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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1913)
I. ago 8. UMNO HUMiKTIN, 11KN1), OKK., WI.DNI.-U.AV, AUOl'HT tf, 10111. TO FINISH STREET WORK Council Vote to Defend Hull Itruuitht by Attaint nnd Complete Work. An Adjourned mooting of tho City Council was held Monday nftornoon. Councllmon Allen, Collins. Stoldl nnd Miller bolng present. On rocom lucndntlon of City Attorney Forbes, eovernl resolutions wore passed to deal with tbo situation crcntcd by tho default of the contractor on tho street work. The city Attorney was nuthorlicd to defend tho suit brought by Contractor Adams and it was voted to have tho city finish tho work under tho supervision of tho city engineer. Steps were also taken to have tho necessary repairs made on tho Catholic church whore n blast dnmngbd the front of tho building. Tho meeting adjourned to Friday, when plans Tor tho now city building will bo taken up. Follow InK tho meeting of tho Council, City Engineer Young made xrinngomcnta to begin on tho street work at rno and yostoruay a crow of men and toatns In chargo of Tom Murphy commenced operations on Oregon street. Tho first effort will be to finish tho streets where work Is uncompleted and utter that to clean up tho remaining loose ends of the Job. FORKOASTF.U lUVUS IIKUK. K. A. Heals of tho United Suites Weather llurcau at Portland was In town Saturday on a visit of Inspec tion of the government weather sta tions. Among other things, Mr. Heals expected to sco what could bo done nbout establishing a of frost warnings at Stanflcld and also to nt- tend to tho river gago at Wciscr, Idaho. From hero he went to Durns Although Mr. Heals Is district fore caster of weather for Oregon and as such is supposed to bo responsible for tho weather, ho declines to as sume responsibility for tho heat of tho past week In Oregon. Saturday the mercury In tho local government thermometor went as high as 96 de grees, and tho nights hae also been warm. Composers," Miss Dolscn; vocal, "Song of tho Heart," Tunlsou, and "A Necklace of Iovo," Xovtn. by Mrs. Todd: piano, "On tho Sea," Forest, by Mrs, Putuniu; vocal, "Ills Lulla by" nnd "tanging," Carrie Jacobs ltond. nnd "Five Little Whlto Heads," Hlshof, by Mrs. Ilrtnkloy. The next meeting will be on Sep tember S at the homo of Mrs, Hubert H. Could. im. coirnv at coi.dkxdam:. Itov, I. I. Gorby. who recently re signed the Presbyterian pastorate here, has been engaged by tho Pros bytcrlan church ni Ooldoudnle, Yu.. si a the Uoldcndnlo independent, and preached his first' sermon thero on August 3. "Ho u n rorcotui talker and comes highly recommend ed as a man uud minister," says the Independent. Dr. Corby Is staying In Portland, going up to Uouteudnlt to conduct ttorvlces on Sunday. SPItt'lAh ItATKS TO FAIU. , J. T. Hardy, In town today, an ! nouuees that the Oregon Trunk will soil tickets to Iledmnnd from various Lpoluta at one nnd a third faro on no 1 count of tho Prlnevlllo fair, mini mum or Jl for round trip; and on ac count of the fair nt Salem, at thq same reduced rates. Tho Prlnevlllo rates will bo on front September 22 to 28 Inclusive, and the Salem rates from September 26 to October 4 Inclusive. frjl'SPKCT IS XOT Cl'llSKV. Tho man who has been held nt Deer Lake. Wash., on suspicion of being W. D. Cursor, the Hend at seamier, has been able to establish. to the satisfaction of the authori ties that he Is not the fugltlte from here, nnd 1ms been released. MAKIIIKD AT DKSCIIITKS. Tbo people of Deschutes wore giv en a surpriso last evening when a coupto of young people from nearby towns stopped off tho evening train with a minister and, going to tho hotel, were married. Thoy were Frank Phoenix of Redmond an d.MIss Mabel Wlndom of Prlnevllle. Rov. Frederick Harvey of Redmond was tho minister. It Is understood that Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix spent tho night nt Deschutes and this morning went ilown to Redmond to explain how they had escaped their friends for the occtislon. MI'SICAIj ChUll'S PROGRAM. At the meeting of the Musical Club last Wednesday aftornoon Mrs. Putnam's, tho following pro gram was given: Paper, "American 1IAITIST FOLKS IIAVK SOCIAL. The members or the Hnp'.lst church nnd Invited friends had u pleasant time last eicnlng at the Kills homo, tho occasion being u lawn and house social. Tho band was on hand and played, asd thero were guinea and refreshments. Tho lawn was given u festive appoarnnce by the ijc of Jap- COURT BEGINS NEXT TUESDAY (Continued from Page One) About 80,000 feet of timber was de stroyed. An investigation of othor matters that cannot be given out at this time, it Is understood, wilt also be placed before the grand Jury by tho prose cuting ofllcera of this county, District Attorney W. A. Hell, or The Dalles and Deputy Prosecutor Wlllard H. Wirts. Crciilimv Starts Llltel Suit. Another matter of considerable In terest at this term or court Is a suit brought by Rev. J. M. Crenshaw or Redmond, Methodist minister at that place, against seventeen of the most prominent residents and business men of his city, for $30,000 damages for llbol, and n suit for $17, C00 against Kdltor Palmer of tho Hud. tuontl Spokesman. Tho suits rlsi. out of tho (HfllcuHy precipitated nt Redmond n year ago whou, nt tho suggestion of Rov. Mr. Creushnw, u detective was employed ami tho lormer mayor, it. v, Jones, was convicted or gambling. A peti tion was circulated nntl sent' t,o tho governor by tho defendants In these cases, and published In tho Redmond Spokesman declaring Creushnw to bo an undesirable oltlten and reDoctlng otherwise on his character and repu tation, so ho nlleges. The cases will not likely bu tried nt this term for tho reason that some of tho parties will without duuiit ask for a post ponement. Ll-t of .ltimrt Drawn. Tho Jurors summoned from Uohd are J. N. Hunter, K. A. Snther, John Steldl. W. P. Vnndevert nnd .1. I). Davidson. The other Jurors are: W, II. Iloss. C. W. Hransietter uud Clou Loucks. Madras: W. T. Johnson. A, A. McCord. V. Hutler. Prlnevlllo; Ralph McCauley, Terrebonno: Wes le Street,, W. I. Dixon, 1'lfo: Jnmen Wood, Ashwood; A. O. Wnlker, Al falfa: Thomas Aldord.oo. Opal City: K. 11. Knott. Wallace Post. Post; J. N. Masten. Ln Pino; J. J. Wilt. Sis tors: Okear Klxer. J. K. Roberts, I). Muthollaml, Roberta. A. G. (llbbco, Roy Newell, Hay Creek. Arthur hub sell, Lnmonta:: J. A. Vosburg, Cllne Falls; C. W. Paulmehn, Grlxxly; O. McFnrland, Gaton, and S. A. Snnd vlg, taldlnw. Owing to n change made In tho terms of tho state Circuit Court nt the last session of tho Legislature by a bill Introduced by Representative Forbes, which went Into effect Juno 3, court convenes In Crook county on the first Mondas In September nnd December and tho second Mon day In March Instead of ns formerly on the third Monday In October una tho first Monday in May. CROOK COUNTY COURT RAPPED (Continued from Pago One) person from each county to net with him. Recommending bonding of counties for permanent highways. Indorsing Central Oregon route for Pacific highway. -P c r m nnont organisation Crea tion of committee of three to report plan ror permanent organization nnd llnanclfig of league at next mission. Demonstration farms Deploring action of Crook county In neglecting suport for demonstration farms and urging appropriation. Urging all counties In league to establish dem onstration farms. Caring ror settlors Future work or league to lo directed toward euro or settlors after arrival rather than toward advertising or resources. .'Diversity of Oregon Condemn ing referendum on university appro priation and pledging support to Uio Institution. Pananti-Paclflc Exjiosltlon Urg ing counties to make big exhibit In San Francisco in 191S. nnd favoring log structure for state building at the fair. Real Estate Fakers Condemning of , x, t m sww P rB80n I fc$jVlM!fc3 fM( SY & i'P 1 STflSriOIC UOMTUft 01 4a 111 It "lull r.ll I . .r wrinoi loiwunnw a I NVtft.llw Vill JV AV .&' twwmMTMM S. 1 r- .'. . j 1. 1 1 WWfl I fj ' Tinssn -v l IS I n v ill J S wMrrtrowu J i &ucrvM f . u f va i - ?. - j r x k is &W' v ..r- ,..: iitr-fi .s vvl m V Vfjrf - X 1 t 0 t . VVJ AlAAsiAtuMili V L?rtVE THIS MflpaSjTUpy T- ,i JNVESTICnTE. STAsriaie toMritn MirntAMnroPMrisfts twnw3iftirj,wuiH TW1RBR vrstrn rowei HtunriON paiNa Sro(KB.SICin(ir BSWa Si"ttYl lNft4AJ!fl ". WMwnmin mti Hr8Mira . m cnriosuluToetire; shh fvicvrs fliirtiauTiNcinTft tMr mill PlAMIWaMILI. sm moon rtrvi CsftfHCSMl'lcifUII MfTftRlU CarvetNUtiCa WMOPUUPMlOJ CXCCMK roA TMftAT1M HClTM-MltOtfirV ,V QT1 C I A DSma "'tirtoHiiuiiu HMiiitry The Unit Us ilch. dtrp vlcnle )) fwrinn 1 UU 011UIK1 3t5 LC 171116 "" no rock. ! Irvrl, lu. good lilnt mi rinlltiit itrHkiH wttir urtrr Ufv(r than ioOl 'Thrltllnlr'l Un.l wllh s txtul wratrr ilflil nntur(luM)lt ljtxrcr(un my Urint Th uriounOlng plntpiTrltil nnintltii stc tijllol nlutl wnuitri mt Juit th t ruravimtloa U Itne i only nboultwojfUinM lull gto-ing mpl.tly It h Ulihoiif tUrm, two ood hotrU. twu lil( grift nirclinillM.vrf. .0ttVlllry iullrl ()!. nnrllf m iuiir nil? I. lint Inter Mauntalii), im nf Ihr mtut irfrrtv cumineii-UI cluU In lh( Ulr n.l thl.clHh Uy lh , hatlUnwli pioiwily nl (In iwi )r ctKlf.l ihfiron ltfrtlrr dull hetix There r Ihr null uw null In the Tlcliilty ofM filic. whl li l.jiil I lie beginning iiUlielHg lmntilns unit nillllnf tmln lhl will Ut Ooneherr lhereare iixhI oKtiltijj. In uianHfuctMiIng mt other htolnmllhin heir In etiielloiul mailer !. I'lne l iieiele It hat Unaeteachool L In Ihehran oflhere.nv HTlloti anil now leacht up to tne Iwclllli gtile. A (.HhulK (hunli will h Imlll hec Ihlaapring aud oilier chutt:t are plantilnc la ealiLllth lheineler l. I'lne hat orer 11 mo available eleetrle hor txtwer which the (lwnetahaytcnmmcneeiltuilcetlop, ami which alone woukl ImiIM a g4o. alieilcllv The trig aire of farm Unit Irihulary lu l,a tine woukl alone trnlM and maintain a get tlreil city The tatt Iraciaof limUr lillwlaryln . fine wonM alone IhiIM a gowt alietl ilf With the comlni. ofthe two big rallioail ayalema to La riiie, which will lie mhih iteedHpiticut In amLarnumt I.a I'lne will Im rapid U I'lne can be letchnt ia Or Sr ti V O K AN. aiMt P Ht imi can make money by buying p"pMy at 13 line In advene, of I he rallroaila. Othetaarcilolng It. why not Vol1' WAKK VV trtlhe fact thala tMl. welMocaleitluwn Inwne o( the ncweat ami leat teetlmia or;he.Soilhwe.iHIunllagriiw rapMly ami that piepeily lne will rlimb aevoeillngly I'rKra now fioni WMiip The leema ait raty cmlr a few ilullara jr nioaih uo each lot You dau'lmln lite minify but you him acaiulie valuable pfepeitr. Wirle lo.lay litr ;4l. prttt a 11 J termt la LA PINE TOWNSITE COMPANY, La Pinb, Oregon. KtluMe agentt. wHh good hank lfienw, wanted In all parte of the Vnlleit SUIe real estate fakers nnd recommending law for protection of prosiHtcthe set-1 tiers from mlsrnpresoutattnu. . Railroads t'rglng Houthern Pn clllc and Hill linos to rnmpleU' rail roads under construction In Contral Oregon. National Forests Recommeiullng selling of timber lu large units and on easy terms. Recommending open-; Ing of agricultural lauds In Paulina, Deschutes, Fremont, Crater lnko and other national forests. 1 ' Klamath Game Preserve Recom monding ro-eatnbllRlpnenl of old lioundarlcs "on game renerve en low or Klamath hake nnd harmonizing slate and federal laws for protectloi or birds. Reclamation or Bwamp and Arid Lands Prging V. S. Reclamation Service to reclaim swamp and arid lands. State Help For Irrigation In dorslng proposed constitutional amendment whereby credit or Ore gon ma) be loaned ror construction of Irrigation and power projects. Columbia Houthern Project Con gratulating l.ogliiliitute 011 passage of laws or bo no lit in Central Oregon, tmpcolully the Columbia Houthern edit. Thanks-Thanking Klamath Falls, Merrill. Klamath Development1 Com pany und Whlto Pelican Hotels ror roitrteMlcs extended to delegates. Thanking C. V Chapman, Phil Hates nnd others ror work nt convention. I OAHOI.INK. I Till! t'MTItll WAItHIIOt'HK t'O. Im nrnoigril tillh Hie I'nbtn Oil Co. to linmlln IIm prtHliirta here HSIl.MA.V KXTliY r rt tViitral Oregon dis tributor; for (lie I'lilmi Oil I'd, ami our roiiirtirt I lulling our, Any cut In prko of giiMilliie mailn by rniiipcdtiim ulll lie mrl by (lilt rompatiy, IVrHiiiiirnt, anllafartory servlret anil full iirotrrllon I our gturanleo to every riintotnrr. tiii: u.viTKD WAiiKiiouHi: a.. ir-'tf A. .M. PIIINOI.i:, Mgr. Kowcomcrs should get tbo habit of goUg to Inncs tc Davidson's bar ber shop. Adv. Hhrww slilnnl at (ieorge's barlxr shop, Oregon atrt'et. 101 f :; ! : t -- a a a -va-a-a.v--vl - - .! Ut tit Real Estate r 1 3 Real Estate v f. ' it K V OUR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property SLh JfJSJ conservative buyer that BEND ILEAL ESTATE Is a conservative investment , c av 4 1 ' A. ' i I V h-i .&; . & & Offic corner. Wall and Ohio Sis. The Bend Company ft 4 D. E. HUNTER. Real Estate Mtfca$er . ft l ft t t f T I u4 ( ' vSK A S lltatt lttMOH --- a e. a a a a a aa' i . A. a. aAa.A.A a, aaa j.j.j. a. J .. j a. a m. j.'Tat a L.'2 HA.aa..aal.t.j.. - -. m T a j. j. a .. j i i a aj a.A aa a a a.a.a..aa.aa.a a.a aa a al aa..aaaa AA.aV.aK a .. . --A-aA--.-A-fc----.--.--.-a. a . fc .-.. - a . . a a a . . . .. . . aPa-HI ---- ---f -- taM