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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1914)
The bend bulletin. M - Vol. All. K iii;nd, ouf.uon, ui:im;siav aiti;iioo,v, april h, ji i. NO. 8. w u. HALO WAGES 312,(1 A Hfl KIECENT STRIKE DID NOT INTERFERE WiiStr tin Stale Projrit, Allliouuli Not IHkIi, CouiMiro Piitornhly Willi Tlio.o Puhl Now For ldilmr Fhumlicro In (lie Northwest. Ait assured monthly nypmidlturo tit WNKI Of Ht laaat 112,001) U lltn KOftl) news n the Tj'innlo Project, accord Inr to 1'rokcf i;iiKliK-iir O. Lnurganrd vim who hi ft) wn Monday, "Our April payroll wan hIiohI thnt." wild Mr. UurKmml, "nil I ho l'tvn tint amount will never bo loss thu yenr." The li 'in tiouhlo or nny propor tions nil (ho ProJoH occurred Inst Wpdniwdny, when oniplnyson Ht Cnnii 1 Ninrtwl ii ntrlko. TliHy demnndHd ti.nn a day fur labor, nml 17.20 for four homo tonm nml drher, both for lht hours. Tim demand, which wan abrupt, mot with prompt refusal, ml according lo Mr. Lsurgnnrd with Ih Ivmi hour ho had hired 17 teams tf 10 now mou to roptnee tho (10 tnn mill JO tmuim which had struck. Ther In now ompbiymonl on the jirojuci for ikjihh morn men nml team. "I wish wo could pay tnorr," said Mr. MHrganrd, spanking of tho trlk, "Hut w ean'l vory well. Our m? I n ilny for wight hour -nil the state Inw allow atnlo oinploy en to work nml our chnrito for hoard In IS. IS n wHok. The railroads r how paying I1.7S n day, nml charging 10.00 for hoard. In addi tion wh nro paying four per cent In. wuranra on nil our men." After tho strike, leaders of the lunramont t legrnpliHl to I'ortlnml IniKir agendo, no Hint during the wHk. labor imitators nml I. W. W mi displayed banner there Inwrlb- nr "Htrlko on Tutnnlo rroject. Don t be n Hrnb." However, Mr. Lnurgaanl nnyn he wilt mnko every effort to keep hln ratnpa full with local men, nn hn do wires In npnnil nil hn" win whoro It will iiiny In tho country nml ho of fur thnr anie lo devnlnpmont. Hut n Hit rxnmplo of whnt hn enn get on tho outside If noennrv. ho slated thnt Porter Ilrothnrn of Portland have of fered him in tenuis for fSC per mouth onrh. I'.woitAiu.i: nuw hhcoht. The crop report leaned yoatordny ly the Deportment of Agriculture, Kl eatlmntwi mid comparison nn of Atrt 1, ahnw n n rondltlon of rnH nnd llMitork In OroRou which la hot. ler in nlmimt ovory reapect than III 1913 nnd In romimrlaon with tho nv irne for the tnat 10 ream. The Mturea nre nlao Uailer for the atntn than for the trnltml Htntea. I'rleea nre liettor, too, In everything but or ii nnd potatoo. atnndlHK higher than In the rent of the country. I'lltST llAMi (JAM . The lmo hull nonaon opened hero Hnturday when n tonm from Hed- ' monil defontud n locnl team ma do up of Kchool ooya nnd other by n acorn of 0 to 7. The llond I on in han ro. reutly heoii orRnnlied nnd I prac ticing dully. Hull hnvo Uen donnt- , od hy A. L. I'renoh. Keep Your Valuable Papers In Our Vault b Tito liot ami aufcat plnro lit tlio uorlil to kt-rp lira nml llfo liimmiuro miIIi'Im, nolo coiiiImk due, morlKiiitca, deed In fnrt nil nlunblo pnport. la In n lire-proof vnult. Hvcry one ciiunot ntTord to (into a alccl vnult, or even n tiro-proof aufo In lil homo, but every ono enn iitronl to keep Ida vnlu utile piipetn lu our vnult becmuo tlio reutnl churned la iin iioIIiIuk compiitcil with tho protection nlTortleil. Von inn lenno n ateel box with n non plcJinhle, Yulo lock bl enouuh to contain nil your vnlunblo pnioi- lualdo our vault, for only J?'J.0O u year. Drop In next tlmo you're piumlng. , Deschutes State Bank HucccBNor to the Deschutes Banking & Trust Comjuay IIKND, oiuxion. D. FEUriiflLlii Proa. P. O. MINOR, Soo'y. ' Hi M, LARA, Oashlor. nmiscTons. II, Forroll, F. 0. Minor, E. M, Lara BEND MASONS H HALL MASONIC GATHERING DRAWS 100 Ijiruo Deli'Kiillon From I'rlnrvlllo nml Redmond A hi lit In (.Vn'imtiilci Vliin Hplrnillil Srw lmirtern nm Ooillaitcil Miwiy I'ntMit On Thurmlny nlxht tho I lornl ImIkii of Munuiim formnlly opeiiMil tholr nnw hnll hore. Tlio ileOlcntlon of (imr liirn wtiro (mrllctpnlod In ly nonrly 100 MnwuiN, maklnx It thu InrKeat KntliorliiK of thu order uvur nwminhl oil In Contrnl OroKon. I'rom tho I'rliiovllle lodge en mo 20 di'Kflton and from Itwlinond 0. Aftnr nu oxtomlod iiifotlnc In tho IoiIk'. ilttrlitK which I'rliirvlllH otllcurn iimlor 'nut dm ml Mimlor T. M. Ilnldwln put on third dewrtw work, nml Hid tnoml olllcfirn it Int doKri'o under J. V., O, A. Myom, t ti company nd Journod to ii ono o'clock mippor nt tho Pilot Hutto hotel, whoro rHfronlc inoiit for tho Innrr mnn wn Rorvod nml n hnlf doioii Mpenkern furnUheil inoutnl rHfroahimnt. Tho hull which wnn opened hy tho ceroHionlmi of tho ovcnlnx In on the hmouiI lloor of the new DwicliMton Invent tnvut Compnny luilhlliiK nt the corner of Orison nnd Wnll ntreeln. The riMim Itnolf In 26 hy 70 feet, nml In every pnrtlctilar U nulnhwl nnd furnlnhed nnd lUhted In ncoordnnce with the dent modern method. Tho lloor Is of maple nnd the lodge furniture of onk. In connection with (Continued on tail pane.) THREE SUBSTANTIAL GARAGE BUILDINGS TO BE ERECTED Work rommrnritl on llrlrk ItiilMlnn On IWmil Strrt-t for llcml (inrnue Co. nml Miller llullil Three uhHtnntlnl Mro proof KnroRo hulldliiRa now aceiii naaurcd for Hand. The Wotiandy ntructurn ulrondy lg. undor way. Tho Horn! (Inrnxn Com' pnny hn atnrted n hocoiiiI, nnd It la nnuounccd thnt H. A. Mlllor will erect n UulldliiK to ho occupied hy II. II, Dcynrmnnd. K. II. Ilrunka nnd T. W. Hnrdy, coinprllnc tlio iiend (inrnRe Corn imny, nre hulldlUK on lot KLof block 9. on Hand ntreot nearly ilmoilto tho lined llnrdwnre Compnny. Tho proMrt I owned hy n. 1. I'utnnin, nnd the hulldlnic la uk erectml un der n leaalHK arrangement. It will Im r.o bv ion feet, nnd of l.rlrk O. W Taney la UoIhk the brick work, nnd the atructure la lo be completed early In Mny. Work on the Wennndy Mvery Co. Karane on Hawthorne atreet, which ha Ihmmi procomllnK alowly for aome time, la now to bn hoKun In onrneat and the Inilldlnit carried to eoiuplo tlon. It la to bo SOxlOO feet In alzo nnd built ontlrely of atnno with n ce ment floor. Tho foundntlnnn nro nil In nt the preaent tlmo nnd noaordlng to l I,. Kox tho hulldlnir will bo completed In nix wcoki. Nothing doflnlto hna boon nnnounc ed reKnrdliiK the Miller hulldliiR for Derarmond. Tho propoaed location la lot 12 of mlock 9, on Hond ntreot. After Investigation By Oregon's Military Leaders Bend Location for Summer Drills Pronounced Satisfactory Means 2000 SoldiersTroops will Include Both Infantry and Cavalry The tnnnouvora of tho OroRon Nn tlonnl Guard will be held at Ilend tills ntiinmor, nlmoat certainly. And In addition to tho Guard thoro will ho a regiment of rnRulnra oueampod hum fur a mouth. Thl moana that In oxcw of 2000 Moldlern will bo atatlonvd clomi to town In July, nnd that Hond will reap all tho hiuiofltn of tho expenditure coiiiIiik from audi a InrRu body of men n woll nn thon of the vMtora who will ho at trnctHl by tho manuiivera here, not to mention the future henelltn of tho publicity. All day yoaterday Adjutant Gen oral W, K. of tho OroRon Na tional Guard, and Colonel C. II. Martin. oommnndltiR the Third Ore Ron Infantry, fnmlllnrUed tliHiuaolvea with Hond nnd tho nurrouudliiK coun try. At (ho end of the examination both declared themelvoa aultod on tlrely. "You may nay wo nro entirely nat lulled with Ilend a a location for the maneuvers," aald General Plnxor lat ulRht. "We hnvo aelected a camp alto hetwaeu town and Pilot Hutto which meet nil requirement I'nlee aome vory unforeauen olmtacle Intor feroa the mnneuver will M here." Itefore nlwolulely definite nn nouncement can be tnnde n number of detail muat be looked Into. These concern tratiaportatlnn nnd other coat, dlatnncn of mnrchea In, nnd other matter thnt muat be taken up with the regular army nuthorlttea. However, every nnntiraiire waa Riven that no Ullilcultlen neml be feared. Probably within two weeks the otll clal announcement will be mnde. Artillery nml Cnvnlry, Tm. The troope will cotnn here July 13 The National Guard, bealdo Itn full regiment, will Include n battery of field artillery. Troop n of the cav alry nnd nn ambulance coriyt. Tho Guard will come by train, nnd will remain hero ten day. Tho regulnra will bo the 21nt Infantry, now sta tioned at Vancouver Ilarracka. It la probable they will inarch In, olthor ncros tho mountain from KiiRuno or from Tho Dalle, or perhhps In ono way mid out tho other, Thoy "ICEPUNTJROGRESSES Work Will Ho Finished by April S.1 Final Dimension., Ot(.l Fret. Good progress has been mado on tho now rofrlgurntltrg plant In the past week. Already tho frame work la up nnd tho lee making machinery is on tho road. At prosent Indications tho plant will bn In operation on April 28, the date set in the- con tracts. The building In Its final dimen sions la 40xG6 feet, a room HxtC having been provided for tho cream ery in case It accept tho power coin IHnya offer for tho room rent free. Thoro will bo In addition space for oo Id atoraso mid Ice storage as wolt aa that oocuplod by the machinery. The work la employing 12 men and with tho othor construction now go ing on moana n substantial addition to the ordinary pay roll disburse ments In tho town. FISHING ji-Ni TACKLE I " ' For ALL S ' A COMPLKTH LINK OF STIUCT- 3 ( , IiY I'ltltSII STOCK TO CIIOOSK j ( ' l'UOM. Ol'll IMUCK IS STILL S ) AT T1IK IIOITOM V r 1 Call and See Our i Goods , BEND m' !;. HARDWAiRE ,; ; CO. . !: Ii j i' ' V I : L-i J IixVWVSVWVSSWVSnVWWxVWVVVWVS U I RS HERE will remain a month, Tho two regi ments will have more than S000 men. Laat year the eneampment wnn at Tillamook, whoro much rain serious ly Intorforrod wlUi the comfort of the maneuvers. Tho certainty of fair weather hero Is ono of tho Impor tant factors In tho choice of Hond. General Fluzor la In command of all Oregon troops and has seen oxton slvo Horvlcu. Col. Martin la a regu lar army man, und previous to com ing to Hond leaa than n year ago, to tako charge of the National Guard regiment, was on the General Staff at Wnshlngton. The gonornl and the colonol wore hrotight In by W. V. Cheney, arriving on tho morning train yoaterday. With thorn catno C. II. Moore of Portland, Aftor n day of strenuous trips In nutos tho visitors wore tho guesta of honor at a dinner given by tho Km Idem Club at tho clubhouse u.'tor which they deimrted on tho night tmln. During Uie day excursions woro made went of (own, through Laid law, up tho river, In tho vicinity of fllMtmore meadows, and eastward through tho Grange Hnll territory. Late In the afternoon tho pnny ojlmbed Pilot Hutte. gaining a com prehensive view of the country. Hmblem Club'a Dinner. Tho evening banquet was at tended by -10, somo 20 being gueata of the Itinblem Club. While the early arrival of train tlmo cut the affair short and limited speechmaklnR. the evening proved an enthusiastic one, and the reception accorded them evi dently pleased and Impressed tho mil itary visitor. A. M. Prlnglo, decked out farci cally aa a soldier man, with many modal blossoming on his brass but toned front, waa toastmastor. Tho speakers of the evening were Mayor ii. A. Miller. It. II. Gould, manager of the Commercial Club, Vernon A. Forbes, atate representative, U. C. Coo. K. M. I-ara, G. P. Putnam. C. S. Hudson and W. D. Cheney. Heforo Gonornl Flnxor and Col. Martin could bo hoard from It was necessary to mnko a hasty break for the train. POSTAL BUSK INCREASES Amount XccoMtry for Second Clan Oniro I touched. Tho buslnoas at the looal post of fice In tho past four quarters having readied the amount required for a aeeoBd class offlce it Is expected that the advancement to the higher grade will be made shortly. The amount of bualaeas required for the change In rating JS.000 In four quarters waa reached, according to tKwt-nias-tar Ford's figures, and a little more, tho total figures being $8,318, t Aside from the standing glvon tho town by tho now rating and an ad justment of salaries In tho office irV self, tho ohlof Item of Interest looal ly, Is the understanding that tho gov ernment will tako over tho ownorshlp of tho box equipment, reimbursing those, who oontr'buted toward Its pur chase last year. CREAMERY WILL BE IN ICE PLANT TO HAVE SPACE RENT FREE ONE YEAR ItCHtilt of La Pino Meeting on Friday Fiivorable Next to Last Htep In Formation of Comitany Taken Xainc is C1iocn nt Meeting- As a result of the favorablo aontl inent expreaaed at the meeting at La Pine Friday night tho next to tho lost stops were taken Saturday after noon toward organizing the creamery which han been undor discussion for tho past five weoka. This action was takon at a meeting, held after the luncheon at the Wright Hotel, nt which representatives from the far morn nnd tho Commercial Club dis cussed with T. H. Foley, of tho nend Water Light" & Power Company tho proposal to uso a portion of the re frigerating plant, now under con atructlon, for the creamery. Mr. Fol ey Htatod that tho plant waa being built of sufficient Hire to accomodate the creamery If It wished the quar ters and that hla company would fur nish tho necessary space rent free for ono year, charging only for the water and ower used. L. C. Iloberts, roprosontlng the far mers, who haa taken so much Inter oat In the formation of iho creamery, said that ho believed with tho ex pensoa so low aa would be possible under Mr. Foley's offer there could be little doubt of the success of the project and It was agreed to proceed. "Central Oregon Farmer's Creamery (Continued on last page.) WEYERHAEUSER CRUISING COHTIHUES SOUTH OF BENO Crew Itrprcscntlnx Four Companies Still nt Work Jtcporl of Contem plated Ileal Milling Plausible Woyerhaousor timber cruising op erationa nro continuing south, of here. Tho same crew which cruised the holdings of the Deschutes Lumber Company west of the Deschutea noar Hond recently Is engaged In more cruising soutn of Lava iiutte. Bach of tho four cruisers repre sents a different Weyerhaeuser com pany. William Helmcr Is from the Potlatch company. W. A. Aakenfelter reprosonta tho Uonner'a Forry com pany. Hewitt tho Rutledgo & Davlea company of Snokano and James Mur ray the Holae & Payette company. Little Information la forthcoming as to Just what the cruise means, but there seems every reason to sup pose that large deals are pending. Color In glvm to the assertion that the Weyerhaeusers contemplate mill ing hereabout by tho faet that it Is known that one of their Important mills haa about consumed all Its available timber, making It probable that the plant will be placed In a new location shortly. ALL WAIt HANTS CALLHU. County Treasurer Jordan haa call ed all county warrants, putting the county once more on a cash basis. The collections up to March 31 were $301,125. IP The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON XJTJ U. C. COE, President R. A. SATHEK, Vioe- President C. S. HUDSON, Cashier Capital fully wild - - - 836,000 Surplus 13,000 To Homeseekers; Parties contemplating taking Home steads in the new lands just eliminated from the Forest Reserves, should bear in mind that Bend is the closest Banking town to these lands. We are making a special effort to be of service to new people coming into Gen tral Oregon. Gall and see us and arrange your fi nances, so you will not have any trouble in having your checks cashed. zEr TEi FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS -- U. C. Cob E. A. Sather o. s, Hudson O. M. Patterson II. r. Er.1,13 PATENTS ASKED FOR RANCHERS RESOLUTIONS FAVOR MAN ON LAND C. O. I. Co. Water Users Association TaIccm Action nt Saturday Meeting -Sentiment TounttI J, II. LewU Ilecomcn More Favorable. Important notion In line with tho recommendations made by Stato En gineer Lewla on tho occasion of his recent visit was taken at tho quar terly meeting of tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company Water Usora" As sociation hold at Powell Hutto Satur day afternoon. Resolutions woro passed calling for the patent of lands actually under settlement and cultivation by their owners ahead of unsold lands and those held by ab sentee owners and a committee was appointed to present the matter to the Desert Land Hoard. A resolution was also passed call ing on the board to make a thorough Investigation of the company's canals during tho coming season and the lioard was pctltionod to inform tho association of the time of the meet ing at which the question of opening further lands for sale would como up. P. II. Dencer of Ilend and Harvey Harris were appointed to attend tho meeting and present the resolutions on behalf of the association. Other matters discussed woro the question of forming local bodies in tho different localities represented In tho association and a possible changs In tho tlmo of meeting in retain the services of the present sec retary. A few new members were admitted. From the remarks made by sereral of those present It waa ap parent that Mr. Lewis made a favor ablo Impression on tho settlers who heard him last week nnd thnt his at titude wns better understood and appreciated than ever before. Tho resolution In respect to pat ents adopted at tho meeting waa aa follow: V.Wberean It.appoarsithat there Is no Inccnt're for the companv to se cure patents for land on which the settlers Hen baa been fully paid, nnd "Whereas, settlers who have boon cultivating and Improving their placea must secure title in order to borrow the money for necessary Im provements, therefore, "Do It Resolved, that It la tho sonso of settlers on the Central Ore gon Irrigation Company's Project that the Desort Land Board refuse to approve for patent any unsold lands until such time aa all sold lands have been fully provided for, and that In making up such patent lists, proferonce bo gjvon to those lands which are new being cultivated by actual settlers." IlLANCHARH FOR COMMISSIONER PRINEV1LLE. April 8. It Is un derstood that J. A. Hlanchard has been put forward aa a candidate, for the Republlcqn nomination for coun ty commissioner. In opposition toR. II. Ilayley of Latdlaw, who Is running for re-election. If tho report Is truo, this would give tho Priaevlllo coun try a candidate for ovory ofllce at tho coming election. Dlanchard former ly was a oandldato for county judge. i) CW) L$h (fsh (fx) fW)W 5 y5i? .1 D