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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1913)
IIKNI) lWhhKTlS, HKNI), OltlJ., KuHKH1)AY, At'Ol'HT 27, JOIrt. fiiff f. I. STATE'S VOTERS NEARLY DOUBLE WOMAN SUFFIMOE IS RESPONSIBLE AKftlnlnut Hrrrolnry of Hlnti Hull imitr NiiiiiImt Will IU111I1 About JllMMMIO-Attoriify (loncnil lien (leiK Opinion on Svw Iimm, (Hpoolnl to The llullntln) HAMtM, AilK. 2R. Tlint tho total riiRlHtratloii In tint Mtntu will Jump from ldO.000, tho nnnibor rimlHtvr uil prior to thu koiiiimI uliiotliiit In 19 IS, to 260,000 or 800,000 btifom llio niixt prliunry nloctlon which will l hold tho third Krldny In May, 1011, In thn uMtlmato of AftnlNtutil Hcaiotniy of Htntii H. A. Kuxar. Jiwl what portion of thla liiorwnio will Im u to woman (uirfrnuo will ho liilor tmlliiu Inroriiiatlou, which Kniar hiir. KUKta mlKht ho Mooiiniil ir llio county ottirkit will roport to tho Kcorotnry of HI it to' oinco tho box or tho voter whii ronlator. JHnco tho now pnrmauotit roKla tratloti law went Into ulToct 11.701 Mitom havo rogUturml, nccordlni; to the roporli of tho county olorkn.. (iniiiiiiiiir tlrnilu Count Clmtiitrd. Cliumti'M In tho now coiimo of Mtudy for tho Krnnimar Krndon of tho piibllo hcIipoI. no prepared by Htnto Hiiporltitondnut J. A. Churchill, aro iiIouk tho imiuo proKrolvo lluoi an i.Iiowii hy tho chntiK rvcontly nil noiinood In tho now IiIrIi mcIiooI ontiro. "Trnlnlni? for Bond oltlimnlilp and rlllolonoy la tha koynoto," dwliirml Mr. Oliurolilll, "of tho now cotimo of Mudy In tho Krailt'it." In till ycnr'n ammo or atudy lie In paving tho wn mr n eomploto courao In iiibiiiium anil moral, lilcli ho nn havo hcoit iHKleclml. Tho now cuurno utnhoiU la n dlatluct oouiao In civil Kimirn won l for tho llrat tlmo. Tho atudy uf liyRlono la kivoii an ltiiortniit pin oh, tho Idea IioIiik that a child onHnot Ihmoiiio an elllolont cllUon union Aii haa a aoiind hody. IntciiirrlN llhiuro liit. A dlvoicod penon can no l IokuIIv roluarry In thla atato within alt mouth following tho dato of tho ill voroo, hut ho may ko Into anolhor Mtato whoro nunarrlnao la pormlttvU In lo tlmo than that and Rut mar ried and thon rut urn to OruKon and llio inarrlaKo will ho hold legal In thla atato, according to an opinion of tho attorney gonoral Riven laat wcok. Ho alo hold that a uhyalo lau cannot cimruo mora man ii.&u tor IikuIiik tho marrlaKo medical cci lltlcato which la roiilrol to Im ol. talnad by proHpocllvn brldcKruom. New Imw Affect Ibiiik. Laat wook tho attorney goncral rendered an opinion that all bank having a claun In their article of Incorporation nuthorltlug them to do a truat company liutlnria miut cither comply with thn now iriut oonipany law or havo their arllclea amended. If a bank haa tho word "truat" In Ita namo It muat comply with thla now law or havo (ho word atrlakon out. Tho now atatoto pro vide for a heavy dopoalt of octirl - tic with tho tato lreaurer hy all truat companloa for tho proloctlon of llmlr partrona. (li-Hinulon Miut I'ay I'w, All corporation In tho atato which havo not paid their annual II t'n fttiM will havo hiiII liialltuteil TELL U5 OVER THE PHONE Vhn ipllt nt WHk'i waih, Compart) Hir bait with th otbr UlloWa. Tliat'a It LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. Put Your Dudi In Our Suds" OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS it foftyfiftU chool year sciimiin . u. DEQPEE COURSES'" manypliawaof aaaicuiruac. CNoiNfiama. Homx Cconomic. Mining, foniaiiy, Com- Mcnce. pnMcv. TWO-YEAR COURSES aoaicui. TUNC, HOMC rcONOMiCa. MICHANIC ARTa.roaxaTMv coumimci. pmanmacv TEACHERS COURSES la mnul - training, agrlcultur, domnttc cinc and art. MUSIC, Including piano, itrlng, band InMrument uU voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET ntltM "Tkx Knuiciimrnt oi Kukac I.jik" and a Catalooui will b Mailed frea en application, Ad(lrt U. M Tknnaht, RegUtrar, .T-U u J Cu-vatUa. Orufc WHO nRnlnut tlioin aflnr Hoptomlior fi, tie corilliiK t nu niinotinciiiiiont jiiihIo by Corporation Coiiiniliwloiinr Wnt mil, Thnnu nilltJt will lin tu eollnot tlio amount or tliu niiiiiml fno unit n licnnlty of $100, CorporntWfu Coin inlmtlonnr Viitnon Ihim otntod iiIkm Hint lui will lilvu InvoNtnioiit corpora Uoiih only until Buiilowlior fi to Ilia tliulr lirollminary ntatoiiiontn, nflor which tlmo ho will iinmacuto nny nuoh corporation!! doliiK ImihIiiihm without a permit. Ho tins now Rlvim Hitch corpornlloiiM tliruo iiiontlm In hlt'h to lllo tholr preliminary ntnto montH, m I Hot rolU noil bread tit tlio Aincrl run linker? over nflnniooii it ft o'clock, Nmt Mora on Will I utreot.lUti MKJIITH OltAIII! MXA.MI.VATIONH. Klglith grado oxnmlnatloim will bo hold nt I'rliiuvlllo on Koptuuihor 4 mid 6 na followa: Thuradny I'hya. lology, geography, lilator and civil government, !' r I d n y Oraintnar Hpolllng, nrlthmntlc and ngrloiilturo. Hotircon of Information: Agricul ture, Rtoveut, Ilurkntt A Hill; arith metic, Hmltli'M "I'nictlc,al Arllhmo lo' civil government, tliiltod Htntea conRtltulloiii geography, Ilodwny and lllumaii's "Natural Bchool (leogra phy;" hlatory, Douli'a; grninmar, llouhlor'Hi phyalology, ICrohu'j "(Iradod I.CBHOHH In I'liyalology and Hygiene;" polling, .Uind'a "Word lHnon," 2I-2B J. K.-MVK11B, Co. Bupt, NOTICI-: Hill I'UIIMl'ATIO.V. Departmont of tho interior, V. B. Land Ofllco at Tho Dallea, Oregon, July 20th. ll)l. N'otlco In hornhy glvnn that Charlon Llloyd or llond, Orogon, who on Hop tomlior 2ii tli. lyus, mauo uoxeri lanu ctnlry, No. 01102, ror HWNIUi, ec tlon 21. townahlp 17 south, range 13 oaat, Wlllamotlo Morldlan, hnn filed uotlco of Intention to mako final uroof. to oatahllah claim to tho laud abovo diiMcrlbnd. beforo II. C. Kllla, V. B. Coiuinlal6nor, nt llcntl. oro gon, on tho 3rd day of Boptombor, 1013. Claimant naniea na wltnciaea: Archie I'altlo, Adam Kotxman, Joa eph McCounoll, Nllea Anderaon, Wal ter I,. Dnnlol. an or iionn, uregon. II. KltANK WOODCOCK. 2126 KogUtor. Hl'MMONH. In tho Circuit Court of tho fltato of Oregon for tho county or uroox. Clyde McKny, plaintiff, va. J. K. Saw hill, defendant. To J. K. Huwhlll, nbovo named dofen dant: In tho namo of tho atato of Oro gon. you aro hereby required to np pear and anawor tho complaint filed agalnat you in tuo a novo ciiiiuoii .ac tion on or beforo Thuraday, tho 11th day of September, 1013, and you aro hereby notified that It you rail ao to appear or anawor for want thereof jtho plaintiff will tako Judgment agalnat you tor llio aum oi, together with Inlorcat thereon at tho rato of 10 per cent per annum from tho 20 Hi day or June, 1013, until paid, and for the further aum of 30 attorney fee and for tho coata nnd dlahtiraomonta of thla action. Thla aummona la publlahrd In Tho llonil llullntln for alx aueceaalva week In aoven conaecutlvo Uaiica or aald paper commencing with tho laauo of July 30th. 1013, and ending with tho luo of Bcpt. 10th, 1013, by or der of tho Hon. W. I,. HraiUhnw, Judge or tho abovo entitled court, which order wn mado and ontor-'d on tho 30lh day or July, 1 113. VHUNON A. POHIIKS. 21-27 Attorney for I'luliitirf. HOIMOXS. 'In th Circuit Court of tho Htnto or urogou ror inn i ouniy f t;roo. U. V. Coo, njalntlff. va. C. TV. 'Inkhatn nnd K. tt. I'liikhnm. dxfeiidaiita. Tu C. T. I'lukham nnd K. U. I'lnk- ham. ulmvo named defoudnnta. Ill tho namo of the Htnto or Oregon you nro hereby required to appear and nuawer tho complaint tiled ngnlnat you In tho nlxivo entitled ac tion within ten days from tho date of tho aorvlco of thla aummona upon you, If aerved within Crook county. Oregon, or If aerved within any othor county In this atato, thou within twenty ilayn from tho dato of tho aor- CAIifi AT THU American Bakery on Wnll Hlrrrt opponllo the Pot ofllre noil hco full Ilun of bakery KomIm. NU loavra for 'M cents or Mx llrrnil ticket for U.1 Ccnta Threo Hlnlo loavea for 10 cent Hack of chicken bread no cents "L Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNlNd AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. Renewing: Your Soles IS MY BUSINESS. Whon your SHOES need REPAIRING tako them to R.H.LOVEN Wall street, Bend, pro vlco of thla Aiiintnoan upon you, or If ttnrvod hy publication thoroof, na pro vlilon by law, thon on or boforo Thuradny, tho 11th day of Boptom bor, 101,1: nnil you nro norony noti fied that If you fall to no appear or nnawor, ror want thoroor tho plnln- tlff will l.iko jtiilgmont ngninai yoir for tho aum or f 00.00, togothor with liitorcnt thonion nt tho rato of 10 nor cent nor annum from tho 1st day of February, 101.1, until paid, to- N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER. KHtlmatcs on Wnll 1'npcr nt iipjillcntlon I'ortlnnd Prlccii Chcapost nnil Best Wnll Pnpt'r Snmplou in tho county. fiet My I'rlcco. hhop on OftKOti 8ltl, IIOX n Mrrofl)fKhulr lutik niiHD.OKKpOM 44)t4)tf44f)t44t I J. A. Eastes 1 Real Estate Investments Form and City Property OroklA ! Kvcrybody can buy Iota In thin benutiful addi tion facing tho big concrete dam and river. Prices $150 to $35 Terms: $5.00 cnah nnd $3.00 monthly. This kIvcu you n chance to aocculato o n Bend's future on n little money Lota uro nil CO feet wide nnd every lot n good lot. WIESTORIA I have 170 Iota in Wleatorla for aalo. $200 for inside and $250 for corner lota. All 50x140 fct. " Terms: Small cash payment and fS.OO per month. All choice residence property and near the depot. . INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE .AND ACCIDENT SURETY BONDS My companies aro tho very belt . tf. it Ofllce on Oregon Street S BEND, OREGON ? t '----- : : 4 r There is no use to J v4..'. l-L.- UVC1USC U1C II orticultural Hire Delief :: as to its reliability, ;; promptness and : accuracy m pay-1 ing losses, but it :is necessary for you to know that J. B. Miner is the official agent :: of this territory. Bend, Oregon. -"- gothor with S2C nttornoy foca nnd tho coHta nnd dlMbtiniomcnta jot thla ac tion. Thin fliiminons In publl-hod In Tho Ilolid llullntln for six nucconalva weeks In sovon coiisocutlvo lasuos of mild papor commencing with tho Imuo or July 30th, 101.1, by order or tho lionornblo w, i, liradnlinw, judgo or tho nbovo ontltlod court, which order waa tnndo and ontorcd on tho 30lh day' or July, 1913. Dated nnd published first tlmo July 30, 1013. VKIINON A. KOIMKfl, 21-27 Attorney for I'lalntlff. --- -- --- Vienna Cafe Wall Street Good Meal, Prepared with CloanllnoHi, at Modornto ItnU. IarKo TonvoofWholoioino Dread 5c Each A Trial Will Convince. -- - -- --- W. E. PARKER & CO. . SANITARY PLUMBING I S-eaM nnJ Hot Water Heating Wc carry tho lnrgcst stock of Rood in Cen tral Oreffon. Jobbing promptly attended to -- - BEND VIEW Commands a churming view of the city of Bend and the surrounding country. 15 minutes walk from business center. Price $50.00 to $200. Some a little higher. Liberal terms $5.00 down $1.00 a week. Oflice opposite First National Bank Bldg. Bend, Oregon The United Warehouse Company Bend, Oregon fc STORAGE AND FORWARDING General Commission Merchants We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Hides, MEATS p 'Salt .and Fresh. and Thi United Warehouse Company A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'DONNELL UNION mt Tliroo sklllod harbors nro at In nca & Davidson's harbor shop to norvo you. Adr. THE WHITE IS IKING The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made In both ItOTAUV and VIBRATOR styles. Tho rotary makes boih LOCK and CHAIN ' stitch. The latest up to tho minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful II. T. cata loguc free. White Sewing Machise Co. 14C0 Market Street San Francisco, California Hams, Bacon Lard. BROTHERS MARKET 1HniliBaBBflBBBSsVvM 1 IIUHINICHH AND I'llOFICSSIONAL. jiohhiit u. aovhv Civil u Bend Oregon Engineer 0. P. NI8WONOBU, Bend, Oro. UNDKUTAKKlt. Licenced Kmbalincr, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Aaslstant II O 8 8 V A It N II A 31 Attorney at Lnvr Ofllco In old Kirst National Dante Dulldlng, Dietetic, Hygienic, Natural Thers- pcntlcs. Chronic Dlsordorn a Specialty Dlt. It. D. KKTCIIUM DrulM I'liytlclan Hours 9 to C Bather Bids THK J. II. IIAN'KK AIVSTILVOT OO Incorporated. Complete tract indozes and photo graphic copies of all Crook County records. Prlnevlllo, Oregon. W. W. FAULKNER. D. M. D. DKNTI8T Oflice Orer Postofllco Bond, Oregon WILLAKD II. WIItTZ LAWVKIt I'rincvllle, Orfgon U. C. COK, M. D. I'liynlclan and H urge on Ofllco orer First National Bank Oflice Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. BEND, :-: OUEQON C. 8. UENSOX Attorney At Law Offlco In old First National Bank Building Bend, Oregon VEItNO.V A. FOIIUES LAWYER First National Bank Building, Bend, ------ Oregon, GEOIIGE 8. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer. Deputy County 8prreyor. Room C First National Bank Bldg. II. II. DK AUMOND LAWYER Ssther Building Bend, Orcgoa U. N. HOFFMAN NOTARY I'l'IlLin Bullotln Offlco, Bend, Oregon. II. a ELLIS Attorney-at-Lavr United States CommlsaloBer First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON DR. J. II. CONNARN DKXTIHT Orer Deschutes Banking ft Trust Co. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 6. Sundays and eve nings by appointment. Clover Leaf Dairy PURE MILK AND CREAfll TELEPHONE and we will deliver P. W. STAATS, Prop. Machise Shop and Garage We know how to do all kinds of Machine Work. TRY US AND SEE. DEPOT HOTEL RIGHT AT THE PAS SENGER STATION. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMESEEKERS. Rates Reasonable. L. C. FLEMING, Prop. POLK'S' OREGON arid WASHINGTON Business Directory Directory ot etch Cllr. Town fcsd Vlllti. Btvln dcrlpllro sketch ( ch plu. locatlpn, popuUtloo, tl rraph. hlppln nj banklnr polotl tlio Dlrectorjr, compiled by biutn ad proituloa. 8. A, WW . CO ffATT8 in i V "J ft f II R. H. DEYARMOND j