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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1911)
THE BEND BULLETIN MM zx :- VOL. IX. IIKNIJ, OHICdON. WKDNI-SIMY. MAY 10. 1U11. NO. BURNS EXCURSION IS BIG SUCCESS.CITY ASKS BIDS M'ALLISTER SHQT.GOMMERCIAL CLUB OFFERS PRIZES J!. Thirty-Five Bend Business Men Make Long Trip To Harney County Town, Opening New Route. Tim it.. ml Commercial CIuIi'h excursion to Hurnn. marklnu (he official iiMninK of the llciid-llunm nmil, juit completed by 115 local liunlnenH men, liiui proved the liiKK''"t kltu! of a huccchh and entahlnhi'd a cordial rula- tiiitiHhlp i"l community of Intercut wjth the Harney town. I'uvIiik hero nt U ii. I". Sunday moniliiK, noun !1B0 mllfit woro covered hy the Mjvi'ii nutoinolillw hearing the party, heforo their return ycaterday. Tlio out trip wan made for the iiiohI part over the new road through the hotiHwtead country. Tlitee of the earn, driven by I.. I). Fox. U. Coo and Jim VanTyne, coveied the lfil) mile lilp in eight hour running time, arriving t llurim nlmrtly before 1 p. m- All the Hiily had dinner at the honieiteail of (i. I'. ItronklngH. in the eastern end of Hampton Unite Valley, where they were loyally received. Willi the exception of a htriitch of about UU uillo, lyltiK in northern Ijike and wwtem Harney countieM, the road wan very fair considering thai nlnce tlie work done upon it Home weokH uk It hiin had pi Helically no travel, and eK-clally Inaitiniich an the nutm of the trlp-makerH were the Hint that ever hail uxel it. The' .. . i .i . iv. i I'.... r.v '"rw Hjtwouii Portland and Bend. jo iiiIIch beyond tli t rook t ount L.. .i.i ' limy are an ioiiowh: it.... .. ..r.. i.iri.tiulv rocKV. Willi, I 111. I l.'( .J ...-.. - w high centum that kepi the puce ex tremely olow and provided plenty of opportunity for the active onex to work olT their road taxc. Monday the visitor were taken on a 50 mile automobile trip through the country ad iacetit I') Burn. At luncheon the party wan entertnlmil at the "Hell A" ranch of "Hill" llanley. In the. evening occurnl a "love feant" bamiuel at the llolel IlurnM, Claw, ratcH, cenlH per 100 poundx, I'ortlund to Vale rorlland to Bend approximate Dilference I tend over Vale mien, mr ton 1 inn 1120 7.(K) u:i 105 7.00 :t ug bi) ..10 108 70 fi.80 III the KiHrechex the many ad- at which 101 jHimonw- participated. vantage of the new route wore It wan wild to lie the lilggtwl blow dwell Umiii. It wiw etilimaieii mill out" Huron iv t ban had. and cor- the present 2 tttnt a Mund wagon tnlnly was m eiithuiiuitle a ret-up- freight rate, in force from Vale to tion as Head eop!e ever have ex- Hums, probably will apply from liericnced. Bend. It is expected that much traf- 'Hiere were many sH.nkem.Mers. ' Ac will be handled by auto trucks. U C Coe A. O. Hunter. J. K.I Thin will mean thut good, leaving Sawhlll K W. Richardson. C. S. Portland one evening and urriviiiK Hudson and G. V. Butnain doing the nt Bend the next may lw exacted honors for Hend. and I. S. Cear. J. l reach H""ih iwrhnini 24 hours J. I)onegan. C V. MeOonnell. Frank l-'r. Davey ami William Hanley for, The In-nellU to passenger travel Hums. Dr. Marwlun. as tuiut. l' "'. - master was u brilliant success. "" Monday morning reaches Editor Davey. of the Harney County ' I'nrllim.l Wednesday foren.M.n. It News delivered the addre. of wel- I" 'Xwtwl that by leaving Hums In oome. rwpomlwl l by Mayor Cc. ' evening PorUund will be At various times ilurlwr the evening ' rimchcl. via Hend. In !M hours or the Hums (Juartut mn. always ! A Hivlnir of approximately $10 heartily encored. ,'- f - A. M. Fowler. Contract!.. Frelxht '""'" trip in JO . . .i tint ,, ii,,, ith. establishing a new record AReiit O'l" the Hill Oregon ihiuh, who RcciuiiiMinlMl the Hend party. r "l- , , ... , h i Assurance was ulvun Uie visltom was pieventts by illnesM from s wak- .' . ,, ,?.,. , ' ,, ., ,, ,. . ,., that the Harnu- County Court has inu. Man.iKer Sawhlll KHve the , , , , ,, . , iuk. "" .vu.i,.., ut horixeil linmediate work upon comparat ve fre Kill ratert existii.K , ... . .. . . ' ' . . . ,, , ,,,, . the new road w thin that county. Iwtween Portland and Vale, and the , . approximate rates that will be inj (Cuatliuu-il on im.- to.) HAVING SECURED A NEW CUSTOMER. It Is the earnest ambition of this institution to make all relations with the bank plenxmt nnd prolitable. In choosiiiK this ns YOUK HANlC.'you havens- I 4 miriinm of a service capable of meotinir your most exacting reipiirements, together with courteous consideration, ample cash, perfect oruaniwition, and eilicientand aide uianaKemeut. 71 'i'iuo mil nil factors in nuikinir this the logical bank for you to do business with. Commercial and individual accounts, law or small, always welcome. The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company Gf Bend, Oregon "Conscrvativo Banking for Conservative People." I, 11 HAIKU, ll'n-niiU-iil) J- W. MASTI'.KS. (Vice IWiUnl) I'. O. MINOK, tSccrcliiry) II I K It C TO II s: I,. II. HAIKU, 1'. O- MINOK, S. V. HAIKU. IHNGINKER WILL 13 11 AP POINTED BY COUNCIL. Preliminary Work for Kewer System lu be Undertaken -Olllcers mytra and Koberls Keeppolntcd Msny Hills Ordered Paid. At the meeting nf the Common Ciuncll last niKht Mayor Coe iiRaln urKed that preliminary work look ny, to the building of a sewer sys tem be undertaken. He advised the appointment of Robert II. Could as city engineer. A motion to that eirect, to employ hl.n at $70 a day of ten hours, made by Council man Allen anil weonded by Council man Kelly, was lost, .' to 2, Coun cilman Sell a rs heinK nbent. It was the sentiment of the Council that bids lie called for from civil eiiK'i neers for ilolnjf the city viiKineuriiiK and a motion to that eirect was unanimously carried. The committee to buy a street sprinkler reported that It had taken no deflnlte action. 'Hie montlily rejKirUi of City Mar shal J. K. Kelly and Ollicers S. .E. Koberbi and C. W. Myers were ac cepted. Kolwrta was renppolnteil day olllcer and Myers niKht ioI ice man till the next regular meetiiiK of the (Council. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid: K. II. tiiiulil, ciilnrerlnK otk.. ,f m.ui A. I. I.onir, unite., (ulijrct to llriiiluiK) JI ) S C CalcUrll, IiiIhic 25.67 llullrtlii. printing 18 90 II. J. Otrrtutl, election juiluc. j.iu II. J. Dvcrturl. Itlilt;. 71.30 C. W. Mvrr, Ury K)llcetiun too 00 8. K. Kobert. " " " 100.40 City Dray, IuuIImk' 3.JJ Tom Murphy, laliur 81.50 A. Oeliliart, labor Hi 50 Kicharil KIiik. Jr., laltor 5000 Charles Clark, talwr 4 50 Tel Katuiuuen. labor 1 50 I'red A. Klrr, lilucptlnli j 50 llciul Hardware Co., nule 17 50 KUN OVI'.kHV WAtlMN. Hun over twice by a heavy waon and then pinned beneath a wheel, yet ecnpinjr with only a scratch on the noe, was the exjKjrience of Sam Swanson yustunlay at niKin. In leading one horse away from the waicon from which he had unhitched his team, in the rear of Wenandy's stable, a tui; became refiuttotied and the horse ran. Hwanson held on to the rein and was dniRK'eil nearly twenty-live yards. He did not turn loose till the horse ran the wiikoii Utwen two trees and broke the tutr. The rlKht front wheel was demolished. SISTEKS MAN KILLED NEAR PRINEVILLE. Ulnpnte Over Water Rlichl finds In Death of Well Known Mine Owner In The Ochoco Country. 1'lilNKVii.i.K, May 10. YuHtcrtlay morninK I.-wis McAllister, i well known ranchman and resident of the Sisters country, was shot and killed by a man named Robinson in a dispute over water near Mc Allister's mine on the Ochoco 2ft miles northeast of this place. It Hpiears that Robinson was usit.K water for irrixation purixines from ditehes connocteil with the mine. McAllister found Robinson usini; the water, a right to which both claimed, and, accordiriK to the latter, attacked him, with a shovel. Thereaon Robinson, who Kiys Mc Allister w.-enui on the ioint of drawing a un, pulled his own weapon and shot the mine owner through the body, killing him. Robinson is in the custody of the sheriff here. CHILDREN TO ACT Second (Irade Pupils Will (live Play On Prlday, May IV. The children of the Second Grade, under .the direction of their teacher, Mrs. R. Catherine Haskins, are practicing a play, "The Captured Princes," which they will give at the Haptist church on Friday even ing, May 19. Prof. J. C. F. Harr ington will also show his Htcreopti con views of South America. A nominal admission will be charged to defray the expenses of the enter tainment. The following children will appear in the play: Her vl U'lnu , I'rinccM I laicn Rrant Prince IIukIi Kelly Hlilory l'ruiuu KrillieM Arithmetic Kcntirlh l.mie W'tiUni: KuiinM Srllert C.e;rapliv l'.lic Horn Oranunar AKiie JoIiiimiii Muic llattic WikmI Nature Study NUW CHURCH UI'.UICATION. EvangelisU dreggand Webb hnve recently urected a new church build ing at Culver Junction. They an nounce that dedicatory hervicoa will be held May '28, in connection with a county convention of all members of the Christian church of Crook County. A basket dinner will be served. Cash Premiums To Be Given For Rais ing Good Crops, Having Attractive Lawns and Neat Back Yards. Cash prizes well worth winning will this summer await thnw mn.t n. cessful In raising crops of varioua descriptions near Bend, and for the local resident who add mott to the town's appearance by the attractive neiw of their lawns and the neatness of their backyards. In nil Sinn will hi distributed in prize money to the successful contestants in the contest. The agricultural prizes aggregate $75. The owner of the host new lawn in town gets $50, that of the neatest backyard; $25. The prized are being offered by the Hend Commercial Club. The agricultural cash premiums have been contributed to the'orjranizittion by the First National Hank. Through the generosity of the D. E. Hunter Realty Company the club is supplied with funds for tht lawn and back yard prizes. The prizes will be awarded in conjunction with the Railroad Day cele brations. Two committees, whose mombors will be announced later, will chosen by the management of the Commercial Club, in whose hands will lie left the picking of the winners. dis Seventy-five dollars will be tributcd among the farmers of the Hend country for the best exhibiu, The prize for the most attractive lawn applies only to lawns thoie this amount to be divided as follows: whlch nre not already seeded. The $25 for the best assortment of 'ui: " : cwihwm is 10 encour- uxk ui cuuivuiiun ano care 01 lawns, in addition to those already samples grown upon either dry or irrigated land. $10 for the best sample of clover. $10 alfalfa. $10 " " " " of root crops. $10 assorted dry-land grains. in existence, thus adding much to the attractiveness of Bend's ap pearance. As a special inducement the Bend Water, Light & Power Company has agreed to sunnlv ptihor I . , , , " $10 for the best assorted irrigated ullcn or nnt water rree ror use land grains. I on nevv law,ns. until the contest U Tlie contest is open to anyone , decidcd uPn the arrival of the rail- whose land is distant from Bend'roau- ine cost of installing ditches 1 from the company's laterals of course is to be borne by the user. not more than twenty-five milos. All unmnli.u nrn tn tut Inlu.l.wl ii!tli the name of the grower, nnd the e contest is ojwn to any resident 1 1 .- . 1 1 within the en arced imits of the city, name and location of his ranch, and ., ,BU . nn. r'L !S are to become the property of the Commercial Gub. The samples are previous to this announcement. ine prize or S2o for the best to be kept on exhibition at the club , kept and neatest backyard is open . . .... . In nnt.nnk ... tit., nt... ...f.1... .. strictlons. General neatness, crass. rooms from the time of their receipt until the awards arc made, after which they will be made up into a iwrmanent exhibit. flowers, attractive naintlmr. etc.. all will be considered in awarding this prize. EIGHT YEARS OLD V0LLRATH Majestic Ware Hend As Hutlness Center Was Horn On .May 4, IV03. Pioneers of Bend recalled lost Thuredny that it waa the eighth anniversary of the town as a busi ness center. On May 4, 1908, work was started on the first busings house here, the store of the Bond Mercantile Co. This building, re modeled, is now occupied by A. M. Um & Co. A t that time there was less than a score of jieople living in the town. Among those were J. 1. West, Miss lva West, Ovid W. B. Riley, Miss Mary Riley, J. M. LawTence. C. A. Stanborough, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Drake. L. D. Wiest. Charles Cotter, A. H. Grant and A. II. Kennedy. Today Bend's business houses number nearly a hundred, and the population is conservatively ostimated nt 1,000. This is a re markable showing, but old-timers and new-comers alike soy that they bolleve the town's growth will be so rapid during the next eight years that it will be even more astound ing. Why not get out some advertising blotters, large or small? The Bull etin has the stock and can do the work oh Its new press. iiiM ANNOT be excelled for quality. durability and purity. Triple plated, turquoise blue, innrbeliv.ud with a fine vein of snow white on the outside and lined with brilliant snow white enamel. Full Stock on Hand. Come in and you will buy. My prices are right. N . P Smith Wzill Street MimwkMm The First National ank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. OOC. Prtiltlent E A. BATHER, Vic Prtildent O. 8. HU08ON, Cuihl.r Capital fullr paid S3S.OOO Stockholder!' liability . S2&.030 surpiu .... . aa.oco . Statement of the First National Bank of Bend, Oregon, A rndrU to tha Traatunr 0partirtnt of tha Unlttd StaUi, Waihinxton, O. O.. March 7th. IDII ASSETS ! tJ IMwouhW. Qrcti.rn ..... ...-. w - IMnk lluiMinc ami Lot Huriiiluir and l'Utuic. II. S. lluii. ami I'muiumi Itve I'rr Cnt Krdemiittou I'uml... DUE FROM BANKS 587,13.26 Uc,,'lu - Total..,, ..Jii7vjo ... !?$ .... CO . ,X OO ... U.W i 6)5 ul LIADILITIES Capital pal4 In full M Surplut..........,.. ..... UudlvUrJ l'rofiu,, Clrcutatiou , TilTAL.... l4.Ti ..aa 00 .4 . 04 S)7 .ll&M OO vSiOjaSj tm.i i DIRECTOR S' U. C. COl? K. A. SATIH'K l V. SMITH II ?fWH'