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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1911)
The bend bulletin. VOL. IX. hkni), okecon, Wednesday, may 17, ion. NO. 10, T I STEEL ARRIVES SCHOOL EXERCISES Clan Dny nriil Coniiiirricrmcnt Have Crlehrntlona. Hacli On Tucwlny, May 23, occur llio ronninn mviso umoi .claim dny exerclHOM of tin- Bend .W"ta .V.TI..N ,tV.n.v IK, SchfMll. BUYS FOR RESORT TO 00 AHEAD. I'lnl Shipment of Freight Over Ore gon Trunk Uallwsy (or Harney County Unloaded at Opal city Monday New Schedule. Oi'Ai. City, May HI. Yesterday i eleven earn of Htecl for the Crooked River ItrlilKo mill M'Vt'rul kiuikh of men, with outfit cnrH, piowd throiiKh hero for tin; ond-of-ndlit clone to the river. Thimo wore followed today by more ciiih loaded with bridge htilldiiur etiulpinent. ami it In under stood that inaotlcally all the material required In the hr, construction undurtnklnir will bo on haml in tin course of tin' next two weeks. All preliminary work on tho bridge In completed, hucIi lis the concrete foundntlonH and preparation for the leceptlon and handlliiK of the Mteel. The time r-jtilri'l to flnltdt the ltl structure Is variously estimated iw from l!0 to IK) duyn. These figure, however, may Iw materially lessened, iut It I underHtood it Im the intention of the builders to rush the work to the utmost, einplnylnK every hit of labor that can advantageously Im: UMll. iktiffainliiv tltii fl rut utt f i.rtwtnt , frulKht for the Burns country to &mW"n'i-;;;iWT'cJZX They will be hold at p. m, on the IIudHon lawn. The program will he as follows I'loccttloual mikI Crowning of the Jin Quern. Slay" Dinrr. ..,......,,. Mualc, Ilnul Haml "MrrOlil HwttllitarU" (afarcr) , Heii'VIHIi Hrhuol Millie Ilrml Haml What la Wrlllrii In llir Slim (or II If. H, HriiiethliiK of Sriilur Mantle by Krlilor I'lcililent, I.yle KlclianWi. On Wednesday night, at the Hat) tint church, the commencement exorcises will he held. The full program will apiiear in next week's liullutin. For tlilH Mrn. I.lndborg Iiiin con tributed thu use of her piano, an does the Hand I In services for Tues day'H entertainment. PROGRAM BY TOTS Second OrniWa Will SImk, Mcclte nnd OlveCaninta 1'ildny MxJit The entertainment which the second grade children will give I-'ri-day night at thu Baptist church will bejrln at 7:1." o'clock. The ndmis. Ion will Im; ten cent. The program In an followH: Sleiropllctin vicwt..,.rrijf. llnrrlngtun Welcome aoiik" KcCOihI Oratlr KraillllK Mm. WlnK Sonit. "My Chllilliiiul llomr". .Quartet It. I.. ChltlliiKlon, It C. Prrucli, U. W ttatei. Dr. 1'. H. .HanillMjrii. Krcltatluii Donald lluilnon S. N. STEELE TO BUILD SUA1A1ER HOTEL. I PINIJ SI'KIMI KAIN. Monday night and Tuesday morning there wax n precipitation of an inch here, Ltwt night und UiIh morning there whs more rain and the farmers are rejoic ing an the ruin ut thin time will be of great benefit to crops. Portland Man Purchasca 160 Acres of Land at Jf'-ad of Sprint; Klver Location Said to ft Ideal for Place of Oullnf, e --'-" i (iiaile Hoy a. Caillala, '-file Captureil Prilicr"... Second firailr. HoiiK. "Ho, Jllllr llu". SunK."Mliiiiilr Manila" come In over the new Central Ore gun line made It appearance nt this place. The Jones Warehouse Company handled several ton of merchandise for (S. I.. Hemhree, of Itllcy. Ijwt Friday occurred the opening .of the Harriiniiii Duschutos Hue to Memorial Madras. A circuM, brought in over the new road, heled to enliven the owning 'celebration. The road Ih now oerating a regular daily service. Klfeulive Sunday, the Oregon Trunk ho Instituted a new time ' I'rayrr Urv. W card which cuts about an hour and ""'" " Memorial Or.ler a half from the running time lx- Chorut Hrrwiil Grade HONOR. OLD SOLDIERS Day to He Celebrated lly liend Veterans. Die Memorial Day program, to Im held here May 30, n.i at present planned, will be an follow: Call loonier I. I. Wrtt Sontf, "America" Choir I.. Wilton 8. N. Steele, of thu liromr-Stecle Co. of rortlnnd, real estate nnd i financial agent, hu bought through ! J. A. hastes IM) acres of land two miles went of llarjier and twenty miles houth of Hend at the head of spring River. Mr. SU'olo wuh hero ten ilny ago nnd on Sunday, May 7, went with an auto party to look over the property, owned by Joseph C. Smith of llend. While he states that he ban not completed hi plnriif. It Im understood here that Mr. Steele will build a fine log hotel for a hummer resort. For thiH purpose the nilo in Ideal, being a natural park, free from stone and covered with a growth of giant pine tree. In addition to this there are counties springs of pure, cool wnter bubbling up out of the ground among the tree which, within a few hundred yards, flows together to form a roaring river. Not far away are Ijvn Butte nnd the Cas cade Mountain range, which nru already well known for their scenic grnndeur. Bend a the railway terminus will be Uie entry xInt to this reort region. WIKSTOKIA IS SOLI). W. I). Newlon of Seattle cloned a deal Monday whereby he bought from IavI I). Wlcst Uie unsold part of the entire plat of Wlestorin Addition. Mr. Wlest confirm the sale. "The price paid waa near $90,000," nald Mr. Newlon. "I exect to have Uie entire addition sold by Nov. 1C; nlso to have at least 26 five-room house completed by Oct. Ill which will be Hold on easy terms." their resilience in Redmond. Mrs. Sherwood I well known In Bend, for several year being associ ated with her father, K. A. Cost, In the office of the I). I. & I'. Co., here. Mr. Sherwood I one of the most successful ranchers In the Jtedmond country. MATERIAL ON GROUND Flour Mill to H Running Shortly After Trains Reach Hend. Nearly nil the material is now on the ground for the flour mill which the Bend Milling & Warehouse Co. will build here. Some work has already been done and as soon as everything ha been received the building will be put up. Jt will be In shape for the Installation of the machinery a soon as the railroad is In operation here. Within BEND TERMINUS HARRIMAN STOP ROAD HERE. TO Further Building In Central Orejcon to Depend on the Amount of Traffic, Says Vice Presi dent Kruttschnltt. DRAFTING CHARTER OPENING NEW ROAD Harmon Cook. Mra ., W. l.lmllMirK Kev. W. I. WIIkjii leaving 1'orllund a heretofore at Vlolift Sou .MU ha Vet SHOT I N SELF-DEFENCE . urged to attend. BEND'S SIGN imi tween I'ortlaml and this MInt. , Atlilrr. . . BIGGEST Wenandy Ham Ad. I Record lireaker For Size In State. Coroner' Jury Hxnnernlrs Hrnctt Rublnsiin for Kllllnic Lew McAllister KrneHl Hoblnsou, who shot and killed Iiowi McCalllster last wi-ek at Ochoco, gave hlmsulf up to the) What i mild to be the blggot authorities and wa lislgeil in jail sign in Oregon, outside of Portland, at Prlnevlllc by Deputy Sheriff 'n1 ,Wi' Miintl on the rtMif of tho John IvdwHrd. The coroner' jury Wenandy Livery Stable by V. N. which held an imiuust rendered a 'Clark, who also is reniwiislble verdict thnt the shiHiting wa done In self-defense. The testimony showed that the shooting followed a quarrel between the two men and after McCalllster had made a false move a If to draw n gun. the erection of the mile hhU for ad. sign along thu Bend-Burn road. The sign covur a space 100 by 40 feet. Kach letter I five feet high, and is separated from it neighbor by another five feet. HAVING SECURED A NEW CUSTOMER. It Ui the earnest ambition of till institution to make nil relation with the bank pleasant and profitable. In choosing this a YOUll BANK, you have as surance of n service capable of meeting your most exacting requirement, together with courteous consideration, ample cash, jwrfect organi7Jtion, and ollleluntnnd iiblu management. Those are all factor in making this the logical bank for you to do business with. Commercial nnd Individual account, largo or small, always welcome. The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Of Bend, Oregon Conservative Banking for Conservative People." Work Started Monday on IIIeven-Mlle highway llant of Town. KoaiI Suiorvlsor E. W. Itichnrd son put a crew of ix men to work Monday morning on a new county road east of town. Starting at the southwest corner of section aG, three mile, from Bend on tho Bear Creek road, tho new highway will follow the line between township 17 nnd 18 for eleven miles to the old river bed. It will give a direct outlet to town for n number of tettlera. The road will bo completed in two or three week. .Mr. Itichardson announces nlso thnt another new road Into Bend from the east is now open to travel. Tliis run just north of Pilot Butte, following the section line for eighteen mile to the river bei). Women (lolper Overheard. Good morning, Mr. Stewpan. Where did you get that largo pack age? At the P. O. Corner Store, Mr. Muslipot. I hapiHined to pass there and saw tho beautiful ornngos they nre selling nt itfic a doz. and you see that lot cost mo only ix bit and I need a drayman to haul them for mo. Then, Mr. Stewpan, go right there and buy some be cause they are as cheap Nu Ork. Hli-cll'jn of Mayor Provided tor An nually In New Inatrumcnt. The committee having In chargo the drafting of n city charter for Bend report that the part relating to the number und selection of offi cers, their duties and powers, ha been completed. This provide for the election of a mnyor and three councilman each year, the council to be comjiotied of six member. Other than theie seven men, all officials will Ihj appointed by the council to serve for n year, subject to removal for cause. There will be no marked change in the present procedure of the council. The sections covering street Im provement, sewer system, etc., will be drafted by tomorrow. jeriod after this date, the plant will be started running and flour and vnriou kinds of feed manufactured. That Bend for some time will be the terminus of the Harrlman as well as the Hill Central Oregon rail road, is the statement of Julius Kruttschnitt, vice-president of tho a shortj Harrlman system. The gist of Mr. IJUYS LA PIM2 1JARN. J. H. Wenandy has purchased the Mnsten livery bunines at La Pine, and hereafter will conduct a feed and livery stable there. In con junction with his business here he will operate a wholesale hay Kruttschnitt's remarks, after com pleting inspection of the new De schutes line, J that further Central Oregon railroad development will depend upon the amount of traffic developed by the preseni roads In course of construction. Tho substance of Mr. Kruttsch nitte remark is contained in the following extracts from the Port- I Innrl llrAriflitn and i " ... .. grain depot at the La Pine establish-Lfl XnT hV EnTT ,...,, a .i.n,i ,r. i... rr -.. ,-1 g to Bend, but nothing has been m ' i." .u" ' i.T .- I done toward extending the line be- yond that point." ment being added to the old Masten barn. HILL TOURS INTERIOR (Ireat Northern Chief and Party Look Over Central Oregon. Louis W. Hill and party, consist ing of Ceorge D. Hurris, of the Bur lington road; President Cray, of the Hill line In Oregon; Charles Patter son, William Hanley, of Burns, and W. P. Duvidson and John It. Stin- on, or the Oregon & Western Col onization Company, arrived in Bend Saturday morning, stopping here but a few minutes and then pro ceeding to Opal City via Laidlaw, Sisters and Itedmond. The party had made the trip from the Oregon Trunk end of rails to Prlneville, thence to Burns and back. Notice, Uldv Wanted. Sealed bids will be received until C p. m. Mny 23, 1911, by the City of Bend for ttam work as follows: No. 1. Bid for sprinkling the Wall Strn. fmm Knnr.w-Wv R,PW I "'"P. CUtoff of the Southern to the line of old city limits Just I 3 nT.n n? l; That, in addition to carrying out the improvement already under way or provided for, the Harrlman system contemplates no immediate activity, is the inference left by Mr. Kruttschnitt. Although the route REDMOND COUPLE WED north of Linster Opera House: Bond Street, from Ohio Street to nnd acrostf Greenwood Avenue and all cross street between said Wall nnd Bond streets. Nevada and Ohio Street both inclusive. ! No. 2. Bid for man, team and harness for 2G day work of 10 hours each during summer months, for sprinkling streets, working rood drag, hauling nnd other work, when not necessarily sprinkling, as direct ed by the Council. In each of the above cases, bid-1 dera must give weight of team and I specify thnt driver shall be a grown man. Weight of sprinkler alone 2800 lbs., plus 600 gallons of water. Council reserves right to reject any or nil biJs. H. C. Ellis, Recorder. TYPEWRITTEN CIRCULAR LETTERS though Robert S. Lovett announced the extension of the Deschutes line to Odell, it is not likely that it will , be built soon When Judge Lovett was here the Deschutes road was projected only to Redmond and he contemplated the construction of a Southern Pacific connection from thnt point. Since then arrange- , ments hnve been mnde to extend the service to Bend nnd Portland officials have expressed themselves in favor of joining the Deschutes line with a link ffom Bend to Odell, a distance of 55 mile. It is believed that ultimately this connection will be built but Mr. Kruttschnitt's expressions indicate that the Harriman directors prefer to see what business will grow out of their present venture before ex ponding more money. UUILDINQ PLANS. I inwnuiiuiin nos jusi insiaiieu a J. W. Dimick Is prepared to do MUs Alta 12. Cast and Fred Sherwood uppiy oi imuauon typewritten type ; all kinds of high grade architectural Arc Married Friday. wl )vhch l !s, Prepared to print I Work, make plans, bide prints, etc.. .. . a" kind of circulur letters, etc. 'for businoiM housm nn,l m5 Last Friday morning Mb Alta This means that merchant, real' dcncoi JT E. Cast and Fred Sherwood of Red-Lstnte men, etc., can reach their! ' mond were mnrried at that place, ontire mailing list with personal ' Ladies, Call nt the Dressmaking W. L. Wilson conducting the service letturs. The exact nnnonrnncrt nf Parlors In the Putnam Buildinc and nt the Methodist church. A wed- oriirimil tvtxswritton letters, both in seelthe samples Just received from ding breakfast was served at the Ore gon Cafe after thu ceremony. Miss Pauline Wiest of Bund was a brides- is understood thnt Mr. Sherwood will take up as in old maid. It 10-tf and Mrs. I, D. HAIRD, (President) J. W. MASTHRS, (Vice President) V. O. MINOR, (Secretary) numerous: L. H. BAIIU), V. O. MINOR, S. V. BAIRD. run mock or Builders' Supplies Of nil kinds now on hand. Finu&t line of Cottage Doors in Central Oregon. Keep out that enemy of mankind, the fly, with Screen Doors The kind that you want is here and the price is right. color of ink, type face nnd impres- the Chas. A. Stevens Co. of Chicago. sion is duplicated. If desirable the Suits and coats made to order at Bulletin will not only print such let- very reasonable rates. We also tors but will address and mail represent the Victor Tailoring Co. them. tf , Mrs. Shrinor nnd Mrs. Mcintosh. The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. 00e. Pr..M.M A.SATHCR. V.. Pr..,d.nt Capital fullr paid . . . S25.000 8ockholtUr' liability . . 2 5. OOO Surplus .... . 5. 000 Statement of tho fcirst National BarikoVBe'm?rcTr At rndrad to th.Tr.urr Dpartmnt or tha UnlttJslaUi, t ASSETS ULon ami DIkouiiU liauk tlulldlng and Lot .: , J,cg oo owplua., rurumitf auu miurr.. n j Save money by buying your shovels piicnioncs, stoves, nans ana other hardware at the store of N. P. Smith Wall Street -TTr3?vjjw. - 'nmmugwmim Washington, 0. 0., March 7th, 1011 1 M4 eTInnawMM iivj vy ckuiii' miii n . t LiAoiuTiea- fn?o8 Caplut paid In full ,. " 73 ,.. OO ,t...1l..l.,l ft-. U. B. lknd and ITcraiuiuL ...-..- II.MJ jo """"""', y Ftv IfrCmt Kcdempllou FuudM... 61) oo CSrful.Hnn.. OASHONHANDAND DUE FROM BANKS- $87,41126 w- TUTAL... I M HNMI UJ4.ry s TUTAU tU as ! 'jooo oo .., 8M 74 JOU 00 lSldi 8 c- t,n s '"T.- JEti p. I R E C T O R S: U. C. COB H A, SATUrjR C. S. HUDSON P. P. SMITH U. C. KLLIS ,M wmm