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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1914)
TIIIJ REM) IJULLETIN, HKNO, OHK WEDNESDAY, APRIft IB, 1014. PAGE T. H I APRIL CROP REPORT 1011. 1013 V I'Ikuitm HIiow ()ic(iu'h AriviiutiiKo ' Al PrcM-nt Tlnio. llolow In printed dotnllod figures from tlm April crop rnport of tho Do liartinniit of Agriculture roforrod to Ifi Tho Itullntln Inst wnolt, Oro. Whont, ccinilltlon ' tlo, 10 ymr nrnrnKo Ilyn, condition ' do. 10 ynnr nvorngn IlorroH niut iiiiiIom, loaans ttur 1000, dlannao, 1011 do. 19111 lo. 10 ynnr nvorago Horses, nnil niuloa, con illtlon on April 1 1011 tlo. 1013 do. 10 yenr nviirngo Cattle, Iohhoh por 1000 liy iIImiiimi 101 il(i. 1013 do 10 your nverago ;ttl, lomitHi pur 11)00 ty oxM)Miir 191 1 do. 1013 d. 10 ynnr uvnniKu Cattle, condition April 1 1011 ' do. 1013 do. 10 vnnr iiviirnmi HlfcHi, loanua per 1000 illannau ion do. 1013 ito 10 ynnr nvnrago Hhcoii, lossoa per 1000 liy nxpiHiiiru ion do. 1013 do. 10'yimr iivorttKn Hhoop, condition April 1, 1014 mo. t 1013 do. 10 yenr average Lambs, lomtos por 1000 lit' exposure 1014 do. 1013 do. 3 year average HSvlne, losses pur 1000 liy disease 1011 do, 1013 'do. 10 ynnr nvornitn Hwlne, condition April 1, 1011 do. 1013 do 10 year averago IVndliiK nowh, No. April 1, percent of 1013 1011 1.08 100,8 1011 1.03 1013 00 03 08 01 07 17 S3 17 00 08 07 12 11 It 10 13 20 DO 00 00 11 10 10 20 27 00 00 00 3ft 00 C2 U.S. OR.ll 01.0 HT..7 01.3 80.3 80.2 20.0 2"-!.fl 10.4 00.4 00.7 0.0 10.8 20.1 10.9 14.1 on. Ort.O 04.0 21.7 24.0 26.2 21.0 .l 32,8 00.0 OO.O 01,8 40.0 03,3 20 118,0 30 110.1 17 00.1 1.00 08 08 00,0 01.4 04.4 FIELD DAYJTJEDMO HcliiHtl Htrnt to Ito Held nt lied iiiotul on Mil)' 1,1. Tho Crook county field day and declamation contest will do hold In ItMmond on Mny It. Tho uvonta, which nro open to tho school puplla or, tho county, will Inoludo KlrU' ton ids game to tio hold In tho forenoon, fluid and trnck events In tho after noon and a declamation content In tho aflornoon. A digest of tho rules, tho nmci tho rommltton members and other information will I in given out later, Tho field and track events lucludo tho following- Ono tnllo hlcycla raco. hivs' fiO yard dash, glrla CO yard '1ah, aliot put, 880 yard raco. high Jump. 120 yard hurdle, Klrla' 100 j anl daih, boys' 100 yard daih, polu vault, xh inlli' relay, dlsoua throw, 44) yard dash, ono tnllo run, stand Ini broad liinm. urammar school Mi mile relay, 220 yard dmh, runnltiK bread jump. 22 yard hurdto race, Jnwdln throw, ono mite relay. When run down with kldney triiui'li1. harkache. rhouiuatlatti r Madder HHakiM. turn quickly for 1. hi to Kil-- Kidney Pills. You in.'t IhU' ti.ftu into your nylrr. ..t'Minit .iik Hood results. Chit, S lix iimiriHi. .n. v.. any: "row KiditiM IMIU have dane me more ft Kd tlirtti fl.'.o.oo worth of modi i ' " Thy Hive Kd rosulta. Pat tcrmn DniK Co.- Adv. IIAAIPTON BUTTE i' , (Continued from pngo 2.) Oregon, and If prevent expectation! nrw roalliod tho future of Hampton PwiIIhv In assured nnd lanil win no north I 0 nn noro hora Imildo or 3 yetfrs. Htivornl settlors nro plaunliiK to hhoiI from 1 to 10 oorea In Junu to nlfnlfn and nre getting hooi! from the OrtKon Trunk Itnllwny and from xporlment and nKrlcultiiral Btatlona. l'()Vi:i,li llUTTIt. (Special to Tho Ilullotln) f nuM.M.1. I1HTTI8. Anrll IS John Hhodo rnturuud ThurHday from n niontliH wijourii In tho Wlllnmotto vnifoy. , , t on llnlm linn lianii iinlovlnir nn lit- tao'i of chlckgn pox rueontly. A. II. Hliono wont to rrinovuio Snturdiiy to buy omu wool lintta nnd oinfrtKo the MorvlctM of n liinn to ahonr lilu ahoup. J. I, tllliBon. nin in nn nun lonmn, etunittd from Lnldlnw Hunilny whuro liuv liuvn liiiiin for hoiiiii llnio lillttltiu ill a crop on tho formor'a plnco. JohhIu liocKiunu nun imiiui juiihb roturnud to Prluovlllo Sunday nftor 'jik end vUlt with homo folka. Mliweii (lladya and tinzei liayn. in..n.... nnil Vliiln Trniimlnln CHIIIO suit' from l'rlnovlllo Friday for n fow Java vlHlt nt homo. .... Mr. nnd Mm. i. nuns nun innuiy inOMr. nnd MrH. J. J. Chapman wore llniior uiiuhIh tit tho is. I. Alloy homo iiiindiiy, ..... , Mort Tlinyor noio nm iiiiiiiumunu nat wcolt to u man hnllhiK from TII- nmook. . , ... ii..u Pnnb. who li na noun lOOKlllK iftor uffulra on IiIh l'owoll Hutto nrm roturnod to iiih nomo ni iohii, )rnKOii, tho lattor pnrt of tho wook, J n Mimtnnl nnd II J. MVCTH fvori) l'rliiovlllo vlaltora Hnturdtiy. Mra. Mnry V. unnriion nnu mm 'hiirloa cnnio out from Prlnovlllo n(.,inv tnr n vlalt with Mr. Clinrlton. rniinlrl.. it Tlnflmniiil nnrnmH .Mn.i i.v n rnnroHOtitntlvo of tho rLiinn Mont Compnny of Portland i'Du..i .... I..mnn III IlllA InrillltV lttHL intiu on ii,v, " .--....., - iok BollcltliiK ordors for Iiob tnnk- hV. n.,i Arm. llnsH IliiaButt woro kiitnor nuoatH nt' tho Hnrl Forrest homo Biinuny. V. l'aula la aunoruiK iroiu aiieuv Refinishing Marred Furniture IS EASY AND INEXPENSIVE Shabby, scratched pieces of furniture that are unsightly and a discredit to your home can be made to look bright and new at slight ex pense and you can do it yourself. ACME QUALITY VARNO-LAG stains and varnishes at one operation, giving to all kinds of surfaces the elegant effect and dur able, lustrous surface of beautifully finished oak, mahogany, walnut or other expensive woods. Call for color card. wrsrm 'IWjJJJM Itl'lfJHMMt Bend Hardware Company Injurlm rttcnlved during a runaway Sunday, In which ho waa a prominent actor. No damano waa dono horaca or vehicle. A. II. Ithodo wna a dinner Kucat nt tho Trucidnlo homo Sunday. A delightful program hy tho Union Sunday achool and ISaatur addreaa hy llev. HnKnii wuro tho iiioana of draw Iiik a larKo crowd to tho Wllnon aciiool houao Sunday evonlUK. Mev oral approprlnto Mdeetlona were ren ilnrml by the choir led hy Mlw KIiwa l.lHdiiiliit under wIiihhi aide direc tion the proxrnm waa prepnreil. The remalulrlK 120 owwl oh the orn via .iilHirrllMail .ml Ilia Mnnilav aebool now MMeiNea an orxan free from deid. Mr. end Mm. Vernon 8ettraml Mian Orlaa Hum of rlnevtlle via- lletl at the 1). A. Yate home ttumlay where hh Uoater dinner wna the at traction. Mr. and Mm. Guy Bear and Mian Ada were Ktieeta ), Quite n nunitier of younx folka from Itedinond attended the- ICaater ervlcea at the Wllnon wheal houae Sunday evenlnR. Iliaii KSTATK TltANHFKHS. (UniiimI hy tho fnxik Omnty Ah htrnrt Compmi)'.) North weat Townalto Co. to J. I). Voorheea It. 13, hlk. Nw. T. Co.a 2nd add llund. Dond Company to I'. A. Laymn It. 2. Idk 10, I'ark Add. Ileiul. Houd Park Co. to iv. It. Ilnwdoln J. M. JUDD I DRAY LINE $ All Kind of Mtilit nnil llonvy llimllnir, Quick Dollvwrlca of TrunUa, Hxiiri'Mi, Htc, Oar dcim 1'crllllnl, Plowcil and IajvoUmI. Hiitlsfiictloii fluar nutccd. Prlco Henaoiiablo Tclcphono 1'OH hond for deed, It. C, hlk. 22, IMvcr aide odd llond, $400. Annlo A. Lively to fid. N. White Ita. 10. 11. 12, hlk. C, 4th add Prlno vlllo, $500. llond Park Co to Catherine- C. Mil ler, It. 4, hlk 03, llond Park, 300. llond Park Co. to Vera Hammond Poor It. C, hlk 76 llond Park, llond Park Co. to I,.ialna I. Nak kou It. fi, Idk. 60, Center add llond. loaao Ira (lorhy to Otla C, llonklo Ita. 1, 2. Idk. 13, Kenwood, 1160. Otla C. Hankie to I. Ilia Ford, same Article of . Incorporation Wall Xtreet Improvement Co., mpl tnl. $&ooo liy M. K. Coleman. K. K Kllla, It. II. Schlattman, real eatatf. etc. I.. M. 1 Wlit el I to I.tda A. Hwhtell It 8, Idk. 12, 4tU add ITInevllle. lii-nil Co., to H.d lv.K Co It rpniyj orchard to riuJIU CONSUMER, by PAHOHIi POST IJtrn lino tliuorril evnporatrd pcnclicH 111 poiliuN Mmtpnld 91.00 II iHiiindt Mismld SO (JIo hi n Irlnl. Ahhlnml PrnrlicN nlny plraitp. rnonrcKit-coxHoiKit OUCIIAIll). Allicrt C Joy Akliliuul, OrcKon IIOHSKS kW,' AM) tX)WS ham; m UQt'SmJ tn tat tn tiiMilmahr llwr 4t t,aJ in our ubonui? ad tAil DraumV. TKcv a,. UMa&Il JpUltal.MPtdKNoAliwiiJ i r .KiiixlaiiuM. uwtytiutucl- 1-M VjU U.MBl l.oa HquO. UMlmnUUW imu, unoLtviu. Th. ChM. 1 1. UUr Co, SmIIU THIS PAPR rtEPRESENfED FOR FOREICft ADVERTISING OY THE Vienna Cafe REOPEN We ore now located In tho Onclll Mulldlni; next to tho Utlte Studio, (lood meala served. Urcad and all kinds of pantry tor sale. ....ROOMS AND HOARD.... arNERAU OFFicea NEIW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES MACHINE SHOP We oro equipped to do anything In the machine line, having Installed new machinery with which we can handle any kind of Job. Automobile Repairing a specially Deyarmond Machine CSb Repair Shop Hawthorne Ave, llend, Ore. hlk CC, Center add. Ilcnd. Charles J. Wilson to Alworth Washburn Co., 8V 2G-1G-10, 51500. xotici: or coxtkst. Department of tho Interior, United Ktatcs I .nnd Olllco. Tho Dalles, OroRon, April 10, 1914. To Alfred Hownrd of llond, OrcgC", Coutcateo: You nro horohy notlflod that Sam CLOVERLEAF MILK and CREAM AUK PL'llli piio.Ni: voru oudkiis O. C. CARDWELL I'liriner Phono No. 1. ALTAMONT HOTEL i y Modertite Prices Modern ltooms Attrnctlvo SurrouudlnRs Steam Heat, Hot nnil Cold Water Willi llutli Privileges llrcnkftikts Hcrviil i Miss A. 1). Rpnldlnu, Proprietor J 5 11KX1), OltHCON Is It Done Right? If It la, let wll .nough alono. Dut un l.a It la up to th. mark tn .very dttai com. nnd ae us, UV PRICES, BETTER SPRVJCE Bend Steam Laundry. Put Your Duds In Our Suds" Mealier, who rIvcs 229 Front Street Portland, Oregon, aa his poat-onidt uddrcaa, did on January 20, 1914. fllo In this oOlco IiIm duly corroborat ed application to contest and nocuro the cancellation of your homoatend Kntry No., Horlol No, 09769, made Dccombor 1C, 1911, for K14 Section 8, Townnhlp 20, B ItnnKO 15, K.. Wlllnmotto Meridian, and as grounds for his contest ho alleges that aald ontrymnn has navor cultivated said land or any part thereof and ho has entirely failed to Improve said tract than to construct nn uninhabitable shaek: that ho has abandoned and deserted said land for tnoro than ono year lout past. You are, therefore further notl flod that tho said allegations will bo taken as confessed, and your entry will ho cancelled without further right to bo heard, either before this office or on nppoal, If you fall to file In this office within twenty days after tho POURTH publication of this no tice, as shown below, your nnswor, under oath, specifically responding tp thei allegations of contest, to gether with due proof that you havo served a copy of your answer on tho said contestant cither In person or by roglitorod mall. You should stato In your answer tho natno of tho postofllco to which you deslro future notices to be sent to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Ileglater. Date of first publication April IS, 1914. Date of second publication April 22 1914 Date of third publication Apr'll 29, 1914. Dato of fourth publication May C, 1914. XOTICK FOR PUI1MCATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Offlco nt The Dalles, Oregon, March 24. 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Henry Starrs, of llend, Oregon, who on March 11, 1911, made homestead entry No. 08309. for 84 NWU. nnd KV4 8WW, Section 32, Townahlp 18 South, Hango 13 East, Wlllamotto Morldlan, bra filed nottco of Inten tion to mako final three year proof, to establish claim to the lands abovo described beforo II. C. Ellis. U. S. Commissioner, nt Bond. Oregon, on the 9th day of Mny, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Rslp A. Dunn, Jacob F. Thomas, Fletcher Kdwnrds, John Eh ley, all of llond, Oregon. W. FRANK WOODCOCK, 48p. Roglstor. Why It Hull Particular People. Foloy's Hcnoy and Tnr Compound Is prompt and effective for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness, bronchial coughs, and throat troubles. Thomas Vorron, Hancock, Mich., Sivrltoai "Foley's Honoy nnd Tar qulclily re lieves tickling throat and spps tho cough with no bad after effect." It contains no opiates and Is pure. That's why It suits particular people. Patterson Drug Co.- Adv. NOTICK FOR PUIIMCATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land OOlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 27, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that John A. Hasuka, of Hend, Oregon, who on November 28th, 1910, made home stead entry No. 07751, for 8BV4, Stf 8WV4, NBViSWH nnd 8BV4 NW54, Section 30. Township 19 South Hango 16 K Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year p. oof to establish claim to tho land, abovo described, beforo If. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Bond, Oregon, on the 12th day of May, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank J. Blkstnd Fulton Hatrner, Arthur Prootor, all of Hend, Oregon, George Mllllcan. of Mllllcan. W. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-8c , Register. NOTICK FOR PUIILICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, March 24, 1914. Notice Is hereby given that Wil liam J. McConnell, of Dead. Oregon, who on May 3, 1910, made home stead entry No. 06073, for Stf SWK Section 34, 19 South, Rango 16 E., and NWtt nnd W NE, Section 3, Township 20 South, Rango 16 E., Wlllamotto Morldlan, has filed no tice of Intention to make final threo year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo II, C. Ellis, V. 8. Commissioner, at Rend, Oregon, on tho 9th day of May, 1914. Claimant names as wltnessesc Thomas Gray, Orlea O. King, John F. Wolff, Alwyn F. Leo, all of Dend, Oregon. W. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4-S.c Register. The Wright Is Bend's Leading Hotel WHY? It is n fireproof building It Is thoroughly modern It Is comfortable, commodious, clean ROOMS FROM SO CENTS UP MEALS FROM 2.1 CENTS UP The wants of nil nre satisfied well nt THE WRIGHT HOTEL THE WRIGHT H0T& CENTRAL OREGON'S vmK MPK- accident, ... ?,r?.SZ PUVTK GLASS, AUTOMO- Lending INSURANCb Agency uile, suhhtv uonds. REAL ESTATE City and Farm Property AUBREY) Lots $150 to $350 HEIGHTS ( TERA1S: $5 Cash' and OROKLA) 3 Monthy J a C A CTPQ Oftlco on Oregon Street A. EA3 1 CO iiRxn, :: OREGON Headquarters for Commercial Men Ulcctrlc Lighted Througbout Special Attention to Transient Travel - X THE BEND HOTEL Qood Rooms Free bus to and front trains HUGH O'KANE. UANAQKR BEND, OREGON Qood Meals All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and east of hero I Pilot Butte Hotel f J. P. TAtKlART, Proprietor. Comfortablo Rooms, Courteous Treatment Reosonabla Rates, Freo Auto Service to Trains. Dining Room Service the Best in llond. Headquarters for auto lines to all i points south and southeast. 4k J- ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad will cost you. i