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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1914)
Till: IJEND M'MiKTl.V, IIHND, OIIK., WKIIXKHDAY, APRIL 10, 10J I. PAOK II. V ., f . a- -r i ( r ' SOME TAX FIGURES GIVEN INL'HKAHH OK TAXKH IN MX VKAIM NKAIILV I'OIJIl FOLD HUT IXCHKAHH IH NHAIILV UXIIfOHM ABOUT II I'liu ;knt handled nv the count' coimr InvontlKntlnn or tnx flgurofl facta of Kuimml lutoruHli Amount f AiimikI I'crCciitaf V"AI T Iiihhw Inir4e 1007 $108, 100H 180,137.30 122,000 20.38 Jior oont 1000 lfiB.flilO.Ofi 28,4311 20.00 iir omit 1U10 102,220. ni) 33,fifiU 21. 1 percent UHl 262,818.21 G0,m 31.44 per eaiit 1012 328,118.37 7B.770 30.00 por citnt 1013 411,143.20 82.72IS 26.20 pur cent Tho nniount of tnx levied for nil noliool purposes for 1013, (pnynhlo In 1014) In $40,007.00 more than tho total amount or tnx levied for all purposes for tho year of 1007. Tho total ninoiint levied for special purposed In 1013, In $3,174.00 greater thnn tho lotnt amount or tax loviod tor tho year of 1007. ........ Tho total amount of tnx loviod for all nohool purponon In 1013, In $18,874.00 morn thnu tho lotnl amount of nil tnxiM loviod tor tho yonr or 1008, and In fuiml to 01.00 por chiiI. of thn total nmount or tnx loviod tor nil purposes ror the year or 1000; In 72.3(1 por oont. nn much nn tho total tax loviod ror nil purposed ror tho ywir of 1010; B8.00 por cent, of tho amount of tho total tax levied for nil purpoaea for tho yonr of 1911, and 4 4 por centt of tlio total a mount lovlml for all purpo ror th yoar or 1012. ' Tho total amount of tax loviod for all school jnirHHMMi In 1013 In $HV,111.2ll; tho total amount or tax lvtod ror all state purpose In 1013, In $flMl.&: tho total amount or tax levied for all elly purposes In 1912, In $23,1191.51, inakhiK n total of $X2.002.3I. .,.,.,,. , , , Tho ahovo amount In r,9 por rout, of tlio total tax loviod tor nil purpoxott In 1013. (collectable In 1011). Thea It mint iiecomtarlly follow that tho amount expend! on roadn, bridge, tho expense of tlio three tormn of tho circuit rotirt, maintenance ot tho court house, expanse or all tho oinees, widows' pension, oaro or tho slek and Mior, and many othor Items or expense too uumoroun to montlou. nhall ho paid out or tha remaining 41 por rout, ot tho 1013 tax. MANY fflMMED HoiHrMrad IjuhIh ni NlUI IIoIiik Taken Up. Ketllemoat or (ho Control Oregon hOHHMtoMd land continue at a rapid rato. iiumtwni or newcomers arrlv laK wookly and going Into tlio Inter Wr to look Hp laudn not yot AM on. 'r h MMt rw wanka th tmalnaaa of ihla natur hnn Imnh UHUaoally haavy, du to tho low hoiakoni' rata offorwl liy tha railroad, which nxptre today. Ih th two waoka oadlrin on Mon day O. C. MoHkla. or Hankie A Ityan. RMatml IS nottlera-on homaataad land, chlafly In ljk Bounty. Tboy on mo from tho middle waat laraolv, lk Kroataat tiHmliar ImlwK from Iowa. All have rotMmml ror tholr ramlltaa and will qoihb back to nottlo n tho land a whiii an poaalblo. I'lHillry nupplloa and awl. MktiM Hnrdwnro Council)'. Adv. DllsjpOAD Suit Otcr Nintrtirtloit of Oregon Trunk on Trial. rnitTLANI), April 13- Tho rlKht or way or tho DMoliutoa railroad throiiKh tho ramoun Dchuta rlvor canyon loadliiK Into Content Orot)ti. for a dlnlnnro of on and ooo half mllM. may Ih ontlroly ahroKitfd. tha railroad mny Imi comiwllad to cn ntrwet tha rad for that dlatanro hlKhar up on tha faoo of tho canvn-i. or It may m MiHlld to pay hoavv dawaana. If thn plaintiff, tho I0h( orn Oronon Iind Comnay, " losms our entire stock of Farm Machinery regardless of cost. For Bargains see us. Bend Milling (& Warehouse Co. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET immmn brlnga to Unlit tlio following ciMHiful In a trial that oponod In tho Unltod Htatoa dlntrlet court today hoforo JudKH llottn. Tho Knatorn Orojion Mnd Com IMiiy allHoa ownornh1i ot option on jintporty throuKh which tho canyon iloa and ovor which both tho Orowu Trunk ami tha 1 loach u I on railroad paaa. Tha cane han hoan lutudloj,; ror mora than four yoar. Tho complainant Cham that tha hulldliia; of tho railroad pravout thorn from lulldlHKa larva a dam aa would hav htatn immmiIIiIo under natural condition. Tlio road la now A0 toot above tho river and tba plain tiff want lo build a dam loft foal M!i. Tho Hill lino, on the other nlda of tun canyon, la Jot five fool higher, hut It la undentiHMl that an nKrea moot hntwoon Ita ownora and the land eoinpaHy haa bean reached. GROWING CLOVER SEED I). A. ('. Kxpof ItetommouiN It l'or tho I'nrni. Tha lateat hullotln frcnt the Oro Kon Agricultural Colloxe ha tho fol lowInK to aay reicardluK tho KrowliiK of clovor need: "Tho ralnlnvr of olovor coed In not only ranch more profitable ordinarily than KrowlHK clover nay, inn in vorr much hotter from the fertility atnnd imlnt." Tliht ta the anawer of I'ro feaaor SetAldar, aarfiuomlat of tho Agricultural Oolleo. to a lara nutu tter or farmer who nhould Uko tc irrow clorer acad but "thotiKht Hut It waa awfully hard on the anil Thi Inqulrloa aroae ovor a tnto mont In the Country Unntlotneii to tho affrci that clovar hav rinnvoe alHiut t 19 worth of soil frtll.t Jut aassssssssssfeasssssssssssssftl I .i.tnli l.i.i .i.ijf Hint i1nvnf tinuul mill VIIIUI . M ". V....V. ..v. removes n liout 35 contH worth. It Iiiih often liocn pointed out by tlui Agronomy department Hint wlillo the iictunl vnliio of tlio nitrogen, plum jilioniH anil potassium In a ton of clo vor liny In nliotit $10.50, H or tliln liinoiint In nitrogen wliloli Ih half talc an from tlio nlr, hut which In nctudml to tiiHlntnlii noil fortuity. Wlion Hie liny Ih nolil, this vnliio lonvcm tlio Hold, When foil on tlio ground, 80 per cent of It In roturnod to tlio noil. If tlio olovur sued In tnkon from n ton of olovur, but 'Aft contH worth of tlioiiu plant foodH nro taken out. if tlio straw Ih thou burned tlio vnliio Ih mohtly doMtroyod lint If tint atrsw In returned to tlio Hold and disked In, tlio vnliio Ik mtnlnad and tlio liumiiH Ih lidded to tlio noil. "Therefore proceed with your need growing," nn)n Profossor Hcuddor; "tlio tnoro tho bettor. An long an you do not destroy tho ntrnw, It Is otio of tlio lieit crops you enn grow." l.nwn moworn, Rnrdun hono, Krnwi sood. Hkuiio Hurdwnro Company, ndv IIUNKI'ITH MICAIi l'KOI'MC. Ilond pcoplo hnvo dUoovorcd thai A HINdl.H DUMIS or nlmplo buckthorn hnrk, Klycorluo. etc., n oompoundod In Adlor-l-ku, tho (lorinnu nppoudl olttn reiiiiMlv, romoroa nan on tho ntomnch and cotintl;atlon AT ONCH. Tho I'nltoriMin l)ru Co. Adv. L llooflnK of Mil kinds. Repairing jironiptly dona. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND . Furnace Contractor GutterinK, Spouting, Cornlco. and SkylihU. FOR SUMMER Wear j;et a pair of WORLD'S WORK . SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN the Shoo HcpaJr Man. Bond street, Hond, Ore Tho Barrels rys and Lugs of J? w? STEVENS V. Doublo and Slngto Barret SHOTGUNS rtaS tk.r tint jy .I1IIIT. Cirr k ss- W- Crlltf iImm 11m Itmmf ItM tt SlotM Hl."i -IKvlJ..-. rWt H iniuMiIuk Ml. CM fiiia f" - W l. S .I tif tf.Mil. nu 4. net ( U UUij rtk. 1. STEVENS ARMS &TOOL COMPANY P.O. a (005, cmcoruc rAU.s,Mite. THE WHITE IS KING Tho BESTnll-round Family Sawing Mnchino thnt enn be produced. Mndo in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR Btylca. Tho rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN Btitch. Tho latest up to tho minuto Btccl attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send namo and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue f reo. White Sewing Machine Co. 610 Merchants National Bank Bldg. San Francisco, California STIWUMSl CHURCH NOTICES .Mctliodlnt Cliurcli. Horvlcoa Hundny, 11 n, m. nnd 7:4T, p, m. Tho nuliject In tho mvoiiIiik will ho "SoolallHiu." H ndny nchool 10 it. m. lCpworth I.orkuo 0:46 p. in, Hilda nttidy clnna at tlio Alta mont llotol Thurndny 8 p, m. Choir prnctlco l'rlilny 8 p. in. H, C. Kow linin, pnntor. Cliurcli of tho Itrctlirou. HervlcoH noxt Kunday at 3 p. m. In tho M. IC. churoh. Toplo: "Tho I'hllllplnn Jailor." A oordlal fnvl Uitlon exteudtNl to all. I'lrnt I'rcaliytvrlnn Cliurcli. Kunday nchool at 10 a. m. I'roaoh Ibk aarrlea at 11 a. m. Subject "MprltiK tlino." LoMona from the lonvon. KvonliiK wornhlp huglnnlnK at 7:45 Midweek meotlnR Wednea dny 7:45 p. in. All Invited to thone norvlcon. O, II. Wllklni, tnlnUtor. Lawn moworn, Knrdon hone, eran noml. Hkunu Hardware Comimny. adv xtyricK OK COXTKHT. Dopnrtmunt of tho Interior, United Stnto Land offlco, Lakovlow, Oro Kon, Mnrch 12, 1014. To lirlk M. Anderson, 200 Washing ton St., HoHttlo, Wnih., Contentoe. You are horoby notified that Mary A. Johnson who glvoa IIox 327, Hand, OroKon, c-o B, It. HokIii, aa hor poat oirico addroaa, did on December 17, 1013, file In thin oinco hor duly cor rolioratod application to content and aecure tho cnncellatlon of your home ntoad entry no., aerial No. 04785 iiiado Juno 30, 1011, for KMt. 8cr. 1, Townnhlp 22 8, Ilnnge 10 B, WIN lamotte Meridian, and ua Krounda ror hor content nhe allogoa that you havo wholly fnlled to oHlabllnh and matntBlu rmldenco upon aald land, have wholly fallod to cultivate and Improve the aame aa roqulrod by law; and hnvo wholly abandoned tho namo for moro than ono year lnat pant. You nro, therefore, further noti fied that the said allogntlona will bo taken by this office ra having boon contested by you, and your aald entry will bo canceled thereunder without your further right to be heard there in, either before thla oirico or on ap peal, if you fait to file In thla office within twenty days after tho KOUKTIl publication of thla notice, as ahown lxdow, your answer, under oath, npeclllcally meeting and re npondlng to theae allegations ot con teat or If you fall within that time to Hie In this offlce due proof that you have nerved a copy of your answer on the aald contestant olther In person r bv rcgletored mall. If this service I made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to tho contestant In per son, proof ot such servlco must ho elthor the said contestant's' written N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPER-HANGER Estlmnteson Wall Pnrer at application Portland Prices Cheapest and Best Wull Paper Samples in tho county. fiet My Pricos. Box 1)9, - - Bend Oregon . Ji COMPANY Storage and Forwarding General Commission Merchants WE HANDLE OIL, GASOLINE, SUGAR, FLOUR, SALT, HIDES FRESH and SALT MEATS HAMS, BACON AND LARD TEi United Warehouse Co. A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon acknowledgment of his receipt of tho copy, showing tho dnto of Its receipt, or tho nllldnvlt of tho person hy whom dollvored; It mndo by register ed mnll, proof of auch servlco must consist of the nffldnvlt of tho porson hy whom tho copy wns mnltcd stating when nnd tho postofflco to which It wan iiihiicij, nun mm nuiunvib uiunii ho nccompnnlod by tho postmaster's 1 receipt for tho letter. j You should stnto In your answer, tho nnrno of tho postofTico to which I you doslro future notices to ha sent to you. JAB. K. HUnOBHB, Itoglstor. Dnto of first publication March 18, 1014. Onto of second publication March 2ft, 1014. Data of third publication April 1, 1014. Onto of fourth publication April 8, 1014. Fraternal Societies I. O. O. P. Iicnd Lodge Xo. 218. Regular meeting ovory Mon day night at 8 o'clock In Bath er's Hall. Visiting brother cordially welcome. M. A. PALM Bit, N O. GEO. P. G')VB, rtccrutary. TUB I'ltATKItXAL IlltOTHEIt IIOOI). Hcnd Lodge Xo. S97 meets In Bather'a Hall every Thursday evening, with social on third Thursday each &.unth. Visiting members con'Jallv Invited. Mrs. G. NV. Bhrlner, Prcs. Leroy Fox, Secretory. ItOVAL XKIOIIBOHK OK AMintlCA. Itnnnrr C'onip Xo, 00.11. Itogular ruectlngs scnd and fourth Tuesdays, Bathers Hall. MHB. J II CONNAUN, Oracle. MItS A ORCfTT. Recorder AceUenU to tfi fla will happen, do tnitur bow carttul you aro. Ballard's SNOW LSMiMEHT Rent Always In tho honta Is rnrnt wbenerer tucro is a cut. burn, bruise cr other Injury to me nam cr any menixr or. too ratnflr "bo oo on or the. wounds are treatMl. tne irrcater ceruintr that they w!ll heal without much naln or lors ot i limn, it li tiauallv certain that F tha lerturit rt rheuaatlim. ., .--r .-;-.- z I back, alls necU and lumbago trill h rated, and tha dlneaia , nouraiKin nna ccwiica. lama ft rcoedllr driven out or tba bodr. 'A if Ton bavo It on .band tba uirerinir is snort udu tno euro u epeocjr ana compjeio. Prleo S COo and f LOO per Dottle. JamiP.DIUr(t,Prop. CkLoulcMo. I 8tepbcna Eye Oalva Cures Ocro Kye. ..L Sfww ...j 'JJUU-', Patterson Drug Co. 3ii,iWingJi llt'.SINi:.S.S AXI) PllOKKHHIOXAIi. ItOIUIKT II. OOVLU C'lrll ff Tlcml Oregon HnlnCcr IIKXNKTT, HINNOTT Jb (JAI,MWAV Attorneys at Ijiw CJonornl Practice Tho Dalles, - Orogon I108B KAItNIIA.M Attorney At h a r Omco In Jones Ilulldlng on Wall Streot. 8. ,11. IIOOIN Irfind Attornry Huslnoss before tho V. g. Land offlce a specialty. Twenty live years oxperlonee In practice bo fore tho local V. 8. Land Offlce and tho departments at Wash ington, D. C. Offlena ovor the frcwhutes State Hank. I:xi :-: :-s OltKGOX J. H. IJell A. W. Sims CHOOK COL'XTY AIISTHACT COMPANY 'Incorporated) Succcssora to The J. H. Haner Abstract Co., Prlnevllle, Ore. Abstracts Insurance W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. I) K.VTI8T Offlce Over Postofflco IJend, ... Oregon WILLAUD II. WIRTZ IiAWYEIl Prlnevllle, Orogon. U. C. COE, M. D. I li y a I c I n n and Surgeon Omce over First National Ilank Offlco Hours: 10 to 12 a. ni.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. tn. nEXD. :-: OREOOX C. S. DENSON Attorney At Law Ucnson Ilulldlng, Wall Street riond, Oregon. VERNON A. FORDES L A W Y K U First National Dank Building IJend, :-: :-: Oregon QSOKOK S. YOUNG Civil anil Irrigation Knglneer. City Knglneor of IJend. Room S First National Bank Building Tnr - n IB f J II. II. D e A K M O N D L.VIVYKK Sather Building Bend, Ore. II. C. ELLIS Attorncyat-Ijiw United Suites Commissioner First National Bonk Building BEND, OREGON DR. J. II. CONNARN DENTIST Offlce In Sathor Building, lloura 9 to 12, 1 to G. Sundays and ovonlngs by Appointment. DR. A. U. CROPP Chlropructor DKUGLKS3 1MIYHICIAN Offlce over Mlllor Lumbor Co., Wall Stioot Hours. 9-12. 1-5. At Redmond Monday and Fri day until further notice. O. P. NISWONGER. Bend, Ore, UNDERTAKER Licensed Embulmcr, Funeral Director. Phone, Lady Assistant. SWEATT, LEVESQUE & CO. 312 Mohawk Bldj;. SPOKANE ARCHITECTS Schools and large Buildings a specialty