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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1908)
Yvhrn skle arc cotd with wintry stars, antl lillli Are white with yetcr-cvcn"s snow, an J tie 1 ghostly slate beneath Ihe ghostly r. Ufc-n miny a gtity blast (lie darknei nil. x ilh errr lonely, homeless sound, aud chill The window panes with frost: when crackling fly The spark about the hearth, anil clow and die. While In the pnue lit note the cricket trill: Oh, then how ilear Is home I aud whit a tense Of ruddy- warmth anil peace beguiles the mind ! And what a charm In listening while the wind Plows fierce outside, throush winter Marry tents. Aud die away around the window pane. And erer rise loud, and din again t .rnrt Warburton Shtirtlcff. jgina Gurnrs mmfa OEL CLAYTON was tall and gaunt, with clear, candid, blue eye, and bin white hand, small a .J nervous-looking, were aa welt kept -. th se of a woman. lie was thirty, and a splash of cray on cither temple, a itrand or two of wh.te in hit mustache, made hlui look older. He wai broad-cheted and muscular ity all rules he houM hare teen a aol ilur be looked an "open air" man, but for (ire yearn he had been writing abort tor.e, novelettes and serials for the weekly press. It wan good, nervous work. Ill name wax becoming known, for he had the Imp;- kuark or bleudlig pathos with hu mor He hid traveled widely, and an AlHtru'ltu bush Idji at the beginning of the week woulj be followed again by a tory of rustic life In the dejr West Country that he lured so well. He tired quite alone, worked ami smoked from moraine to utgbt, lured Id profession, and bid practically drop Ird all hit friend mile and feruile ud when fit of the not Infrequent btnea trot him by the tltroit. threw bli l-en Into the crate and ordered op hi landlady's children, and pandemonium n-tgued for an hour. Kometlmes be care them pennies, bat not always small coin of the realm Is not always available to RUthor but the romps were huge, and he enjoyed tbem. Of course there was a woman at the bottom of the tangle of the man's life, and women complicate thing sometimes he vrould hire said "always." On one particular evening he was alone aud writing, when Jim Coortcojy wai shown in and Jim was an old and trlcd frlend about the only friend the lonely, self-absorbed mail had, ami so the In comer xt down and lighted his pipe, and did not bother the author for quite a quarter of an hour, aud then Noel rote and stretched himself. "What Is it this time. Noel?" "Ob, the usual thing lore: and can didly I am getting so sick of wrltiug lore stories." "Ah! you feel like that?" "Mad alive, this U Christmas live, ami sorneh w somehow my thoughts went hack with n Jump, and I remembered one Christmas Kve when " "Your pipe's out, Noel!" "Aje, so It I. Well, there was one Christina Kve wbcu " "My dear boy, are you worrying about ber still Y' ' Yen." and then a long pause It Is the privilege of chums to sit si lent for a spell. "And all this happened four or five year ago. I never heard the rights or wrong of the story." Noel crossed the room, and digging both hands Into, hts pockets, looked at liU chum, "There Is nothing to know. After the four happy yearn of married life, trouble came between us, lies came between us; ud and here I am and it's Christmas Ere. Of count our baby was nly a mite a wee, blue-eyed, golden-haired tulte; couldn't walk, cranial, you know; but we were awful chums, anil when she went and took our nilto well," ami the man's laugh hurt hi own oars. "Woll, then I took to writing love stories love, old chap, with a happy ending bishops, bridesmaids, bouquets aud bleating, aud" his temitorary excitement had left ldm ho added dryly: "And It pays! Now go, old chap. 1 must get my stuff done for the early post." aud Chum went out while Noel turned again to his Interrupted work. ISetvveen each Hue on every page quaint turns of expression, iualnt thoughts haunted him, a dead past spoke to III in. The girl-wlfo had been very sweet. xcry lovable, very beautiful and had marred two lives. There should be a special place of tor went for the pew wn0 deliberately comes between two peoplo wboilove each other and smilingly warp two lives. Pearl Clayton was as easily led as . chllil. a soft, emotional, weak little woman, and when Noel returned from fsw days' holiday he found the house I closed and lVirl and Uaby had depart ed Noet drifted for a httto hit, the slunk unmanned him terribly, but hts pen was I1I1 site source of Income, and It I111I t Ik piled If Ixidy and soul were to be kepi together, and In n very few week In hid. to some extent, reg lined hts metitrt betince, nnd lil work Improved. The eve of OhrItni and the dt.v ll.AlF Mint. I.. iH.k.l lt...aU ami nil tilth I ...... t,''.-ii,- it, t'-t iii-iit-., mm .-. purtlouhr eve Noel kept thinking kitk . and thinking luck while he wrote. How well he rvuiemlieretl the extra ired stocking he Induced the nure V knit, and how- bulky It looked and fe't u Chrltmi iiuimlug. And then emir school, college, and their tnurlcd life. When the n-ribbling tit vvn tin hlui Pearl used to draw her low wicker chair close to hl writing tvble, knitting, o. ditiitity fingering white miterlM, soft and downy ami IliilTy for the pmpoctlvt wearer, and the few- rem irk she made seemed to ehtme In and Identify them solve with whit he was writing; but of courie, all thl happened fire year- ago. One mid little trick Pearl had. and Noel remembered It tliU creiilng and mled It. When hN pen was working etra imiiy stic ued to hi) tlie tips of her finger himii hit rl,jlit hind Jut when Hand meet wrist. She did nut Ineotu mode htm In the least. He declared her touch Inspired him; they were such pink tipped finger", and n smiti, nnd he hid often written with the tiny touch on his wrist almost unctinsclunsty only peep lug up from time to time at a sweet oat face. Into deep rktlet eye lore lit Hut, of cnurse, this was fire year ago. ' So he wrote mi. fcIIng a little bit sorry tint Chum hut not stayed, for af ter nil he only had another hilf hour's work before him. and then they could lt and chat, and perhip drown the s mml of the belU that he knew would ring iiui III a few hours. He was Just In the frame of mind to summon his landlady's children, but ex cctt for himself, the house was empty There 111 a Cbristuiis Kve party going on, and Mrs. Msrsb and her progeny were atteuding It. He had been writing for half an hour since Chum had left hlui, and felt the old familiar touch ou his wrist. It was Imagination of course, he did not even turn his head, and then be was looking luto blue eyes, In the round mildeu-cHrled framed face of a boy of four, who laugh ed up at hlui and presented a rosebud to bo kissed. "(Joodiiess, child where on eirth do )ou come from? and who who brought )lii1 What ! )our nanieV" "Krie," and the child bem to make preparations for climbing a lofty knee, "Who brought you here, IJaby Krl-V How did )ou comeV" Noel felt like an Irish member of Par liament, for "110 answer was given," but a wee form, full of hugs and kisses, got fast bold upon him, aud said gravely, and yet with a sweet sir of command: "Just come'd and now If you're not ton busy, mister Father " "Ye, my son." "P'raps I'd better go to bed." "Hut. my child my little son who brought you here? where Is your moth er?' aud the tall man, suddenly releasing hi first-born, pacts) up and down. Of course, Chum had left the door open, nnd somcoue had told the child to walk straight lu and the child had straight The author his tiny son was on the floor now, saying things to the cat, and It deserved every word, being a cat I hit IHks stamps off letters, and loves baron nnd lioiled egg thrust his hands deep lido hi pocket aud looked down, sad e)ed. at little rlunuy-faee. "Yea, perhaps you had better come to bid." If Chum would only come, If some thing would only happen tu break the silence, a silence ouly cleft by the sigh of n child. The chun h was only at the end of the street. . He could hear the bell-ringers shuf fling along the frosty pavement, In a few minutes and he bent to his work. Half usleep, half awake, he was con scious of the old, almost forgotten touch upon his wrist a dream doubtless but he could not shake It off, and then he looked down. Kneeling as of yore beside him, blue THE NEW LEAF I F v its f A )es teu diniuietl, w I'tvirt, "I Hive returuel, Nov." " It wai a quivering Utt e x.iko, hut a t'irilled him. How like she w.i to the.r child. nd then the bells iIikIun! forlli the! mesMgo "I'ejuo on l-Jurlh, tliml Will Toward Min," mid tu two heirtx they -nrrll n sweeter, deeper message still. No word was spoken A suull figure, 111 it minikins jtekit tint reached tu hi lilies, Ktixid at the dividing duor, an eager face turned to either. hd hiKtMiid nnd wife kissisl silently. OLD CHItlSTMAS 6AYii;as. All old (icrimiti miylng h thnt h-twit-'ii H und l'J o'clock oil Chrlstmns evo vvnter chii be luriiett Into wlm A AltntvtHi:rtu ttH) lug utxuit Christ- mas cvo Is 'Tn-lllght ctirth Is blcndevl with l'lirndK'." The Imnp. or chihIIc, must not he nl low i-tl tu burn Ifolf out mi Chrlstnma eve or thetv will hv dentil In the family vv Ithln the ) wir. A Mwr miihwIIINi H thnt nny one uii ixtts iiiiIh without limny on Chrls(i.i will livse tils teetli. Molir Is thnt 11 nlllnxr tlirillil n' midnight will bring ilronms of u fu ttltv lover. It Is UlillRkv to tnp 1111 Christum. j,,.. ' The am-trnl Semi.llunvlmi nnd , , o ti 1 ..i..iK culled dirt inns .Moth. er'H Night." the imtue UdtiK ImndtM down ti the ClimtlnulstHl Mople from mi old pngnn fi'Kllvnl fnniierly cete- united nbout this sen son of the ynr Tin. .mrilinn clilliln'ii uluco penny- rovnl In thi IhvW Ctirlsliiiim eve tie- cniiM. thev Indlevv tt nhva.vs flowers nt the exnet hour of Christ's birth. A lire coal should never be carried out of the house on Christum cvo. All lilldrcn l-irn nt midnight on IX-cember 31 will Immiiic sn-nt and . I A Yuutuful trlii-in re. I Utile Kriicrxon Ynu don't Udlcve lu nnv such ridiculous in) III us Hunta Clans? . Tough Jlmmy-Nnvvt I'm next to ' , . . 1. . ,. . lnt game. All do Mine. Il n a graft to let on )nii believe tu him an' Kit all (lilt's cumin' to )oii. An Instiprr.tlili- lllijrrlliin. I wiiiiiii iiho in givn iii)iM-n iu ynu iih n ClirlMiiins pn-w-nt." snld jomu 1'ooru to Miss Itoeks. "I'njKl clot's not II I low lilt- to rect'lvn expensive pmu'iiiM from joiiiig inw, . rcplkil the mnlileii. Town Topic. 'rilrl Sinn, Mrs. Nt'WjK Cluirlcy, vvhnt nro you Sollitf lo glvo biihy for ClirlHtmiis? Mr. Newpop (vvllh visions of past night) A ilpln imllou If he keeps on like he litis lately. Where Kilrnslnn H'i l.'rsrrit. "Yotl wish )our hIimMiik wiih bigger, don't you, dear'" usktsl iiiaiiiitin of I) rle. "No'm; my stiiiumhk" -Judge. T1IECHRISTMA3 SPIHIT. 9 r 2 Aunt Diana : The Sunshine of the Family ea Oll.VlTKIt IV. It was finally settled. AlUon felt that duty called her home, and rooii the day cam when she had to part from Aunt niana. It was a sad leire-taklng, and the tears were In Alison's e)e long after Itm train steamed slowly Into the Ohes lertrtii stntlon. Alison gatherisl up her numeroui articles of Irarrllug geir, and looked out with some eagerness, but Itog "'stall figure was nowhere In sight, ami, '""fh. ' ''"llM"' " lrP mI. she rter Instruction, .(,, her trav .... ,' ,r.,t, .... . 1Mll ,... i tered Alison, feellnr reade to crv aeatn at Imp InnntliiM .ml .,lrln ni li... er's iinklnd demrtlon, nnd then all at on' he eneountrel a pair of round Idue rJfM- r wide own Hhe slsrte.1, yes, thern was the wide mouth, the droll. 'rr,r'' hw J'" ,h' rjinmlH.rf.l .0 wr" of ciiurne It was Itiidel, grown, hut olhttwU, , ,, ,,,; ler- vhy, Itudel." .he exclaimed, reproach- fully, hy did you not speak to me? 1 was Itkiklng for linger, and nearly xtmed you by " ' "h. t'Ut I shoutd have IkiIIoomI all In 1 ;." ' rrt,,,1,,,"l1 wl' "; ktiii, Fitjiiting iinmts wim tier, inn reirnin Ing frww any warmer fraternal greetlnx. A soon si she was seated In the lie got fn after her. and proeeednl to put down both windows. "You would not like me to go outside, I s'lptwMe," he said. In A good humored, dandling vol.-e; "these itil-s are so stuffy they nuke a fellew feel quesr." "Go oulslile If yiMi like." rrturnnl All en, willing to humor him, but rather ills turbed at the Uiy's coolness "Oh, It doss not mailer," was th con tradlctory response; "we have not far to go, and cabby Is so unusually Moot there would not be mom for Otter (Ki, by the bye, linger told we to tell you that father told him that sonwhody els must come to the station, a he could not he spnrcd. linger was awfully put slsxit, for he Mid I should lie no help, and I hare not been niueti, eh?" with another grin that threatened to became a laugh. "1 wlah dear old lluger could have COD), hut I am glad to see )ou. Inn," i Alison's polio reply, "I thought you would hive kld ID" after two )ers of absence." "Oh, I never kiss girls," reddening vis Ibly. "Not your own sisters?" etclslmd Alison, In a grieved role. "Oh, Itudel, you osrd not to be so stiff snd unkind." "I ain't on or th other," rousing up nt this nnroaii. "I think It I first-rale )otir coming, I mean and you are no end of a brick to do It, and," with a sudden burst of confidence, "I shouldn't mind glring you a kiss now and then, when you wanted It particularly. If you would promise not to (ell MIssle, I would not give her one no, not If she were to auk m on her bended knees a sluck-iip little minx t" "Oh, Itudel, for shamM Mbl I much your ilsier as lam." '!' ' n' ,"'T,r J,,,, growled the Isd. "I tell you what, All- sun, you are an out and outer, and no mistake, and I will help you fight all your battle, that I wilt, as ur as my name I Itudel. and that I better than ever so " kl"7-M1 , . , f1,er.I.,,,,fi:, ' m "iin k nd y, thouth you bsv such a funny ,;,. ,,u, , u no wln ... fui., inr , Oh, hut you will he ohllgml lo fight MIssle, whether you wish for It or not," was the civil rejoinder: hut AIIon was , e,,,,!,.. ..,.,., ,1.1. .w j.,, , n,,r in, reacheil Tlie Holms, and n Bntr moment wers driving up the graveled sweep between rows of dusty evergreens. ilie Holm was a singularly built house siitiare, stone hall, nnrnrix-tnl and chilly looking, led to the kitchen and nth ed domestic olfices, all on n large scale and unusually roomy; a wide Might of """' ,,,!,,, 'IWerlng from the m-xlern atalrriis. by being also uncovered, led to the sitting rooms, dining room, drawing room, school nwm, and study, all often Ing on lo a narrow corridor, fitted from end to end with Imnka hooks llterall lining It from floor to celling. As AIIon wesrily ascendisl the t(ps, a thlu ladylike woman In a black gown, with a depressed, gentle face, came lo the head of the stalrrnse. "I am no glad to see ynu, my drar," Wie said, kissing her affectionately, "Why, JI do bcllovo ynu are grown, Alison; ynu are taller tuan I expecieu to see you, out you are looking pale." "Oh, that Is nothing," returned All son, hastily. "I am 1 1 ml vvllh the Jour lie " Tor Just then sho did not wish her looks to he loo keenly crlticlsul. "Where are the others, Miss IoIgli father, Mabel and Popple?" "I am ho sorry, Alison, that I am the only one lo greet your homecoming. Ma bel and Popple are out; they had an Invitation lo an afternoon nrty at the Itrowulow's; It Is little Htacy's birthday. I wanted Mabel to stay at homo nnd lei Popple Ko without her, hut she would not hear of It." "Never mind, returned Alison, quietly; hut she was conscious of a hurt, chilled feeling as Miss Leigh brought out this lame excuse This was her return home after two years' absence, and et ltogrr could not I spared to meet her at the station, and Mabel could not give up an I afternoon's aiimtemeut to welcome her sis ter Her father was buay as uaual) proh nhly hn had forgotten her eilsteucu nl t this time. "Ynu nre very tired, my dear," con tinued Mls l.elgti, disturbed nt the young girl's miihh'u gravity and paleness, ".Shall I I take )oii to jour room, and send oil up a tup or tea? I dnresny you wouiu tike to be quiet a little" "Thank )nu." replied Alison, grateful ly. Itudel skipped lip after her, three step al a time, "I siliqsise )im do not want to sea Hulky now, Alison?" "No, no," Interrupted Miss Ih-IkIi, "your slater Is tlrrd, Itudel; )oii hnd belter go iloun and Irave her to real." "Oh, I was tint talking In you, Mother Mull," vvn the U)'s rude retort i snd aa AIImiii turned round to shake her head nt hint, she dlarwcred him III the net of making one of hi favorite fare nt the back of I he iincouselous governess, "I say, missus," he observed, when he bad sullU'Irtilly relieved hi fiellngs, "have )ou (old Alison about her room)" "No, not )et, Itiidfl." relumed ih liiuch-eiidiirlng Miss Ijrlih. "Then I shall 1 cnll It a mean trlek of Ml.fle's, no one but a girl would do ilrh a thing, here she has hern and taken jour room, Alison, with mother' thin. In It . and nothing Ihe nilisus can ssy will gel her lo give It up. Missus Is awfully wild alMiut It, slu't you, missus!" "Oh. Itudel t do be quiet." remonstrsled Miss le-lgh. lu Ihe old worried vole All soil knew so well. "What a tiresome Ikiv )im are! and 1 wauled lo tell )oiir sister quietly. AlUon, my dear, I am very sor ry, bill Mabel has appropriated jmir room, and most Itnniunerly rfoei to give It up I spoke to )iHir father about It last night, but he only said It did lull signify, thst he expected you would not mind, as jmir visit lo us might not be a very lenglhv one I think joil had bet rr spk to III in yniirsslf" "I will see admit II," relumed Alison, quickly, ativlMt lo stem the govern"' nervous How of word "Am I to sleep here lo-tilghtT" s Mis Itgh olicd Ih ilir of n lsrk nm "I have Made It as nice a I can." r turned Miss llgh, netleally, "ImiI I am afmld ynti wilt think It an ugly riwon. It wsnl reiwperliig. and th carpet Is dreadfully old" "th. It will do very well," observed A I soi. qlllelly. bul she Linked round her with a sinking hesrl neverthtles Il was Mabel' old room snd very shsbhlly furnished, and hmled oier Ihe kitchen garden and Ihe sawmill She listened with well assumed jmllenre as Ml l.elgh pointed mil th various Utile Improvements she hd ffeetel TtKMigh Alison did not know It, Ih easy tbalr snd Utile nmtid table wre taken from Miss thigh's own ronmj lb furh sins and grrsnliims In lh bin vs were linger' gift; and even Itudel had con tributed the big green fern thst stoml on tlie window ledge. "Now, I will arm) you up your tes," ntiserreil Miss I-lli at last, whni Ihe Imirs hsd srrlreil, snd Itudel bsd aatlst eil In unstrap them; "liters. Is no hurry, my dear. )nu will have nearly two hour lo yourself to unark snd rest." Alison tried In answer cheerfully, but her head was arltlsg lu earnest now; lb tisir were very near Ihe surface again, (Hit she liatlleil with them bravely ( V. A cup of excellent tea was very restora tive In IIS effetla, and when Alison had fli-eliened her tired face with cold wster, snd brushed her disheveled locks, snd exchanged her traveling dress fur a light, cool looking, I'l'ijr cloth costume, she fell less reluctance lo present herself to Ihe critical eye of her father and Mabel "May I com In?" questioned a voice that she knew al onre was linger', and In a moment she had sprung Joyfully lu th door. "Oh, linger, you dear old fellow, I am wi glad In see ynu again I" she exclaim nl, forgetting all her troubles In the sight of hts familiar face. Kvldeully her pleas ur was rrciprotalcd; a jxilr of strong arms almost lifted her nlf her feel, and bore her a n IIm room toward Ihe win itow, nnd, after a hasty kiss or two. Hog er pot his hand under her Hilu and grave ly Inapeclrd her, "I niixw you are glad to see me," he observed nt length, "as )nti have been cr)lng evidently nt lit pleasurable null rlpotlon. Su you are sorry tu com home, Alison, eh? and yet"- rather reproach fully ")nti are winded very IsiWy here" Alison's only answer was lo lay her face down nn hi arm: tills was a little tot much fur her Jaded spirits, a few more tears would come, linger dad found her out, a she knew he would. "Come now, Ihls won't do, Allle," he sold, with a sort of soothing roughness, "we shall nek )uu bntk again to Aunt Diana, If you are going lo fret. I looked fur rather a different greeting after two ) ears' absence." "I can't help It," Mite snld, trying lo dismiss her tears; "I am tired, and ev erything seem strungn to-night, nnd I do miss Aunt I Mann." "Yes, she hn Nfiolleil you for in; you hiivn grown a dainty Utile lady, Allle." "Oh, no; I nui nut sulrd In thai way," she Interrupted lilm breathlessly "You en ii not quite mnUrstninl, linger, but there I silth n mixed feeling, I have wanted ynu nil IIh-ho two years; jou have never been out of my mind a single day." "Well, I am glad lo hare you back lo scold )ou properly. What color are your eyes generally, Alison? They are as pink as on Albino's to night," "It Is my turn lo look nt you," she relurnid, trying lo pluik up a little spirit, "Why, jou hnve grown a mus tache, linger. How well It suits you I" but Itogcr only broke Into n merry laugh, "Did )ou ever see such a handsome fellow? Ilenlly, Itudel aud I are marvel ous specimens of manly beauty, He bents me In freckles, though, ha, ha I" And Hoger quite rocked himself In merriment, "t like the took of )uil very much," returned Alison, "Your hnlr I a lit t to tough mid, "hi )oiir boot nre muddy You have wanted me to step you in order," "I don't seem In inntilt you, somehow," h observed "Do )0U illwil)N look Al though jou were Just turned nut of n hnmllHix? I wMi )imi would Ink MIssle nnd Popptn In baud; they drive MU lo'lgti crniy with Ihelr uiitlillnnes. Oh, we nre a happy family, Allle -nothing but billing and cooing, and that sort of thing going on from morning to night You might take Itudel and MIssle for a couple of love birds, tlie sweet young creatures are so fond of eaih other, and a for Popple and MIssle look, liters I a specimen uf the linius music dulcet strain fluting up the stalrmse. Titer goes MIssle." Alison's brow knitted wluli sums per pleilly ns she listened, "I'lora. will vuu go Into your own room) I Insist mi II )im are not fit to Ih seen In that lorn frixk," In a sharp, girlish voice "What does It mailer? Hhe won't mind," lu a shrill, childish tret.l. "jou are hi cross, Mal-el. Do let me come lu with )uu nnd see Alison," "No, no. do as I tell )ou ; you shall com III presently 'llteret )ou have tram pled mi my dress and lorn some of Ih trimming, )ou horrid little thing I I will tell pnv If you are so naughty, and then he will not let jou com down lo lea." Here an expree roar on Pop ple's rt Interrupted the discussion. AII miii, who could tirsr no more, moved qultkly lo Ih ilasir nnd o;ieii. It, A pretty looking, fair-haired girl, dressed somewhat untidily and In bid stjle. with rather a vixenish expression on her ftunle eil face, was standing Just outside Alison' room, and behind her a somewhat plain little girl between eight and nine jeers of ge, rsllter small In stature, and with a droll, fre.ile.1 face like Hudcl', only II wa Just now puckered up with crying" a red, Inflamed it m eheek ws evidently Ut result of a smart htaw nn br sister's arl in vnifiit for th lorn trimming "How do yoti do, Ms Welt" eh ssld, with a somewiiat cold satut of Mlssl' eheek. "Pleas do not prevent Pnppl coming lo ns I could net help hearing, you s;siVe so loud, and I do nol mind on till Ihiw she look Com bre, Popple, dear," but lit ehIM, erklently shy and UMet liy Ih 1st frscss, hrhl lek In an entliarrassetl oianner. until Missis gar her a rough sjsh "Why don't ynu go to )hi stupid llttl thing?" h Mid rrnost), for she was iut out al iter sister's sudden sppenrsn on th scene. "Please tin tint fore her In route to me, we shall ! ery gisl friend dlred ly," reliinie.1 Alisuti, sorry for Ihe pMir child's awkwardness "Cow with lite, Poppls dear, Hoger la In toy room, ami 1 will show you the pretty new gsine I hsve brought for Jou " 'iti child' fsc brightened In a mo ment, aud she moved Instantly lo take All soli's hllicl, sgalll Mlssl Interpnsed. "rSte uiiist rhang her frock, Alison , tea la Just ready, and I hear sipa's step In lh garden, II will l rery angry If Pnppl tik rough or untidy, and I ran nol allow hlui tu t. veied," pursing up her Up with a virtuous eiprelon. AIImiii ouilrollnl a quhi retort with souk dlltii-ully She hail fully elixir. I lo find Mlssl a most aggravating llttl Mrson, or wvty should MIm l-lgh oun pislu of her so hillerly? Itul th reality was worse than she sntlclMted, "Never mind," stte said, calmly; " must not vrx tvps, laust we, Popple? I wilt help jou change your fnxk, and er baM after all we may have time to look at lb Ash ponds." And wit limit another glanc at MIssle, Alison ntsd Poppl cheerfully lesd the way, as sit did not know her room, A Alison, sfler dressing Popple, cam down the staircase wltlt the child still clinging to her, Mr. Merle suddenly msils Id apenranc from ths study, II si most started at Ihe sight of his daughter, snd sn expression of psln crossed his handsome, careworn face. In the dim light Alison recalled her mother too plsln ly lo III eyes, "Oh, psi," she ssld. hurrying In him, and pulling up her fair young face lo hi, He kissed her kindly, isttlcd II, told her thai she had grown Into a wnman since he bad seen her, aud questioned hel villi some Interest about her Journey. 'll dining room, a large, hsndsouiely furnished riHinr, hoiked sufllclently coiy as they entered II Mlssl was III lltn sent of tumor, she gave a Utile simper ing laugh as Alison entered with her fath er "I siipHise llils will Imi your plain tn-limrmw.'' she ssld, fnr, a Alison re plied simply, "I slipims so, bill I need not disturb ynu to night," a vexed took crossed M Isle's face, hut as Itudel wa already grinning In lmes of a row ahs prudently dlsspolnled him. When they rose from the table, MIssle' flrt word were a erempinry order for Popple lo put away her Inj and go In bed. This led lo a feeble protest on Mis thigh's inrt. "It Is not so rery late, Mnbel, nnd l'o;e pie tins not seen her slater for two years. I think she might wait a little longer." "1 am not going; there now I" observed Ihe thlhl, ileflnntly, qulle oblivious of her father's present e. "(lo II, Pohi I'll hack you." whispered Itudel, rubbing his hnnds; "she sba'u't tout h you ns long as I nui here." Mabel's eyrs Unshed. "You horrid, rilds boy. Pa " Hut here Alison gently Interfered, "You will go to bed now, dear, will you notr" she whlsHrcd In the child's ear, "and I will come nnd tuck ynu up, and wish ynu good night." And thus propi tiated, Popple's sullenness vanished, nnd she trolled on nt mice, (To b continued.) Cancer of Ilia stomach cntmca nbotit 0,000 deaths it yunr In the, United HtutcM nnd nearly 0,000 lu ICngland nui Walfi.