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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1914)
TIIK BEND BULLETIN, 1KNI, ORE., WEDNESDAY, APRIL If, 101 1, TAGE 4. THE BEND BULLETIN (Fubllslied Every Wednesday) GEORGE. PALMER PUTNAM Editor nnd PubllRhor. ROBERT W. SAWYER Associate Editor. An Independent newspaper stand Ins for tho aqunro deal, clean busi ness, clean politics nnd .tho boat in isrests of Bond and Central Oregon. uno year. f 1.60 Six months s" Thrco months .60 iMln i i ii ii ii ii Alt subscriptions aro duo nud PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration are mailed subscribers and If renewal Is not made within reason able tlmo tho paper will bo discon tinued. Plcaso notify us promptly of any change of address, or of lalluro to ro cclve tho paper regularly. Othorwlso wo wilt not bo responsible for coplos missed. Make all cheeks and orders pay ablo to Dcnd Bulletin. ' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1914. A SUBSIDIZED PRESS. A new broom sometimes sweeps clenn. Occasionally It only stirs up n dust. The Prlncvlllo News, once Review, seems bent upon dusting- despite the avowed disapproval of somo of Its financial backers. Of course the cleansing Is to be along political lines; there never yet was a new edi tor In an old community who could resist setting tho political world aright. So even If Prlncvlllo folks who understood they were going to draw a paper that would boost their town first, last and all tho tlmo seem destined for disillusionment, it's nt least posslblo some amusement will bo forthcoming. It was generally stated that Mr. Pollard was going to "show up" some county affairs. Avowedly ho was hunting the goats of certain offlclals, when ho entered tho newspaper field. nd now. In a homo grown cartoon, the new spokesman of truth and vir tue Indicates that poor old Crook county Is laboring under the burden of n subsidized press, which, presum ably is protecting some oi mesu uu clals. Isn't that awful- Trusting read er, do you realize what hat means? You, who have road Tho Bulletin, tho Crook County Journal or tho Madras, Pioneer havo been feeding your minds upon tainted and Impure news! Not only have tho sins of this subsidized press been sins of commis sion, but those of omission as well. The cartoon In question pictures tho bloated press (wearing a silk hat, it you please!) suppressing "court house news." In the shape of a cat which It refuses to let out or the ba-r. evidently because the "county court" orders Its suppression. To be shown up in this way Is ap palling! Of course, since Judge Springer has been telling folks what he thinks of us, we've become rather hardened to adverse criticism, but our editorial heart does bleed for our fellow offenders. Think of gentle Editor Grey, of the Journal, or How ard Turner of Madras! Consider the disgrace of this exposure- Will they ever contrive to set themselves right with the constituency? But here is one query. The News Is evidently bursting with Information. The rest of us aro suppressing county court news, he alleges. Now, by all means let Mr. Pollard cut the cat out of the bag. If ho has some stench to stir up, some mud to sling, some scandal to unearth, let him to at It. As wo recall a recent campaign in which he was an unsuccessful candidate for county office, he Is experienced in this sort of thing on the eve of elec tion. Thus far the News has contained about as much news as a bill of lad ing, and as much cohrt house Infor mation as a coroner's report. We thrill with anxious anticipation while we await tho righteous exposure, ap parently promised. Incidentally, we trust it may not be an exposure of Ignorance. Tho News states that "County offl clals have been making asiee of themselves." Granted In part; for many months we have remarked upon the braying aslnlnty of the old Jack leader. By Innendo, the News Inti mates that one had better vot4 against the present sheriff, and wa suppose the comment concerning "holding offlce by divine right" Is intended for Warren Brown. (So far the News Is a trifle Indefinite.) Hos tility to Commissioner Bayley Is slightly less veiled. As O. Springer Is not up for re-election, the endorse ment of that worthy economist, which otherwise would be Inevitable, Is not forthcoming. "Economy" la the watchword. High taxes are deplored. At editorial ad vice to tho erring voter, thero Is n familiar ring to that sort of thing. However, an exponent of stalwart In tegrity like Mr. I'r.llard need not concern himself with being original! We only wish he would toll us more specifically exactly how county affairs should be conducted. But onough. A closing paragraph hum tlin nriltnrlnl in thn NftWB alone need bo added; It Indicates, with. some rnetortcai contortion, uisu uuor all honosty doesn't matter If one can get away with It! Here Jt Is: "Voters, think! It Is not a matter of whether our offlclals havo been honest or dishonest as some seem to think. It Is a matter of whether or not good business Judgment has been ejcerclsed." ;? It la truo thnt those particular re marks wero mnilo many yenra ago nnd their authors nro no longer pres ent to claim membership In our pro posed club, but words of equal wis lom nro spukon dally on tho tnrlff, banking, the trusts, nnd many other subjects of less Importance, nud It seems tilting thnt somo recognition of them be made. Oregon Itself Is still under discus sion, though n somowhnt more limit ed area than that covered by the name when Daniel Webster refused to tnko Btops to bring It nenror to Boston. What would ho now say could ho soo tho city that the flip of a coin named Portland lustond of Boston, or tho sen side city that hours name of bis own homo town, Mnrshlleld. One of tho well known portraits of Daniel shows him In an exceedingly largo boavor hat. It seems clear that nt times his talking was dono through It, Of llko nature are Professor Khnrn'a words on tho "desolation" of Central Oregon, to one who can stand on a Illnghnm mil ami over look tho green Holds and marshes thnt itnnlni- ilwt nnlehlvnrlnir Charles river, tho sago brush nnd sand may spell desolation, but to tho landless man It means homo and a futuro. Wn wUii wn inlelit lournov with tho professor over Oregon GO years from now. it seems a fair moral to draw that vou must uot bo too suro thnt every thing Is no good, especially In Oregon. OREGON'S LEAD. Tho crop report publlshod olse- whoro In this paper Is worthy of caro- ful study by everyone Interested In Oregon. SInco only two of the 14 Items relate to crops In tho goneral acceptance of tho term. It might be better to call It a stock report. And It Is as such that It has Its chief In terest. The condition of stock on April 1, with tho wlntor Just over, Is a pret ty good Indication of tho sort of wln tor It has had to endure and tho loss by exposure Is another. Orogon'a figures on these two points stand up well with those of the rest of tho country, both as to the present year, and In the 10 year avorage. It Is In tho swine figures that tho greatest dlfferonco occurs. Though tho condition Is roughly tho same, tho losses by dlseaso aro nonrly flvo times greator In the United States than In Oregon. Last year thoy wero four times greater. That means one big thing that Oregon swine en joy a raro freedom from dlsonse and points to another that dlseaso must be kept out. Serum may be good for hog cholera In Iowa, but no cholera Is the thing for hogs In Oregon. mnry election to be hold May IB. VERNON A. FORUKS. 3-11 Adv. roil COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself na n can didate for tho olllco of county com missioner of Crook county, subjeot to tho approval of the Democratlu voters nt tho primary election. K. V. RICHARDSON. 2-11. Adv. 1'OR SHERIFF, 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate fur tho ottlro of Sheriff of Crook county subject to tho upprovnl of tho Demoerntlo votors nt the com ing prlmnrlee, Mny IK. 1111. 3-10 Adv. K II. KNOX, Post, Or. l-'OU COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for re-election as county commission or of Crook county aubjoct to the ap proval of tho Ropubllonu votors ut the primary election May 15. 3-10 Adv. It. H. BAYLKY. FOR SHERIFF. I beg to announce myself as a can didate to succeed myself as sheriff, subject to the approval of tho Re publican votors of Crook county nt tho primary election on May 15. 3-10 Adv. FRANK B1.KIN3. FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for election as a representative In tho Oregon Legislature from this district, subject to the approval of tho Democratic voters nt tho primary election to bo held May 15. 3-11 Adv. P. II. DENCKR. -- .- I , TAXES. Tho tabulation of taxes appearing elsewhere In this paper, tells the story for Crook county. In consid ering It, there nro three things to note. The flrst Is that In six yonrs the amount of tax has Increased al most four fold. The second Is that percentage of Increaso Is approxi mately the same each year. Tho third is thit tho county conrt Is not responsible for even half of the tax. The first fact is startling and dis quieting. One cannot but wonder where we will be six years from now. The second, while no special sat isfaction, at least shows that no sud den oxtravagance has developed, it Is not the officials of this year, or of any ono year, who are responsible for a notably heavy expenditure. The third Is well worth consider ing, when we all are apt to blame "high taxes" upon the county com missioners. For It Is a fact thnt the county court has to do with the ex penditure of only -II per cent of all the taxes collectable on the rolls of 1913. The rest of the taxes origin ated from acts of the people (a school levies) and from the state authorities, as previously pointed out In The Bulletin. Classified Advertising AOtcrtlicmcntn Inverted under this heading nt the rate of ONE CENT A WORD each Insertion. Cosh must accompany nil order from pci-Min not having n regular account with Tho Bulletin. No mhcrtUoiuciit tnk for less than in cent caclt Insertion. WANTED. WANTED Work by the day. Mrs. Howo. Cp7 WANTED Good, neat seamstress, by day. Inquire Skuse Hardwnro Company. Cc WANTED Girl for general houso work. Mrs. Herbert E. Allen. 6tf iWANTED Farmers with teams who will put crop In Irrigated litnd, taking payment In part of crop, D. J. Finn, Ton Bar ranch, Bond. WANTED A girl or woman for general house work. For particulars phono or writa to Mrs. O. C. Card well, -itr - --T7- I- FOR RENT. Children's Diseases Very Prevalent. Whooping cough Is about every where. MeasWs and scarlet fever al most as bad. Use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for luflamed throats and coughing. Mrs. I. C. Hostlor, Grand Island, Nebr., says: "My three ohltdren had severe attacks of whooping cough and a very few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar gave great relief." Patterson Drug Co. Adv. HOME STUDIO. Mrs Ashley Forrest will tako a limited number of pupils In piano and volco. Home Studio. &-9p Poultry supplies and seeds. Skuse Hardware Company. Adv. COMMENT ON OREGON. Wo propose the formation of a Dew club. Just what Its name should ho we cannot say but Its purpose may 1n Inrilontnri In this motto. "We told -you bo, but we-wero wrong.'! The I 'Idea has conieto" ub" after reading- the learned remarKs on uregon which ire reprinted elsewhere in this paper. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for county surveyor, subject to the approval of tho Republican voters at the primary to be held on May IE. 1-10 Adv. R. L. BREWSTER. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I beg to announce myself as a can didate to succeed myself as county treasurer, subject to the approval of the Republican voters of Crook coun ty nt the primary election on May 15. 1-10 Adv. It. I JORDAN. . FOR COUNTY UiEHK. To tho Voters of Crook County: I hereby announce myself as a can didate to succeed myself to the offlce of county clerk, subject to tho appro val of the Democratic voters of Crook county at tho prlmtry ulctlon to bo held May 1C. 1-10 Adv. WARRE.; DROWN, -FOR STATE BEPHESBNTATIVE, I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election as a represent tatlve-ln-tho Oregon.: Legislature. from this district, subject to the approval of the Republican voters at the prl- FOR RENT Improved 40 acre farm ono mllo from depot of Bvnd. Sco Vornon A. Forbes. 4-00 FOR RENT Good 4 room houso and ncro lot ono block from dopat. Excellent chnnco for gnrdonlng. In qulro Ed. Brostorhous. ltf FOR RENT Small houso partly furnished. $G a month; also tent houso adjoining. Near depot. In quire at Bulletin. 49tf FOR RENT Offlcos on Wall street very cheap. Apply Bulletin Office FOR RENT Rooms centrally lo cated. Eloctrlc lights and water. Suitable for housekeeping. Cheap. Apply Bulletin Ortlco. FOR RENT Largo storo, modorn front. Good location. Apply to F. O. Minor. Deschutes Bank. 27tf DO YOU TANGO? YOU'LL NEED The Corselfor All Occasions. Priced from $1.00 to $5.00 For Sale by Mannheimer's TO TRADE OR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE Three timber elalms for desert land with water. R. A. Puett, box 154, Bond. Cp TO TRADE Lot, 4 room house, barn and outhousos, in Park Addi tion, for span of horses, harness nnd wagon, cows and hogs. It. L. Puett, rear American Bakery. Cp i T lii 5B FOR KALE. FOR SALE OR TRADE 40 ncros Irrigated land, prloe $G00, Only 7 mllea oast of Bond on county road, trees all over the land. Address S. Murasakl, Box 65, Bend. Stf FOR, SALE Tent, 12x14 with lumbor. Prlco choap. Inquire Bulle tin, str FOR SALE A No, ono toam steel gray horses 7 and 8 years old, weight 2C00 pounds, apply to Bulletin. G-Cc FOR SALE Ono team mares, S and G years old, double harness, 3 Inch Sehuttler wagon, roan Durham milk cow. Cash or bankable note. C. R. Powolsou, Sisters, Oregon. 6-flc FOR SALE Ono 4 months old registered Jersey bull; also ono two year old Jersoy, almost full blood. D. J. Finn, Ton Bar ranch, Bend. Stf FOR SALE Rhode Island Rod baby chicks, IS cents oach. Wrltn or phono Mrs. E, S. Cast, DtMchute, Oregon. 6-lOp FOR SALE Good secoud hand baby buggy. Mrs. Herbert B. Al len. Stf FOR SALE 14x10 tent with lum ber addition roofed with rubberold. Electric lights, porcelain sink, pan try, closet, etc. Apply at Bulletin of fice. 4tf FOR SALE Tho Sttti Section 31 Township S3 South, Range 12 E. Has about 3 million yellow pine. Aililrcs R. A. Jtoso, Box 103, Sumnor, Wash Ington. 4-7 p FOR SALE OR TRADE For good young stock cows, C teams good work horses from 1200 to 1400 pounds, ono team mules, also one 4 yoar old full blooded Guornsoy milch cow, freshened March 7. Phono Stanley Ranoh Co. 2 tf FOR SALE Living room nnd bed room furnlturo. E. F. Grcono, Lnrn houso. ltfc FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs for setting, f 1.26 for 13. Leave or dors at Bather's storo. ltfc FOR BALE Thoroughbrod Dnrr od Rock eggs for hatching. $1 per setting. It. Bartlett at Metropoli tan. S tf FOR SALE Cholco eggs for hatching. Pure bred whlto Leghorn Wycorf strain excellent layers. Leave ordors now at Thompson's Furniture storo. 52tfc FOR SALE Team of mares, har ness and wagon. Ad dross W. N. Ray, Laldlaw, Ore. 62tf FOR 8ALE Tobacco at cut prices. Star and Horseshoe 45c lb. Bend Cash Grocery, oast of depot. 49t FOR SALE All kinds of rough and dressed lumber, at Anderson Bros, sawmill half nay between Bend and Laldlaw, on old Tumnlo road. Roasonablo prices, rough lumber 110 per M. Dellvorlng to Bend or Lald law 12 per M. Telephone. 19tf FOR BALK Choice solectlon of mastodon pansy plants at O'Donnell's 20 cents a dozen whllo they last. M. O. Coo. C FOR SALE Homo cured hams nnd bacon. P. II. Doncer, G7p FOR SALE Flno horse, buggy BREAD the Prettied, Whitest, Lighted and Best Tabling Bread that can be made, Housewives are now mak ing from the FLAG Brand Flour Sold by Shuey's Cash Grocery LEAD1NO EATS STORE OF MEND nnd harness. Inquire of Hhrlner & Huoy bakery, Wall street. Otto FOR SALE The fixtures In the old Iwkory location on Wall street. See Shrluer & Huey. fltf c FOR HALH Cattle by Mitt Cnueh 4 V4 tulles north-wost of Laldlaw, G-7p FOR BALE Three Jersoy cows, also wagon nnd harness. (1. W. Sny der, 3 miles south and west of Lald law. Ctf FOR SALE Hronzo turkey eggs. Leave orltts at the L. A. Shaw fistd store, or address Miss Leila liuiin. R. F. I). No. I. 4 FOR SALE- 6 acres undo dltcl. imrtly elwarwd, 1 Vi ihIIms north of lloud. Reasonable terms. Imjuirtt Bulletin. f.if LOST AND FOUND. TAKEN UP -17 tHlIwi above Bend, sorrel mare, branded M on left hip. Owner may have her by paring charges. C L. Hitiltli, 4 miles nut on Prluevllla road. Clio STRAYED OR STOLEN Krrel horse, white face, Roman nose. threw whlto feet. Double F brand cu left front shoulder Kindly notify Jos A. Brlnkley, box 100, Bond, Gp KENWOOD Gardens KENWOOD HARDENS Join Krnuood on the Wet. NEARLY EVERY LOT COMMANDS A VIEW OF THE TOWN, RIVER AND MOUNTAINS. WATER FOR DO MESTIC CHE IS IIEINO PIPED TO THE M)TS NOW. THE MTS VARY IN SIZE AS FOLLOWS: (RUttOO, J10. too AND KMIxlin, Prices from $75 to $175 TERMHt 1 0.00 CASH AND EASY MONTHLY PAY MENTH ON THE BALANCE, 7 PER CENT INTEREST ON DEFERRED PAV.ME.NTH. HCIti: ARE SOME REAHONH WHY UVTH IN KEN WOOD UAKDENH AT THE PRICES QUOTED ABOVE IS THE BEST INVESTMENT ON THE MARKET, BE CACHE KENWOOD OARDENS IS ONLY TEN IIMICKri FROM THE BUHINENS CENTER OF BENIM BECAUSE EVERY M)T COMMANDS A GOOD VIEW: BECAUSE THE LOTS ARE LAIIUint THAN ANY lKTH ON THE MARKET: IIECAl'HE WATER IS PIPED TO THE LOTHJ BECACHE THE PRICES ARE no .PER CENT LESS THAN ANY OTHER THE SAME SIZE AND THE SAME DISTANCE FROM THE IIUHIMMH CENTER OF HENDj BECAUSE THE TERMS ARE THE EASIEST. Henkle & Ryan SELLING Phi JT Goods are J"U 1 Going fast Make Your Selections Early A. L. HUNTER Oregon Street i " i