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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1914)
TIIK UI!NI lU'LLKTIX, HKXII, OUK., WKDNK8HAY, APHIL 1f, 101 1. VAOH B. M OS P t T THE CREAMERY CENTRAL CREAM DE POT SUGGESTED lint Few CVwm Signed Up In In Pine On Saturday, leaving Forty Xeol- cil-ltedmoori Men llusy-Hiulc- womt Itcprcscntntho Hero. wood cronmory there nnd learned from him that his company was now receiving cream from nil ovor tho northwest, Including northern Coll fornla and Idaho. Tho prlco paid for crenm dollvcrcd In Portland Is ono cunt below Uio prevailing butter nrlco and tho express charges nro 1 M cents por pound. Tho company takes also other farm products, mtcH as poultry and eggs, thus enahlluK tho farmer to diversify his business. On Mr. KoycB Invitation n ropro eentntlvo of tho Hatolwood company will probably attoud tho luncheon on Saturday and oxplaln In detail this now plan. Tho resulta of tho La Pino trip taken by representatives of tho far mer's oroamory last Saturday woro ttot as favorable as had been hoped for and Indications now point to a postponement of tho creamery. In Its rdnco, howovcr, a central cream depot Is planned to take all cream brought In by farmers, and othor products as well. With a regular market for their cream It Is expected that tho farmers will Increase tho number or cows to tho point whore a croamerv can bo profitably operated In the near future Those who wont to La Pino woro .1. A. Bastes, P. 11. Doncor. and U C. Itoberts. During tho day they stcnod un a few cows but on account of tho distance to bo traveled to seo ( tho ranchors only a few woro Inter- j viewed. In tho ovenlnK tho Ilend ropreson- , tatlves attended a meeting of tho La Pino Commercial Club which was ad dressed by tho manager and tho sec retary of tho Itedmond croamory In nn effort to obtain tho La Pino cream for their plant. It was learned from them that In January, when butter Is at 40 and 46 cents they paid onlv 2G cents n pound for butter fat. Ab against this It wis brought out bv U C. lloberts that tho average paid In 42 creameries In Favette county. Iowa, for the vear ending January 14, was 34.2 cents. The expense of wMIn cream fmin T.n Tine. It Is pointed out. Is a fur ther disadvantage for farmers who live at a distance Tho rate to Ilend from La Pino Is 2& cents for a nv Kallon can with empties returned free, whllo the additional charge to Redmond, according to figures fur nished by J. II. Corbctt, Is 49 cents per can and 1G cents for the return of, empty cans. Helling Station Plans. In placo of the creamery If It Is decided -not to go on with It at tho present time. It Is possible, as Indi cated above, that a cream depot will Iks established hero. This Is sug gested br J. P. Koves as a result of his trln to Portland yesterday. While In Portland Mr. Keyes Inter viewed the manager of tho Hazel- KENWOOD ITER SYSTEM TAKEN OVER BY B. IMP. CO. Ti-m.sfVr tn Im Mado May 1 Trenches to Make Connection Xow Hclng Dub Pipo Is Now Hero. In preparation for tho coming transfer of tho Kenwood water sys tem to tho Hond Water Light & Pow er Company trenches nro now being dug to connect tho company'a mains on tho Hond side ot,tu r'vor with tho mains on tho opposite sldo, Pipo will bu laid un fast na received mid on May IB, U Is oxpectod. tho wutor sorvlco will bo from tho Hond sldo. Tho connections will bo mndo In tho main nbovo tho power plant nud In Plnelyn Pnrk ucnr llohort H. (lould'B now house, to which point pipo was laid last rail. In all some 2000 feet of four Inch pipo will bo put In, tho trenches being all done except for a short strip In which rook has boon oncounterod un tho Plnelyn Park sldo. In crossing tho river the pipo will bo laid In n box packed with shnvlngs on tho company's bridge nbovo tho power dnm. in addition R000 foot of pipo aro to bo laid aa an extension of tho Ken wood main Into tho nowly plattud Kenwood Garden Tracts, recently put on tho market by tho lloittl mw and Tltlo Co. For tho tlmo IioIiir tho wator for this sorvlco will bo supplied from tho present standpoint at tho head or Minnesota street. Ultimately Is Is tho Intention of tho company to sup ply Iiolh sides of tho river from a reservoir on tho western hills, tho SPECIAL SALE OF Cook Books Household Edition of Good Living the well known cook book A LIMITED NUMBER AT $1.00 Regular Price $2.50 The OWL PHARMACY silo for which Is nlroady owned by II. Klght moil nro now employed on thy work. ' EASTERN STAR DEDICATES MM Ceremony Occurred Monday Xlght--(IucMh Here From Out, of Town, Tho IiuIIoh of tho Order of tho Has torn Star took their turn at dedicat ing tho new Mnsanlo hall In tho Dos chutes Investment Company build ing on Monday night. A full alien dnnco of tho local inombnrn of tho order wns present, supplemented by delegations from Prtuovllle, lied niond and Laldlaw, After tho dedloatlon coroinonlod had boon eonoludod tho members and their guests enjoyed n social tlmo with iiiubIo and a luncheon. Mrs. A. Thompson of Tho Halloa gave several enjoyable readings. During this por tion of tho evening a number of townspeople were guests of tho or dor. BAKERY OCcilisiw STORE Shrluer & Huey Purcliaso the Coikott Kiilpmcut. In further extension of tho busi ness which they undertook In buying tho American llakory, Hhrlnor & lluoy havo purchased tho llxtures In the store formerly occupied by Cor Rett's nud rontod tho store, Yester day their Block was transferred to It and they have opened today. Thoro will bo no formal opening. The bakery business formerly car ried on In tho adjoining store will continue In the new location. No reg ular meals will bo served but In a short tlmo light dairy lunches will bo provided and Ico cream and can dy will be on aalo. WATI.H IX XOUTII CAXAL, Repairs on tho North canal, which tho C. O. I, Co. has been making for Komo time, nro now Itnlshed and tho water turned In. It Ik oxpectod that tho canal will now be able to carry a bigger head than over before and that much of the land under the Pilot llutto canal can be watered from It. Ilnpalrs and change have also been made at the throat of the Hume whereby the water carried by It cm he nil turned Into (ho Central Oregon canal. WKir.'IIIXd HT.h ItOFTK MAIL. Under orders Just Yecelvml, Post master Ford begins tomorrow the weighing or all star mute mall, both Incoming and outgoing. The work Is to cover n period of two mouths from April 10 to June IS. It Is not known Just what this weighing Is for but tho assumption Is that it Is In connection with tho lotting of tho new mall contract on tho star routes that run from Ilend. Illds for this sorvlco hrvu twice boon called for, tho first time all bids being rojoctnd Tho tlmo for tho second call ended n short tlmo ago and nothing has yot been hoard from tho offors mado, of which thcro were two. Hi:iHlN(l HAH NKW HOMII. Dan Holslng uiuiio over from IiIm Midway Itnnoh on the Motolluii lilvor Inst weak, taking from luiro much furniture with which bo will otttlp his now house. Tho old house was destroyed by lire during tho wlulur. The now atruuturo turn II bed rooms, and will bo completed In n row days. With IiIh enlarged house iiunrtorn, and tho ninny touts placed about tho beautiful place, Mr. Ilolslug oxpoulii to care for summer guests bolter than ovor thin year. Already several pin tles of llshormen havo liueu over from Hond nud other towns. A fow hours nt a nice classy, olonn, up-to-dnto placo especially prepared lor gentlemen, will remove all worry and trouble. Thu Motropolltnn.-Adv ROAD DAY PLANS (Continued fiom pngo one.) that tho ultimate plan will bu lor all work to be put In on this street between tho viaduct and thu hill. An Indicated nbovo, the day on which the work Is to bo done Is still unsettled. Saturday, tho llith, Is the day appointed by tho governor but most or thu business men of tho town do not want to close on that day, or to bu away frum their stores. On that account It has been suggested that Friday bo used Instead, in Hod nionil, whoro plans for tho event have been under dlsottsnn for hoiiio IIiiio, ' Friday lm boon selected, mid it soonm llli'ily thai thu sumo tlmo will . ho chosen hero, COUNTVOANIHDATKH Flu:. Today In the hint day lor filing declarations fur comity olllcen wltui thu County Clerk ut Prtnuvlllo.. A full list or oaudldatea will bo publish-, ed next week, OHKGOX TltUXK THAIX Arrives Ha, in. Leavos H:30 p.m. O..W. It. AS X. THAIX. - Arrives 7:4f p. m, Leavos , 7(35 n, m, t- HTAOi: LINK SOUTH. - Arrives 7 M0 p, in. Leaves , 10 a. m, AUTO I.1XI4H. Curs dally to Horns nud points south ntul southeast, A. HMU'l'lll.'l.'ll'l.? IIIII1KM. (louornl delivery open dally 10 a. m. to II p, m, Oeueral delivery open Buuday 10 to 10:30 a, m. Night train mall olosos 7 p. in, Day train mall oIohoh Oi 30 a, m. - riii.Kimarii iiuuiih, oflteru Union dally 7-12.1-0, - 7-10. Sunday K-10, 4-0, 'IKMUMIOXIt IIOUHN. Pioneer Co, twenty-four hour service, Including Hundny, -- - :( If yon hnil a mint of money yon couldnlt buy it better car. Kord merit bus made the .standard cur of all nations. It's lifjht strong comfortable and dependable. And its cost is well within your income. Get yours to-day. Five hundred dollar Ih the price of the Fonl runabout; the tourli?oar l five Hftjrj the town oar seven fifty f. o. I). Dot roll, complete with equipment. Get catalog and particular from George II- Hoover. Ilend. .Ill IMIIIMimM IIIIMIIMMMIMIM " mi iinitti i i ti - t ...... .- M,tt, --- --------- - ---- -- f --- AL TAT H (? Lumber Complete Stock Dry, Rough md Finishing Lumber Maple and Fir Flooring r S FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS For Close-in Acreage OR. FAR.M LANDS Let us show you the property ?. conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment & VS: Lath and BBMStWSlBBMBM Mii BW MBlB M Shingles Pine House and Irrigation Spout, Lath, Red Cedar Shingles " 4 ,' 4 -1- The Bend Company OFFICE CORNER WALL and' OHIO STS. 1 1 i . v t i 4 4H ' ' f-t l '' - --"---.--4..i HHttMHIt-Wfl