of tho visit of tho Km lilnm Chili of llond (o I'ortlnml Inst nttmmer, on tltn Invitation of the Vortlnnd Ail Cluli, thn Ad Cluli will i return tho visit nnd bo. hero for two Hliiy In Hoplnmhor. (louorul nn i iipiiiicdiiiuuI of thlH wiih innifii at tho Uommereliil Club liinoliuon Hnttinlny, , mill Mop started for tho Comiuorcln) 21iiIh co-operation In Ilia entertain , nieiit of tho RitnnlN. Tli Ail Club commlttbn In churn" A , Iium niiniiiiiicml Hint ut least 100 nnil pruiutniy morn, roriianu imsuioss , men will join tho excursion. It will nrrlvw on tbn morning on Hnuiliiy, rbtptoiiiliiir (5, nml Icnvo Into Monilny ttlxlit Monilny In Labor Day. Tim liarty nlll como by special train nhil i with their own sleeping cam. For the ('ouininrolnl Club tho committee In charge of thn general plnn. nn np 1 iriilntwl Hntunlny, In J. A. Itnstf, Olinrloa W. Krsklno anil K. M. Urn. An nlalmraln nn.l nnlillln nrhntnn of ntrtnlnumnt I being Inlit out. , Thn Ail Club In I'ortlunil'ii strong i Ht oflalcommnrclnl organUnlloi, ' ' (Ail embraces most of tho lenders In thai rlly'n business life. Thnt tho ..,..,. a....... I.I t...a.MM Mfttt. BIImIi M .1 I uniw piiuuiii iiuiiii iiuki, ,, nuvi, nxcurslon Is regarded aa n groat dla tliiotlon, nml U expectod to cement , HtroiiKly thn Intimacy botween tho Roihj City nnil thin (own nnd territory nn v oil n providing for tho visitors what In hoped to bo a happy holiday of good limes here, and for Hand Thlks nn opportunity to ninet nnd hear nmiiy of Portland' brightest tnon. MILES LINE ADVANGIKB llljiht Mllr of Mne .Voir Strung IUiK-( lo I'JnMi Within ill) Ray. Telephone connection with Hllvor l.nke will lm poMinio witnin no unyn. neeordliig to IC. H. Miles, tho Hllvor lake tulephono man, who now hn tti lino undor oonxtrucUon. Mr. Mils wan in town Monday on hU war from Hllvor I-nko north. On thn Hllfor !.ttke unit construe tlnn work Iwkhii several day ago and lKht mllr of wire nrn ntnttdy strung hmiI i hp remaining material for the Hue In now In town and tin week a rnw will mo out from here to IihIIiI nuuth from La. I'tn. For thn pres ent, eonnscllotm will w mmlo with Mm I'lontw Company nt l.a Pine In nddltlon lo thl work, Mr. Miles ! inllallliftl1(l r flirt finttiitriipa lieu of n lino to connect with tho lirenoul one M rori hock ami run .in.i (. Iliirna InUlnir In Vnrt Itiick volley nnd Cliff. TIiIn lino would ho tthotit izu mlicri in mtiKiu ami woiuu bo u imittrlal addition to tho tolo lihono N)Mtoin of tho intorlor country. CPheii6u Go Jkwa Trom Homo where you pre not known, avoid all trouble In Toeurd to your funds by carryinn AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION TRAVELERS' CHEQUES J These cheques are equally useful for travelers l a.h.a mw Akwinil Tlintf 3rintif Im I in muciiui ui w,w. ..wjr -.holder to hotels, ticket agents anu who accept them at face value in of nccounts. They are not avatiauic to finder or thief, if lotjt or stolen, Let us explain the system. Deschutes State Bank Buccor to tho Dsckutes Banking & Trust Otmmy 11KND, OltKaON. B. FHHUBIiL. Tres. F. O. MINOR, Beo'y, 13. M. LAUA, Cashier. DIIIEOTORS. D. Forroll, F. O. Minor, B. M, Lara' i OFFERED PROFESSORSHIP Project Knirlnrt'i' fMiiirxiiiiiil .Mny Go lo InlviTnlly of Montiinn, A further cotniillcatlon.hnn dovol opod In tho Wont lohetuo to loKlnlnto Htnto JJiiKlnocr I,ovvU out or officii, nt lenit bo far on It hliigon on making Projnct KnKludor haurnanrd or tho Tiimnlo Htnto onglncor In UwU' placo. Mr. LnurKaard hn JunI ro colvoil nn offor of nppolntinont a lirnfmior of IrrlKallon oiiKlncorlnR In tho coIIoro or onKlnoorlng or tho Unl vnrnlty of Montnnn, nt Iloxoman, Montana. Whllo ho linn not yet ful ly decided whetlinr or not to accopt tho offor Mr. Uurgnard, It la undor ntood, la atronidy tompted to do no In which cao ho would not bo nvall nfilo If tho Wot hill boon throiiRh, Tho prorrorcd apiHilntniont couion to Mr. Lnurcaard throuith It. W. Itlcbtor. ddiin of tho oiirliieorliiK col lRO In tho Montana unlvornlty. Ilo roRordn It m a hleh honor but tliono who hnva watched IiIn handling of tho Tuinalo Project and taken no con nt or tho iklll nnd olllcltinoy with which ho hna brotiRht that work to Ita preaont atngo of dovolopinont fool thnt ho hat rightly earned tho dis tinction thnt koon with tho proffoN aorahlp, nnd that tho Unlvumlty, If It ohtnllia IiIn aervlcoa, will bo doltiK oxtroiiioly well. In cnn Mr taurKanrd kocn to, lloxoinnu ho will hnva In tnkn up hl duttoi nbotit Heptembor 1. WENANDYAPPLEGATE WEDDING (Virmony l'erfonneil nt llrldo'n Homo In Kruln, Oregon. (Contributed.) DHAIN', Juno 26. A very pretty weddlnK wo olomnliod yratordny at noon In Houth Drain nt tho homo or tho brldo'a mother. Mra. Otonr Applo Kate, when lonn lturenn AppleKato beciimo tho wlfo of J. II. Wenntidy of llond, Tho ceremony wnn performed by the Itov. Chandler of tho Mothodlit Kplacopnl church hoforo n amnll aa NomblaRQ of rnlatlvoa and rrlenda. Deroratlona wcro pink and whlto carnation, niparaRua nnd native rorna, MUa l.ucllo Kunti and Mlna Laura Wilton played and aan. Tho bride wore an attractive gown of hand embroidered vollo nnd Prlnceta laeo. Her only ornamont waa an ox quUlto a Vnllero, net with dlrmomU. IKarU and anpphlrir, a Klft or tho Kroom. Hho cnrjled a ahower boquet of awoet pena and maiden hair fern. After tho wedding a brcnkfait wat nervedr - Mr. and Mra. Wenandy arrived In Ilend Saturday morning, and aro at the Wenandy hunitalow.,n Troy Jleavor and MInn Maricarot Whll field were married on Friday orenlnK nt the homo of W A. Ilonver In Wletorl. Itev. U. II. Wllklna por foimlui: the cereinony. On Suuday Mr. nud Mr. Heaver loft for Cren cent where they huva a honiontead. Mm. Heaver In a dnuRhter of Mra. Churl tm Whltneld and a nleee or Statu McMu.trle or the Orenon Hotel Her alater. Iretta, wai married to .Nerval tfprlngor on June 0. UOSS I'AHNHA.M MAItItli:i. It om Faruham left on tho 2 -t tit ror Valley City. North Dukotn, where yeHtonlay ho wna married. nccordltiR to lottera received by rrlenda Jimt nr tor hl depnrture. to "the beat girl In tho world." Ilo la expected to re turn to llutul with Mra. Farnham sometltno noxt wcok. ..... ...v. mercnants, payment j . VihiJ'' '"? tOJillaVAij JTpM-tjy'xI '1 arV II II ii''llJL I Hl nil n 1 II II FULL PROGRAM FOR IE FOURTH HOW BEND WILL PUT IN THE DAY ISoKlnnlnft With Htrect Parade In the Morning, KVritn Follow Kncli Oth er lUnbt ThrouKli The Hay ItAneball Plnyrd With AlfalfH. Fourth of Julyli nearly here and llond U ontlroly ready ror It. Tho commlttooa have worked hard, and there accmii every renaon to believe thnt all who como hero Bnturday will huva n royal Rood time. Tho finance commltteo haH received liberal BUbNtrlptloua from nil mer chants, nnd .the amount collected totala 334. CO. All tho many athlotlc oventn hava goneroua prize, nnd tho program hn been no arraiiRvd that thera will bo "nomothlnK dolnR" from dayllRht until lonjr after dark prol ably until tho noxt dayllRht, Indeed. No NUbitatitlal chanRc In the plana hnve been made alnco their announce ment lait week. Aa It now Htandi, ilw. uviKila nrlfH tlinn nml ulnrn aro aa followa, tho final detailed program will be printed Friday nlttht nnd dlatrlbutod free Saturday, ao that averyono conveniently may know where and when to find different eventa. The Prournm. U:30 A. M. parade forma at Pilot Hutto Hotel. 10:00 flharpl iiarado. Route. On Wall atreot, from Pilot Hutto Inn to Ohio atreot, eait on Ohio to (Contlnuod on laat pase.) CITY GU1MS.S992.82 County Hold lo Own tliU Amount on Old llond TUtrn. Aa the reault of recent compilation of flxurea tho city of Rend la dla covered to bo the creditor or Crook county ror nearly $1000 on account or road taxea and City Attorney Forhea la rIhr to Prlnovlllo tomorrow to prcieut the claim or tho city to tho County Court. Tho exnot ' amount dnlmed' -Is $993.82 and la CO- per cent or th.0 road district tax lovled In tho year 190C to 1010 hoforo tho adoption or tho present city charter. Under tho state law ono half or all taxes paid by n road district must be expended In tho district. In tho present cuso It Is claimed thnt tho law was not fol lowed nnd the city now rocks to' Ret bnek tho ahnto of the road money .1 which It was entitled. HPKCIATi t'OlXCII. MKKT1NO. A apeclul meeting of the city coun cil was held yeetTdr afternoon to tnVn aiHnn on the matter of the claim against the county ror road tat fund, tue ttinnuni or which w re contly nacortnlned. City Attorney ForbM was Instructed to preecnt tho clMlm to tha county court. In nddl tlon the council considered the ques tion of nbatliiR tho nulsahoe causod by soptlo tnnUn in varloua parts or the city and took Htops to brtiiR pro ceedings against the owners unles? conditions were remedied at oaee. Haying Tools Rakes, Mowers, Binders and Reapers and Repairs v for the same. Also a complete stock of.. Pipe, Pumps and Pumping En- ' '." .! " Bend Hardware Co. 'V 140 MEMBERS TL OLD MEMBERS ARE THE HOSTS Katiirday et ToKether tiatlierliiir or Commercial Ikxjy Prore Lively AfTnlr .Meal In Kxcellent nnd Hjwaker 1'crfonn Kxcellenlly. Tho best Commercial Club got-to-pethor tncotlnR that Rend has sonn occurred Saturday noon, when 140 members mil down to an excollont luncheon served In the Fulka' build ing on Wall street. The affair celebrated the finish or the new-member contest whose ro hultN 182 new in embers for tho club won nnnounccd last week. All tho now members received Invitation during the week to bo present, and the lunch Itsoir wan given by tho old members to tho now, proving a live ly and entertaining function. Tho meal Itself was as good to cat an the attendance waa good to seo, nnd all hands voted that Shrlner & Huey, who wcro caterers of tho day, had dono themselves proud. Tho menu was excellent, with hot coffee, a selection or cold meats, salads, cake and fruit. , President Koyes or the Commercial Uluii prcsiaod. un ms invitation Vernon A. Forbes extended a wcl como to the new members, outlin ing In his talk the Importance or a strong commercial organization. J. II. Haner, gavo an ablo talk deal ing with the Importanco or united community backing ror club work. IL P. Mlnter spoke fluently nnd ror tho farmers W. O. Waugh dwelt upon tho good work towna-peoplo and far mers can do whon they get together and work together. Others speaking briefly wcro C. M. Redflold or Des chutes and a. P. Putnam. Mayor Mlllor dodged a call tor remarks. At the commencement or the meal the band lilaycd. On motion, tho Club's co-operation In the entertainment or tho delega tion or Portland Ad Club members coming In September, was proposed and unanimously adopted, and de tails ol tho matter turned ovor to tho directors. "Took present nt the luncheon were.: K. M, Thompson. H. O'Kane, R. P. Mlntor. 8. B. Roberts, J. M. Jtdd. C. S. Ronton. Joe J. Klein. W. It. Ford. C. W. Thornthwaita. 1. Y Koyes, i. J. Dinleltnn, J. A Bas te. C. U. Mannhelmer. J. Edw. Ijit son. O. W. Horner. M. & Hullirl, ( . lUtoll. J. K Keed. II. H. W. I sr I). Houston, M. I.. Merrltt, O. 'C IfenKle.'A I. Oove. J. Ilyai. W. W. Faulknor. C. V. Slhis. J. K. Coo per. U. C. "Flomlng. B. O. Smith? P. T Parker. M. I! Shlokloy, C. 8. Heubo. . M. Richardson, J. A. Ilrln kleV. W. J. Sproat. Cole Smith. K. V. Wnrtl. J P. Johnson. John R. Wlmor. 8. A. Hlakoley. R. II. Could. J. C. Rhodes. R. M. Smith. Floyd Dement, 'J J. Ryan. John Dubuls, J. A. Mao Closlcy. A. H. Horn. It. C. Colvar. Chan. Sliichon. John Ferguson, N. P. Welder. B. A. Orlffln. A. B. Edwards. J. W. Vovor. D. T. Carmody. IK For roll. R. W. Sawyer, K. F. Greene. J. 11. Rudoll. P. C. Uarrison. Q. P. Put- (Continued on last pago.) 0 SETTLERS' MEETING URGES THE OPENING OF NEW ROAD Rend .Men Aftslnt White Rock Randi er In Their KfTurt to Obtain Ik-tier Connection Willi Town. At a meeting held at U. B. Rran denborg's Saturday night, Rend man co-operated with randier or tho Whlto Rook section towards getting a new road opened up connecting that territory with Rend. Petitions ror tho road have lcon filed with tho County Court and viewers have gone over thp route. Now every effort is being made to have favorable and Im mediate action In tno matter. The proposed road branches off from the Rend-Kaldlaw road near the Royd placo, and thence extends duo north until It intersects tha Laldlaw Deschutes rood, about midway be tween those towns, whero It con nects with the excellent road from that point northward. The now road would directly servo moro than a dozen rancbors situated (along it, who now. In coming to Rend, have tlnit to go eastward to Deschutes or via Kaldlaw, a roundabout way, and would bo or very great benefit In de veloping this territory. A. B. 'Lovett, county agriculturist, addressed the meeting. Those pres ent from Rend were J. P. Keyes, pres ident or the Commercial Club, Dr. IK Forrell, W. W. Faulkner and C. W. Reed. RANK INCREASES SURPLUS First National Mnkc uy Mcltejr noliU Altant Candler. At a director's mooting today the First National Rank Increased Its surplus from $18,000 to $22,000, out or earnings. Its capitalization Is $25,000. Cashier C. S. Hudson also announc es the election of Ouy McRcynolds to tho position or -assistant cashier. Mr. McReynoIds has been with the bank for over five years, commencing as office boy at a salary of $20 a month. Ho Is tho son of Mrs. and Mrs. L. M. McReynoIds, was educated In the local schools 'and has always been active In the work of tbe com munity. WORKING FUR SOUTH ROAD Princvillc People BnlUtlnjr Kam Hill's Help for Lake-view Route. State Engineer Rowlby, Sam Hill, good roads leader, and a representa tive of the Oregon Journal have been cruising over the Prlnevllle-Lakerlow road recontly. While 'the matter is. Kept dark, it la generally understood that Prinevllle people are working tooth and nail to get an official north-and-south route through Central Ore gon established from their .town south. V Whllo Mr. Rowlby, who has been over the Rcnd-southern road, has said here that In his opinion no other route equals tho west side one. yet It l known that Mr. Hill seemingly will throw his support to tho othor road. From his stand In the past apparently Mr. Hill has no Interest In Investigating west side through routes, which are generally preferred by auto tourists because of tholr superior beauty and oonvonlence. FINISH RHINGINr; IN NIIBBP. Tho Oregon Trunk hns compIetWd the movement from Coleman to Rend of tho Bheep bound ror tho summer range. In all 153 carloads have been brought In. making a total or 35.000 sheep that have passed through town In the past ten days. (IE)Cli)S13S iB&W M The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON U. C COB,. President HM. BATHER, Viae- President V. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully iald Surplus - - - - To Homeseekers: Parties contemplating taking Home steads in the new lands just eliminated from the Forest Reserves, should bear in mind that Bend is the closest Banking town to these lands. Wo are making a special effort to be ' of service to new people coming into Gen tral Oregon. Gall and see us and arrange your fi nances, so ypu will not Have any trouble in, having your check's cashed. SfiSr wig! T8& FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF N DIRECTORS U, a COH E. A. SVTHEU 9. S. HUDSQM O, M. I'ATTEtlSON II. C Etr,l RESERVOIR TO BE BUILT SOON WATER COMPANY TO MAKE ADDITION To Construct 100,000 Gallon Itoser voir on I 111! Above Kenwood WIU Cost Heveral Thousand RolUnU Work to Hegln At Once. Carrying out Its settled polloy of making provisions for the needs of tho town In advance of Its growth the Rend Water 'Light b. Power Company will shortly begin the erection ot, a new reservoir more than three times tho capacity or the present tank from which water for the town is now sup plied. Announcement of the plans or the company was made on Satur day by Manager Foley. The new reservoir will be situated on tho hill above Kenwood on .tho west sldo of the river In the Diml View property. The site was acqij ed by tho water company last yealtffo anticipation of future needs but Jtji understood that' at that time it Was hardly expected to build so soon. The new reservoir will be orfa. capacity of 100.000 gallons as against 30,000 for tho tank on tho eastUta ot tho river. It will be built of woTd or concrete depending on the resjj of Investigations of Comparative ejl and other matters now being' made? Whether It will, bo supplied through the existing pipe line or by a new and Independent lino carried across fi river from the pumping plant is not fully decided. Excavation for the line which will connect the presont Kenwood pipe and the reservoir Is to be begun at once, as well as work at tbe reservoir site. Tho cost of this addition to tho company's plant will amount to sev eral thousand dollars, much of which will be spent for labor. CREAMERY MUGH1NERY HERE Arrived on Mondaj-anil Will be Set up as Boon as PolbIe. The machinery for the Central Oregon Farmers Creamery arrived on Monday and has been unloaded prep aratory to being moved to the quar ters In the ico plant of tho Rend Water Light Power Company. Ro fore being set up thera a cement floor will be laid In the section ot tho building to be occupied by the cream ery, and this work will be begun at once. H J Morgonstern. the buttermak er employed by the directors of the company, returned to town front Lake on Monday. He will overse the setting up of the machinery and expects to have the business In opera tion soon. I1KCOMKH HBCONR CLASS. The. local pott office today become nn ofllce ot the second class. With Its new rank It Is entitled to extra clerk service and F. T. Reed ot Dead began work a dork this morning. - S2$.000 - $22,000 hi) K 9)' Wti 1 q g!y J S jpy kj&J k&i!)kj&j) w lie- & t