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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1911)
wri-jmrn V'm'Wfmii. " ' fcl M. DAVIS M. J. AKMRISON . I ii Av, Farms, City Property, Acre Tracts, Irrigated Lands, Business Chances, Timber Bought and Sold. List your property with us. We will sell it if it can be disposed of at a salable price. M. J. Morrison has lived in Bend for the pnst eight years and lias made a business of locating and cruising government lands in Central Oregon, he knows the land and can locate you on The Best 320Acre Homesteads in the country. If you are going to take government land find out who your locator Is, and whether he has lived in the country long enough to know the lands; also, if he is reliable, as it is of great interest to you whether or not you get located on the right land. Read the subject matter of our new leaflet in this issue of The Bend Bulletin. Copies mailed to you on request. Homeseekers' Land Co. Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. ran HUM STATE MEDICO INVES TIGATES DESCHUTES Wbtls Preset Pollution Is Too Slight To Oe Dangerous, Precedent Dad To Be Stopped No Moro Sewage- In Crooked River. Dr. Calvin S. yhito, Secretary of Die State Board of .Health, came in from Portland with1 Dr. U. C. Coe Friday. The purpose of hia visit was to familiarize himself with Cen tral Oregon conditions, especially in reference to the pollution of the Deschutes River from drainage and other cause. ' This matter has been brought to his attention particularly through complaints he has received from Laidlaw and local people, he says. Also, the recent passage of the bill prohibiting any pollution of the Des chutes brings this matter to a head. "We have investigated pretty thoroughly," said Dr. White, Sat urday. "It appears that the present pollution of the river from Bend drainage Is extremely slight; in fact, so little as hardly to be worth con sidering, and of practically no dan ger. However, with the rapid in crease in the bJzo of the town and the population of the country de pendent upon the Deschutes for water supply, it is imperative that even the present slight pollution be stopped. This the new law compels, and the state must enforce, if the city does not. It's a matter of checking a bad precedent for future violators, more than anything else." The only present trouble, it is understood, is caused by overflow from inadequate septic tanks used by dwellings in block 3, facing the river. After calling attention to the unique position of the Deschutes, as furnishing the sole water supply for such a vast territory, Dr. White ad- vded: "One thing that surprised me was to find that Bend is the only Central Oregon town actually on the Deschutes. Somehow, from adver Using literature I had gained the impression that the towns north were on the banks of the river." Saturday night Drs. White and Coe attended a meeting and ban quet of the Crook County Medical Association at Princville. All the licensed physicians in the county were present, excepting Drs. Fcr rell, of Bend and Hosch, of Red mond. Dr. White took up with the county seat medicos the necessity of caring for Prineville's sewage other wise than putting it in Crooked River, which is now contrary to state law. It is understood the Princville city council are to . take action in the matter at once. Sunday evening Dr. White return ed here, stopping at Hotel Bend, and on Monday went out to Port land. TUMALO ITEMS. TUMALO, Ore., Feb. 27 The Gcrtson Brothers passed through this place yesterday on tbeir way to Bend. The question for the debate Sat urday night at the Pinchurst school house is: "Resolved that Irrigated land is more valuable than land watered by rains." Mrs. J. W. Baker and daughter , Mclba, recent arrivals from Rose-' burg, have joined Mr. Baker at Red mond where Mr. Baker conducts al bowling alley. They were formerly resident of Tumalo. Edward White of Gist has been here for a few days. Ho is in the horse business at present. G. W. Wimer of this place was quite sick for a few days with grip but his health is now improved. Mrs. G. W. Wimer has also been confined with the grip. Mr. Olsbn of Gist passed throucrh here yesterday. LAIDLAW tOCALRTTES. ed the lecture given Sunday, by J. A Fallgatter, of Redmond. The subject of the addrww was "Social ism," and the sonker handled his subject in a very interesting and n prcciatjvc manner. j - A surprise party was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dn Smith at their home northwest of town, Tuosday evonipg. ; J. L. Couch has gone to Madras to meet his wife and daughter, who are returning from an extened visit , to Goshen, Ore. Samuel Nichols left Saturday for Condon, where he expects to remain some time. Mrs. E. B. Jamos is quite ill with quineoy. Mrs. Bart Nichols went to Olovor dalc Friday. Commencing in the issue of March 1ith The Henri liulletiu will publish Hex Hunch's g r e u t Ahiskan story THE SILVER HORDE Don't miss the first in stallment of this fascinat ing serial. You will want to read every word of it. POLK'S GAZETTEER A imaineaa ifirrrivrx ei rocu iur Town nnd VUUia la Oman nail Washington, gitiag m Draerlptl Xkelch of each place, I-orallon, Snipping- Farlllllr unit a flaael fled filrerlnry of eiuli lluloete ana I'nlfuoa. It. L. 1-Of.K CO Ine. ftoatlU. Waeb. CONTKST NOTIC15 Department of the Interior. United KUUi Mint Office. I akevtcw. Oregon, Jan. II. If II. aufTMriit cwilct affdaelt hating been uImI In tliU oIIkt by Nioa II Triplet!. cwitnUhl. agalui! lloiclead Unify .So inr-4, mad No ;. iva fcfuwU. w)., . .h uc. II. lownehip II . rallK to H , Ulllam eitr M-rMtan. by II. L VaiiMeltr Corneal, lo which It leillci(edthal MMl VaHtltlerhaawhom abandoned lliia laud. In. failed lo comply wild IhclawaatomulenccaiHl culllealkm. that lie haa ntvtr rraidnl upon ukl tract. aaUl paillea ate- hereby notified lu appear reapund, and offer I rvldciicc touching 11M allegation at le o'flMk a m.onMar 16, lull, Ufurr Ciiniinlwloiiei II. 1 Klllt, (lend, O'cgoii (and that nnal lirariHn Willi held alio o'clock a m on Mar. M lull . UfoicJIli' HcgUter and Kccelrcr at Ih Drilled ! hl.tce I.anil OlWllI Ukevtew Orcgnu. Theeakd cunlcatant having, til proper am 'daetl. Bled lau. II. igll. act forth farte which I ho that after due diligence pereonal tcnrlfr ol IhU nonce can not l made. It la hereby oidriiv and directed that audi uotlc be given due ami proper P"- w a , 4VJ1 '"' ' CKO.NHMIM.HK, Receiver. Ixave your subscriptions for All Magazines at the Library and let that institution gut the benefit. IIKNI) I.ODG1. NO. ai. I. 0. 0. F. Regular meeting flight, livny Moiuliiy. Visiting iltcthrcii el come. K. T. Ilul.i, V. A. For!. N. 0. Sec'y. E. R. POST L0CAT0R All kinds of land location and appraisement work JJ20 acre homesteads along the railroad surveys. IIOTAMNG UUH.DINO, - BltND, OkKCON. n K. Xiswo.soitK, l'rcs. G. D. Makkki., Sec. OREGON INVESTMENT CO. Wall Street, Ikrnl, Oregon. IN THK Ol.l) CKNTKAI. OHMJON KltAJ.TV COMPANY Ol'I'ICIt. Laidlaw, Ore., Feb. 28 A num ber of the Laidlaw residents attend-1 J. B. Montague Contractor Builder Plans and Estimates Cheerfully Furnjshed. See me before building. Residence south of baseball field Bend, Oregon ot choice residence lots Choice residence loin in Wictttorlu Addition, adjoiifitig Ucnd on the north. This is a Mriclly first clasu residence sect ion and the first too lots will be sold nt half price. IRRIGATED LAND Wc have the largest list of irrigated lund in Crook county. If you want u bargain, call und sec u. 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS We can locate you on n 330-ucrc homestead, the beat wheut laud in Crook county. BUSINESS PROPERTIES We have some good buys in builiu-hi mid warehouse property, TIMBER LANDS We have a number of choice buys in timber lands, FIRE INSURANCE We represent some of tbe' strongest I'ire Insurance Companies in the West. They have been tried. We al ways have our losses paid promptly and without a question. STENOGRAPHIC WORK Notary and stenographic work accurately and neatly done, and receive prompt attention at tiny time. All in quiries receive prompt attention. Call on or write Oregon Investment Co.