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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1906)
i i MOB ATTACKS JEWS Soldiers Come to tlic Rescue and Prevent Second Massacre. SOLDIERS MUTINY, KILL OFFICERS Troop and Again Control at Dlalyitok Government Will Prevent Further Rioting. Bt. Petersburg, Juno 21. Another outbreak at Illnlystok Wednesday after noon was only quelled when troops charged Uio mob and dliporeed It. Dur ing tlie trouble ono Jewish woman wni killed and another wounded, while sev eral portona were etruck with atones and more or leas hurt. A further dem onatratlon la (eared, and the govern tuent haa been asked to sond additional Coasacka there to cope with tho allua tlcn. The antl-Jewlsh rioting at Bialyrtok la now ended. The troopa are In lull control, and, In view ol the outcry raised, It la certain that the authorities will not permit a rcnowal of the hor rors recently witnessed ai utaiyaiok The moat Imperative orders to prevent further outbreaks have been issued to the governors and governor generals from St. Petersburg When the correspondent arrived at Dlalystok Sunday morning, the worst was already over, but on all sides was revolting evidence of ravage bestiality on the part of the blood-drunken mobs, which sacked and burned tho Jewish houses, shops and stores. Over 72 hours, with a slight abatement during the daytime, the mad orgy of blood and pillage went on unchecked. The Inhu manity displayed would have done credit to the Mongol hordea of Genghis Khan, In his conquesta of China and Central Asia early in the 13th century. APPEAL TO CIVILIZED WORLD. Jews of Russia Cable to Compatriots In All Countries. New York, June 21. Jacob H. Schlfl haa received cable messages from abroad asking aid from this country to prevent a general Jewish outbteak in Russia. Dr. Paul Nathan cabled on June 17 from Berlin that BlalyatoV Is but the beginning of systematic massa cre's similar to those of October, and urging Mr. Schlft to exercise pressure through the United States government and financial circles. Another cablegram reads: "The occurrence at Dlalystok is evi dently the beginning of a terrible scheme. Energetic Intervention alone can prevent its being curried out." On Jane 18 the Alliance Universelle cabled Mr. Schlfl from Paris as follows: "We have received the following from Finland signed by a mm'r of tho douma, St. Petersburg: "The aw ful occurrences at illalystok signify a new echeme leading to most difficult complications. Intervention on your Prt alone would prevent disaster." On June IS Sir Samuel Montague cabled Mr. Schlff from London: "We ara seeking Intervention of our govern ment. Try yours." STATE WILL SUPPORT CLAIMS. Attorney General to Defend Rights of Losers by Disaster. San Francisco, June 21. Deputy At torney General George A. Sturtevant came to San Francisco today to com mence the state's fight against the fire insurance concerns that have not lived up to the law. For some hours he was In consultation with Insurance Com missioner Myron Wolf. "From now on it will be made the especial business of the attorney gen eral' office," said Mr. Slnrtevant, "to prosecute every action by which the state can conserve the rights of the In sured who lost property in the great tire. We want the smaller losers, the mechanics and letallers who have be come confused In their efforts to receive just treatment from the Insurance com panies, to feel that tbey have an office which is fighting their side of the case." Will Not Be Pinned Down. San Francisco, June 21. Of tho 120 tusnrance comptnlc to which tele grams were sent by Mayor Schmita and Governor Pardee, calling upon them for aime outline of their policies relative to the payment of Insurance losses In this city, 4D have given answer. The majority of the companies operating here content thsmselvea with the gen erat statement that they will deal fairly with policy holders; that the claims gainst them will be settled equitably and that the Insured can be confident of honorable and just treatment. Wrecked by Dig Wind. Chicago, June 21. One wan was (a tally injured, tour were slightly hurt and the Illinois Steel conifvany'a plant at South Chicago was damaged to the extent ol 1150.000 aa tho mult of a violent tn, wind and hall storm. AFTER STANDARD OIL. President Decides to Havo Criminal Action Begun at Once. Washington, Juno 22. Plans to be gin Immediate criminal prosecutions against olllclals of tho Standard Oil company tor violations of tho Sherman anti-trust law and prosecution against Standard Oil offiTcale and high olllclals of lalhoads for violation of tho Klklna rebate law Imvo (wen completed by the administration, according to informa tion from a high authority tonight. These plans, it is understood, were considered at a mysterious mooting of tlve cabinet olllcera at tho Whlto House last night which aroused much specula tion in all circles today. It Is said to havo been tho inteutlon to keep tho matter secret for a fow days untll.the department of Justice was ready to strike tho initial blow. Wall street, however, which seems to get Information front every conceiv able source, even when the scctcf Is supposed to bo confined to tho presi dent and his confidential adviserri, got a "tip" today that Standard Oil and tho railroads were In for new trouble and on the strength of this stock tum bled. Reports from New ork tonight say that Washington Ijftd already heard of the "leak" and that steps had been taken to locate it. A person of high authority declares that tho department of Justice, as a re sult of investigations conducted prior to and since the Garfield report, has enough evidence on hand to secure the conviction of high Standard Oil and railroad officials under both laws under which prosecutions are to be made. PREOICTS MUTINY OF SAILORS. Narodny Says Army and Navy Officers and Nobles are Rebels. New York, June 22. Ivan Narodny, a Russian who came here In the inter ests of the Revolutionists, said yester day: "There will be soon a great mutiny in the lUltic fleet at Cronstadt, with vastly more success than the already historic mutiny of the lllack Sea llect. The captains commanding are in sym pathy with the revelutionary move ment and will declare at the appointed time for reforms. "The army officers drawn from the noble class are on sympathetic terms with the men from the peasant and ar tisan classes. The common people and the nobles In llusiia are not separated by the gulf that stood between theee cissies under the ancient regime In France. The noblea throughout Rus sia, and the gentry, too, are the peas ants' closest Irlends, on the most cor dial and friendly footing. The nobles are the backbone of tho revolution in Rusila. The bureaucracy is drawn from neither class, and is hated by both class. "It Is the system which causes riots like that at Dlalystok. The rea son why the bureaucracy stlra up this resentment against the Jews is that they are seen to be an element strong for revolution radicals." TEST CASE ON INSURANCE. Lawsuit About Earthquake Clause Loser Unite for Defense. San Francisco, June 22. Two teat cases, brought by two women, who are refugees from San Francisco, against tho Palatine Insurance company, of London, England, to recover 1 600 in su ranee money, were tried In Justice of the Peace Quinn'a court in Oakland yesterday and decided in favor of the plaintiffs. Notice of appeal was given In each case, and the matter will be thraibcd out eventually in tho superior cuurta. The defendant company announced Its Intent to rest its defense on the le gality of the "earthquake clause" in the policies. The judge said no evidence had been produced showing that the loss was caused by the earthquake. The several commercial bodies of San Fraoclrvo will meet Monday, June 25, to organise a policy holders' protective association for the purpose of tecuring prompt and fair settlements for their members from the various Insurance companies in which they bold policies. Britain Will Not Intercede. London, Jnne 22 In the house of eoniBWHis today Walter Runeiman, par liamentary secretary to the local gov ernment beard, in behalf of Foreign Secretary Gray, again declined to In form the government of Russia of the views of the British people concerning tho anti-Jewish outbreaks. lie said the impreeelon made and the sympathy aroused not only in this country but everywhere by the disturbance and lota of life In Rnssia were known to the Russian government, and further pro teat would be useless. Hall Destroys Corn and Fruit. Da'.las, Tex., June 22. A severe wind, rain and hall storm caused much damage throughout the Urates river stvtion tonight and has praetlra ly de stroyed all the growing coin and fruit. Travel on the Texas Pacific railroad be tween Pallas and Fort Worth has been suspended because, of washouts, and all of the section crews have teo called out to repair the damage. zi I OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST CHANCE CRIMINAL LAWS. Attorney General Crawford Would Remedy Many Defecta, Salem Attornoy General Crawford haa atarted a movement (or tho revision of tho criminal laws of the statu by re moving defect and enacting now laws, so that tho guilty shall not escape upon technicalities. Ho has addressed a let ter to each of tho prosecuting attorneys of tho atato, asking them to submit to him such recommendations upon the need of criminal legislation as they may think best, and iio will lay the whole matter before the judiciary com mltteo of tho next legislature. In his letter Mr. Crawford aaya that probably every district attorney has in Ids experience found some laws which are so defective In their terms that men who aro guilty cannot be convicted, ami havo found some offenies for which no statute whatever Is provided. He says that tha tlmo to remedy the de fecta In the criminal lawa la daring a session of the legislature, and, In order that this may tie done properly, the laws should be drafted before tho legis lature meets. The prosecuting attorneys, ho thinks, are in the beet position to learn of the defects in the laws, and he wants them to suggest the change that should be made. With recommendations before him from all the prosecuting attorneys, the attorney general will bo able to lay before the legislature information that will enable that body to place the crim inal lawa in a much better condition than they have ever been before. A very striking illustration of the defective condition of the criminal law was found when the state land fraud prosecutions were begun In Marlon county something over a year ago. There was no law under which men could be convicted after they had sworn falsely In making applications for the purchase of school lands. Thero was no statute making it a crime to sign a fictitious name loan a plication for the purchase of school land. There was no law to be found for the punishment of a notarv public who affixed his seal to an Instrument which he had drawn, and to which he bad signed a ficticious name. At nearly every term of court men who are placed on trial escape punish ment, although proven guilty, because the statute does not quite cover the crime comm'tted. It is defects o' this kind that Attorney General Crawford wishes to remove. He is .not seeking to make Crimea of small offenses which are of no importance, but merely so to correct the laws that U will be posslLle to secure conviction whe.n men are fonnd guilty of acta which every one recognizee as criminal in character. Settlement Named Alter Wagon. Arlington Some 30 yeara ago a few men settled on a flat about 12 mile south of Arlington. In the orew wss only one wagon an old Schutler. In some way they began calling this neigh borhood Sehutler, from the old wagon. A tew years later it was, as It li now, known as Schutler Flat. When the Condon branch railroad of the O. It. A N. Co. was built, a station was estab lished near this place, and Is named Schutler. This is one of the finest farming sections in Gilliam county, and thns from an old wagon a name la found for a fine wheat belt. Grain Sack Problem Serious. Pendleton The grain tick problem promises to be serlons for the farmers of Umatilla county, who will use 2, 000,000 this year. At the present prices, 10 cents each, this means $200, 000 in this county. Other Eastern Oregon counties, it Is estimated, will use at least 2.000.000 more, making a total of (4,000,000 for this section. This entails the expenditure of nearly half a million dollars for grain sicks, which, together with the expense of harvesting the crop, represent an enormous expenditure of money before anything is realised from the crop. Historic Sites To Be Marked. Eugene Acting upon a suggestion made by Profeeajr F. G. Young, of the State university, the Native Daughters of Martha Mnlllgsn cabin No. 3 have taken up the matter of marking some of the early historic plact s of interest In or about Eugene. Miss Ann White aker has appointed committal of fi nance, location and program. It was decided to mark with basaltic columns, taken from Skinner's bulte, the loca tion of the Skinner cabin, the first built in Eugene, tbs first rchoolhouse. and the place where the first court was held. Bend Ships Horses. Bond Many horses are being ship ped (mm Bend and vieinlty to Portland and other points In the valley. Many riders an out on the ranges roanding up all available horses. It is feared that considerable horse thieving has been going on in this section, as a num ber of valuable horses are missing, and as some suspicions characters have been seen on the range of late it is feared that the animals have been tun off. WILL SHIP 400 CARS. Bountiful Yields From Grand Ronda Orchards Is Assured. a Grande It Is estimated by tho principal fruit growers of Grand Rondo valley that tho output for Mils soctlon this year will bo 400 carloads. Tho es timate on apples, which aro the largest crop, Is 314 cars; prune, (15 cars; pears, peaches, plums and cherries, 20 cars. These figures am considered roll able, ns theio was but little varlnnco In tho different estimates given and the estimates on prunes all agreed, This forecast Is made on the expectation of a continuation of tho present favorable conditions, which could hardly he Im proved upon; tho fruit Is set on the trees as full as It can bo to give first class quality. In securing tho foregoing report it was also tHMslblo to oht.ln some inter esting figures relative to tho enormous Increase in tho appln orchard acreage. Thero are now 200,000 apple trees In this valley and of this number 1411,000 are in bearing. That la to say, this Is tho number ol tree of five years old and upwards, Flvo years hence, when the whole numtwr of trees aro In bear ing, the yield of an average crop year will be a million boxes, or about 1,0(1(1 car loads. It la not too much to say that within a abort time tho apple crop income of this valley will be a million dollars a year. Even at the elder factory price of- $5 per ton, ten year-old tree will on aver age yeara yield at tho rate of $142.03 per acre. f While tho apple Is In the ascendancy aa the commercial fruit ol this valley, the cheiry playa quite a part. Can nery representatives are hero now mak ing contracts for cherries at 4 to 44 cents per pound. Tho La Grande fruit growers will have alwut 20 tuns to offer, but this Includes only tho sweet varie ties suitable for canning, such as Royal Anns and Centennials. Old cherry trees in some orchards In the valley have yielded na high as 800 poinds to the tree. Tho price paid is $80 per ton and at this rate old trees will yield $3,200 and upwards per acre. All these ilgurrs and estimate are based on as reliable facts as are obtain able. It is not necessary to exaggerate the fruit Industry of Grand Ronde. The truth Is good enough. May Test New Law. Salem Jnst what additloual revenue will come to the state treasury as thn result of the passage of the laws taxing the groes earnings of telegraph, tele phone, express and other corporations is not known for a certainty. The Western Union Telegraph company will have to pay alwut $3,800. The Pacific States Telephone company will have to pay more probably. None of the cor poration will pay until It has tested the law In the courts, so It is said. Some have estimated tho revenue at from $50,000 to $100,000 a year. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 7273c; bluestem, 74376c; red, 70971c; valley, 72c. Oats No. 1 white feed, 131.50(332; gray, $31.60 per ton. Barley Feed, $24024.50 per ton; brewing, nominal; rolled, $25320. Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $12.60 613 per ton; clover, ;7.60S; cheat, $0(37; grain hay, $78; alfalfa, $13. Fruits Apples, $2 6033.50 per box; apricots, $1.26$2 per crate; cherries, 76c$l per bx; strawberries, 637c per pound; gooseberries, 5 7c per pound; Logan berries, $1.76 per crate. Vegetables Beans, 6$8c; cabbage, llic per pound; lettuce, head, 16326c; onions, 8(3 10c per dozen; peas, 435c; radishes, 10320c per dnxen; rhubarb, 3e per pound; spinach, 2 3c per pound; parsley, 25c; turnips, $131.26 per sack; carrots, 05375c per sack; beets, 85c3$l per sack. Onions New, lV.2c per tound. Potatoes Fancy graded Burbanks, 60360c per hundred; ordinary, nom inal; new California, 22Hc per pound. Pnttei Fancy creamery, 17,4 320c per pound. Kggs Oregon dcxen. ranch, 21022c per Poultry Average old hens, 133 131 per pound; rnlxed chickens, 123 12t,c; broilers, 15Ql6Uc: roosters, 9lt311c; dressed chickrni, 13314c; turkeys, live, 17 3 17ic; turkeys, dressed, choice, 20322c; geese, live, SVitfl'c; docks, old, II 3 12c; young, 12H13c. Hops Oregon, 1005, 9H312c. Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 1S323V: valley, coars-, 223 23c; fine, 24325c; mohair, choice, 53330c per pound. Veal Dressed, 47c per pound, Beef Dressed bulls, 3c per pound; cows, 4)t5tfc; country steers, 536c. Mutton Dressed, fancy, 738c per pound; ordinary, 636c; Iambs, with pelt on 8c. . Fork Drtised, 78c per round. DISHONEST MORTAR THE CAUSE Japnnoso Tolls How to Makn Earth miako-Proof Buildings, Ban Finnelsoj, Juno 20. "Dishonest mortsr corrupt conglomeration of sea sand aid 1 me was rvspmslhto tor nearly nil ol the. oarlliqiiakn damage. In Han Francisco," rail ilr.T. Nakamura, professor ol aiohlleoturo of tho Imper ial university of Toklo nnd a iiiomhr of tho committee dlspalchml to I hit city by tho Japanese, government to In vestigate tho ulTrota of tho trembloro and tiro. Dr. Nakamura will aall on tha Korea today, to report tu his gov ernment, "I find,'.' said Dr. Nakamura yester day, "that muuh of tho damage to Kan Francisco from the earthquake was due to poor mortar and faulty construction, and the greater portion nt the damage to tho class 'A buildings by Ilia was tho rrault of misguided use of hollow tiling and so-called lire blocks instead of concrete. "Thero has developed as a result of tho earthquake In Han Francisco, great prejudice against brick buildings. How ever, they aro largely employed In Japan, where eaithquakr of girater severity than tho una experienced lit this city aro not uncommon. Thn se cret of their success, however, lies in tho fact that good mortar Is used. The mortar should either bo composed nt one part cement to two parts l santt, or of one part cement, three of lime and flvo of sand. Thn bricks should lie thoroughly wet before Mug laid, and when the mortar has set under these conditions, a wall becomes practically ono stone." COMPANIES WOLF MAY SUE. Names Those Which Olsobey Law and May Forfeit Licenses. San Francisco, June 20. The follow ing Instimnre companies, by rrasou of their failing to comply with Insurance Commissioner Woll's demand that they either algn stipulations extending the time for filing proofs of loss to August 18 or furnish thn commissioner tilth their lists of policy holders, have ren dered themselves liable to forfeiture ol their right to do business In the state of California Agricultural, American of Boiton, American of Philadelphia, Dutchess, Eagle, German of Peoria, German!, Globe and Rutgers, Girard, New York of New York, Nntthwcstern Fire A Ma rine, National I'nlon, North (lermai of New York, Spring Gartlen, Security of Baltimore, Traders, Union of Phlla drlphla, Westchester, Western Under writers. , Commissioner Wolf Intends to pro ceed against throe companies without delay nnlrsi advised to the contrary by the attorney general of the statn. Ho made this statement yeaterday and added: "Furthermore it wilt be. my business to see that theee companies are com pelled to meet their just obligations. If any retire without paying, I shall ask that action be taken against them by tho Insurance commissioner of the state under whose lawa they ate incor porated." SHAW WILL MAKE BIQ DEPOSIT San Francisco Assured of $12,000, OOO of Government Funds. Washington, Jane 20. A tacit agree ment wss reached today by the presi dent. Secretary bhaw and the delega tion of representative cttltens of Han Francisco by which substantial aid will be given Han Francisco by the govern ment. It is proposed that the United Stale treasury deposit with the San Frnclsco banks $12,000,000 of govern ment money, with bonds of the city as security, tho money to remain In the banks until the government shall call hr it. Under the law the secretary of the treasury haa authority to deposit gov ernment funda In this way, but cannot bind his successor. It ia hoed in Cal ifornia to organise a corporation with a capital of several millions of dollars, to Issue bonds to guarantee the govern ment against loss through the banks. Other plans have been lugitestrd (or the raising of money to enable the peo ple ol California to rebuild their homes and business houses, but thus far noth ing has been proposed that will meet the Ideas of congress. Troops In Mutiny, Odessa, June 20. General Kaulbars has received word from 11 of tho best garrisons In Russia to the efttct that the troops there are mutinous and have refused to act as police In quelling street disturbances. The identity of these garrisons is being concealed, but all the facts have been telegraphed to the minister of war. It can be stated oa the authority of a general ofllcer ol the staff that the reason why tho gov. ernment has not carried out Its plnn to mobolixe 700,000 Cossacks la the fear of civil war. Militia Fund la Doubled. Washington, Jure 20. The militia bill, which finally passed comireas yes terdav, will double the annual allot ment to varlou atatea for their Nation al Guard. Undr the new apportion ment Oregon will receive) $16,058; Washington, $10,047. and Idaho 111.. M4. Thla annual appropriation will begin July 1, 1904. INJUSTICE TO WEST Cunyrcss Likely to Divert Money Meant (or Irrigation, USE IT TO DRAIN PRIVATE UNDS Ullla Now Pending for North Dakota, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida and Other Slates, Washington, Juno 23. Karly In the present session of congress Hrnator llauahrough, of North Dakota, intio ducod a hill authorising the expmnll. turn ol $1,000,000 out of tl.e national reclamation fund (or draining swamra In his state. When tho bill went be fore thv'ommlltro on Irrigation It was found that every aero tu Ih benefitted was In private ownership, and the bill, It enacted, would not open to rntry a single acio ol public land. Notwith standing these disclosures, tho senate committee ordered a favorable rcNrl out of courtesy because llauihrough Is a member of the committee It was then stated that a majority of the com mittee Ixdloved the bill a bad one, and it waa attaed by sevetaT senators that It would never be ttorinlttcd to pass thn senate. Noveithnlrsa tlin hill uld pat and is now before the house, where Hit charters of passing scorn equally good. A bill Is now pending to divert $!, 000,000 from the rrclamatlou fund to drain thn Dismal swamp In Virginia and Noith Carolina; another Is pending to drain tho livergladrs 'of Florida; only a few daya ago a bill waa Intro duced to take ann'her $3,000 DIM), and expend it In draining tho big swamps of Arkansas and Missouri, and, In ad dition, there aro two bills pending for the drainage of swamiHi In Mlnnceota, and three general hills providing for the government drainage of swamps lit all parts of the United Htatrs. If the HausbroUKh bill pasrs, It will open the way for these ollisr measure of similar character, and It will be only a short time before the greater (tortlnn of tho reclamation fund, Instead ol lw Ing used for Irrigating the drsert lands of tho Va', as originally Intended, will be expended In reclaiming swamps In slates that have contributed not a cent to tho reclamation fund and never will contribute. This legislation Is a rank Injustice to the West, which Is counting on using its cwn public land receipts for tho reclamation of Its drs sits, and unless somelody calls a halt, tho work of govemmrnt Irrigation will soon be brought to a standstill. It must be remembered that, once this precedent Is cs'abllshed, It will be easy for delegates from the East and South to combine and forre through btlli for the drainage of the awarrpi In tho non-a.ld states, and If the Kail ami South ever do combine for this prirose, the West will never have enough votes to check tho onilaught. REGISTER FOROROW LANDS. Crowds of Easterners Are Arriving at Bllllnga, Montana. B"ttc, June 23 A Miner special from Billings states that Easterners are Hocking to that place by the hundreds to register for the Crow lands. Today they numbered approximately 860, which ia 200 greater than It waa yester day. The crowds which arrived today were larger than any alnce the registra tion began, which waa a week ago. The delegation of 200 camo in thla morning on tho Burlington train from the East. Moat ol those on board came from Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska points. But oiio hailed from Connec ticut, while another gave his address as South Carolina, The Noithern Pacific brought In numbers from Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, Many of tho pioipect ive settlers have secured tents and havo gone to the reservation, where they will establish ramps and mako a thor ough Inspection ol the lands. At tho present rate the reg atratlon in this city will not exceed 10,000. Appeals to English Women. London, Juno 23, The ncpapcr thla morning print an appeal from the women rf Georgia, Itusaia, to tho wo men of England, complaining that by order ot tho Russian government Coa sacka Invaded the central and western provinces ot Georgia and destroyed, burned and looted four towns and 200 villages, treating tho population with the utmost brutality, not oven children escaping'murder. Tho names of the signers are withheld at their own re quest, but they Include a princess and the wives of many high otllolals. Root Considers Action on Massacre. Washington, Juno 23. Secretary Root is giving consideration to the Jew ish massacres In Himia 'havinc already discussed them with the president. So rar no lias taken no action. Jfi