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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1911)
f' The bend bulletin. VOL. IX. IIBNI), ORlXJON, WEDNESDAY, JUNK 21, 1911. NO. 1G IU . BEND WINS 9 TO 5 REDMOND DEFEATED MERE SATURDAY. Neither Side Plays llrllllmil Hull, nrnl Umpire' Work Cautvs, Much Wrniig llilK-.Melko Scorcn I okiin With limner- Kedrnund Win nt Itojuo Ikmd's baseball hoodoo wn given it hard jolt Saturday nftorimnii when Uiu locals defeated the Redmond aggregation bore liy it iwiiru tf U to G. It was far from tin exhibition of good playing, however, the work of tho Mend nine being nigged mid Redmond by no iiiciiiih putting up it gllt-odgu article of Imfl. Aside from thin, the gmno wn further mtirrod hy tho work of Umpire Ward, whoso decisions were tho cnitMt of much disputing. TImi contest b tii r ted oir with a promlso of snap, it itilck double piny liy Rend cutting oir tt run for the visitor In tho first Inning. In the second, with n runner on Unit, Metke lnmlei on the hnll for it I SWISH 10 ADDUI55S CI.UII A Hpeelul mooting of the Commercial Club him been cull ed for HiIh evening, nnd n largo iiltotidiincu Ih desired. .1, .1. Sayor, Held secretary of tho Oregon Development ljnguo, will lit present fmd nddroHH thu gathering. Report Will nlwi bo given of tho tour to Lake nnd Klamath county towriH. Thu meeting will ho called in order nt 8 o'clock. times ttt lint, 6no being . o two-bugger. I 1 i i iil7 mm rvLviii. w Qxp&xr v '"ZJi uiv 'VkUv.i. Umpire Ward Hid III Trouble. roCSA II ft WM Pitcher KelmdnrK tlypuotlied Uvcry Oronnder. homer to right field,, scoring the flritt run. In the thin! Inning the blow-up enme nnd errors fell thick and fiutt and three ninn for each lde jmtlered over the plate. Red niond'it second lmjomnn, Hemrich, made n rank error and watt imme diately yanked from the game. Kearney, who replaced him, tlid hut little better, helping Rend to score by misjudging an eay My. In tho H'vonth Pitcher Rodman of the visitor aviated 9ml when he had got back to earth Hem! had three more runs nnd tho game cinched. Totherow nlnvcd n good game nt third for Rend, lllling lit a weak j pot, Dolstrum at first Ih steadily doing bettor. VntiFjindlnghnm con tinuoH to hit the ball hard. Redmond's lilir catcher. Footo. wan the demon slugger of tho fray, 1 gcuing tour mui uui t m mmi Tho box score follow: UlttniONI) All K II I'O A Pradlry, m 4 o o o J Woodward, rf 5 lino KkXllllKII, W.,jti 3 1037 McCaulry, ct J I I o o I'ootr, c 4 I 4 7 llrmricli, alt 100 11 o Kearney, all o 7 t 11 Hamilton, llj j o o 13 o I'orlinn, l( j o a 1 o Uclman, J., p. 5 I I o ( Totali A 5 11 4 IJ IIKNIt All K II I'O A llrownlow, rf 3 3 1 n 11 Tellirrow. 3I1 4 3 I I J CatiiKxIy, ati 4 o a a 11 Krliif lnrll, p 4 1007 vatiLaiid'hain.M 3 i a a a Metkr, rf 4 I I 'l DoUlruiii, ill 4 009 1 O'lhmncll, c 4 u o 9 1 Sprlnijfr, If 4 1 1 1 u Total j 98 aj 13 'Two out for Intetfrtcncc. Hroic liv liinlnut: Knlnturiil 003000 1 llcnd i a 3 o 1 o 3 Miitntiiftrv: ltatri uti tutltft! nil Urfni lorli a, off Hodman I. Two-lc hltt, I'oolc, I'lirlian, llrownlow, Carmotv. Vanl.aiiilliiKliilil- lloilir run, MrtVr Stolen Ihht, Tctlierow, Cannody, Van linilitiKliai'i. Keluxlorff, Metke Sacri fice lilt, Hamilton. Struck out, Uy Itrlnliitf 5, liy KimIiumi 8. IlouMe play, Kelntdiirll to DoUtruiit to (VIKin nell. Vntn )ll, 1'iwte. Wild M(li KimIiiuii. lilt liy pitched ImII. llrmllry. Ilrnwnlnw'. I'mpire Miller, Wanl anil I'ervuwin. - t KHDMbND M; IIIINI) 7. On account of tho race meet, lk-nii went down to lUtlmond hint Thursday nftornoon for n Rame and wan defeated by u ucoro of 8 to 7. HelnmlorlT and Tothorow 'formed the buttery for Hend and' Kodrnan and Foote for tho homo team. The game was lout through tho error of Ilarr, who watt playing center field for tlio local. i-S -9 1 JJepositors Like to feci that fn bringing: their business to a bunk they are helping to build it up; in other words they are giving something for what they receive. WE ARE OROWINO QROVV WITH US. Wo want your account want to make our selves usoful to you in nnythlng pertaining to finance, nnd wo can hnndlo It with profit to you and to ourselves. We hope that you, Mr.Itcmlcr, will bo on our list of Depositors soon, If you are not already one. NO MATTER HOW SMALL OK LAUQE A DEPOSITOR YOU ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED HERE. The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company of Bend, Oregon Conservative Banking for Conservative People." BEND IK VISIT SOUTHERN TOWNS -' ' ' Auto Trade Excursion, Covering 550 Miles, Proves Great Success Will Attend Development Convention Tlio fifiO mile trade excursion'' poMlblfh'iet of their territory and compiotiMl Monday by. the Rend) dwelling .upon the fact that they Commercial Club parti' u'rlil tn Port- welcomed with particular delight land Kiiuata in.ndilltiQn V) being the the Rend dolugalion inimmuch as tnoHt util(Uo geMogether Junket they expected to turn to Rend for uvor attemptud in Oregon proved a much of their piuttunger and freight notably rfuecewtful an It wa tmlque. pbtilntfH upon the completion of the lAMiving here Tjiurwluy morning, railroad to Uiig jiolnt. The Rend the autoM. loaded with 2:1 Rend men noke of the great intcrcnt felt biHMtlerit, vinitel Iji Pine, Crescent, by their town for the southern com Klumitth i-'allu. Roiianzn, Ujy, PuUiuunitieH, and oxprwjHil. their desire ley, jjikevlew, l-'ort Rodk and Stlvui , that' doner co-oinirntion for the Ijiko, at each place being tendered common good and development be an viiUiiiHiiiMlIc wileoine and ente maintained. Uiinincrlt. , .' i ,F'ortljind'ienthuiiwm for. the co- Direct remilU of the exetindon'op'ratlvo development work In which are tho prnmlM-M of all thecommuni- Rend in leading wiuj well expressed Ue to hend big delegatioiiH to the In a capital speuch by W. A. Will forthcoming Control Oregon M)e-' lams, one of the Roue City con velopmerit league ronverition utalngent. Prlnovllle, all of which will be I Sunday morning wax devoted to guittii at Rend over the night pre- an nuto excundon to the California ceding the meeting; the establish- line through the fertile Goose Lake ment of close commercial relations Valley. After lunch nt Lakeview with the Houthern townit, one result the party proceeded to Paisley, of which is that nlready work is , Here the visitors were given a under way ujwn n wagon road that uplcndld reception, a big banquet will bring to the railroads nt Rend being tended them, at which L. R. thousands of tons of the product of 'Jones, editor of the Chewnucan the southern territory, In return bearing southward merchandise and other freight which can better be received from Portland via Rend than by the routes now in use; and co-operation in the work of road building nnd improvement. Press, was toostmoster. Dr. Wit- ham and E. L. Young, of the Ore gon Rorax Co., were the chief local seakers, the latter outlining the imtmrtnnt work that his organiza tion is undertaking in constructing n road from its mines, 35 miles On Thursday the junketers wore from Paisley, to connect with the the guests of thu Crescent Commer- Rend-Rurns. road, upon which they cinl Club nt n noon dinner presided expect to haul all their borax to the over by L. K. Wakefield, at which railroad at Rend, returning with K. (J. Rourk was the principal outfits loaded with freight. A speaker. Members of the party ex- pleasant feature of the Paisley stop pressed themselves ns greatly lm- was the fact that every room in the pressed with the progressive spirit town's new hotel was turned over to and hustle shown by the Crescent the visitors. club. Late that night Klamath Falls was reached, after a brief stop at Fort Klamnth, too late, however, to participate in the banquet which had been prepared for thu Rend party and the railroad contingent. On the next evening, after a day of eleven o'clock. Higntwuing, not, ine least interesting the personne feature of which wns the trip iion as follows: Klanlnth Lake in a launch supplied by the Klamath Development Co., a banquet was given the visitors. Ieaving Klamnth early Saturday morning the party nooned nt Ro nnnzu, where a hospitable reception, Including an address of welcome by the mnyor, awaited them. Stopping briefly at Rly the travel lers reached Lakeview in time for n big smoker reception at tho court t0n sle",u house, more than 300 persons turn- Honce Steele ing out to welcome tho Rend men. Many excellent addresses were de livered, the local seakers bringing out Interesting statistical Informa tion concerning tho resources and Returning Monday by way of Summer Lake Valley the Rend men were accompanied by n tarty of Paisleyites, who acted as guides. For dinner the party stopped at Silver Lake, coming through thence to Rend, nrriving here from five to I of the party was Ja. J. Sycr. 1'ielil Sccr. Oregon litv. l,eMliie. Dr. 1'. . lUllry, Union Woolen Mill Co., PurlUml. It C. lUktriiun, Omaha. Dr. NurrN, Scuttle. V. D. Hunicm, I.iiillnw. H. 1! IMtiubury, A. f.. K. A., O.-W. R. & N. V. A. Will uui, Ceil, AuU Cont' I I'ire In. Co., Portland. II. 1. Hardy, T. V. A. Oie- on Tronic. 'judnelt.C. HI1U Henry r,lnter John Tatfgart Want II. Coble K. M. Lara J. It. Sawhlll A. O. Hunter John I.liulcr C. M. Davii O C. HenVIe M. S. Uttin Marrellut I.ura J. V. Howard Photo mailers, large nnd small, for sale at Thu Rulletin oflice. Full Stock of Builders' Supplies Of all kinds now on hand. Finest line of Cottage Doors in Central Oregon. fcMKeep out that enemy of mankind, t ' " . the fly, with . Screen Doors The kind that you want is here and the, price is right. Save money by buying your shovels pitchforks, stoves, nails and other hardware at the store of DHSIikrLA.Nf) HOARD COMINO The State Desert Land Hoard, consisting of Governor West, Secretary of State Olcott, At torney General Crawford, Slate Treasurer Kay and State Engi neer Lewis, is now on n tour inspecting Carey act and other Irrigation projects and is ex expected in Rend shortly. Tho board's itinerary includes visits to Klamath Falls, Lakeview, Paisley and other Southorn nnd Central Oregon towns. LAD FALLS INTO PILOT BUTTE CANAL Prancl Redfldd Narrowly ilscape' Drowning, He njr Svept Plfty Feel ' Over Plath Hoard and Rapid. While attempting to cross n tlm bcr'but four inches wide and 18 feet long that spans the Pilot Rutte Canal just above the diversion of the town lateral, Francis Rcdfleld, the oyear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Redflcld, lost his footing and fell Into the water, being swept down the cannl some fifty feet and narrowly escaping drowning. t Many Rend boys make a practice of swimming in a near by hole, just' off the canal. The narrow timber makes a convenient crossing to reach their swimming place, the danger of crossing it adding a spice of excitement to the venture. Fri day, however, Francis lost his balance. Immediately beneath the timber from which he fell the water Is four teit deep and runs swiftly. Despite the depth of the water and the fact that the boy, who cannot swim, was swept over the flash board of the town ditch and through a boiling water rapids that swept over rocks just below the flash board, he escaped with nothing more ser ious than n few bruises and a soak ed suit of clothes. Mr. Redfield, who is engineer of the irrigation cotngjiny, will take steps to stop the dangerous practice of crossing the stringer from which his son fell. IMF. n L REV. J. A. MITCHELL IS BURIED HERE Odd Fellows and Members of (I. A. R. Attend In Uody HvanjtelUt Orejr Treadles Funeral at Church-; Services Held at (Irave. n 1 -The funeral of Rov. J. Antliohv , Mitchell, held nt tho church at Ma. i m. dost Thursday, was largely! at ! tended. The services were in charge of the Odd Fellows, who nttcrided In a body attired in their regalia. The members of the G. A. R. 'otto , took part. . 4 The Odd Fellows met at tholrlhall and marched to the undertaking parlors nnd from there escortedlthe body to the church. Evangelist Gregg, who is conducting services at Laldlaw, came up to preach the funerarr He delivered an Impres sive address, admonishing his hear ers to be prepared for the summons which had come to Rev. Mr. Mitch ell. The coffin was draped at the church with flags and decorated with flowers contributed by friends of Die deceased man. It was onen- ed in order to allow a lost look at the mortal remains of the aged man. I Following the services at the ' church, a long procession of autos I and carriages wended its way to the , cemetery where Interment was made. Just before the coffin was lowered into place, each Odd Fellow dropped a sprig of green into the grave as a token that they would keep green the memory of their departed LAIDLAW REVIVES DEVELOPMENT CLUB Officers Were Elected Saturday and Delecatlon Will Attend the I'rlnc- vllle Meeting. Laiplaw, June 20. At a meeting of citizens Saturday the Laldlaw Development League was resusci tated, officers were elected and par ticipation In the Central Oregon Development League's convention at Princvllle was decided on. J. N. R. Corking was elected president; W. D." Rames, vice-president, and F. R. Rarbour, secretary. These officers, together with F. N. Wallace, W. G. Stiles and G. W. Horner, will constitute the dele gation that will go from Laldlaw to the county sent development ses sions June 30 nnd July 1. Positively no Smoking signs for sale at The Bulletin oflice. tf j brother. The burial ritual of the I order was used. Evangelist Gregg 1 and W. L. Wing participating. The pall-bearers, all Odd Fellows, were A. M. Lara, R. M. Smith, S. J. Spencer, Luther Metke, J. A. Eostes and E. R. Post. , EPISCOPAL CHURCH PROGRESSES. Owen F. Jones, Episcopal Mis sionary, hold services here Sunday, morning and evening. Mr. Jones, who will remain in town during the ' week, Is working on the subscrip- tlon lists for the proposed new Epls , copal Church, and reports that thus I far the enterprise has received very ' generous support. . i . I CUFF TRIMS "JADY" RICE. i i Lost Thursday at Redmond fight fans received something of a sur prise when Ed Cuff put J. D. Rice out of business in less than one round of fast mixing. laiii bf5 villi s Ihe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Dr. U. O. COC, Pratldtnt t, A. BATHER, Vic Prldnl O. 8. HUOBON. Caihltr OaptUI fully paid 2S.O0O StokholdrV liability - J8.0OO io surpiut h MR. FARMER. Do You Want These Prizes? We offer the following sums, in cash, for the best exhibits, thro' the UendCommercial Club: $25.00 cash, for the best assortment of sam ples grown on either dry or irrigated land. $10.00 for the best samples ot clover. $10.00 for the best samples of alfalfa. $10.00 for the best samples of root crops, $10.00 for best assortment dry land grains. $ 1 0.00 for best assortm't irrigated land grain. All exhibits to be raised within twenty-five miles of Bend and to remain the property of the Bend Commercial Club. 5 N. P. Smith TO FIKST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS: U. C. COR K. A. SATIirH C. S. nUDSON V. Y. SMITH II. C. KM.I3 I,, n. HA1RU, (Pie.lilent) J. W. MASTKRS, (Vice I'reildeut) V, O. MINOR, (Secretary) Dihicctors: U D. DAIKD, V, O. MIN0R S. V. BAIRD. Wall Street