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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1906)
THE u t ,r IlLrA iL JlJl-LcJL Jl li i( VOL. IV BEND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1906. NO. 14 PROFESSIONAL CARD8 C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY, AT, LAW Iend, - Oregon! W. P. JYJYERS" LAND ATTORNEY Twelve l aplal prartle lfte the V. B. Mint ornee and IKpatliimit of the Inleilor. Alw general pmcllie. Ofllcc, - Laiplaw, Ok. U. C. COE, M. D. OI'I'ICK OVKK HANK Physician and Surgeon, Tltl.ltl'IIONU NO. 21 UIINI) OKHOON DR. I. L. SCOFIELD DENTIST Rlt,DMONI. OKHOON Will make monthly WdU to llcml. J. W.'ROMSON Yctcrinary Dentistry OI'I'ICK AT HKSII I.IVIIKV A TRANHHHU CO. MTAHMM. HKND, .... OKHOON NOTARV I'Ulll.lC 1NMJKANCK j&. H. GILANT Agent fat Liverpool, London & Cllofoc, mid Lancashire I'lre Insurance Compnulcs. IIHNI). ORIU10N Crook County Realty Co Real Estate Bought and Soli Life mid Accident INSURANCE. qrriciKiicttiiriiitniNO nutn, oas-aon - REWARD! - The undersigned will puy $10.00 for the detection and convic tion of nny person who in nny way wilt fully injures or de stroys its Hues in Crook County. THE DESCHUTES TELEPHONE CO. R. B. OARWAN, Barber MOTEL KBDMOND Call nud sec inc. KltDMONI), OHKOON. IHkiI l.nd, I'lual I'roof. NOTIOK KOlt PUBLICATION. fulled Htalca Laud Om.c. The lialtea, Oregon, June 11. l$A. Notice la hereby given I1it Temperance 0. Keed, formerly Temperance O. lUrihiiiiii, pr llcllil, urfg'lll, H. niiu iiumy u. .............. nmke proof on her deaetl-tand claim No. Jtf fur the wUiiwKBcC4aiidBMnc)fecj.tpiA, r lie . I r '- .. .III .. .1 it Miiiimlu rill. .1 hi offlcc lit llcml. OrrKoii, on Ihe illli day of hue name the following wltnca.ea to prove Die complrle Irrlgallou and reclamation or mII "i'l.'w. Heed, IM. lltvotcn.Toiu Trlletl and J While. atlof lleiul. Oregon, Mill. MICIIAHI. T NOLAN. KegUler. CONTEST NOTICK. llltl'AKTMKNT Ol' Till? INTHHIOK, U. S. I.miil Oltlce, The Hallci, Oregon, June J. 16. A (umrleiil cunleat sfniUtll h lug been filed In lhl oinrc by I.yda A. hmllli. cputentant, agaliut huniralead wilry No, nfioi, made Oclolier u. ism rot nHmU, iiMnwU arc 19. 1 P "i'!'.6 w.!" ,,y, Martha itorrle. coulealee, In which It U alleged that wild Martha Mori la haa wholly alwuiloned taldtraclithat alie hi changed her resilience Iherefnim for more IIibii bI nionlln laid mli thnt Mid tract le not aelled upon and cullUated by aald parly R required by law. that inch fail ure allll exlrta. Hint ld alleged shaeiicc wiih not duelo her emplojmcnt In the iiriny, navy or marine corpa of Ihe t'lilttd rtlutealu lime ol war. buld purllca arc hereby nollliril to appear, re pond mul offer evidence touching alit allegation at in o'clock u. iil.oii'Auginit I. IV., 'elof C. KllU.rt l' H. hl ufllce In llend, Oregon, ami that Hnal hearing will M held Hi lo o'clock n m. on Augii't n. , '!r,.ire the Uegl.tcr mul Urcelver at Hie t'nlleil Hlaleii l.niul ililicc In The Iiulle, Oiegou. The wiliI couteiitaiit having, In a proper afliilnvll. fileil Jim ai, lyoo, net forth fct which dhow that after due diligence iierwmnl He r vice of thla notice cult not be maile, It ) hereby ortteredauildlrecleilthtt ouch notice be given by due anil proper publication. by JjQUlO M1CIIAKI.T. NOI.AN, KCgwer. YOU should read Tint Bum.HTIn It gives the newsall of it, Because wo aro soiling to amo and bettor quality at a closer margirv is a very good reason, why you will find our store tbo best, placo to buy anything in the lino of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish?, frigs, Shoes, Hardware, Sash anc Doors, Paints and Oils TTe PINE TREE STORE V.. A- SATIIHR, I'ROPRILTOR U1 T"wUfcii A Complete DRY At Iknd, Oregon. Rough, Surfaced and Moulded -LUMBER- All Widths, Lengths INCH COMMON DIMENSION SHI PL A P RUSTIC T T. & G. ELOORING. Reasonable "HADED CEILING, Lurabcr WINDOW JAMBS M c d t Prices WINDOW CASING. ""7 " fi00ti HEAD ULOCKS . Wft. t0Sl 00U O. G. DASHBOARD Afl,,CrC 0a Grades STAIR TREADS Lands of )ry WATl-H TABLE Pfi J- & P. 3 O. G. IJA'ITINS 5-t or Stock MOULDINGS Pc v. S. I. Co. P. B. D. PATENT RO.0NG PENCE PICKETS SHINGLES ETC., ETC. CUSTOM FEED MILL IN CONNnCTJOfl. The Pilot Butte Development Company BEND, Timber Und, Act June y R?. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. V H. Mud Olllce, I.nke lew, Oregon, June 7i l. Notice U hereby given that In compliance with Ihe provlnlona ofthe Act of Cougreu or June i, lHj.eiUllltit."Aiiactforth.'MleoftlintrlaniU In the alalea of California. Oregon. Nevaila, mill Washington Territory." a mended lo all the public land alalea by Act of Auguat 4. 1871, Harry l-tilbba, of I'oitlaud, county of Mullnoinah, alale of Oregon, haa filed In thl office hla awoni atateuient No. mo. for tliepurchateof the awKorjecy, tjill a,r I4e. w in. And will olfcr proof to khow that the laud aought laiuorealuablc for Ita timber or alone than lor agricultural piiriKMea, ami lo eslatx llahhla rlaim toulillaud It fur e the Ueglatcr ami Herelverat I.akevlew, Oregon, on I'rlday, thejliliUyofAugit.lvoo. ..... , He naiiira at wltueaaea. Or 1'oliiJcxtcr, of I'rliiexllte. Oregon, and Jainea . Iluiieyinau, of llend, Oregon. , Any aiiifall peraona claiming adveraely any of wie aoovc ntviiii iiuipii; ihih.h. ;; their claima In thla office on or before the wld iial ilay of Auguat, igoo. IJJ4 IN WATSON. Keglatcr. CONTEST NOTICE. Dltl'AKTMltNT 01' TIIH INTHKIOR, V. 8. Land Office, The Ilallen, Oregon, June 7, 1906. A aumclent couteat afladavlt having leeu filed ill thla olftce by lrll C Cooua, couteataiit, agalnat homeatCBit entry No. I isAo, nuile October 7, igoi, for the au U. MwJi ec M. U J? a. r II e, w in, by Kiigeuc 1. Aaldltic couleatce, lu which It la allegeil that Willi Kugene I. Aalillne, baachaugilhlarealileiice therrfroui for luort than alx luuiitha lual por that aald tract la uot aetllcd lipou and cullUulcil by aalil pally aa rriiulreil by, law nml that . -1 a -il . -.atlt Ii.hI iartt.1 .it. legeil almeucc wa not due to hla employment AUI IHlltlTCa lll 'i, Vi ." ' lu the army, navy or marine eorpa 01 me v nnrii hlatea lu lime 01 wnr, auiti pnniea arc ticicuy notllicil to appear, reMind ud offer evidence touching aald allegatluii at u o'cloL a. in. on July at, ion. before II. V, HIIU, a V. S. Coinmla. alunerat hlaonice in llend, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held l 10 o'clock a. m. on July j, ioui before the UvEUtcr and Receiver at Ihe V, B. I.nd Office, The Dallea, Oregon. The aald couteataiit having, in a proer llda vlt, filed June 4. ij6i aet rurth facta which ahow oftet due diligence pcraonal acrvlce of thla notice can not be made, it la hereby ordered and directed that aiich notice lie given by due and proper publication. Jij.Julio MICMAia T. NOLAN, Kcgliter.' Stock of At Bend, Oregon. and Thicknesses. OREGON A NOTICE OF SALE OF UNPATEN TED SWAMP LANDS. Notice is hereby given that the State Laud Hoard will receive sealed bids until two o'clock v. m. July 24, 1906, (or any interest the state may have in the rollowuiB described unpatented Swamp Lands, to-wit: The NEW, N of SErf, SWtf of SEX n1 AKtf of SW of Section 34 and W,'j of Section 25, Tp. 25 S., R. ft 1?., the lands in Section 25 being unsurveyed. All bids must be accompanied by an application and affidavit to pur chase in accordance with Section 3302 of Bellinger and Cotton's Code utid declaration n provided by Sec tion 3303 and by cash or check for full amount offered, No bid for less than 1.00 per acre will be considered. The right to reject nny and all bids is reserved. Applications and bids should be addressed to G. G. Browp, clerk State Laud Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked, "Application and bid to purchase Unpatented Swamp Lands." G. G. Dkown, Clerk State Laud Board. Dated this 26th day of April, 1906 R. D. WICKriAJVt Attorney - at - Lity bi'i'ici: ovim uank J114N1), - ORGOft DIRT IS NOW FLYING Oregon Trunk Line Begins Grading. " ACTIVE AT. A.OUTH Of RLVER RnllroaJ Is Now Building Into Ccntrnl Oregon up the Deschutes Signs of Life In Corvnllls & linotcrn. Th icstatcmcnts recently made that 3rcgon Trunk Line would soon' the Ore- begin construction 9f a road up the LCSCIIHIC3 river arc uuw ican.i;u and Saturday w. P. Nelson, the promoter and president of this pro ject, started a force of men at work grading near the mouth of the river. The survey is completed and rights of way secured for a distance of more than 100 miles into the inter ior of Oregon. It is believed that there is a Hill relationship p these Oregon rail road projccU ami that some day they will become a part of the Hill system now building down the north bank of the Columbia. The present survey now ends at Madras, but it will be remembered that En gineer Gordon of the Oregon Trunk Line, while completing the survey to Madras last winter, said that the extension of the road south from Madras aloug the Dpscbutcs river to Betid would be au, easy matter. In view of the fact that tfiis road is now building up the Deschutes, such a statement by a leading engi neer of the road contains much promise for Bend's hopes for a rail road in the not distant future. The Trunk Line b said to t the first of various feeders with which J. J. Hill will iuvadc Harrimau's terri tory in Oregon. Sunday's. Portland Journal tells how this, fight between. Hill and Harrimau is growing fiercer every day and how the contest is spread ing from the north bank of the Columbia onto the Deschutes river. The Journal says; The cnj;aKctiiciit involves more than 400 mile- of main line tctucen WnHula, Portland nml the Sound, onil several luimlrcil miles of prospective branch lines. An intimation o its great scope is shown by what is now happening on the Deschutes river, where yesterday morning V. 1'. Nelson, president of the Oregon Trunk Line, a Hill road, began the construction of a line 100 miles long, from the mouth ofthe Dochutes to Mud rns. This project is to be fought with all the force the llnrrimnu people can mus ter. As soon ns news of Nelson's move yes terday reached the Portland headquart ers ofthe Harrimau companies, prepara tions were ticKun to launch construction work on the Deschutes, where a Harri mau surveying party has been hard nt work running a line to Madras, and on into Central Oregon to meet the project ed Harrimau roml through the state from Natron to the Snake river, livery foot of the Deschutes river route is to lie con tested with even more vigor than the fight is waged on thu north bank of the Columbia. Corvnllls & Eastern Wnkes Up. J. K. Wcatherford and G. W. Talbot, who passed through Bend last week, are men prominent in the Corvallis & Eastern road. They followed the C. & E. survey over the mountains into Bend and on in to Eastern Oregon, and were evi dently on a tour of inspection. In mentioning this trip the Albany Herald says; Manager Ouy W, Talltot came up yes terday noon and last evening, accompan ied by Vice President J. K. Weatherfonl and Superintendent J. K. Walsh, left for the front for n couple of days' Htuy, Messrs. Talbot and weatherfonl will go into the mountains along the rond be yond Detroit to look over the company's properly and Ihe road between the ter minim mul Mill Citv will lie carefully in spected, the new manager being anxious to fnniiliarUe himself with the property under his jurisdiction. They will go with lieyontt Detroit, ami may go to the summit of the mountain, Mr. Talbot did not say so. but the Indi cations uru that his trip may menu the enrlv rcsunmtion of work on the exten sion of the roml into the Hastern Orciiou country, an extension so earnestly de sired by the people of this city. U. V. Haliershant of Astoria of the en gineering department of the Astoria & Columbia Uiver railrond and of the Cor vallis & Kaseru came up Tuesday and spent the afternoon In the general offices His visit here, with the trip through the Cascade mountains alone the projected extension now bcltii! taken by Manager Guy W. Talbot and Vice President J, K. Wcatherford lends some color to the impression that something may be under way toward the extension of the C."& ii. railroad at an early date. ANOTHER RESIDENCE BURNS,. House and lintlro Content on the Dr. Merrill Ranch Destroyed, -Early Thursday morning, the residence of Dr. Merrill was com pletely destroyed by fire on his ranch one mle south of town. Prac tically the entire contents were burned, the only things that were saved from the Haines being a sew ing machine, d trunk, a few articles of clothing, and odds and ends that did not amount to much. The fire is supposed to have caught from a defectivc'ijto.vepipc. Evidences of the fire were first seen by II. W. Morrill, who was working on the west side ofthe river opposite the house. He hur ried across the bridge and by the time he reached the house flames were bursting forth from the front of it. The doctor at the time was working in the barn and Mrs. Mer rill was busy with the duties of breakfast. There was scarcely more than time enough to get out the two little boys who were still asleep. Dr. Merrill will rebuild at once. He carried $ 1,000, insurance on the house and contents. WILL HEAR SWEET MUSIC. Reorganization of Bend's Band Is Now Completed. Last Monday evening a few of the old members of Bend's former band, together with several initiates met at the Triplttt barber shop and perfected an organization. C. M. Weymopth was chosen presi dent ofthe new organization, H. J. P. McDonald business manager, and Charles D, Brown secretary and treasurer. Tu " 9 few weeks Bend's citizens wJU be treated once more to the strains of martial music furnished by their own local band. Considerable correspondence has been had with Warren Glaze nt Prineville, who directed the band last year. It is hoped and expect ed that arrangements will be com pleted whereby he will instruct the present organisation. The bapd is composed of the following members: Creed Triplett, Charles D. Browp, Frank Hod son, Prince Staats, Carlyle Triplett, C. M. Weymouth, O. S. Crocker, II. J. P. McDonald, Floyd Lobdell, Elpier Merrill, T. W. immcrmann and B,arney Lewis, "Barney," who is now with the Oregon East ern surveyors, will return to Bend about July 4. Catholic Church Items. Rev. Father Hickey writes us to say that he will shortly make his summer visitation of his large dis trict. He will be in Bend for Sun day, July 8, where he will lecture, teach catechism and hold examina tion of Miss Robisou's Sunday school class. He will visit auy sick, celebrate Holy Mass and preach, mid discharge all the functions ol hie sacred ministry. All the Cath olics of the county can come and make their Easter Duty at Bend or at Prineville. The Reverend Fath er desires all Catholics who live scattered throughout the country surrounding Bend, Madras and Prineville to write him at Wasco, Or., and tell him about themselves ami family and he will arrange to attend them and see to the religious instruction of their children. The priest will also celebrate Mass at Marrow1 & Keenan's and at Prine ville. Write the priest for fuller in structions. Advertised Letters. The following is a list of letters remaining uticalled-for iu the Bend postoflice June 27. 1906: Uergc, U. W. Jones, F. J. Cornelius, N. C. Jones, S, J. Cattleman, K. 11.(3) Kelly, J. H. Colviu, Geo. W. Moore, J. I. (1) Dickson, Tom's Weble, Al. Jones, Mrs. A. 0. Persons calling for these letters will pleasejsay they are advertised. A. H. Grant, Postmaster. of the company here taken in connection CAPITALISTS IN BEND Came to Investigate Des cjiutes Valley. PLAN AN IRRIGATING PROJECT These Men Will Undertake to Water the Fertile Madras Country from, the Descliutes RIycr, Donald Fitzgerald, H. M. Grif fin and Frank Robertson, capitalists of New York, accompanied by Don P. Rca of Madras, were in Bend Sunday, conferring with local meu in regard to matters relative to the, irrigation project which these men are about to launch in the Madras country. Mr. Fitzgerald, who seems to be the moving spirit behind this proj ect, was inclined to ridicule the, glowing stojy descriptive of thus undertaking that recently appeared in Oregon papers. While it is true that some surveys have been made, and while there is no doubt that this company will eventually con duct water onto the Agency Plains and Haystack country, the story of au immense dam in the Deschutes river and a steel trcsslc supporting a conduit through which the water will flow 888 feet above the bed of Crooked river to irrigate 100,000 acres and the whole project costing 1,000,000, is rather premature, ac cording to Mr. Fitzgerald. The visit of these New York capitalists to the scene of the proposed project was to familiarize themselves more thoroughly with conditions gov erning a project of this nature and thus be able to determine what pro portions the undertaking will as. sume. While these gentlemen arc sincere in their intention to launch an extensive irrigation project, they gave Bend people to understand that it is only in its preliminary stages. Mr. Fitzgerald was so favorably impressed with Bend, its ideal loca tion and lovely mountain view, that he expressed a strong desire to pur chase a large block of town prop erty with a river frontage and erect a handsome residence. The party returned to Madras Monday morning. LUMBERMEN VISIT BEND. Members of the Brooks-Scanlon Coim pany Look Over Holdings Here. Last Friday evening M. J. Scan" lou and son R. H., J. P. Keyes and S. A. Blakeley, all of Minnesota, arrived in Bend and spent scrcral days cruising over a large tract of timber held by the Brooks-Scanlon people of Minneapolis. Later the party, with the exception of Mr. Blakeley, departed for Southern Oregon points. Mr. Scan Ion, who has held a large tract of timber south and east of Bend for several years, told Bend parties while here that he was anx ious that a railroad be built into this country in order that he might build a mill nud begin to saw lib timber. It is known that he holds an option on cither one of two de sirable mill sites on the river at Bend. Mr. Scanlon, at various times, has told Bend people that when transportation facilities war ranted such an enterprise, his com pany would build a large mill at this place. Mr. Blakeley and "Bill" Brock are now cruising for this companj in the vicinity of Bend. Speaking of a large deal recently closed by the Brooks-Scanlon peo ple, the Tiraberman says: The nrooks-Scanlon Lumber Compaii) of Minneapolis, which bought a heavy tract 01 yeiiow pine in Louisiana last year, has made another big investment in I'lorida. The purchase includes m. 000 acres of yellow nine laud near Or lando. No mill is included and the deat is understood to have amounted to about f 1,000,000, It will be dcseloped soon, and the product will be shipped by coast steamers to New York and New England points. Ice cream sodas can now, be ob tained at the postoffice stove. J4-tf M r ..