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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1911)
The BEND COMPANY &- L f ( i IIS By the purchase of the property of A. M. Drake, The Bend Townsite Company, The Pilot Butte Development Company and The Bend Water Light & Power Company the above company secured the realvestate upon which the future city of Bend njust locate. To encourage the development of the city and to give everyone an opportunity to share in the prosperity of the city, a reduction of $125,000.00 was made from former prices on the present platted real estate. Choice Inside Business Lots from $500 to $ 1500 Residence Lots from $100 to $300 On very easy terms of payment. These prices are special and those who con template the purchase of property should make their selections at once. CALL AT OUR OFFICE OR WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW PROPERTY. ADDRESS: A. O. Hunter, Real Estate Representative, Bend RAILWAY MEN'S TOUR!. foe plant in Fortlanil according to bur prescription and deliver them to you lr ore he leaves for home. lie rxwcU to I arrive here Friday evening, June Jjril, IQII, and ttay atxut two week. 1'or further particular and information kindly communicate with Mr. A. M. Lara. Dr. Mattern will occupy an office in the rutnam Iluililini; on Wall Street. Party of Northern Pacific Officials on Get-acquainted Junket. For the purpose of becoming better acquainted with the Central Oregon country, & party of North ern Pacific Railway men, accom panied by Portland publishers, was in Bend last Wednesday evening on a tour of this part of the state. They spent a short time here, leav ing with Klamath Falls as their southern destination. Those in the party were: H. C. Nutt, 4th vJce-prcs., Ta coma; J. G. Woodworth, traffic mgr,, St. Paul; A. D. Charlton, asst. gen. pass, apt., Portland; Henry BInkeley, gen. west'n frt. agt., Tacoma; F. H. Fogarty, assist ant, Portland; L. J. Bricker, immi grant agt., St? Paul; 0. D. Wheeler, publicity dept., St. Paul; B. S. Cook, pass, dept., Portland; R. B. Briggs, photographer, Portland; W. E. Coman, Oregon Trunk, Portland; H. L. and J. W. Pittock, Oregonian; C. S. Jackson, Oregon Journal; John F. Carroll, Telegram, and E. W. Costello, stenographer. President Gray of the S. P. & S. was unable to accompany the tour ists on account of sickness. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. (Furnished by the Crook County AUtrut Co.) The Bend Co. to John Mots, lot 8, 9, 10, btk 15, Pailc add. liend. (1575. Also lot I, blk 34, Ilcnd. 51435. Chat. O. Johnttnn to Atla J. Johnston WH nejfi sejt' nw and nejf sw, tec.' 17'13-tl. flcoo. I'rank C. Rowlee et nz to Ada J. John ston, cX te.V. sec 34 and ej neX sec 35-II -9. 1 1 000. Frederick II. Rawton et uz to T. II. Shevlin, sur swjf, sec 14; "h nw, sejt' nw and neX c 33 and nw sec 36-19-13. Quitclaim, Charles W. Kmboly to Oregon Cen tral Improvement Co. tec 16 33-31. f 10. Redmond Towntite Co. to C. W. Ilotb, lots 3 and 4, I 'lit 9, second addition to Redmond. $350. Redmond Townsite Co. to Susie Court right, lots 1, 3; blk 18, Redmond. 350. The lleml Co. to It. J. Oterluri, lul 1, blk 33, (lend, fiooo. I K. Smith et ux to Martin II. Dono van, lot 5, blk 35, Redmond, ft Arthur A. Deck et ux to M. 1'. Setters, )i )i "X, 35-I&-II. ft. The Ilend Co. to Win. J. Shannon, tot 14. blk 9. ti add. Ilend. J665. Redmonil Townsite Co. to the Oregon Trunk R. R, too ft strip across blks 31, 40, 41, and wtj blk 60, and across blks 59. 63 and e4 blk 63 and eh block 78, Redmond, and across setf sec 16-15-13. The Ilend Securities to Strlcll Ac Tweet lots 10, 11, blk 5. Rlveitlde atldltlou to Ilend. ft. Joseph C. Smith to Samuel N. Steele. wM X anil self iw sec I, and iteV I!,1 KC IJ-30-IO. f 10. II. S. Keynolds et ux to Win. Ncilson, netf, sec8-i8-i4. flo. Oeorve I,. Moore to Krnett A. Smith, lot 18, blk 14, Lytic, f 1. Iten Colter to I. L. Courtrlght, lot 6, blk 55, Keilmonii. fjaj. Hotel Dalles The Dalles, Oregon Yoa are cordially Invited to make TIIIJ HOTltL DALI.KS your testing place while waiting over between tralnson your way to and from Portland. New, thoroughly equipped, modern hotel; steam heat, elevator; suites and rooms with baths, l'irst class cafe. Kates 1 1 and upward. Ideal Stopping Place Going to and from Central Oregon. PETER KUEHNLING, Manager. BEND ClfJARS ON MARKET. H. E. Ruffe, who recently started a cigar factory on Bond street, has moved into better quarters on Ore gon street near Bond and now has made-in-Bcnd cigars on display and on the market. The first cigar ever made here is on exhibition and Is a monster one, being about two feet long and -.nearly as large in diameter asla person's arm. Mr. Ruffe has namrv! .'nrw nt H! lirnnrln "Um " anotherH'Three Sisters" and another "High Ranger. W He will do both a wholesale and retail business. (Jood News, Read This. t Dr. K, 0. Ma tern, for twenty year manager of the I. C. HcnricliBcit optical lustitutcot I'ortland, was prevailed upon by Mrs. Ai' M. Lara and a number of other people of lieod, to take his outiiig here and tvas promised a inc. fulling trip, the doctor being fond of out (Joor sports, and in the meantime he prom'ise'd to bring a complete outfit of instruments necessary to make a thorough diagnosis of errors of refraction of the eye, and prescribe for those needing glasses to relieve eye strain. He w 11 alto bring an up-to-date line of spectacle and eye glass mountings, also a novelty line of liuses as fine as can be had. Dr. Mattern is horouguly scientific man, at the head of lift class in optometry, and has Iteen conducting a large practice in I'ort land for twenty years. If you peed his service if would be wise to consult him at ouce after his arrival to be can send BOYS' SCOUT SUITS $2.50- Put Your Duds In. Our Suds Bend Steam Laundry Phone us. We will call for your bundle. wrSSJjjj R. M. SMITH Clothing' Co. Who Carries Your Insurance? FIRE INSURANCE The ROVAI. INSURANCK Co., Ltd., of Liverpool, England, so far as moro size goes, is the largest company doing business In America. This company has been paying losses since 1815 at the rnto of ono overy 8 minutou and 'M HecondB. It was one of the five companion to pay dollar for dollar In the San Francisco confltigrh- , tion. The Royal does business the world over on broad linos. Its settle ments are quick and fair. For a policy in the Royal ask M. S. Lattin Si Company INCOni'OnATKD. Any Kind of Insurance Anywhere. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with Iho bast that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms, Hon, Okikion Skuse Thomas GENERAL HARDWARE HARNESS ANJ) SAUDLKRY BUILDING MATERIAL PAINT FARM IMI'LKMKNTS MILL MACHINERY KLECTRICAL SUPPLIES Open for Business in a Few Days IN CHAPMAN HUILDINd. if Special Prices on all Suits at Men'sToggery In order to clean up nnd make room for my full line which will he here hy July 15, I am floing to make the prices ns follows, commencing Siitiirtlny, June 17. $ 1 2.00 Suits reduced to $ 9.00 $14.00 Suits reduced to $10.50 $16.50 Suits reduced to $12.50 $18.00 Suits reduced to $14.00 $20.00 Suits reduced to $ 1 5.00 $25.00 Suits reduced to $18.50 $27.50 Suits reduced to $20.00 These suits will not last long at these prices so come while the stock and sizes fire complete. A. L. FRENCH Oregon street, between Wall and Bond, Ucnd, Oregon, i t J B